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Glitter Makeup: Stila Jewel Eye Palette Look

Glitter Makeup: Stila Jewel Eye Palette Look

Just decided to have a little fun with Stila’s new glitter-tastic palette last night 🙂 Didn’t have too much fall out — definitely apply less than you think you need, and then build up if you need to. (I tried two techniques – one on each eye; nearly no fall out on the latter technique!)  It definitely has a bit of a wet look to it – very shimmering – but not so easy to capture in a still photo.

You will need the following…

For eyes, start by applying Soft Ochre paint pot as your eyeshadow base all over the lid with the 249. With the 249, apply Blacktrack fluidline all over the lid portion. Using the 239, apply Black Diamond eyeshadow on the eyelid. Next, apply Rose Quartz eyeshadow in the crease and slightly above with the 239. With the 239, lightly apply Stars ‘n Rockets eyeshadow into the crease to add a pop of color. Lightly tap and brush Beautiful Iris eyeshadow directly above the crease to soften. To finish the eyeshadow look, sweep Hush eyeshadow as a highlighter on the brow bone. Bring everything together by applying Lust eyeliner on the lower lash line, and Beautiful Iris eyeshadow lightly patted below the lower lash line with the 219 brush. Finish by sweeping lashes with Exceptionnel mascara.

For cheeks, apply Unrequited blush to the apples of the cheeks and sweep upwards towards the temple with the 116.

For lips, apply BE 109 lipstick first, and then layer Dubai Gloss for a complementing lip.

Check out more photos!


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Melinda Avatar

Dear Christine You Always look Wonderful in any look I think you are super gorgeous And your Eyes are like your cute Beauty Marks Amazing oxox Melinda

Roxanne Avatar

You minx! I love that you are experimenting with colors and placement a bit 🙂 It’s giving me some great ideas! Beautiful Iris + Lust really tie the look together, IMO!

And yay for the closed eye pic!! 🙂

Bettina Avatar

that would make excellent going out make up..where did you where that look too? the purple liner one the bottom really makes that pop..awesome!

LesleyKat Avatar

i’m a sucker for sparkle. very pretty! i hope they come out with some warmer-toned colors in this formula. i’ll probably buy this palette anyways. Lesleykat needs some retail therapy.

Myra Avatar

Very pretty look Christine! Thanks for the idea. I was going to get this palette after work today so that I can wear it for my birthday tomorrow and I will most definitely try this look!

Christina Avatar

I’m pretty much speechless. This is amazing!! I love love love those shades on you, they remind me of a cosmic sky… Not to mention they make the color of your eyes pop. Breathtaking!

Redhead Avatar

I like the eyes, but the cheeks and lips wash you out a bit – especially the lips. I’d have the cheeks a little warmer and the lips a raspberry pink instead of a cool beige pink. 🙂

Rosanna Avatar

I love that “pop” of purple on the lower lashline!

I think I’m going to try that; although I always tend to wipe away eyeshadow on my lower lashline -_-” must stop this habit. 😛

Manda Avatar

Also, you used fluidline as a base? I don’t think I’ve ever tried that.. could I substitute with the batty cream base from the black collection or is it completely different? 🙂

Kristina Avatar

Miss Lady, you look stunning!

This is my favourite eyeshadow application method, vertically, so it looks like a gradient of colours or tones from lash upwards to brow. It is such a moderne look. Love it.

Jean Avatar

Yet another master piece! I love the stila barbie palette you recommended and lemming for this one, too! Do you think they’ll make another one with other shades?

The sparkles in the Black are stunning!

SiaM Avatar

You look so beautiful and elegant!!! This look shows how much you enjoy playing with those jewel tones FIERCE!!!!!! =) Thanks for the tips I will also try this one ^_^♥x♥x

MsKianaLuv Avatar

This is one of my all-time fav looks! Thanks for the color suggestions, I haven’t found the perfect purple color combo on me, and I think this will work. Even though this was supposed to be a stila look, and I’m late in trying these MAC colors…my wishlist now includes stars’n’rockets and beautiful iris e/s’s. I’ve know of s’n’r for a while, but haven’t ever swatched beautiful iris, it must look different than what’s in the pan. Thanks again Christine!

Brenda Avatar

Christine, I REALLY like this look!!! a bit departed from the usual and I really like the shape you chose and how you used the colours!! I think you wear it extremely well 🙂

ps, the bottom lid shows a bit more of the wet look you were describing 🙂

Nicole Avatar

This is seriously one of my fave looks. That purple liner just makes your eyes pop so beautifully. I love it! I think I’m gonna try to re-create this. Thanks Christine! 😀

lyn Avatar

Oh wow, I very nearly passed out from the gorgeousness! Love the look! Stila pulled out from Malaysia some time back and I miss them. I adore their eyeshadows and thankfully, still have a few in my stash.

K Avatar

Another one to add to my favourites list! I am SO impressed with how clean your close-up pics are. Macro shots are a scary thing – but your eyes are impeccable! No fallout or mess whatsoever; even your mascara is perfectly applied! The colour combination here is beautiful, with the pop of purple on the lower lashline being my favourite part. Great lip colour choice too. Anything else would’ve definitely taken away from the smokeyness/sultryness of the look.

Holly Avatar

Christine! This look is so gorgeous! And I LOVE it when you do nude lips and pink cheeks! I think they flatter you so well and make you look even more beautiful than usual!(:

0oSAMARAo0 Avatar

wow this is beautiful,,, too bad i cant get stila makeup where i live 🙁
is there any MAC eyesshadows to replace BLACK DIAMOND & ROSE QUARTZ?? PLZ PLZ HELP
i reeeeeaally like this look n wish i can dupe these colours,,,,hope u can help 🙂

Fresh Avatar

OMG. Fav look ever. Hands down.

Did you apply Rose Quartz over one of the eyeshadows or by itself?
Looks like it is layered over something…

anonymous Avatar

this is a really pretty MU look but I’ve noticed again and again the same thing– a look that says it’s an XYZ look but when I look at the breakdown there are a long list of shadows and ie here

Eyes: MAC Soft Ochre Paint Pot (neutral beige base), MAC Blacktrack Fluidline (black), Stila Jewel Eyeshadow Palette (Black Diamond, Rose Quartz), MAC Stars ‘n Rockets Eyeshadow (fuchsia-purple), MAC Beautiful Iris Eyeshadow (iridiescent purple), MAC Hush Eyeshadow (pink-toned highlighter), Urban Decay Lust 24/7 Liner (purple), Chanel Exceptionnel Mascara”

That’s 5 MAC products, plus UD and Chanel to use 2 shades in a look. And often any dupes listed are MAC. So even if I like a look, as someone who doesn’t buy MAC and who isn’t in the Chanel price range, the look isn’t something I would ever be able to use. Which I wonder if it might explain low use of tutorials. It would be nice if you sometimes did looks that could be achieved with no more than 4-5 products for eyes and instead of using your whole stash tried to keep variety to a minimum and use shades that many of your readers would own, such as UD shades that are used repeatedly, popular shades from BE, or multiple shades that come from only 1-2 palettes or if using high end brands like Chanel or Hourglass then do it all Chanel. I know it might be less fun but it would make the looks more useful to readers if they don’t have to go out and purchase several hundred dollars worth of makeup every time they duplicate a look.

It’s just a suggestion and it’s your blog but I just thought maybe you hadn’t thought how discouraging it is to see a pretty look and check the list to realize the look requires 18 products you don’t own despite a sizable collection (especially when some are items like Chanel and Le Metier de Beaut where the odds of anyone owning the exact shades in all the products is probably very very low) and have it happen for all five looks you clicked on. It’s not that the looks aren’t beautiful but they’re not very easy for readers to replicate.


Christine Avatar

I would imagine that one would still need at least 3 eyeshadows, plus a base, plus an eyeliner and mascara – so that is 6 products there. For face, foundation and powder – so 2. For cheeks, a blush and highlighter – another 2. For lips, lipgloss and lipstick – anther 2. We’re already up to 12, so I don’t think I am so far beyond that it is a detriment. Looks are, hopefully, there for inspiration and to show how certain products look – I have never desired or intended for someone to run out and buy every product used but for them to use their eye to determine what shades they could use that they already own to replicate the look. I absolutely would not want someone to run out and buy everything!! 🙁

You might feel you can replicate a look with less products, which is totally fine! That’s great, actually 🙂 I don’t plan or practice my looks – these are first runs – and inevitably, I’m creating as I’m going along. You may only see one shade where I’ve applied two, but when I was doing the look, I felt it was necessary in order to make what I wanted to create. It is a lot easier when you have hindsight than when you are the person doing it. I have not asked you to use every product I use, and I give MAC dupes because that is what 9/10 people have asked (and when we surveyed readers, that is what they asked for by 96%).

anonymous Avatar

I guess it’s just a MAC blog at heart and going to stay MAC (because of course if you don’t like MAC products, it kind of ends up feeling like you’re just wasting your time trying to use many of the features. I really did want to learn more eye techniques but I don’t really have the skills to translate that much (since I don’t have any familiarity with their shades) and of course if I was that skilled in shadow I probably wouldn’t be looking for help with them.

I didn’t mean to complain or criticize, but I guess it did sort of end up being a complaint (my frustration, not your work). Can’t be all things to all people. And naturally if there are always MAC looks, you get MAC readers who ask for more MAC. (My thought was if you had a little more mix of content you might retain more non-MAC readers and end up with a less MAC-heavy result.)

As for me, it’s just gotten to the point where I am starting to force myself to just skim titles where I was reading every entry, only because I’ve just gotten “MAC’d out” to where I am perceiving the company more and more like an out of control weed overpowering the whole garden. I’m sorry. It’s just disappointing when my favorite blog in terms of dedication, picture quality, etc., and the stuff I like and can use seems to be getting progressively smaller since I started reading. My loss= some MACaddict’s dream come true.

Christine Avatar

You are always welcome to ask if other dupes, or you could ask, “Would X and Y work?” I cannot list every single possible dupe, not only because I’m just not that smart, but I don’t necessarily know of every dupe either.

Temptalia has only gotten less and less MAC over time. To say that it is more MAC now is more of an insult to me and the 150+ posts each month that are *not* MAC related than anything else. I try very, very hard to limit MAC posts to new releases and spend other days focusing on other brands. We feature anywhere from 40-60 brands per month on Temptalia. I’m just not sure what I’m not doing.

As always, I welcome questions. I cannot read your mind, but perhaps if you ask me, I can be of some use rather than none. It is a two-way street, I would think – if you asked, “Hey, what UD colors could I use?” I would do my best to answer. I’m sorry you do not find as much use for the blog as you used to.

We try to approve comments within 24 hours (and reply to them within 72 hours) but can sometimes get behind and appreciate your patience! 🙂 If you have general feedback, product review requests, off-topic questions, or need technical support, please contact us directly. Thank you for your patience!