How do you feel when you wear makeup?
I feel refreshed, a little more put together, and more inspired. I don’t sleep that well, so I tend to feel tired throughout the day, but putting on makeup brightens my day and wakes me up, plus it seems to take away the tiredness I can sometimes feel on my face (not so much the look, but my face feels tired… surely someone else knows that feeling, haha!). It also is a great way to get more creative and do something that’s more abstract, which I find helps me think better throughout the day.
Christine, oh dear, I know your sleep situation has been going on for a while. Sleep is so important for the body and mind. I was wondering if you have tried a sleep clinic?
I haven’t – there are a lot more tests they’d want me to do prior to that, though I haven’t done them (I was in the process of moving the last time I spoke with my doctor about it).
Ok Christine, make sure you do those tests! I know I sound like your mom, but I worry about you. I know life is crazy busy, and this blog is your passion, but your health is top priority. Trust me on that one. If you need to take some time off to do those tests, do it, the world won’t end. I hope you can find a solution to the sleep issues soon.
It seriously perks my face up! Believe me when I tell you I really need perking up. Caffeine can only do so much, but makeup can transform my facial features into larger, more open, less hooded looking eyes, it can give my skin the illusion of an even skintone as opposed to some rosecea and the hereditary mild melasma that bugs me. Plus, it just makes me feel put together, polished and ready to take on the world outside!
Not really different, but certainly a little more confident.
Pretty darn fabulous ?. I look forward to putting makeup on and have a whole routine built around it. It’s one of the best parts of my day and I like watching it all come together. I get everything I’m going to wear ready the night before (I actually pick out a look for the week on Sunday night, but I make sure my station is cleaned and ready to go nightly) so I can leisurely take my time, and by the end of my routine, I’m relaxed and happy and ready to start my day. It’s a nice little pick-me-up during the day when I make a bathroom trip and catch myself in the mirror and my makeup still looks good. I love wearing luxe and high-end brands, also – it’s like my own little secret and “my thing”. Nobody else I know splurges on makeup like I do; it’s my one extravagance.
I feel confident, also. It’s not because I have the makeup on that I feel confident, but I’m wearing makeup again because I feel confident about myself and my life.
LA, LA, La, Pearl!!!!!!! A girl after my own heart. I am the exact same way. My friends think I’m nut with the amount of $$$$$ I spend on makeup. But hey, I know who I am and how I feel when I wear makeup. And we are so much alike, on Saturday mornings, I lay all my clothes on my spare bed, then I pick and choose my clothes, shoes, bags and accessories for the week. I hang them in my closet and WELLA!!!!!! I feel fabulous. Heres to all the ladies who always look clean, neat and well polishes with their gorgeous makeup.
Right on, Sister! ????
More confident.a
I feel that now I can focus on other things.
Once I put my face on and my clothes feel right I do not want to worry about my appearance throughout the day. It’s my mask or armor for the day.
When without makeup I look pale (also every redness is visible) and might appear tired (under-eye bags) or sad (eye outer corners pointing down). It’s like a stain on your t-shirt – no one anymore listens to you but looks at that stain. And then in the most inaccurate moment people advise me some medications or check my blood condition. Makeup avoids beeing caught off guard and we can get down to business 😀
I like wearing makeup, so the mere application of it makes me feel happy. Does it take away “the trouble and the pain ” , nope, but it makes everything better nevertheless. Makes my day much sweeter but doesn’t make my boss less of an as**ole.
Blueberry cheesecake has the same effect, but makeup doesn’t stock on my hips ^^
Heh, I feel EXACTLY the same way! I don’t sleep well either, but as soon as I put my make-up on I instantly feel more refreshed and more awake, it really makes a huge difference, not only in how I look but also in how I feel.
I just feel “well turned out” – it’s sort of like being well dressed (and I don’t mean fancy or formal) – in the same way I wouldn’t go out in my pyjamas, unless it’s an emergency, I wouldn’t go out without makeup. I just feel that I look more like myself when I wear makeup, which seems like a contradiction in terms but it’s not. I enhance my best features, do a little something for my skin (products with positive benefits and sunscreen) and just feel better all around.
I feel awesome. In a good mood. Happy to see people turning heads at me. Happy to be complimented. Ohhhhhh it’s such a great feeling
I feel makeup helps and enhance and strengthen everything I like about myself. It helps me feel confident, and I think it makes me smile more — inside and out.
In fact, I’m on my way to work facing one of the biggest presentations of my career. No joke. My makeup is on, the lipstick is red, and I feel more powerful and prepared. And a brutal truth is that since of most of my audience today will be men, it doesn’t hurt to look as good as one can as a middle-aged woman.
Red lips away!
Good luck!!!
Good luck! Hope it went well!
Good luck today, Linda! When I meet clients, I almost always wear a bold lip. I think neutral, MLBB colors can be pretty, but they can also make me look mousy and non descript, but the bold lip makes me look and feel confident. And I agree, how you look counts ! It’s not fair, but it’s the brutal truth, and study after study has backed this up.
Bet you nailed it 😀
Thanks, everyone! It went very, very well. With this client there is so, so much to do. Good in one way, i.e. job security. Bad in that they let marketing go for so long that the ground we need to make up is daunting.
But back to makeup and power…I did walk in feeling like I owned the joint. I owned the info and the presentation cold, so that helped. But I did feel good, and that came across I think.
I am coming to realize that a young woman on my team sees me as a mentor. I love her. She’s 25 and so pretty, and so young, and so…everything! We talked about makeup today on one of our breaks, and I told her about the red lips on purpose. She loved it. She almost fainted dead away when I told her I was Rouge status at Sephora. LOL! Lead by example, I say!
Awesome to hear, Linda! I never under estimate the power of a red lipstick 🙂
Hope it went great, Linda!
All of that! I think you hit pretty much all of the nails on the head – I really do feel more put together and ready to face the day. I am not ashamed to say that wearing makeup gives me a confidence boost. My husband is used to seeing me without makeup, of course, but I think for the rest of the world (my coworkers, for example), seeing me without it would give that jarring “Are you ok? You look sick/tired” effect.
Your words exactly!
How exactly do you not sleep well? I always look at my husband in jealous fury when he sleeps like a rock all the night long while I wake up constantly -_____-
I’ve always woken up a lot during the night 🙁 I average 3-4 times, but if it’s a bad night, 6 or more! I’m lucky I’m able to fall back asleep fairly easily, but I just rarely wake up feeling rested!
This may sound stupid, because you’ve been trying out a lot I guess, but have you ever done yoga? I really sound like someone from the Old Continent now, hahaha! I do not mean the herbal tea, pan flute music yoga (or the hot tube yoga, or whatever it’s called), but the classical Iyengar version. The effects of it keep astonishing me. This afternoon I finally did a proper (very light and calm) class again after months of just a ‘grandma-class’ here and there and I find the outcome incredible. I went in wrecked and afterwards I feel so much better, it’s truly amazing (yes, it’s still the concussion going on here). Most people sleep better after this kind of yoga as well. (Hope you do not find this annoying posting it here.)
Yes, I do yoga, actually 🙂
Ah, but it doesn’t put you to sleep like it does me.. Too bad. Keep it up!
Even if I wear nothing more than lipstick, blush, mascara and fix by brows, I feel better, most likely because I look better. (Irony: I feel better when I wear nothing at all than when I’ve accidentally overdone my makeup.)
That last line is life! I feel like I can take on the world when I have a full beat on. It forces me to put on super cute clothes and actually get out of the house. Someone (other than instagram) has got to see my highlighter.
Like the necessary improvements have at least been attempted.
Wearing makeup makes me feel more confident. I feel more put together and am ready to take on the world.
Makeup has become very important to me. Dealing with chronic illness is a major struggle and one that changes flavour month to month and sometimes even hour by hour. Right now after 3 relatively good years I’m back into the thick of it again. I’m gulping back steroids, suffering from a very painful condition called Chondochondritis. I was in the hospital last Monday erroneously believing I was leading into to a heart attack. Scary sh*t. This past week and a half It has gotten so much worse and now my body is in full attack mode expanding to other areas involving complications of my GI tract, sinuses, voicebox, eyes, hearing and skin. Right now my specialists are thinking my diagnosis may need to change and include possible Sarcoidosis. In any event, it’s all the same just with different labels and who cares what label they put on it when your body is viciously attacking itself. The difficult part: I eat CLEAN and I mean unbelievably CLEAN. I put some much faith and effort into trying to stay healthy and so it is crushingly difficult despite Herculean efforts to see my health once again under fire and seemingly beyond my control.
My keener interest in makeup (I’ve always loved makeup) started with my first autoimmune storm back in 2010. It along with other creative endeavours helped pull me out of a really truly bleak time. I am, always have been, a serious and totally annoyingly competitive over-achiever (think Friends – Monica) so when I became ill, I desperately needed to find something to occupy my mind since my body could no longer take out its excess energy through higher risk activities (competitive riding, downhill skiing, mountain biking..yeah I’m no team player. ) So I took up makeup, jewelry design (ran two Etsy shops), photography, cooking, etc… all the while still running a full goat dairy farm here. So the creative stuff, it didn’t exist in my previous world. I never considered it nor have the ‘time for’. In the end, It has been a blessing and helped me to find another side to me where I can find personal value in what I do.
Makeup helps me to convince myself that I need to get up, stop worrying and fretting over chronic pain, health issues, anything beyond my control, and to JUST KEEP GOING. It’s my game face. Truly. Putting on makeup calms me; gets me into that quiet headspace. I get that same feeling when I walk in our woods with the dogs. Now that I have my little makeup room, it’s even better. I throw on some tunes, grab an herbal tea and hells yeah, I’m good to go. Something so simple acts as a powerful motivator to begin my day.
Apologies for the over emotional and ranteous post. I believe there are many other readers here who face chronic illness and this sideline, pastime, call it whatever, helps keep us going. It might seem trite and pointless to many. We know differently. Peace out.
Well said and good luck. Chronic conditions can make or break you, depending on your attitude. You try very hard. Praying nothing has morphed into sarcoidosis. Those systemic autoimmunes are so heavily debilitating. And the idea that the other shoe could drop is always lurking around any corner. You will be in our thoughts with better health beaming your way.
You’re a very fine person, KJH and I thank you.
Hey Wendy! I answered in a similar emotional way!!
I have a chronic illness as well, I have stage 3 CRPS. It’s a condition that eats and disttoys my nerve endings, I have it in my right leg from mid thigh to my toes!!
And I total get it!! Some days it’s so hard to get out of bed when you’re in so much pain, and feel so so sick.
I lI’ve reading your comments on here, and I love that you’re a fellow canadian (I’m in southern Ontario! ) I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts!!
Hey there Shannon. I’m an hour, hour and half outside of Toronto to the northwest in the Hockley Valley area. I think it speaks volumes that Temptalia readership comes from all over the world. But It’s always super handy to have fellow countrymen; especially when trying to source a particular product.
I am happy our posts speak from the heart and tell the story of how something that can seem so entirely unnecessary and innocuous can actually mean something much bigger. I wish you many good days ahead Shannon. We’ll keep fighting whilst wearing great makeup 😉
Gosh, I hope you feel better soon. It’s painful to know someone is feeling so unwell and besieged. That is rough, rough stuff.
I have had two chronic conditions. A-fib from most likely too much endurance racing and training. Did Ironman triathlons for years. Competitive? I hear ya! And I have a very rare eye disease in my R eye, that will eventually steal my sight in that eye. The eye disease is from — drum roll — fallout from the chicken pox virus. I have had eight surgeries on that eye, and I never know when the shoe will drop, it flares again, and a little more of my vision is stolen.
They had to install a shunt in my R eye, that gives me off-axis double vision. A-fib (now under control from an ablation) means that even though it’s not rampant at the moment, I really need to keep my HR down. Both things took away the physical activities I loved, as I am so unsure now on the bike because of the whole double vision thing.
Anyway, I’m not in pain and discomfort like you are. That is the worst. What I have are “silent thieves” that impact my life, are not overt, but still have to be cared for. I do eyedrops 49x/week in my R eye.
When I lost my very active lifestyle, I turned to other ways to make myself feel better, and this has always been an interest. I realized I need something that always makes me feel physically well and good about myself. Makeup has always been part of my adult life, but has become a real interest. It’s fun. And no matter what, it’s a whole lot cheaper than triathlon!
I hear ya.. LOL excellent point. And so much cheaper than owning and keeping show horses… except for now I also have a boot and purse fetish.. nah, still cheaper.
I think the thing most difficult part of physical limitations and being a ridiculous overachiever is my sad lame attempt to muffle whilst continuing to wrestle with that inner Jack Rabbit thing. It is impossible. I still do not know how to not overdo it. I’m guessing you can relate to that. I get competitive with myself walking my dogs.. eyeroll.. how many hills can I do today.. so pathetic.. sigh..
Thanks for sharing your journey, Linda. I don’t think yours is any less daunting and I entirely doubt you are any less tenacious. It’s good to be open and share which certainly wasn’t my strong suit when I was healthy.
Hi Wendy,
OMG, do I feel what you say in my bones. The last Ironman I did was 2010. Six years ago! But still, every time I go out for a “run.,” (really, it’s a dog walk with a little jogging), I am in the snare of how much different training was. The mindset is starting to resolve and lose its grip (finally), but it’s taken years and years. I still have swimming (swam on a master’s team for 13 years), and I can still have modest personal goals in the water so that’s a little something.
The journey makes me grateful I’m still here, not stroked out or blind. But it doesn’t mean there aren’t lacunae and challenges that remain. I dunno. Have no answers, but work toward integrity, values, and gratitude every day. It’s all I got in the end. 🙂
Wendy, you know I feel you, here. Autoimmune diseases and more particularly, their storms, are sheer hell on earth. Been down that road. But your current tangle of multiple organ systems being under fire would daunt most, yet you rise above it and still go forward. You are an inspiration.
I do believe that we both had that same trigger of our creative skills either beginning or being rekindled due to being hit broadside by these autoimmune diseases. It just does something to a person. Perhaps that sense of mortality? Perhaps a feeling of utter helplessness in the face of an incurable, unpredictable, painful AF disease?
Sarcoidosis is a really rough one. I’m hoping that’s not what this is, Wendy. At this time, I’m sitting on a bunch of new diagnostic test orders that I haven’t had the guts to act on. I know what they’re for, and I’m truly terrified this time. So I just tell myself that it cannot be happening. I’m chicken $#1T. ?
Nance: you are not chicken sh*t. Grasshopper: sometimes dealing with something scary or threatening involves not coping. A dear friend of mine put it to me this way (She has a Ph.D in psych and is a breast cancer dealing with chronic retinal detachment issues). : take it in little pieces at your own pace.
During stressful stages in our lives, we can’t always cope with everything all at once. It is difficult not to feel panic in the face of bad news, invasive procedures, long drawn out testing..etc.etc… But you have the power and can give yourself the luxury of dealing with it when you feel strong enough to do so. You’ve earned it. Big hugs to you!
Nancy T,
You are not chicken shit. I was in the throes of severe afib that came one shortly after my husband had a bicycling accident where he almost died. I was so not ready to deal with my new heart issue. (Everyone has “palpitations” with a heart beat of 223 bpm, right?)
I waited. And waited. And did my last Ironman triathlon in the total throes of afib. How I didn’t DIE out there is a miracle. Still, I waited.
I will say that if I would have made myself go sooner, made myself “ready” to deal with this, the outcome would have been less complicated. I let it go because I was scared and overwhelmed, but it did not go away — it just got more severe and harder to deal with.
I know I don’t know you, and it’s not my place in a makeup forum, but really assess if waiting is truly the most courageous thing to do It very well may be. But if it isn’t, nipping issues sooner can be greatly helpful in the long run.
Big hugs right back, Wendy! Thank you for that boost.
I know that I have to get them done. And soon enough for them to help me.
Nancy, I hope you get those tests done soon, don’t wait too long, as problems can get worse. And sometimes not knowing is the worst. And once you know the problem, then hopefully they can find a treatment or solution. I’m hoping the best for you.
Nancy, I know it’s scary, and difficult with some of the other stresses I know you’re facing right now, but please get the tests done. You want to be there for some certain young ladies when those other issues get resolved. If you need to call or text me before you get them done, do it. I’ll hold your virtual hand.
Rachel, I am just going to grab up all the Doc orders for the more specialized blood tests and hip xray, and go for it. Realizing that depending on those, results, I will likely face a bone marrow biopsy. But for there to be a hope of being there for my family, I have got to just throw myself into it and get answers. No matter what those answers may be. Where there is life there is hope.
There’s always hope. That’s what keeps us going. <3
I so hear you! I have RA with a side of Sjogrens and Peripheral Neuropathy. I’ve always loved playing with makeup, but as I was going through the long process of receiving a diagnosis, it became a ritual. (On the days I can use my hands that is:) i look forward to the process every morning. It’s something to look forward to, and having a polished look gives me a boost throughout the day. It’s fun, it makes me feel better.
Oh man, Holly you just took me back to that whole diagnosis process. I had never really ever been sick so it was a rude eye opener. In Canada there were, at the time of my diagnosis, also strict protocols for drug administration. I had to wait forever to get started on biologics. My doctor essentially had to go through a prescribed methodical drug administration and documentation protocol to verify my arthritis was aggressive and warranted biologic treatment..In the interim: steroids, methotrexate, nsaids, and narcotics. Of course, things have changed and progressed since then.
Makeup definitely gives me a boost too. Just seeing a relatively pulled together reflection has the power to convince my mind that I am doing okay.
I know RA typically does not go into full remission, but I do know it waxes and wanes. Here’s hoping for good days ahead for you!
I just want to thank you all for sharing.
I don’t have physical pain, I have a chronic depression and anxiety with panic attacks.
The process of doing my makeup is very calming and soothing. Also having either bold lipstick or a bold eye makeup makes me feel a bit less down.
It also makes me think others can’t see how I feel as a bright red lipstick signals confidence, not weakness.
Mental health is every bit as relevant. I smiled when I read your comment about the bright lips. You go Helene 😀
It dawned on me this morning: I wonder if Christine could have ever guessed what kind of impact a Makeup blog can have on people. Also, that this is one of the very few where people are respectful enough of one another to feel the freedom to share.
Helene, Have had the same thing. Depression and anxiety, even with meds and therapy, wax and wane. I can literally go for years, doing fine through all sorts of challenges, and then my meds have to be adjusted because I am sinking again. Makeup and looking my best is part of mental health maintenance along with regular exercise, prayer, staying busy, and helping loved ones and others. Thank God we live in a time in which we have these medications and methods to help us stay healthier!
I can relate to you BonnieJ completely. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety and Fibromyalgia, all of which are chronic.
Makeup is my passion! I feel so put together and pretty. It’s really nice getting noticed. If I don’t wear makeup I feel that I look tired (dark circles). I’ve been told that I look beautiful either way, which also makes for good feelings.
Getting through that whole protocol in order to FINALLY receive a biologic is such a grueling, nerve wracking ordeal, Wendy. Here, too. Same thing in order for my insurance to pay for it. I had to “fail” 4 other treatments to finally get it. And nearly die, too. That’s AZ’s AHCCCS program. Prednisone, a sulfazine that made me horribly sick and drop 20 lbs., Endocort, and intravenous heavy guns mix of cortisone and major antibiotics. (Narcotics aplenty, too) Still wound up with acute peritonitis and septic shock from the rupture of intestine requiring emergency lifesaving surgery. Thankfully, I’m going on 7 years of receiving Remicade infs., but the process leading up to it, though. ?
A resounding “YASS” to your statement regarding just putting makeup on; huge inner BOOST! ?
Not to be intrusive or out of line but if it is sarcoidosis, you are more than welcome to to see my father if you wish. He’s is in London, Ontario, and one on the leading experts in the field. I, too live in chronic pain, spinal stenosis, degenerate, disc disorder, and I got a lovely diagnosis of a mood three years ago disorder which I essentially had to figure out on my own with the help of message boards since out mental health and even my father’s colleague’s are so apathetic here! Make up is my armour, it’s my “happy” or normal face even though I may be dying inside.
I may take you up on that offer. I’m closer to Toronto though. My rheummy and I do not have the best relationship; he’s on that apathetic team too. I love my GP. He is open and supportive; talks with me through differential diagnosis and treatment. He is open to letting me participate and decide approach to treatment. He helps me understand what my Rheummy is telling me. I’m an educated gal, but my rheummy gives me nothing mumbles a few sentences. I wonder if it has something to do with dealing with people who have a giant laundry list of symptoms. They develop a deaf ear. My dude would be far better off sticking to research. I just keep fighting and pushing. I’m like a bull dog. I don’t care if they hate me for it. I love your line: makeup is my armour.
Amazing and touching post, Wendy. Sending prayers and love your way.
Awww you’re awesome 🙂 thanks Rachel xoxo
Wwendy, so sorry to hear about the health issues 🙁 I really admire your strength and courage in dealing with them. Hang in there girl, I’m rooting for you.
Thank you for your kind words, Katherine. In my head I always think of you as Katie because of the initials K.T… you probably despise having your beautiful regal name shortened. My aunt DEBORAH freaks out when I call her Debbie. LOL 😀
LOL! At work, I make everyone call me by my full name ” Katherine” because there are SO many Kathys, Cathys, Kathleens, Kathryns, Katies, etc. it’s ridiculous. But my husband and family always calls me by my initials ” KT” . It started with my younger brothers, who never thought of me as regal, and the nickname stuck. And I actually like it because that means someone in my family is calling me 🙂
I always look forward to your responses, Wendy. I like that you are candid and raw and appreciate that you put yourself out there. You are quite an inspiration, battling on and through it and not giving up, all while probably rocking a fabulous sculptefd or smoky eye, ha. I am pulling for you and hope to hear you are feeling up to snuff very soon.
Pearlie, your kindness always shines through in yours. Thank you m’dear xoxo
Less self-conscious because I putting myself more on display and I’m not caring how people judge me.
It’s a strange concept considering I sometimes get people pointing at me and even snickering sometimes (A group grown ass men on the subway…… really….. what are you 2…) but I think it’s because I putting what I like one my face I care less about others ridiculing me rather than when I have no makeup on and no control over how people respond to me.
I look more awake and put together for sure. It often makes me feel that way. Other times, it just feels like terrible to have stuff on my face even if I look better!
I feel very put together and confident when I wear makeup especially as I just really started doing a full face about 18 months ago. I left my previous profession as an Accountant and started my own business as a Wedding Planner and Makeup Artist so I try to look the part. I enjoy getting compliments and now even my 19 year old daughter compliments me when I really go out to do something nice and that is a compliment coming from her? I have bought more makeup in the last 18 months than all my 40 plus years put together. I went a bit crazy to be honest but have calmed down a bit now.
I definitely feel put together. On days when I’m not feeling well, I make it a point to wear make up. I believe my attitude and personal appearance impact my overall wellbeing.
I feel polished, like the best version of myself, which helps me strive to be the best version of myself in other areas too (being kind, staying focused on the task at hand, etc).
I love makeup but I’ve got about 15 minutes in the morning to myself for it. That little bit of time I feel like I’m taking care of myself — just some me time during the busy day. I feel fresh and put together (like you I don’t sleep very well — thank you Nars concealer). Some days when I’ve got my suit on, a plum lipstick makes me feel fierce! I put on a professional warrior face and I’m good to go 🙂
I simply feel more beautiful. And with this concussion going on it’s almost a therapy: if I wear makeup, at least I do not look as bad as I feel. It’s also relaxing and something I can do by myself without having to move around a lot (although checking out highlighter or blush in the mirror can be tricky!) and without talking.
Wearing makeup doesn’t really have any effect on how I feel because once I apply it, I completely forget about it until it’s time to remove it. The application of makeup, though, does send a message to my brain that it’s time to get moving, the day’s awaiting!
I feel kinda scared to say this!! But I feel like the Temptalia community is pretty excepting!!
I have mental health issues. I have anxiety, depression, Borderline personality disorder, just to name a few!
So some days, it’s super hard to get out of bed, and to shower, and feed myself.
Makeup is one of my biggest passions in life!! It’s really pulled me out of a dark place. I used to hate my biracial features, my wide nose, my big lips, etc. But after talking with other biracial makeup lovers/mua’s i’v learned how to ENHANCE my features, not hide them.
My rule is, I wont think of anything negative about my day while I’m doing my makeup. I wont think “Oh I have this presentation at work later!!! I’m going to bomb it!!” Makeup time is Shannon time!!
When I actually have makeup on, I feel, Confident, Happy, and beautiful. I come from a past of self hatred. So for me to be able to look in the mirror and say my made up face is beautiful. It means so much to me!! ahaha.
(Sorry Christine to go off on a bit of a personal thing here!!)
I bet you look great, Shannon!
?. Thank you so much pearl! Everyone’s kind words made me smile and hold my head up high today!!
Mixed racial people are so often stunningly beautiful. Please take a kinder look at yourself.
Thank you for the kind words!!! I’ll hold them dear!!
I understand what you’re talking about, Shannon. Mental health issues run rampent in my family. It was really brave of you to post this, and I’m glad you did. (I suffer from severe social anxiety, I understand the horror of making anything public.) I’m sure you’re beautiful inside and out.
Rachel, thank you!!! I remember you mentioning your anxiety before, and It made me confident to share about my mental health!! The funniest part, for my job, I’m a public speaker who talks to teens about my mental health story. But there’s a difference between high schoolers, and people online you know?
Mental health issues run in my family also!! My mama and father and all four grandparents are diagnosed. And same with aunts and uncles and cousins. It’s quite the shindig.
Thank you so much for your kind words!!
I can echo others (2 autoimmune diseases and 1 neurological); apart from adding confidence and boosting an overall professional/finished look, clothing, shoes, make-up, hair are all things I can exercise control over and look good even if I don’t fell good. I live with daily pain and exhaustion, but I never want to look it. I have no problem spending weekends or family visits without make-up, but I would never go to work without it. Not to imply that those who don’t wear make-up to work aren’t professional, but I just wouldn’t myself.
Makeup makes me feel pulled together and like I try to put my best self forward. I work in the financial field in a very analytic role, so makeup is kind of a creative outlet for me. Makeup, especially lipstick, makes me feel very feminine and womanly.
Even if I just throw on some eyebrows, I feel a little bit more confident, especially when I catch a peek of myself in a mirror. I’m not a huge fan of my natural brows because they just won’t grow into a shape that looks good, but I love my brows when I fix them up with some Dipbrow. It makes my face look more “complete”.
I always feel put together when I put makeup on. I can have my hair done and a cute outfit but the makeup ties everything together. I always look forward to doing my makeup! I also feel artsy in a way because there’s an unlimited number of combinations for each outfit/look.
I feel more confident and beautiful – and especially powerful and sexy when I have on red lipstick or cat eyes or a smoky eye 🙂
I feel pretty, professional and polished. I happen to believe every woman looks better with make-up, but if you choose not to wear it, I thoroughly support that position. I wear make-up for me not for anyone else but I feel better when I’m made up.
Even though I don’t wear a lot of makeup, when I wear it…I feel like I’m wearing makeup and it is not a comfortable feeling. I can’t wait until evening so I can take it off. I’m not that comfortable with any of the cosmetic choice I make, I feel like I don’t quite have the right colors or types of formulations I should be using. I have been to 3 different MAC makeovers, one at a Lancome counter and had another “makeup person” at a cosmetic store in Kansas City, MO (i can’t think of the name of the store, darn!) do my face with Stila products. I was surprised by my eperiences at the MAC counters. I was matched to three different shades in 2 different formulations at each counter I went to. The lip and eye colorations were vastly different and 2 out of the three recommended the same blush! This were at MAC counters in St. Louis, MO, Kansas City, MO and Chicago, IL. The Lancome experience was a look I couldn’t wait to wash off…my sister who came with me told me I looked like a “fair queen”….too much cakey and dark makeup. I kind of liked the look I got from the Stila representative, but within two hours, my face was itching so bad, I had to get it off. There’s something in those products I’m allergic to, pretty as they are. As you can imagine, I came away after those 5 experiences in a 6 month period feeling more confused than ever. For now, I am using Pur Minerals pressed 4 in 1 foundation, their blush (powdered) one color of their eyeshadow, a navy shade of their eyeliner, their mascara and a Rimmel lipstick from the Kate Moss Nude Collection in #045. I’m quite less than thrilled. Anyone ever experience such divergent cosmetic recommendations?
I would suggest asking for samples and ingredient lists. Try products on the inner aspects of your arms not for color but for sensitivity and try to figure out what is bothering you. You may need a dermatologist or allergist or both if you want to wear makeup. It really isn’t a requirement for everyone if you don’t.
I feel terrific! I feel like ME : )
These days, I feel human. I find illness plus makeup (as some of us call it, “Hospital Glam”) is a really good thing as you feel better about yourself, your health situation, and just your outlook in general improves.
i feel really confident!
I feel so bad for ever complaining about mymrdical issues. How horrible for you sufferers of the conditions described. I will include you all in my prayers. Makeup helps me feel good about me. I feel pretty and some days even beautiful. I’ve learned to mix foundations to get my perfect shade. I buy from many places online after I’ve found my favorites. A discount is needed for as much as I buy and play with. I give a lot away immediately or when I tire of it. I do have too much and shipped some new items to LA. A friend distributed to shelters. Win win, I felt good, some women looked better for their losses. Maybe in future disaster Christine can post an address for disaster relief or shelter addresses we can all send to.
My daughters and I used to prepare a meal once a month for a women’s halfway house. One Christmas, with the director’s permission, I brought in a large shopping bag with unused GWP and other samples. Each woman was allowed to pull out two samples. You would have thought I was Santa Claus! Then they began doing trades with each other… and had fun with it. The fragrances and scented lotions, as well as lip colors, were the biggest prizes.
I feel I look a little more put together and more comfortable to show my face. I think as I get older it is a little bit more work to get to that point but I still don’t wear a lot of makeup. If I wear too much makeup at one time I feel like I am wearing a mask and very uncomfortable.
Alive. Like a human being. It’s to the point where I refrain from taking off my makeup as soon as I get home in case I have to step back out for an errand etc. bc if I go out in public without makeup I look very, very ill. 🙁
Most societies in most cultures tend to put an emphasis on a people looking pulled together when out in public and at the workplace and I think makeup can help a woman AND a man feel more presentable bc it gives them confidence.
Alive and confident… 🙂
Makes me feel alive and prettier, I have the dreaded blond eyelashes and brows and freckles and look so washed out, I never leave the house without it. I look like a different person with makeup. I’ve had friends that saw me without and they couldn’t believe the difference.
I also never sleep well, darn!
I sympathize with you about the blond eyelashes and brows. I have the same thing. You can barely see my eyelashes without mascara, and my brows are super full but look like they have patches missing because some of the hairs are so light. At least once a day I wish I had been born with dark hair.
i have a young baby and wake up many times a night to nurse hin so you can imagine just how pallid my complexion looks. just swiping on some concealer, meteorite pearls and a bright lipstick works to brighten my look immensely – really like magic!
even my 5 yo daughter says “you look prettier with makeup, mama” lol
I feel more self assured knowing I’m looking like the best possible me there is. I love putting on my makeup and designing my look for day. It just makes me happy.
I feel like ME. Putting on makeup is taking the colors inside me and wearing them on the outside. When I wear makeup, I feel less anxious and less depressed, and more awake, alert, energetic, and happy. I have terrible general anxiety disorder and social anxiety, terrible insomnia, and bouts of depression…makeup makes me feel more in control of my life.
“Putting on makeup is taking the colors inside me and wearing them on the outside.”
I love this sentence! That’s so beautifully worded. I’m sorry you deal with anxiety, depression and insomnia. I’m living with (have lived with in the case of depression, thankfully) those things as well, and I know it isn’t easy.
Thank you, Nicole. I’m sorry you struggle with those same issues. ((((hugs))))
You’re welcome, Rachel R. Thank you so much! ((((hugs))))
As others have said, I feel put together. This is very important to me since again, like others, I’m dealing with a health issue. I live with a rare, incurable cancer. Chemo and radiation don’t work; surgery is the only treatment. Seven years ago I went through a 20-hour surgery which, while life-saving, ultimately resulted in my becoming disabled; not, I should add, due to the fault of the surgeons. At any rate, after five months in either hospital or rehab, and perhaps another 2-3 months at home before I was completely healed, I was headed to one of my many follow-up appointments and realized that I really, REALLY wanted to put on makeup. It had been at LEAST nine months since I’d worn any at all, and I was finally starting to feel better, and it was a sunny day, and . . . well, it seemed imperative to me at the time. When my doctor saw me, he said “Ah, she’s wearing makeup; you know patients are really feeling better when they start wearing makeup.” His observation struck a chord in me, and since then, I just can’t leave the house without wearing at least blush, mascara and lipstick (until one day recently, when I got lazy, and promptly ran into a former co-worker I hadn’t seen in seven years . . . . He very graciously said I looked fabulous, but rest assured, THAT’S not happening again). I’ve gradually become much more interested in makeup than I’ve ever been. I’m more aware of skincare as well, since I’m coming up on 60 and never thought to do more than use Clinique’s No 2 toner — I know; oh, the horror, all that alcohol — and their Dramatically Different moisturizer. The toner has been replaced by alcohol-free witch hazel (has done wonders, BTW) and a firming moisturizer.
I probably shouldn’t mention this since I’ve already run on, but even more important to me are my nails. My nails have always been my passion. It’s now bordering on obsession. It started in high school and today, they are always painted, they look like acrylics (they’re not) and I do them myself. (As an aside, Christine, my favorite red was Chanel Dragon. I noticed once that you said it was yours; have you found a good replacement? Oh wait — you had three backups at the time ?) I won’t go to the salon anymore, because I’m fussy and no one does them as well as I do. I know that sounds really obnoxious, but it’s true; in fact, on my wedding day, while everyone else was off at the salon having their hair done, I stayed home and did my own hair and nails. ?
The bottom line is, both of these elements, makeup and nails, help me present a face to the world that says “I’ve got this. I may have cancer (I forgot to mention — it’s metastasized), but cancer does NOT have me.
It’s the courage to be whatever normal is for anyone?
You’re amazing.
I work hard maybe more than a few men at times clean my own home, garden, run marathons I like to be physically busy but if going out I love to wear a dress, my heels, softly applied makeup and wear perfume. I could say I turn from almost a man to a principesa all dolled up feeling clean, glamorous, feminine and no longer sweaty! 🙂
I feel powerful, gorgeous!!!
I feel more put together and ready to take on the day, especially if I have the luxury of taking my time with my makeup (versus rushing). I feel more creative and like I can take on the world, I also feel like the rest of my day is going to be great, especially if my makeup is on point (which it usually is, unless I’m trying something new)
Put together, awake and pretty
Hi Christine & Temptalia,
When I have a little or I’m all done up to the hilt with makeup on, I still feel like me BUT only more empowered and more feminine. I feel very approachable and I feel completely as one with myself. What I mean by saying that I feel like one? It’s extremely peaceful yet confident. When you feel good you want that to emanate or resonate that towards your outside appearance. Even if you aren’t feeling to well, the second you go and put on a little bit of makeup, you tend to feel a little bit better. I hope this makes sense. But absolutely feminine, confident, basically no task is to great to try to conquer…. very empowering! ??
Anything from “polished & put together” to glamourous!
I guess I would have to say I feel more prepared and visible. That sounds really weird but my coloring is such that it all blends together without makeup, making me feel invisible in a way. I feel less shy and introverted.
I’m so sorry you deal with sleep issues, Christine! I do as well, and I know how that can chip away at your energy and motivation-thank god for makeup giving it back, at least a little. I do know that feeling, lol! Isn’t makeup amazing? I mean if I feel tired and I put on makeup it can make me feel like I’m back in control of myself and my day. I don’t know of anything else that can do that.
So aside from wearing makeup to make me look more awake, wearing makeup makes me feel like an adult. That probably sounds so childish, but I’m 25 and most people place me in the 14-16 range (I’ve been placed as young as 12 as recently as this year). It’s incredibly frustrating to not be taken seriously by anyone, whether they’re a potential employer or just a salesperson in a department store. God forbid I’m in a store with my mom. When paying for something I’ve many times gotten my credit card/cash out of my purse, handed it to the cashier and still had them hand it back to my mom. And I’m talking many times in different stores and in two states that are 900 miles away from each other. The thing is, I don’t know if makeup actually makes me look older, but it does make me feel less vulnerable when someone treats me like I’m a kid. When I don’t have makeup on and I get treated in that way I feel so invisible and small, but when I do I feel like I have the full strength of my personality at my disposal.
It also makes me feel pretty. I like my face even without makeup, but when I put makeup on I’m pretty in the way that I choose to be.
Ready, creative, confident, attractive!
I definitely feel more put together and polished when I wear makeup 🙂 And more like a grownup, if that makes sense. Although, at age 60, I am already plenty grownup lol. But I’m pretty sure you all will understand the feeling. Plus I just really enjoy the process of applying makeup. I know people who say they hate it, and I just can’t relate! I hate getting up early in the mornings – that’s for damn sure! – but putting on my makeup and getting dressed make mornings bearable for me 😉
Pretty, polished, and usually confident to go out and seize the day. Unless I’m headed to the gym for a long sweaty session, I will not leave the house without at least some BB cream, brow pencil, mascara, and nude lipstick. That’s the minimum to look presentable for me. Most of the time I add a little blush or bronzer and neutral eye shadow. Trying to pare down these days (am now retired, but busy with volunteer stuff and hobbies) but like to look my best.
When I wear makeup I feel more confident, and simply better.
I just feel tied up
BETTER! In every way I can think of. My skin stays clearer. When I don’t put on make up for a day or two, that is when I begin getting issues. Seems to keep my skin calm. I guess I am referring to foundation. I always wear lipstick but try to put on Bare Minerals Original if not a whole face including Bisque, Mineral Veil and some others, each day.