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MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection + Added Photos

MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection

U.S. Launch Date: March 11, 2010
International Launch Date: April 2010

Edit #1: Now with a few images! 🙂  Not everything, but at least you get an idea about the packaging — which I think looks phenomenal.  They don’t look like stickers, and as long as they’re not, this may be some of the best packaging MAC has put out in awhile. (1/6/2010)

Edit #2: Now with a few MORE images — including an image of the very richly priced scarf.  (1/7/2010)

The very latest in a series of famous M·A·Coll aborations, it was only a matter of time before the demure-to-daring kaleidoscopic prints of Liberty of London coloured our world with Brit wit and bohemian chic. From the unstudied, Sienna Miller style of Spitalfields Market to the grit-and-glamour of Portobello Road, the swinging London girl has always been an unstoppable M·A·C makeup force! Spring 2010 insists on the ultimate flower fusion, with M·A·C joining forces with Liberty, creating cool Britannia compacts and Lipsticks, Eye Shadows, Powder, Blush, Nail Lacquers and, of course – blushing, bountiful, quite British accessories.

Beauty Powder ($25.00 U.S. / $30.00 CDN)

The luxurious, soft pearl finish of M·A·C Beauty Powder packaged in a glossssy white compact. Lid is decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Limited edition.

  • Shell Pearl Pale peach with gold pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Summer Rose Soft violet pink with pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote?)

Eyeshadow ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)

  • Give Me Liberty of London Flat creamy pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Free to Be Creamy true coral (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Dame’s Desire Frosty mid-tone reddish purple (Frost) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Birds & Berries Frosted dark green blue (Veluxe Pearl) (Limited Edition)
  • Bough Grey Mid-tone bluish grey (Satin) (Limited Edition)

Lipstick ($14.00 U.S. / $16.50 CDN)

  • Ever Hip Creamy light coral (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Peachstock Neutral peach (Satin) (PRO)
  • Petals & Peacocks Creamy bright magenta pink (Amplified) (Limited Edition)
  • Blooming Lovely Creamy greyed lilac mauve (Amplified) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($14.00 U.S. / $16.50 CDN)

  • Frankly Fresh Neutral pink beige with soft pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Perennial High Style Creamy bright pink coral (Limited Edition)
  • English Accents Creamy mid-tone blue pink (Limited Edition)
  • A Different Groove Deep purple brown with pearl (Limited Edition)

Blush ($18.50 U.S. / $22.00 CDN)

  • Dirty Plum Sheer dark plum (Limited Edition)
  • Prim & Proper Neutral nude (Limited Edition)

Nail Lacquer ($12.00 U.S. / $14.50 CDN)

  • Vestral White Creamy white (Cream) (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
  • Blue India Dark green blue with pearl (Cream) (Limited Edition)

Liberty of London Makeup Bags

  • Small A limited-edition laminated makeup bag decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Zip closure boasts a fabulously outsize floral pull. Measures 8″ x 2.75″ x 3.5″. ($22.00 U.S. / $26.50 CDN)
  • Medium A limited-edition laminated makeup bag decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Zip closure boasts a fabulously outsize floral pull. Measures 8″ x 2.75″ x 5″. ($25.00 U.S. / $31.00 CDN)

Liberty of London Scarf ($95.00 U.S. / $115.00 CDN)

A limited-edition scarf designed with an exclusively created floral pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Rows of coral, orange, yellow and blue flowers form a repeating pattern on a white background. The fabric is a soft wool/viscose blend. Made in Italy. Measures 27″ x 82″.

See more photos!

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FlutistEmeritus Avatar

OMG! Look at that cute packaging! I hope I have some recycles by the time this comes out. I know I’m new to this forum. But I am on a NO-BUY (except mascara which you obviously must replace regularly)from ALL makeup this year. I decided that I could never EVER use all my makeup. And since I have all the variety I could ever want, I’ve decided to investigate swapping and just giving some samples away.

anna Avatar

wait isnt summer rose a repromote? there was a bp called summer rose in the rose romance collection. if it is being repromoted, then i am getting it for sure beacuse i wanted it in rose romance but skipped it.

Lisa Avatar

I have both of them, and I think they are different formulations. Summer Rose from the rose romance collection is really sheer(I am a NW15, and I have to apply 5 layers of the product for it to look like a pale blush)and the Summer Rose from Liberty of London is much more pigmented, and i only have to apply one layer. Love your site 🙂

Hannah Avatar

I’m so excited for this collection!
I already want Blooming Lovely lipstick, Frankly fresh lipglass, Dame’s Desire and Birds & Berries eyeshadow, and deff. Prim & Proper blush!

Can’t wait to see pictures!

ak Avatar

Christine please let me know when MAC comes out with either a Matte, Satin, or Mattene lipstick that looks like the Moxie lipstick from the Retro Matte lipstick collection that came out many years ago. It was the collection that started Ruby Woo.

cmferrets Avatar

FINALLY… something from mac that had LE packaging! im excited about this collection. i already have the summer rose BP. i am so happy to see a LE creamsheen new lipstick. i wanna also get the new blue nailpolish and cant wait for the matte e.s !
i think i also have the dames desire e.s though… wasnt it in the dame edna e.s quad ? i think so!

nicole Avatar

omg I thought after warm and cozy and lovelace id take a break from mac for a while.boy was i wrong.i started collecting in august and i always wanted special packaging sincei missed out on hk and style warriors and such.this will defenetly be the highlight of 2010

Wilcoa Avatar

This sounds awesome! I’ve never heard of Liberty of London before, but it sounds up my alley with this collection! So excited to see product photos when they come out! May end up being the collection of 2010 for me 😛

Dusty Avatar

Is Peachstock a pro lipstick or a repromote? I have it… I know I have it because I actually quite like it 🙂 It’s a VERY opaque nude, similar to Fleshpot but creamier and warmer (not as pale).

Judy Avatar

OMG! Again. Damn you MAC!!! I want everything. I’m already planning on buying two of the Blooming Lovely lippies. I also want the dirty plum blush and, well, just everyting. Guess I will be broke for most of the New Year thanks to MAC…grrrrr.

Judy Avatar

Question. Anyone have an idea when we will be seeing color swatches for this collection? I’m dying for this collection to be available already. I honestly don’t think I can make it until March.

Layla Avatar

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! MAC what are you trying to do to us?? Love everything! Question about Blooming Lovely lipstick. It says its a Creamy greyed lilac mauve…cannot wait. Does that mean it really has some grey in it plus purple color? Need to have it now!!! I’ve been looking all over for a color like that. I thinks MAC will have to make a billion because I am planning on buying about four of everything.

Dena Avatar

why does everyone care about the packaging. does it even matter? i prefer the items could care less about packaging the products. i’m wondering if mac will be coming out with more purple, mauve, lavender, lilac and orchid colors in the future?

Anna Avatar

Isn’t Peachstock a PRO color? and is Dirty Plum Blush the same Drity Plum Blush that is coming out in the MAC Riveting collection? cause they have different discriptions….anywayz, I am super excited for this collection!! I’m gonna nuy most of it.

Dusty Avatar

It’s also a PRO color – Available at Just so’s everyone knows: The PRO lipsticks that are currently available through MACPro are:

Show Orchid
Full Fuchsia
Fusion Pink
Neon Orange
Full Chocolate
Red Pepper
Smoked Purple
Charred Red

You can see color swatches here:

These are all pretty snazzy colors. My own personal favorites: Violetta, Show Orchid, Smoked Purple and Peachstock. Close seconds are: Fusion Pink, Neon Orange and Sin.

All of those are colors that (to me) don’t look like anything else MAC makes… Colors like Charred Red and Full Chocolate are much easier to dupe.

ak Avatar

The Dame’s Desire and Birds & Berries shadows sound hot to me. The Bough Grey shadow would look hot to me but only if it’s dark.

I want to take a look at Peachstock lipstick just to see it but I really want to see Petals & Peacocks and Blooming Lovely. I have fixation on trying on dead-looking, really cool-toned light lip colors like Blooming Lovely, even though my warm-toned skin makes it sound really wrong!

Sabeen Avatar

wow…i can’t wait to see this collection…
i live in london and liberty is always one of my fave shopping stops 🙂
the colours sound good…and i m curious about the packaging 🙂

Paige Avatar

These are so gorgeous!
Can’t wait to see the rest of the collection.
Might have to go off my no buy just for this!
Just get the ones I “need” now and then get the rest at a CCO.

HC Avatar


That purple e/s is SO FREAKING PRETTY! And the packaging! I AM SO STOKED. I can’t wait to see the rest of the products!!!!!

Stephanie Avatar

That nail lacquer looks gorgeous!

Hopefully MAC’s promopics represent the colours right for once, because that is one beautiful colour! Though I shouldn’t get my hopes up just yet, it wouldn’t be the first time I’d get excited about a colour, which then turns out looking completely different in real life.

Ah well, let’s all hope and pray! ^^

Christine Avatar

Their newer photos are more spot on – this I say when they have a *brand new* product or packaging that they have show off, because otherwise, they just transplant or play around with the color in Photoshop (from what I can tell, I don’t know what the REAL process is) to get the “right” color rather than actually re-doing the photos.

Nic Avatar

Wow! First MAC collection I’ve been interested in since Style Black – can’t wait to see this stuff IRL. Hope my crummy MAC counter actually gets the good stuff *eye-roll*.

Dusty Avatar

i would be surprised if you couldn’t. i always thought it was pretty much only the holiday stuff that pro memebers didn’t get discounts on. suppose we’ll find out in march though 🙂

Sarah M Avatar

OMG! I think I’m in love. I really hope there are no stickers & as you’ve said, from the pictures it doesn’t look like there are any. I already have Summer Rose beauty powder and Dame’s Desire eye shadow but I want them again just for the packaging!!! Lol.

Cassie Avatar

I was just wondering where you get your collection information from. Is it directly from Mac or somewhere else? Thanks for posting it! I get so excited when new collections come out!

Kaydence Avatar

LOVING IT!!!! I wish it was coming out earlier than March 11th. I need it now. When can we expect to see more of these items/colors? Also, I always found MAC colors online to be near perfect when I receive them via mail. There product colors online are true to color I’ve found. I’ve never had a product showing one color online and arriving looking different. MAC is one of the only brands in my opinion that are true to color when you see them.

Arianne Avatar

Shell Pearl sounds like a great cheek highlighter! I am definitely looking forward to this collection. The recent collections (thankfully) haven’t been exciting in person.

Rachel Avatar

Cool! I’m loving the packaging..finally something original coming out! I’m all over the beauty powders, b/c I always love the formula..and the Cremesheen and Amplified l/s. Can’t wait to see this one in person!

sophaaay Avatar

i was expected better looking packaging from this collection but some of the eyeshadows lipsticks and powders sound nice. wont be spending as much as i thaught i would

Annie Avatar

*sharp intake of breath* Ohh… my god… packaging is SOOOO beautiful!
Hope the eyeshadows have good payoff, all the colors sound great!

claudia Avatar

Oh, my God, this was my fave spring collection just by the description but now looking at the pictures, I love the packaging ! I’ll def get the amplifieds and the e/s !! Woooooooooooo !!!

Shayla Avatar

So pretty! They don’t look like stickers to me either, since on the lipstick you can kind of see the whole “comic book look” (you know, when you can TELL it’s printed) on the one bird. Maybe I wouldn’t have gone with a bird on the packaging, but the flowers are cute!

The color descriptions sound pretty neat, too! Definitely a collection I’ll have to check out.

Sasha B Avatar



end of story. I’m freaking out i was so excited about his packaging when i read the description but NOW! no words..

SiaM Avatar

I love the packaging it is very unique and feminine, cute spring colors!! I am very surprised is the first collection that I will try to buy as much items as I can, definitely a must have for me!!!! I cannot wait for your review either!!!♥x♥x

Jessie Avatar

Wow, this packaging is lovely! really cute and somewhat vintage. Will be picking up a blush or beauty powder for sure! cannot wait for swatches =)

Jenny Avatar

OMG I’m excited about this collection! I’m not too interested in the upcoming makeup collections (the Lily one doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever and the All Ages/Sexes/Races one I need to see swatches to make a judgment). Maybe I’ll skip those two and just buy a lot from this one 🙂

GG Avatar

Thank goodness, LE lippies that aren’t lustres! I just can’t do the lustre finish any more, too drying. I will definitely be springing for some of these.

Valentine Avatar

Just lovely. This is the first MAC collection that’s really gotten me excited in a while–will have to try out some of those lip products. Any idea if the lipstick in the first pic is Ever Hip?

amy Avatar

I am excited for this collection and I think it is one of the most beautiful and original packaging to be released to date. I almost feel like skipping all the January and February collections to buy more from this collection. My favourite is the Blue India nail polish and I am getting that for sure.

abby Avatar

Thank you so much Christine for all the updates. My gosh it looks like MAC will have beautiful colours all year long, so i have to save for all that lol. There seem to be a lot of pinks, purples and corals…my favourite colours. ANd the packaging makes me wanna buy them even more. What collection are you looking forward to?

Petra Avatar

Wow, this is the first occasion that i feel like i’d buy products just for the packaging. 🙂 I would’ve bought items only for packagin from the ‘Ornamentalism’ collection, from a long time ago, if a.) we already had MAC here b) if i had enough money back then. That was so lovely…:)

Tizzy Avatar

Ever Hip reminds me of Strawberry Blonde lipstick. YUUUUUMMMMMMM….. This is the best looking collection ever. Knocks the socks of everything else!

KarenL Avatar

I LOVE the look of this collection! I can’t decide if I’m more excited about this or the colour forecast collection. I’m just really gutted that I’m going to be on holiday by the time it comes out in the UK! 🙁 I think I’m going to have to put a wishlist together and ask my sister to run an errand to MAC for me. . . Don’t want it to sell out before I get back! 😛

Anitacska Avatar

Aah, I love this, and I don’t normally buy make up for the packaging! It also helps that some of the products I’ve seen are very pretty on the inside too. 🙂

cyndy Avatar

this does not look to exciting…. i don’t know why but i am not looking forward to this..i have never really been the type to go out and spend money products just because it is a limited time special..

Roxanne Avatar

I’m interested in the green blue nail lacquer and maybe the blushes but that’s about it. The packaging doesn’t particularly appeal to me like it does to some others, apparently 🙂

Phoenix Avatar

i want all of it! i have decided im going to buy this whole collection! my mom is going to think im insane! lets see total cost of this whole collection is… (not including medium makeup bag in canadian dollars is ……..
i better start saving 🙂

christi Avatar

i’m gunna have to buy quite a few items from this collection, if for no other reason than the packaging. Super cute! The lipsticks and beauty powders sound amazing! Can’t wait!

Judy Avatar

Me loves, me loves, me loves it all!!! I am assuming that amazing lipstick on the woman in the first pix is the Blooming Lovely that I am dying to get. Is that blush the dirty plum? Loves it again!!!! Thank you for posting.

cmferrets Avatar

i love the blue nailpolish!
but christine…. i think one of the e/s (dames desire) is not a new item. it is a repromote. it was in the dame edna trio e/s palette. am i right?
thanx for pictures girl!

miss_cookie_monster Avatar

The beauty powder in summer rose has the exact same description as the beauty powder from rose romance, so i’m assuming it’s exactly the same apart from having the rose imprint of course x

Missy D Avatar

This looks fabulous!!! I can’t wait until it comes. It really looks amazing. I just love the packaging alone. Very different, especially for MAC. I love how a lot of this collection is limited edition too. I’m sure it will sell quickly.

Melinda Avatar

This Is My #1 Choice for this New Year 2010 I might Skip all others But this One is A Must !I Love the Packageing Trully Gorgeous 😀 oxox

Krista Avatar

Omg I am sooo saving up for this collection! I’m such a sucker for cute packaging! >,<