Archived Post

Introducing MyTemptalia Beta 1.0

It is with much excitement (and nervousness!) that I get to announce something that’s been incubating in the back of our brains for two years, and this year, we’ve put all of our resources into making that dream a reality. Temptalia is about making shopping for and buying beauty products easier with high-quality photos, swatches, and trusted reviews. That’s why we have features like the Dupe List, Foundation Matrix, and the Swatch Gallery. And now, we’re introducing MyTemptalia.


MyTemptalia is about connecting our resources with all of you, and then coming together to create something exciting, powerful, and useful for every person who’s thought, “Would that lipstick work for me? Is that lipstick similar this other lipstick I have? Would this eyeshadow match this lipgloss? If I like this blush, what other shade would suit me?” Β We hope that over the next few months, we’ll be able to fully answer these questions as we integrate existing features and introduce more new ones on the foundation we’re launching today.

We are a knowledgeable community who is enthusiastic about all things beauty, and there’s no shortage of expertise that each of us is able offer to the next person. In our initial launch of features, we’ve taken the products we’ve reviewed and integrated them into a product database that allows you to contribute your feedback, keep track of products you own and want to own, as well as discover new products and hear from others with similar coloring if it worked or didn’t. You can also inspire others and get inspired by looks submitted by community members–and you might even be featured for your contribution to the community!


    • VANITY: Keep track of products you own — you can view them as a gallery or as a list (printable version coming soon!) You’ll also see this icons integrated into my reviews here on the main blog shortly!

    • WISHLIST: Keep a running list of products you’re interested in or want to purchase in the future! Coming soon: quickly add a product just posted on the blog to your wishlist!

    • QUICK REVIEWS: We know you’re busy, so rate and run! Give a product a star (or five), then select tags like pigmented and travel-friendly!

  • LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT: Love and leave ’em like the heartbreaker you are! You can check out well-loved products for the week, month, etc.!
  • LOOKS: Inspire others by submitting your hair, makeup, and nail looks–or get inspired by the community! If you create tutorials, you can drive traffic back to your blog/YouTube, too!
  • FEATURED: You just might get featured for your contributions to the community!

More Features & More Brands Coming Soon!

  • All existing features, like The Dupe List, Foundation Matrix, and Swatch Gallery will be interconnected to MyTemptalia! Soon you’ll be to refine, sort, vote, and more to ensure better accuracy and usability of matches and potential dupes! Β (I’m nearlyΒ dying waiting for the completion of the Swatch Gallery. I can’t wait to refine brown eyeshadows down to the undertone and finish!!)
  • Monthly themes and contests!
  • More brands and their product catalogs will be continually added to the product database as we go forward (37 included at initial launch)
  • And the rest is top secret! πŸ™‚

Thank you to…

  1. Family & friends for understanding why we’ve basically ignored you for the last four months.
  2. Shaun (my husband) & Nick (my brother-in-law), our resident technical team, who built this beast from the ground-up and handled my demands with dignity. There were only minor skirmishes and everyone lived to tell the tale! Please consider thanking @shauntechguy and @nicktechguy for their work behind-the-scenes. πŸ™‚ Β Meagan, my sister, for compiling a lot of data and probably crossing her eyes. Β (Can you tell Temptalia is a family business?)
  3. Mellan for providing the comic relief–and reminding me when it was dinner time.
  4. Our readers for motivating us without even knowing it. There were some dark moments, and you kept us going!

You can check my profile out here! πŸ™‚

UPDATED AT 5/3 AT 11:01 PM PST: We think we’ve managed to cure most registration issues as well as resolve any outstanding activations that haven’t been received. Let us know if you have any problems by leaving a comment or emailing shaun[at] or nick[at] and they can help you directly! Thank you for your patience!


Comments that do not adhere to our comment policy may be removed. Discussion and debate are highly encouraged but we expect community members to participate respectfully. Please keep discussion on-topic, and if you have general feedback, a product review request, an off-topic question, or need technical support, please contact us!

Please help us streamline the comments' section and be more efficient: double-check the post above for more basic information like pricing, availability, and so on to make sure your question wasn't answered already. Comments alerting us to typos or small errors in the post are appreciated (!) but will typically be removed after errors are fixed (unless a response is needed).

We appreciate enthusiasm for new releases but ask readers to please hold questions regarding if/when a review will be posted as we can't commit to or guarantee product reviews. We don't want to set expectations and then disappoint readers as even products that are swatched don't always end up being reviewed due to time constraints and changes in priorities! Thank you for understanding!

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Khadija Avatar

ohh this is soo exciting! i’m gonna sign up but I feel like I love it already! congrats on introducing something new and different christine! you are setting standards in quality and innovation!! Congrats and all the best to you and your entire team!

Michelle A Avatar

It’s not working for me either on my phone or computer πŸ™ Btw, Congrats!!! The new site looks amazing. I can’t wait to try out all the new features!!

Khadija Avatar

hey Christine i’ve also been trying to register for the past ten minutes and it’s not working.. when i go to the registration page and click register nothing happens…I’m using a macbook pro and safari

Rekha Avatar

How exciting! Congrats Christine, it must be so rewarding to see your site grow with new features! I think I registered (Macbook using Safari), but didn’t see a confirmation page or email.

sandra Avatar

I tried to registar with email, after I add all my information, it saids “you need to agree to terms.” I done it three times.

I will try again later, hopefully the problem will be fixed.

Lisa Avatar

I’m just going to chime in and say it isn’t working for me either. I’m using Chrome on a Mac. I’m really excited to sign up and try it out! πŸ™‚

David Nuggets Avatar

I registered using Chrome browser, and it went through the first attempt!

Change browsers and try, because I know my browser on the Android phone wasn’t loading Temptalia correctly.

Oh my GLOB! I’m so excited for this! As if I need ANOTHER reason to obsess over this blog! Now we can have collection list of all of our products? Lol.

Thank you for working so hard on this site Christine! <3333

Lara Avatar

Hey lady! Just figured I’d jump on the “It isn’t working!” bandwagon. Very excited to try all this stuff out. Tried registering through Chrome on my Windows 7/HP and it kept telling me that some “Suspicious activity was detected”. Nothing suspicious here! D:

Bananas4bourbon Avatar

Hi Christine, when I try to register on my iPad, it states “suspicious activity” and will not let me register. I gave it a lower case user name and clicked on the “agree to terms” box, but it won’t complete the process. I tried three times with the same password and info. User error?

daheep Avatar

I wish you the best of luck & success with this venture. You’re living proof & are an inspiration to the rest of us wanting to pursue our dream jobs!

Nicole Avatar

Christine, this is AMAZING! I rarely comment, but I want to thank you for this wonderful community you’ve created and how much I appreciate all that you do! So, thanks! πŸ™‚

ana Avatar

I can’t seem to register. I use my Mac and when I put all my info and check the I agree box it brings me back to the registration page.

Anna Avatar

Hi Christine! This is amazing! I tried registering using a pc, ipad and iphone but none worked. I used Safari,Firefox and Explorer. When I press register after filling the form it goes back to the original form and above the complete signup button it says “suspicious activity detected. Please try again.”

Deb Avatar

Christine, when I registered it said, you have successfully registered and that you had sent me an email. It’s been quite a while and no email. I tried logging in with my info and and it won’t work.

Deb Avatar

I checked my spam and the confirmation is not there (It’s been about 12 hours). I’m afraid if I try to register again it will say this information is already in use. I’ve tried logging on a few times and I think I have one try left. I’m using a MAC with Safari.

Deb Avatar

No, I haven’t received anything. Not sure what to do. The only thing I can think of is maybe a typo for my email address when I filled out the form? I’m pretty sure I checked it though. It is showing up correct in the form for leaving comments here though.

Sonia Avatar

I hope you will consider it in the near future. It will be so useful to have when I’m out shopping. I love your blog!

Sunny Avatar

Eee how exciting! Congrats Christine and the rest of the Temptalia team! It sounds like a massive undertaking, but the idea is genius and I just know it’ll be amazing! I’ll look into it tomorrow (it’s bedtime here)! Fun fun fun!

Muriel Avatar

As for me, I keep getting this: “Only lowercase letters and numbers allowed” and I’ve tried every single username in the world with AND without numbers but nothing happens πŸ™

Muriel Avatar

Thank you so much Christine! It finally worked! I’m so excited!! Congratulations, I love your blog and I’m sure I’ll be loving MyTemptalia as well! You rock! πŸ™‚

Megan Avatar

Congratulations! This is really an exiting development in social networking. This reminds me a bit of the knitting site in that it takes a fun hobby but incorporates databases and user connectedness to make something really special. This is really the future of social networking – so well done being at the forefront. πŸ™‚

I can’t wait to get into it – and we totally understand that there will be some techy growing pains. Not to worry- this is a really remarkable new idea in beauty sites.

Alice Avatar

So excited to try this out! I’ve tried to register and it said it was successful – but I have not yet received an activation email.
I signed up via email on chrome. The email is not in my spam/junk email folder.

18thCenturyFox Avatar

Oh Christine- how thrilling! Thank you all so much for doing this, I can’t imagine the time and energy required to bring it to fruition. Honestly, I’m really excited to use this.

Wenz Avatar

Oh Christine! You, Shaun, Nick & Megan (& everyone else who contributed) are AMAZEBALLS!!!!!! Congrats/Thanks isn’t enough…..but Im glad to be along for the ride πŸ™‚

Dusty Avatar

I tried to THINK of how much work this must have been… then I took a couple Advil and had to lay down. I can’t imagine! Great job you guys! πŸ™‚

GUSnail Avatar

Wow Christine, this is so exciting!!!! Thanks to you and the team for all the hardwork. I really do use the site as a resource when I’m looking to purchase something, so your work really does bear fruit for the reader. Thank you!! I can’t wai to see what other people with my coloring find flattering.

Sami Avatar

This is so great! It’s going to make Temptalia an even greater resource for beauty lovers than it already had been. Congratulations on getting it up and running. I’ve just signed up and I love it already!

Mary Avatar

So exciting!! I just signed up and will play around over the next few days πŸ™‚ I just worked 12 hours straight today so my eyes are crossing from exhaustion. Huge congratulations to you the site looks great!

LuvJaime Avatar

Congrats on this new venture Christine! Not to efface Shaun and Nick’s hard work, I think you are the biggest genius of all. I’ve been a follower for years and your site has been the most resourceful and informative for the beauty community and myself, as a consumer!

Christine Avatar

Hi Rachel!

On the upper right-hand side of the site, click the downward arrow by your name, which will drop down a menu. Then click on “Profile!” In the profile, you can “Change Avatar.” πŸ™‚ We are going to add this part to the registration so it’s easier to change right away.

Marina Avatar

WOW! Congratulations and thank you Christine, Shaun, Nick, and Meagan! This is so exciting! I am going to register right now!

An Avatar

WOW, this is amazing! Lots of great tools and resources to help your readers, thank you. ^^

I noticed the new site design yesterday. But I didn’t know there would be new additions to the site!

The top header is a bit distracting because of how it’s fixed while I’m scrolling a page.

Kestrel Avatar

I’ve registered and such, but now that I have come back and have to log in again it won’t let me and it won’t let me reset a password!

Carrie Avatar

I am very excited about your new venture! However, I have not received the email needed to activate my account. I’m using a MacBook, and registered using the only email account I have.

Hokulani Avatar

I have filled in all the info to register and stuff, but still haven’t received an email to confirm my account. Help please

Precious Avatar

Wow! I’m really excited about this, Christine. You and your team are amazing! This new feature will be a huge success, for sure. Thanks for all the hard work. πŸ™‚

Denise Avatar

Wow this is the! Can’t wait to get started so ultra modern, will make buying decisions so much easier! Thanks a lot!!

Shayna Avatar

Hey Christine, this is a really awesome idea and props to all of you hard workers who managed to make this work! I can’t IMAGINE how much time and effort this took!

I just wanted to provide some feedback regarding the “user-friendly-ness” of this whole project. I believe it’s an awesome idea! However, for someone like me who has 30+ MAC eyeshadows, I think it would be better if we could just “select” (check box) all the eyeshadows or lipsticks shades we have and add them to our vanity at once. Instead of selecting them and adding them one by one from a drop-down menu.

I don’t really know if it’s something difficult to do with the programming or whatnot, but I hope you guys can make this work. I really want to use this software but I feel like it would take me HOURS to select and add every single eyeshadow/lipstick color I own into my vanity.


Christine Avatar

It’s something we’re figuring out! It’s tentatively on the list as a “quick vanity” kind of option – we are trying to figure out how best to implement. Also because MAC is the brand that breaks everything we do (it’s SOOOO big – 5,200 unique posts!). But yes, we are working on it! πŸ™‚

Thank you!!!

Shayna Avatar


Thanks for the quick response!

Honestly this is such a great idea Christine….Just when I thought Temptalia couldn’t get any better πŸ™‚

Christine Avatar


I totally feel ya. I could never you know… put everything in my vanity (personally). Once the Swatch Gallery rolls out, it will also be much, much easier to add shades (at least ones that I’ve swatched), since all the shades will display by whatever parameters you set (so all MAC eyeshadows) and you’ll be able to zoom through – so at least that is coming soon-ish.

Sarah Avatar

WOW. I’m so excited about this. I signed up as soon as I could… I have never joined anything like this before, even though there are many makeup forums out there. I signed up because I trust you, and I trust Temptalia as a brand that really puts the readers’ best interests first. So excited to see how the community grows and what new things you come up with for us! Way to go.

Noga Avatar

Congrats to the entire team!! Can’t even imagine how many hours were put into it.
Played around with it a bit and I Iove it. As a CS grad student, I have to say the idea is really innovative, way to go Christine!

Tavia Avatar

Congrats Christine! This is amazing and I can’t even believe to image how hard work must have been putting all this together, but I’m sure every reader thanks you for this idea and we all are going to make the best of it. πŸ™‚ I’ve already shared 3 of my makeup looks and they are patiently waiting for moderation. This is such a great project, keep up the great work at Temptalia! πŸ™‚

Donna Avatar

I use Firefox on a laptop and it will not recognize me after I signed up.

even when I requested a new password, the code bit I need to fill in to send does not come up

Lulubelle Avatar

I registered and am very much looking forward to using this! Thanks to you and your team – I know what a challenge this must have been! Good thing Mellan was there for comic relief πŸ™‚

NeenaJ Avatar

So fabulous! Congrats and thanks for all the hard work for making Temptalia a destination!
Oh, and pretty pleeease: a swap board?

Robin Avatar

Freaked a bit when I saw this – since I have mush for brains – but signing up through facebook was so easy! The whole process was a breeze and I am super impressed so far. Your “boys” did an awesome job and I’m sooooooo excited to get to interact more! Happy, happy, happy! πŸ˜€

Rikki B. Avatar

Hi, Christine!!! First off, I want to congratulate you on such a huge step you are taking- you are so truly inspirational to me and you seem like such a genuinely kind person- you deserve all the success of your hard work! I have been following your blog for a few years now, and it’s my go to for anything makeup related. Sometimes, even just for a quick pick-me-up (Hi, Mellan!!).

I have registered for MyTemptalia, but I am wondering how I can log back in now to update my inforamation and vanity? I can NOT wait to play around with this!


Christine Avatar

Hi Rikki!

Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ First thing after you register is click on the activation link you’ll receive via e-mail. After that, you’ll come back to the site (you might need to refresh once) and you’ll see your “dashboard” in the upper right-hand area above the navigation (it should have your avatar and say your display name).

Let me know if you have any issues!

Rikki B. Avatar

It’s not working… not sure if I’m doing something wrong! I don’t see my avatar anywhere.
I activated my registration with my iPhone, and am now on the computer- could it be that is why it’s not working? If yes, is there a way I can log in on my computer?

Christine Avatar