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Mariella Avatar

My skin has become less oily in the traditionally “oily” areas and my pores there are – finally – almost invisible (or else my eyesight is so poor I don’t see them!) so I’ve less and less need for “astringent” type toners. Ditto the clay based type masks – I no longer use them either. I do use hydrating masks for the “sleeping” masks – Dr. Brandt Hydro-whatever, a lovely Shiseido one that is now discontinued, I think….

Lily Kelley Avatar

I use less products than i used five years ago but i am very consistent in using them. What i learned is that what i am using now works for me without paying a bigger amount of money for them as i did before and my skin looks better now.

Jess Avatar

I get into a good routine and then decide I could do more, so I gradually add products. After a while, it inevitably backfires, and I have a reaction. Then I go back to basics and accept that I will have to live with the hyperpigmentation and slowly sagging jowls…until I see a new product and think that *this* might be the miracle cure! And so the cycle begins again.

Brenda Avatar

I can be up and down in consistency and I don’t like using a ton of products, but I pay more attention to what my skin feels it needs that day or week, instead of what’s trending or piling it on just because.
I don’t wear makeup on the daily anymore and have found healthy skin to be far more required for the days I actually do decide to wear it.
As I age I find I need more exfoliating and more moisture and I do most skincare at night.

Maggie Avatar

Less skincare products seems wise to me–nearly every dermatologist I’ve seen seems to repeat that advice. Cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. Beyond that, use only what is actually necessary for your specific skin conditions/concerns. Anything serious–see a dermatologist for something stronger like a procedure or prescriptions.

In the last five years, I’ve discovered mineral/inorganic spf can cause dry rashes on me (even brands formulated for sensitive skin). For my body, I’ve taken to wearing UPF or tightly knit long sleeves and pants. I live in the USA and ordering effective Japanese/Korean/European/Australian chemical filters can be tricky. Doubly so when making sure the products are non-counterfeit or shipped in weather that’s not too hot (bc heat exposure can damage it).

Nancy T Avatar

I have become much more consistent with skincare than I have been towards makeup. Sticking with my nighttime routine is essential and has many steps. However, since I don’t go outside much, my daytime routine is super basic: cleanse, apply niacinamide toner and caffeine eye cream. If going out, then sunscreen, too.
For reference: I’m 64 years old with combination skin that is acne prone, blackhead prone, very oily t-zone, neither dry nor oily parameters of my face outside of the t-zone. Also get patches of eczema wherever I either pluck hairs out or after aa breakout heals.

Deborah S. Avatar

Yes, definitely. As you all know, I stopped all skincare for several years and noticed a big change in my skin. My sunspots went into overdrive and they have always been resistant to treatment. They are the most difficult to deal with also as no amount of concealer actually covers them well and for the whole day. I also noticed deepening of the nasolabial folds, marionette lines and fine lines around my eyes. As if all of that isn’t enough, the crepy skin and sagging eyelids became more pronounced. I was only using Dove soap for all those years and applied nothing after cleansing. When I decided to start trying to control any further deepening of the problems, I had been watching several Korean beauty influencers and was enamored with their “glass skin”. I had no idea where to start with a new skincare routine. One of the influencer’s has a YT channel IAMKARENO, and while watching her videos I came across one where she mentioned having curated a beauty box with Bazzaal Box. I decided to order the box and then after about a month of using the products I decided to order some of the products directly from Stylvana. Unfortunately her curated box is no longer available. I also started following a couple of Dermatologist channels on YT and got some recommendations from them. My current routine has slimmed down a little over the past couple of months but I am seeing that the slide into mummification has slowed. I am very faithful to the routine and that is really key. That and wearing sunscreen daily, whether planning on leaving the house or not is a must. I haven’t started on Retin-A as I am still trying to decide if I think it is worth it at 70 years of age. It takes many years to see any real improvement. I have told my daughter that I think she should start now though. She is lucky in that her skin tone is darker than mine and darker skin tones do not age as quickly as fair skinned tones. Young people today have the good chance of living significantly longer than our current lifespan and if you are going to live to be in the hundreds, you want to look good. (All of that is supposing we don’t kill the Earth or all humanity with our stupidity, that is!) My morning routine and night routine are very similar. I substitute out my Vit C serum in the morning for my retinol but in the past week, I have been using both in the AM also and my skin seems to be tolerating it well.
I also started a daily use of Guasha with Youth To The Peoples Maqui and Acai Prickly Pear Goji Superberry and Glow Oil
Two or tree times I week I add a mask. I am currently using two from Mediheal, the collagen and the brightening masks.
I have finished two bottles of Adipeau and have stopped buying it. I wasn’t seeing the results I was looking for and didn’t want to keep spending the higher price tag for no results.
Products in my current AM and PM routine.
SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule Foam Cleanse
PYUNKANG YUL Calming Deep Moisture Toner
ISNTREE Chestnut BHA 2% Clear Liquid
CELIMAX The Real Noni Energy Ampoule
IT’S SKIN Power 10 Formula LI Cream Firefighter
TruAlchemy Retinol Reset
TruAlchemy Glow Serum
Topical Faded Serum for Dark Spots & Discoloration

I am not wedded to these products so am always looking for new products to tackle my problems. I have thought about adding some tools but am not quite ready to go there.

Deborah S. Avatar

I forgot to mention that I also use the Dr. Dennis Gross Retinol, Ferulic, Vit C Serum for Eyes twice a day. I just started back using this serum about 10 days ago. I use to use it religiously before I stopped using makeup and skin care. Currently, it is the only product that I use from my previous skin care routine.

Mariella Avatar

I LOVE that Youth to the People Goji Oil. I have used it for years and think I’m on my 3rd bottle of it ( I do rotate with others – I’m not 100% faithful!) and gave some to my sis in law (though I think she still prefers the double serum from Clarins).

Deborah S. Avatar

Yes, I really like it also. I appreciate that it isn’t strongly fragranced and what little fragrance there is is just the scent of the actual ingredients. I also use a few other oils but mostly come back to the YTTP one. I keep a couple of bottles around the house and that makes it convenient to just grab it and do the Guasha or a manual massage. I also will just add it to my hands and massage it into my cuticles. I like that it doesn’t remain sticky on the skin and is comfortable to use.

Genevieve Avatar

Again, not really changed in the past five years. As I am a ‘mature’ person already, my skin care habits have been pretty consistent for awhile – cleanser, facial scrub every fortnight, facial oil, moisturiser, serum etc every day. I guess the only thing that has changed, in some ways, is that I am fairly clear about which products work for my skin best.

P Jill Avatar

I started having professional facials a couple years ago. 1 every 6 weeks, While spending hard earned cash on that, I have a more refined skincare routine now. I’m not pouring money into every new product promising quick results! Im extremely satisfied with my decision!

Tara Avatar

Im trying to use more devices like a red light mask than i did 5 yrs ago. Im also recently trying to use my retin a more nights per week. Ive also started using a neck cream. So i guess in the opposite! More products now vs 5 yrs ago.

WildDove Avatar

In the last 5 years I’ve started variously using retinoids (Neutrogena), ceramides (Dr. Jart), peptides (L’Oreal), or gel sleeping masks (Laneige). at night, or days I don’t wear makeup..

I also quit using cleansers on my skin — except on days when I wear foundation or tinted moisturizer makeup. I just use water, and my skin has been much better. Got rid of longtime mild but continuing acne. I think overuse of cleansers 1-2x a day even on days when I didn’t wear makeup was stripping my skin of good bacteria needed to heal and minimize inflammation.

Moxie Avatar

I let my skin breathe and just exist a lot more. I’ll have days where I’ll just apply skin care to the bits of my skin that are giving me problems and leave the rest of my face untouched.

Or if I feel like it’s becoming a chore, I just won’t do it. I don’t ever want to feel like I have to do it.

When I was younger, I used to just strip my skin thinking I have to keep it squeaky or it won’t be clean. And now I just don’t care about being oily or dry, as long as I’m not flaking.

Priscilla Avatar

I’ve really started being very purposeful about using only fragrance free, cruelty free skincare brands. I layer my serums and always use a great moisturizer. I alternate my Tretinoin nights with another serum combo. My skin looks much healthier! I’m taking much better care of my skin as I am getting older.

LK Avatar

I introduced serum to my daily routine 3 years ago an never looked back! A few years ago I also changed to soap free facial cleanser which is less drying. This allows me to use a lighter moisturizer which is great because I have combination skin.

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