How do you know when it's time to replace a makeup brush or tool?
For me, when a makeup brush seems to shed noticeably, which makes it seem like it is falling apart, or no longer feels as soft as it used to would be when I’d consider replacing it. For other tools, when they no longer do the job they’re supposed to; maybe an eyelash curler that doesn’t give the same curl or a makeup sponge that doesn’t have the same give any more.
Unless, it completely falls apart or something, I don’t replace makeup brushes usually. But for blenders, I usually replace every 3 to 6 months
Because my brows require regular maintenance, once my tweezers lose their ability to grab a stray easily or my safety scissors no longer shear without snagging, it’s time to replace them. Same goes for a brush that is shedding or is getting scraggly, time for it to go in the trash!
As for my eyelash curler, I’m most thankful that most come with replacement cushions nowadays! However, if the device begins to feel wonky or like it’s losing tension, it’ll be time to look for a new one.
When it is loosing shape or no longer working. I don´t really keep track of the date I bought things, sponges being the exception.
Mainly when it starts to shed more than a hair or two, or when it starts to fray. Along with when it starts to lose it’s shape that’s mainly when I replace the brush if I don’t have another one like it/similar to it.
My Beauty Blender after my cat gets it, lol. So far, in my 3+ years wearing makeup again I’ve had no problems with my brushes. Had to replace a heated eyelash curler and a mini face shaver because they either stopped working or fell apart.
What kind of heated eyelash curler you have, and do you love it ?
My Beauty Blender after my cat gets it, lol. So far, in my 3+ years wearing makeup again I’ve had no problems with my brushes. Had to replace a heated eyelash curler and a mini face shaver because they either stopped working or fell apart.
Brush : Excessive Shedding
Sponge : Holes
If a tool just stops working right it is time for a new one. Sponges every three months, or when they just don’t clean right whichever comes first. With brushes when they shed, or when they fall apart.
I think when brushes start shedding and failing to do their job properly is the time to toss and buy some new ones.
I dint throw away easily especially makeup even my mascaras and never had a red eye due to it. Luckily! Lol! When a brush starts to go baldly i hate when they loose hair but just one once in a while is ok. If more then out. My eyelash curler I hardly ever use when it gets old if punches me one more time I’m throwing that sucker out asap! Never buy one again don’t really need. Too much Halle and torture and loss of precious eyelashes. Beauty blenders if they torn or brake they are out.
When a previously soft brush starts feeling rough/raggedy (bristle damage from wear and tear–most common) or bristles are falling out (glue loosened), that’s when I replace. It’s weird because the brush wears slowly over time so you don’t necessary use it one day and think “Man, that feels rougher than it used to” but when you go to use a new brush and feel how soft it is, then you know for sure.
Eye lash curler is a little more difficult for me. Yes, I can tell when the pad needs replacement (my poor eye lashes get ripped out!) but not curling as well when clamping because of loss of tension strength is a little harder to judge, IMO. Mine’s due for a replacement soon though, I think.
When it breaks or stops working right. For brushes, they usually start losing their shape and start shedding, and don’t apply makeup right. Eyelash curlers lose their tension. Sharpeners start shredding wood or leaving ragged edges. Sponges start to show signs of wear or breakage.
I have only replaced brushes on rare occasion fortunately and the one I recall doing was for two reasons – it didn’t maintain it’s tightly packed shape once washed (became to fluffy) and I found something better. Still have the other brush, so replace isn’t truly accurate. Like Nancy, my regular replacement is typically tweezers when they stop gripping properly – most likely because my husband dropped them after losing the little topper. I know they can be realigned and sharpened, but I find I never seem to do that.