MAC Cosmetics - N Collection Swatches/Photos from Laura
Thanks so much to the lovely Laura, who wanted to share these photos she took of her N haul, as well as swatches she did, on her NC15 skin. As always, feel free to submit your own swatches/product photos any time to
See seven more photos of Light Flush, Warmed Flush, Soft Ochre, Neutral Pink, and Nanogold…
Thanks for the great pics Laura! 🙂
Nanogold is such a pretty color but did anyone else find it kind of chunky? It didnt seem to go on very smoothly when I swatched it, just fell off in chunks. I even went to another MAC to test theirs out and same thing. So I passed, which is to bad because it is so pretty. Anyone else have trouble?
I am completely in love with Light Flush! Thanks for the new swatches too!
You know, I didn’t find it chunky personally, but I have heard a few others mention it. You may end up having to scrape off the top layer :/ I notice that colors like this tend to do it – Rite of Spring, Motif; two similar colors that have a chunkiness to their top layers.
At the store, Nanogold went on like a dream, though… It may be because there’s been an accumulation of oil from people swatching it with their fingers, too!
I encountered the same thing, but I did’nt have the word to describe it. Once at home I tried it again and was a little better. It is a gourgeous color though and I could not pass on it!!! he he he
wow all the swatches look really pretty :]
it’s weird that nanogold turns up gold here but pink in the other one… oh well hhaha 😀
She is soooo much lighter than me, which might help!
Oooh I wanna get neutral pink & nanogold eyeshadows. Very pretty indeed!! Doesn’t light flush look like Northern Lights? O_O
Light Flush is more like a cross between Northern Lights and Stereo Rose, but with a very fine texture. Northern Lights was said to be a bit chunky.
Some said a couple days ago that neutral pink looked exactly like an existing colour minus the shimmer…would you know what that colour was? Thanks doll!!!
I swatched Neutral Pink on my NC20 skin, went home and played with my current colors….it swatched identical to Zeal, which was a Velvet in the Technicolor collection (2006). In the pan they look nothing alike, but on my hand I couldn’t tell the two apart. The only difference was shimmer. But I find that somehow when I apply Velvets the shimmer disappears. Lemming gone as I don’t need two of the same color! HTH!
I looked at Neutral Pink and it reminded me of Mink Pink w/o shimmer, but ther is something special about the N color.
I don’t know of a permanent color that would really look the same to me! I think NARS’ Brazil eyeshadow duo, the pink, is close.
Mink Pink or Quarry, both I think are sort of similar.
Also, Light Flush I couldn’t justify although it’s beautiful, since I already have Margin, Springsheen, and Refined Gold Bronzer- so I could totally fake it.
So far I’ve used Neutral Pink with Cranberry and Sketch with Shroom and it’s really grown on me. I hate pink, so that’s saying something.
I’m glad you’ve found a way to wear pink and like it 😀
Oh, Haux is also similar. Really, the only difference is it’s a lighter, more shimmery blue-pink version of what’s already out there.
Thanks for the heads up, Erin!
I got neutral pink and medium light skin finish. The warm flush made my pores look really big so i passed on it. other than that i love the new stuff. Thanks for the swatches!
It’s too bad Warmed did that to you!