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My hair went through a major change during my breast cancer treatment back in 2000. I went into the process with butt length, strawberry blond hair and came out of it bald. When my hair came back in it was grey and curly. As it got longer the curls dropped away and left me with hair that doesn’t hold a curl for very long and now as I get older it is thinning noticeably. I would not color my hair after it grew back in because I did not want the chemicals in my system. So, I have been using pretty much whatever shampoo and conditioner was on sale. I am just now looking into a shampoo for thinning hair. I have to admit that I am not very good with my hair and it is an area that I would like to improve so I am looking forward to any suggestions other commenters have!
Deborah, sorry to hear you lost your hair during cancer treatment, but glad you survived! I don’t know if this will help, but when I hit 43, I noticed my hair was thinning, and I could never get it to grow past the shoulders before it fell out or split. At the same time, I was trying to take some pounds off, so I went on one of those high protein/low carb diets and started eating more salmon, shrimp, fish, tuna, lean chicken, pork, beans, nuts, etc. and eating less sugar and white carbs. After a while, I noticed that my hair was looking so much better, and for the first time in 20 years, it was growing past my shoulders ! Now I’m 47 and have to get my hair trimmed every 6 weeks or it gets too long. I don’t know about shampoos for thinning hair, but I swear by TIGI Bed Head Superstar Queen for a Day Thickening Spray. I’ve been using it every day for 3 years. I do 3-4 spritzes on towel dried hair, let my hair air dry a bit, then blow dry on low heat with my head upside down, focusing on roots. It gives my hair about 30% more volume that lasts all day, with no sticky or gross feel, doesn’t weigh hair down, feels invisible. I tried so many other thickening sprays that left a sticky, heavy mess, but not this one. Anyways, hope this might help.
Have you tried Aveda Invati system, also I found for my hair high dose Biotin with a Silica supplement daily made my hair grow much faster after taking for a month. Good luck.
It doesn’t really. Shampoo, conditioner and hair oil. I keep it rather simple.
Again, not much changes in what I do care wise. The only things I do differently are that I can now get roughly 6 months where I do wear it down and usually pulled back off my face as often as possible, because once it starts getting toasty again, it goes into a near continuous state of being in a high pony tail or bun. Also, because it’s down and the air is so dry, I use dryer sheets very lightly over it if static is an issue.
The winter dryness, cold, and pollution make my hair even more dull and dry and brittle than usual. I try to layer conditioners in the shower (a thick deep conditioning masque over my everyday conditioner) and avoid blow-drying my hair too much, but that’s about it.
I fall victim to dreaded static electricity. I’m more likely to remember to use masks to keep the ends from drying out, but switch to a lighter daily conditioner and supplement with hair oil. I also wash hair less. And of course I change up my color to give dimension to blonde highlights .
Static is a pain! I take a dryer sheet and *lightly* rub it over my hair, and it works pretty well! (I recommend unscented)
If your blow drying your hair…definitely finish with cold setting.
Helps static tremendously.
No change!
What hair routine? Lol. I just shampoo and condition, and occasionally brush it.
I’ll use a hair oil a bit more liberally and more often, and if I’ve been wearing a hat, I often need something to kill the static/fly-aways that happen when I take it off (hat wearing in a Canadian winter is rarely “optional”)
No change in my hair routine. Since I swim, I’m always on the hairy edge (ha ha) of ruin. 🙂
I like my hair shiny and sleek, and with advancing years, I’m still lucky enough to have both. To get the sleekness I have to dry it straight and thoroughly, so that takes a toll. I have been using Living Proof Frizz (with the line through it) shampoo and conditioner and their Satin Serum. It makes short work of the process and keeps my hair in good shape.
Question — do you think a hair dryer makes a difference in the condition of your hair? I use a Babyliss something-or-other, and it’s super hot on hot, and not hot enough on med. It dries quick enough, but I wonder if other dryers do make a difference in preserving your hair? Plus this one is SO heavy!
Have you tried heat protectant spray?
Hi Rachel!
I have tried those protective sprays. I find them dulling, and they make me feel like I need to wash my hair. 🙂 Maybe I just haven’t hit on the right one.
Dryers definitely make a difference, I used to used a standard and would have frizzy fine hair, I use a Parlux now that I invested in and no longer have the same problem, anything ionic etc makes such a difference.
The humidity changes a lot here in Chicago between summer (pretty humid) and winter (so dry!!). I don’t change my method, but I do tweak my products. Lately, I’ve been using Aveda’s Brilliance in the summer for my leave-in which is very light, but in most other seasons I use Beauty Protector Leave In which is a lot heavier and adds some moisture and slip back into my hair. But that’s about it!
I have to find something to deal with static electricity if I want to wear my hair loose, otherwise it flies literally all over the place in some weather! Right now I’m spraying Static Guard on a brush and brushing it through my hair (and spraying the inside of my hats with it), but there’s an anti-static product from IGK that I want to try.
My hair can get a little drier as the winter goes on, so then I do a pre-wash treatment with coconut oil more often.
Ha ha…I’m guessing that, given that you live in Arizona, the changing of the seasons doesn’t affect you as much as those of us here in Canada! 😛 My hair care routine changes a lot in the winter. My hair is very curly and naturally very dry, so in winter it becomes extremely dry and brittle, and my winter hair care routine is all about moisture, moisture, moisture! I basically ditch shampoo completely and use a cleansing conditioner or just plain conditioner, and I leave oil in my hair (and on my scalp, which becomes really dry and itchy) overnight several times a week. The concept of “overconditioning” does not seem to exist for my hair in the winter.
i don’t change a lot in my hair routine. i try to finis what i am using ! I don’t notice so much difference in my hair during this season so i stick to what i have.
I use the same shampoo and conditioner, but I up the number of times a month I use a coconut oil mask. I do not chemically treat my hair and very seldom use appliances of any kind and so my hair is in pretty good shape year round.
More reverse washing – heavier conditioner first, then a hydrating shampoo. For the drier ends, a hydrating styling cream (Shea Coconut & Hisbiscus Curl Milk) with a heavier hair oil (Agave), let it air dry a bit, then blow dry with round brush to seal in the moisture
OOH lots. I have a natural short curly TWA (like my pic) but I wear wigs on a daily especially as I am trying to grow my hair out. I LOVE my short hair but it gets cold in the winter in MN plus I like being able to have hair to butt one day and shoulder length the next. People at work says they never know what I’m going to look like when I come in. LOL
Currently I am into the box braided lace wigs which are PHENOMENAL!! I’ve wanted braids but my hair is too short right now PLUS very thin (it runs in my moms family; thin curly hair) so getting braids would break any edges I hope to save. At the moment I am wearing my 30 inch braided wig.
I use lace glue to keep it on straight for about 2 weeks or less. When I take the wig off I wash and deep condition and usually spend that night without a wig and then put it back on in the morning. When my hair is blonde, I use purple toning shampoo and when it’s black I use As I Am Coconut CoWash as I do not wash my hair everyday nor need to. For a deep condition I’ll buy a single use pack from the beauty supply store or use castor and coconut oil with avacados to make my own.
This will continue til about summer when my hair is long enough for the style I desire (if I don’t wear a wig, I will shave my head again – BALD because I love it yet it’s hard to try a new style unless it’s covered to grow).
My ex girlfriend was biracial, and she ALWAYS changed her hair style, it felt like every week LOL. I never knew what she’d look like when I saw her next!
In the winter I add a leave-in conditioner to my routine because my hair is already dry and the winters here are super dry. This year I picked up Briogeo Rosarco Milk.
It doesn’t change too much as I am a shampoo, maybe condition then brush and go type. I have super straight long hair and finally at age 57 have accepted my straight hair and no more “perms” for me. I haven’t got much grey and only occasionally use a semi permanent color. The humidity in north-central alberta is low and I sometimes find I need a dandruff shampoo in winter but other than that it is samesame. And yes the static sucks but I am going to dry the dryer sheet thing.
My hair type: My hair is curly (think ringlets!) and it’s dry. And add in the fact it goes to my HIPS. It needs all the help it can get!!
I use the same shampoo all year long (Got2b Oilicious shampoo! It leaves my hair soft, instead of sqeaky clean!)
But in the winter I switch to using a deep conditioner/hair mask every time I wash it. I like Aussie 3 Minute Deep mask, but my favourite is a shea butter mask thats in a foil packet, from walmart! It’s the only hair mask that I Can FEEL a difference in my hair with!!
After I get out of the shower, I smooth a leave in conditioner CREME, like Macadamia Curl cream! And I’ll smooth that from my ears down to my tips.
Then I’ll spray some liquid leave in conditioner into my palms and work that through my ends.
LASTLY. I take a quarter sized amount of oil, part my hair, and work that through my hair focusing at the tips.
Then I tie it back in a pony tail, and go to bed!!
then the next morning I untie the pony tail, and just fluff it out and BAM, my hair looks frizz free, and my curls are not flattened and mushed!!
(For the summer I don’t use the cream leave in conditioner, and I use normal conditioner, and I’ll use a sea salt mist in the summer as well!! I just find them too drying in the winter!)
My routine doesn’t change, either. I color my hair, so I wash with my usual red-depositing shampoo a couple times a week. I condition (also with red-depositing product) about once a week. My hair is really fine, so I don’t need to condition more than that. I rarely blow dry, heat style, or use styling products, so my hair is really soft and healthy with just that routine.
I deep condition more!
Winter I usually add an anti static spray to my regimen. I may use a heavier conditioner too. The real difference in my hair is when I go visit my bf. I live in Canada and have hard water. When I go to Chicago I typically stay a month or so. His water is soft and I have to stop using the products I use at home or my hair looks greasy. I use a light shampoo/cream rinse and absolutely nothing heavy in my hair in Chicago, just the salt spray I use to give texture and hold to my natural wave. At home I use a hair cream to be able to get a brush thru my wet hair, a serum after I get it brushed out and a salt spray and another shine spray once that’s done. It’s quite surprising to me how much different my hair reacts to water hardness
My hair care routine does not change at all for the seasons. Even though I am 60+ my hair still gets very oily. So I have to be careful about what products I use so as not to increase the oiliness factor.
I have mousy brown thin hair. I change to an auburn shade in winter and blonde in summer. No cream rinse as my hair sucks it up and it takes forever to rinse out. Shampoos based on stylist recommendation for current color.
Oh! My! On hair! I’m lucky I’m not bald! Lol! I used to wash it so frequently while training for marathons 10 of them so ten long years and then some. Hubby had to quit due to knee problem but I continued on my own for three more years, 10 of those with the wonderful Roadrunners in S. California. I might still gather all my pieces and strength and do a couple more is so fun and addictive! I would wash each time after training and don’t blow dry it just let it dry naturally but have tones of hair like lions mane wavy, soft waves. Sometimes I panicked when my brother would call us all of a sudden to go eat at a restaurant and my hair was wet. I bought some cute hats at Anthroplogy and covered it in the winter straight out of the shower. This Summer I had highlights done and it is been so damaged (tried a cheap place near home not good!) and it has damaged my hair so much I just been cuting it very short to get rid of the dry ends. Wearing lots of moisteriser and no harsh shampoos. Big mistake those highlights. I started coloring red and mine is medium brown so it kind of got violet. Ewww! So it was a huge change. Never again promise! I usually wear it as a bob which are cute but actually short looks good too, hubby likes it and family. I have a small rectangular face I’m a 5’3 petite I look like a midget with long hair is so much is overpowering. One good hairdresser told me once I was hiding under a mushroom and he gave me the best Pixie cut ever. Lol! But I like to change is fun.
Any great conditioners/leave on masks/anything advice would be appreciated.
I have chemically colored hair . So my routine does not go with seasons but I use stuff that’s good for the state of my hair atm. Purple shampoo, 3x a week , damp a leave on conditioner , red ken anti snap . If I blow dry I do the same thing but add more protectants I use a multi spray e.g. It’s a 10 because it’ll have you’re heat protectant in there . Finish it off with a hair oil serum . I do not put hair oil or serums before blow dry or curling because I feel like it’s going to cook my hair .
Not at all.
Living in the Northeast, everything changes in the winter.. My scalp gets very dry and flaky in the wintertime… I am currently trying all different shampoos to fix it- it sucks!
Just like skin, I wash it less when it’s cold out. Partly because my hair is actually dry, partly because I just have less desire to have a wet head. For that same reason, I blowdry more thoroughly. I am also more likely to style it straighter and use the corresponding products, because the summer humidity lends itself to my naturally curly hair better.