How do you resist good deals when you know you shouldn't partake?
I refer to my more important goals and focus on why I’m saving/not spending money! For particularly tempting sales, if I wasn’t a blogger, I would try to log off for awhile and make sure to unsubscribe from tempting retailers’ mailing lists!
I try not to read too many posts on the sales and make a strict list way in advance that I stick to.
I try to trick myself & ask if it wasn’t on sale, would I buy it? 9/10 times it’s no, which means I don’t really want it. I also think about all the things I haven’t used yet & why I probably don’t need something similar.
Yup! Like you, I focus on my goals. Saving money for a down payment on a house is just a smidge more important than discounted makeup I’m not going to use.
It can be so hard to resist and sometimes I get makeup FOMO (not like I used to, but it still pops up!) but I remind myself why I’m saving money and sitting out and it’s more fulfilling in the end. 🙂
I’m not always successful at this; I’m vulnerable to ‘good deals’ / sales for sure. As much as possible, I make myself wait 24 hours if I have any doubts at all. That, and I also try to keep my long term financial goals in mind, and also assess where I am in my monthly budget.
I don’t. I’m bad. I need help. Lol
But sometimes I can talk myself out of certain things by looking at my makeup collection and realizing that whatever it is I’m trying not to buy is extremely similar to something I already own.
I keep a running list of products I want, and if a sale happens to pop up around the time I’m able to buy something, then I consider myself lucky.
I typically do my Holiday gift shopping in November, but my daughter is still whittling down her list, so I had a larger budget for me this month, and was able to do the Sephora VIB sale. I grabbed the UD Heavy Metals palette & ABH Aurora Glow Kit for 20% off, and the fact I planned to buy them anyway, the sale was just a bonus.
Overall, if I really want something, I don’t wait for sales. As a result, I’ve likey already gone over budget by the time a sale rolls around, so it’s pretty easy to pass up. I also don’t really like to shop online, so it has to be something I *really* want, which is rare.
I also avoid “mega sales” like Black Friday & Cyber Monday; besides the aforementioned fact I’m typically over budget by then, I don’t find the stress of worrying if an item in my basket goes OOS by the time I submit my order, a site crashing, waiting in a queue, or delays is shipping/delivery worth saving what ultimately amounts to an insignificant amount of money. If I bought a lot at a time, from one or two places, 20% off may be a tangible savings, but between shipping (on small orders) and 10% sales tax, the savings are negligible.
I don’t “resist” simply because I don’t see why I should when it’s a great deal. BUT with that said, I ONLY pick up products I had in my imaginary wishlist for at least half a year. For example I bought the Dose of Colors Baked Browns & Marvelous Mauves palettes that have been on my mind since early spring. I didn’t want to pay 37$ for them and now I got them for 26$ off of BeautyBay
Not so good at this. I either buy it in the name of stocking up or give to my nieces. If I do have some sense of moderation, I log off and walk away.
Tomorrow will be a real test once all those sales begin to go live! BUT. I know that I have to get necessities first. I’m in dire need of a new TV and a new leather jacket. Therefore, I’m going to have to find both before I can even consider a beauty purchase this year. This will require extreme self-control and restraint on my part, because I really want the 12 for $75 MUFE deal!
I try to focus on what else I want or need to do with my money. For example right now I need a new phone because mine keeps crashing, I want to travel during the holidays, and I already have a trip planned for next year. If I shop during the sales I won’t be able to also afford everything else so that gives me pause.
It’s easy for me to resist as we don’t have those kinds of sales here and many of your online retailers either don’t ship internationally (like Ulta) or the shipping costs are so prohibitive. Likewise, our sales are generally not as generous either.
However, when there are generous sales on here, post Christmas or spot sales like at Priceline, one of our major beauty retailers, I generally just buy the items I would actually use/need.
Every now and then I do come across a beauty product that I have wished for, but haven’t bought because of the price, and when it is discounted heavily, then I get it. Snooze and you lose.
Unless the deal includes something I need or have wanted I skip it. I’ve learned to not buy what i don’t really need.
Sometimes I have tons of willpower and sometimes not . I finally splurged on an expensive hairdryer at the Sephora Sale as I’ve been too cheap all my life to spend the money ! Yet ….. There are so many things on sale on my list , especially this weekend, that it’s going to be very tough . I have a hard time with sales and deals in general . My goal is to have Sephora Rouge expire – spending way too much . But it’s all so much fun……….
I been really thinking of following that great tip just unsubscribe from all things makeup and beauty but a gloomy life that would be? Anyone want to go into group therapy with me? Lol! But I don’t really fall for all the hype though I just want some and that’ll be it. I think I will get a few goodies before Christmas and next year go on a buying diet. Awwww just not sure if I can make it my mind is like Dory tge fish. ‘Look overtgere looks pretty! Glittery! New Color! Beautiful box! Is coming home with me. I am going to list on a note pad all the eyeshadows, blushes, eyeliners, lipsticks, highliters, powder, bronze, foundation I have, mascara, etc. maybe it’ll sink in I don’t need a thing for at least 10 years!