Have you considered permanent makeup?
Have you considered permanent makeup? (Like eyeliner/lip liner as examples.) Do you have it? Share!
I could never commit, so no for me!
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Couldn’t commit either. I know someone who got permanent eyebrows and said it was the best thing she’s done, but I just couldn’t do it no matter how thin they get!
absolutely not! like we’ve tattoo on our face 🙁
Yes. Eyebrows, because I have none and have to draw them on and they look like crap. 😛
Never in a million years would I do it, but god how nice would it be to not have to spend forever trying to get my eyeliner right every day?
I did the permanent eyeliner just once: more pain than eyebrow tattoo and it wears off/disappears faster
Nope! I’m too indecisive – I like to be able to chop and change at whim! 🙂
No, never. It looks fake….maybe if found a way to permanently cover my dark circles, at least 50%…it would be cool
No way. For me, the beauty of makeup is being able to change each and every day. There’s actually a woman at my gym who has tattoo’d eyebrows (not because she lost her own due to illness or chemo) and they look hideous because they are so overdone, dark and artificial (which may well be the look she was after…who knows). And I’d never let anyone but my eye specialist near my eyes with any sort of implement! Nope, no permanent makeup for me.
“And I’d never let anyone but my eye specialist near my eyes ”
this, this! Even then I hate people (or even me) touching my eye. It took years before I could apply mascara or let somone do it.
I’ve thought about permanent eyeliner because my eyes disappear without the definition, and somtimes it’s a chore to apply… but I scare myself with an eyeliner pencil near my eye. A needle? Not gonna happen.
I did when I was younger. Couldn’t be bothered with daily makeup rituals. Now, with the plethora of makeup products and new trends, I wouldn’t even consider it….. unless it covers up the blemishes on my face. That’s a hassle to deal with.
Permanent eyebrow pencil sounds vaguely tempting (since my brows are so thin and pale), but what if they came out really dark and creepy? No thanks! I’ll stick with my Nars Brow Perfector.
Not for me! Even the eyeliner.
No… It is tattooing, which I abhor. I would never, ever do it. Plus I have seen people who have tattooed eye brows and the dyes turn an ugly orange with time.
Nope, not for me. Not ever.
Eeek..no! Only if I really felt I had to as I have seen some super amazing corrective tattoo work. On the other side of the coin, I’ve also seen some very awful permanent eyebrows and eyeliner. If someone were to consider permanent makeup as an option, I would be looking for an artist’s portfolio of their previous work and I would also be contacting previous clients to see and witness their work first hand. It’s too serious of a commitment for me, but I understand why some people elect to go this route. I have very little in the way of natural tails on my eyebrows due to my illness. I have nurtured my brows into the best shape they can be, but still I need to fill in. A lot of days when I am makeup free..”sigh”.. my eyebrows annoy me so I find myself grabbing for the brow pencil.
No way! That just takes the fun out of everything plus it’s too much commitment for me. I like to spice things up sometimes
No way. It’s like tattoo, I’d never do that on my face.
i have thought about eyeliner
Just so you know…..I did eyeliner and it is the most painful permanent makeup AND, it lasts just a short time. It wore away on me very quickly. Simply not worth the pain or $!
Did they not numb the area for you?
Yes for eyebrows. I and 5 of my friends have permanent brows but mine will stay on for max 3 years before fading. We are all very happy with the result. They were painted in fine strokes to look like real hair and very natural even on bare face.
Like everyone else, no!
I actually had a teacher who had her eyeliner + lipliner tattooed.
The eyeliner just didn’t look good, but the lipliner was worse! It was a dark brown color that just look so horrible.Most of the time she wouldn’t wear a good lipstick and the outline of her lips would be visible a good 99% of the time.
Hell no, would never do it.
I would only “think” about a permanent perfect winged liner, not sure I would carry that out though because as I get older and my eyes change, that might not be so attractive 🙂 Whats nice at 50, may be horrible at 80!
I’d consider having my brows tattooed in a cool taupe color so that I’d still have the option to draw over them with other colors, yet also have eyebrows on days when I didn’t feel like doing them with makeup. My brows grow in very sparse and I shave the ends down to just past the arch because they don’t hold a shape, so having tattooed brows would make it so much easier on the daily and would save my time and effort. Despite this, I’m still way too undecided to jump into it. I’d do tons of research on reputable artists and view their portfolios of healed clients before having it done.
As for other makeup, I’d skip it because I enjoy changing my looks a lot all the time.
I’m considering my natural lipline. My lips are on the pigmented side, but my actual lipline is completely unpigmented, and as a result, I *must* wear liner if I wear a gloss. My lips also appear much thinner than they actually are… I would definitely go with a shade that matches my lips, though.
Not really. From time to time I think how nice it would be not to have to mess with applying something every day but then considering how often i change my mind about what I think looks cool, I’d get the tattoos put on and then I’d want something else that looked exactly the opposite. So no, I’m not going to go there.
No way! Styles change. And can you imagine what that’s going to look like when you’re 60, 70, 80, 90? And in situations where you’re not wearing other makeup?
If I could find someone close to me that does individual hair brows in the best possible way I probably would. I’ve already had two (longtime, old old old) face tattoos that aren’t makeup and i don’t regret them at all. (So, provided they could get the hairs right I think I’d go for it!)
Had eyebrows done. Best thing ever!
I would have commitment issues as well; I loved cat eye liner, but wouldn’t want to wear it everyday. I have a friend who has both permanent liner and lip liner and they look AWFUL!! Heavy black liner and dark lip liner seem to me to be so out of fashion.
I definitely thought about eyeliner on the top lash line until I saw someone who got permanent Sharpie drawn brows. She had near invisible brows so she was happy but it made me realize how wrong permanent makeup could go.
Yes! I have permanent eyeliner on both upper and lower lids. It is a thin black line. I got them done because I have a tremor and could never get the eyeliner on correctly. This is just sort of a guideline for me to use. They look real, haven’t faded much and even my eye doctor thought it was real makeup when I had an exam that I needed to remove the eye makeup. I would do it again in a heartbeat! The girl that did mine wanted to do my lips and eyebrows but I saw pictures of these in her office and they looked fake, so I didn’t go for these two. Also, I like to change lipstick. With the eyeliner I can color right over the tattoo and no one is the wiser for it.
I would do eye brows maybe..if it was an excellent artist.
My mother in law has had hers for years and they still look so great…no discoloration.
It is easy to say no I would never do that, but it is probably a godsend for people with alopecia etc..who have medical conditions that leave them browless..
I had a small part of my eyebrows done. I had a scar left from a bad piercing I did when I was younger and that little part always bothered me so I had the opportunity to do them recently and I did and if anybody in a similar situation asked me, I’d tell them to do it too. I didn’t add anything and asked for it to follow my exact brow shape and it was done wonderfully. It’s also kinda blended out nicely so it doesn’t even look like I have anything on the brows at all
I saw too many women with very bad ‘permanent makeup’ so definitely not.
i’ve totally thought about getting my eyebrows done. i’m a natural blonde but of course, my hair got darker over the years (naturally and by hair dye :p ) but unfortunately places like my eyebrows and my eyelashes didn’t follow suit. so without any makeup on at all, i look like i have no eyebrows. i draw them in every day. it’s such a hassle trying to get them right and even and the perfect shape, etc and so many brow products. so many! so yeah, i’d totally get it done if i could.
I’ve thought about it, but many variables stop me. I hear you have to have it touched up after awhile, if it’s not done well the first time and looks awful. I also like to change things up. A friend of mine had thin top eyeliner done, and it still looks good on her. What she described right after it was done with her eyes getting kind of infected really turns me off though. Mostly I’ve considered brows, as mine are also sparse and light. I get tired of shading them in and trying to shape them perfectly each day. I’ve done research mostly for brows, but just never been compelled to make the commitment to do it.
Never. Have you ever seen pictures of women with permanent make up as they age? It can look pretty awful.
i’m an RN, and i wouldn’t trust anyone but a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist to do it. that said, they would have to be really good at it, and not everyone is equally gifted, regardless of licensure. i’d love to have a permanent tight line between my invisible blond lashes. just a very thin brown line that i could augment with liner for different looks. cat’s eye–never! styles change!
I had my eyeliner done around 5 years back – it took a leap of faith (and muscle control) but I don’t regret it. The liner is really thin and close to the base of my lashes so that it hints at definition and somehow makes my lashes look thicker. I have no regrets because it looks natural enough even when bare-faced, yet provides the definition my eyes need (I am plagued by chronic eye bags and perpetual dark circles.). And I can still jazz it up with other liners when I feel like it 🙂
Had eyelashes dyed once. went from transparent to light brown + still needed mascara. i have incredibly sparse blond eyebrows, that did not darken with my hair. they have some skin condition, too, probably psoriasis, as i have that + wonderful psoriatic arthritis. every doc i meet asks if i’ve had my thyroid checked…well, the basics come back ok, but that doesn’t really rule out hashimoto…oh, ^%^&^! on a major rare occasion, i’ll do a brow w/ a chanel taupe pencil or benefit. brow gels feel like a wrong part creeping over my eye. sensory integration probs with those brows, too. they’re SO BAD i would prefer to pretend they don’t exist. Thank god, they’re low + can be covered by glasses frames! I do have a case of brow envy, but would rather address my collapsing skin/wrinkles with fillers, than spend the mooolah on eyebrows.
PS: Wendy, i LOOOOVE your glasses.
Haha I have everything tattooed! Eyebrows, eyeliner (top and bottom), and lipliner! Everything was extremely painful… especially the eyeliner! I decided to have it done so I won’t look so crappy in the morning or anytime I don’t have makeup on. I admit I am a cakeface lol I wear a lot of makeup, so my tattoos aren’t visible. I don’t regret them at all! Just the pain and the retouches 😉
I am considering permanent makeup for my sparse eyebrows. My left eyebrow towards the end won’t hardly grow in due to a burn I got in the area when I was about 20 years old when the oven blew up in my face and caused a burn on my nose and forehead and singed my eyelashes and eyebrows. I am 50 years old now.
Nope! I love makeup, but I also love being able to take it off if I want to.
Never did and never will. It’s like the same question “Will you consider permanent bra?”
I have considered having my eye brows done, they are quite sparse and when I was younger I overplucked them so there are visable gaps in them. However I really don’t feel like reserching the various artists and it is painful and expensive soI’ll keep buying fun products instead 🙂
Yes. I have it, brows, eyeliner and lips. I’m a Permanent makeup artist. Permanent makeup is amazing when done correctly by a trained skilled technician. Unfortunately there are so many ‘botched’ jobs around by untrained people. If you are considering make sure you are going to a reputable place and technician. This is a tattoo on your face so DONT opt for a cheap deal. If done properly it will enhance and define your natural features. It’s worth looking for a skilled PMA. having read some of the comments below , there is a serious misunderstanding of what permanent make is and should be. The colour should ‘ NOT go orange or blue. This is down to bad colour mixing and understanding of colour theory and skin tone, they should never look over done again probably a bad technician . They can be dark when 1st done but will fade upto 70%. Eyeliner should not last less time than brows. Should last the same. It’s like any aesthetic treatment you need to research it and you should get a full consultation before you decide on anything!! As I say Permanent makeup can be amazing if done well!!!!
I would only consider eyebrows, but considering I have only found one or two brow techs who get it right, I don’t think so. Plus styles change, and my face will change over time also…
A neighbor tattooed her eyebrows after years of overplucking and they now look so faded and kind of reddish in a bad way. Just visual old man tattooes that have faded, who wants that on their face?
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Anyone with tattoos will tell you that not only does ink fade over time, but it also expands. You might get a tight, crisp line for a year, but it won’t last.
Also, needles near my eyes. {No thanks}
I have 15 tattoos and you couldn’t pay me enough to let someone tattoo my face. NOPE.
Plus I like being able to change looks/colors every day, and doing make up isn’t a chore for me it’s relaxing and I use that 5-10 minutes to get centered/focus for the day.
I don’t have it, but my aunt got permanent eyeliner tattooed when I was in junior high. I remember thinking how “out there” it was, but over 25 years later you can’t tell it’s there as she just looks like she’s wearing regular makeup and she still looks great. I don’t think for me I would ever consider permanent makeup because I just like to change my eye liner and shadow colors too much, but my aunt Pat was pretty set on blue liner and to this day I have never heard her say one thing about not liking it!!!
I have my brows done and it looks amazing, when it fades I will definitely be getting it done again! brows aren’t something that should “change often” and they do it over your natural brow shape, so I don’t get the whole “no I like having the options to change” and for the permanent argument, it is pretty much gone after 2 years, so it’s not life changing 😉
I’ve never seen them fade to a bad color, you MUST research their portfolio and see.
I loveee my brows and get compliments on them, they are light enough to look good with a bare face, but I am still able to use brow products for a darker look!
Not at this time. ;p I’m a little scared actually, but maybe when I know I can see as clearly, it may be a lifesaver then.