MAC Cosmetics - N Collection Swatches and Photos from Sarah
Sarah has been so generous as to swatch several of the previous mineralize skinfinishes to compare to the two new ones that came out! She also has a few swatches/images of Nanogold and Neutral Pink.
Check them all out!
i just got Light Flush and Nanogold a fwe minutes ago, and i was dying to go home and swatch Light Flush next to Petticoat and Porcelain Pink and see the comparison!! thanks so much 🙂
(im still gonna go home and do it anyways, for fun LOL)
LOL, Courtney!! Let us know how close they end up being 🙂
wow aren’t these beautiful and you have so many of them. if i had more than just one, i could stare at them forever. can’t wait for the next msf.
lol, Victoria! it’s crazy how many there have been and how coveted they all are!
Ohh wonderful! Thanks so much for these, I was wondering how they compared to previous released MSFs.
Sarah’s the best 🙂 I always love her pics and swatches.
Very useful!
Christine!! Did you know that your website is an external link on wikipedia for MAC cosmetics?
Hey Allysha! Yes, I did, I saw it a little while ago, but thanks for letting me know!
Hmmm… so exactly how similar is Light Flush to Northern Lights?
It’s similar, but not exactly. It’s more like a cross between Petticoat and Northern Lights.
ahhhh… Neutral Pink looks so nice on lighter skin girl, it just look so blah on me(I am NC35), not hot at all, almost like skin infection :(((
I’m NC30 and LOVE Neutral Pink! Doesn’t look like a skin infection at all 🙁
These swatches are making me so excited about Light Flush and Warmed!
Yay, Julie! Are you getting both?
which color do you think would be best as a pale light pink shimmer on NC20 skin? no peach! porscelain pink, stereo rose? what do you think? thanks!
Porcelain Pink would be a light pink, whereas Stereo Rose is going to be more raspberry.