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Ashley Avatar

Oh my gosh Christine!!! Congratulations and what an amazing and romantic man you have! Have a wonderful Christmas that I’m sure will be filled with lots of celebration with your new announcement! <3

noi Avatar

best. Christmas. present. ever! 😀
congratulations, ms. Christine! i may not know you personally but i can see that you are truly one of a kind 🙂 he’s lucky to have you, and so is he! :>

Sally Avatar

Congratulations Christine! I remember when my husband proposed, it was 2 days before Christmas and I was so happy! I’m happy to say that it only gets better, Congratulations again!

Oh, and my husband wants to tell your fiance that he did real good with the proposal!

Sally Avatar

I think its par for the course, being nervous for guys! My husband knew I would say yes though, he had already bought the wedding band, haha! He picked a day when you looked beautiful and Christmas-y as well! Congrats again!

Maya Avatar

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Congratulations Christine. I have been reading your blog for years, and I am so, so happy/proud of you for all that you have accomplished and you deserve every second of happiness that is on its way!! So happy for you. Best wishes to Shaun and you for the holidays!!

Jill Avatar

eeeee! congrats! now you get to start planning your wedding makeup! lol. doing my own makeup for our wedding was what led me down the slippery slope into make up addiction 😉 seriously, having just gotten married in the past year, it is the best time of your life! enjoy it and try not to let the planning stress you out 🙂

Maria Hancock Avatar

OMG! Christine! Congratulations!! Im super excited for you. I got engaged on Christmas eve as well and am now married for almost 18 years! I wish you & your man a supremely wonderful holiday & a prosperous delightful New year!

Nadia Avatar

OMG!!! This brought a serious smile to my face this morning. What a wonderful way to propose!! I just showed it to my boyfriend too. Congratulations to Shaun and best wishes to you, Christine :o)

Charito Avatar

Congrats! Enjoy your journey through life together. I recently got married and let me tell you, it gets better everyday. It’s a lot of work but truly worth it in the end. The both of you should remember these two words (especially through the wedding planning process) – patience and understanding. 🙂

jillian Avatar

Oh wow- just checking back from this morning to see what the response was and my eyes won’t stop leakiiiing ! So wonderful- congrats beautiful lady! Best proposal I’ve ever seen 😀

Cathy Avatar

Oh Christine, that’s so exciting! Many congratulations to you both, and best wishes for a long and happy life together 🙂 OH, and happy holidays, too lol! Thanks so much for your blog and all you do for the beauty addicts of the world. XO Cathy

nitnot Avatar

I’m speechless… May I just say I’ve only been visiting this site for a year, but you’ve saved me countless amount of money and I think you’s shown yourself to be one of the most gracious, humble and hard working girl around (internet/site owner/beauty blogger, pick one). I am so happy for you. Congratulations. So, so happy you found love so early in life. Treasure it.

And maybe we can finally see the mysterious guy? 😀 hehe. I’m a busybody, I know. Ignore me.

nitnot Avatar

Please at least show us some wedding pictures with you and your bridesmaids!! (See, I’m not forcing the tech guy to show his mug XD)

Oh man, I think I’m tearing up. *sniff*

Alison Avatar

Oh my goodness that is the most ridiculously cute thing I have ever seen in my life! CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you two have an amazing life together 🙂

Melissa Avatar

Congratulations, Christine! May this mark the beginning of many, many (more) years of health, happiness, love, and lots of laughter!! I am very happy for you 🙂

Farida Avatar

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! I honestly had to read this 3 times to figure out what I was reading is right. I thought it was a joke and when I read it again I couldn’t believe my eyes. Were you surprised or did you have an idea?

megan Avatar