Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #711

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

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Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Dior blushes, bareMinerals highlighters/bronzers

Weekend plans: I’m editing lots of photos today to hopefully share tomorrow as sneak peeks!

What song have you had on repeat lately? Chinchilla – Little Girl Gone! It’s a banger!

Psst… since it’s Friday and we’re heading into the weekend, if you have some downtime, consider playing one of the games hubby and I have created! 🙂 You’ll find all of our games on Awordy, but here’s a breakdown of what we have so far:

  • Adoptle (guess the name of an adoptable pet in six guesses)
  • Concludle (figure out the subject within six clues)
  • Mislettered (guess one letter at a time to figure out the phrase/quote)
  • Word Frenzy (find as many words from the letters available before the shark devours them)

This week's doggo photo/video...

Share your pet photos to the Temptalia Pets flickr group!


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Mariella Avatar

Recent purchases: A mega sized tube of Lise Watier Sun Smart facial sunscreen (I was glad to find it as I thought it was “online only”); a backup of NARS eyeshadow primer (with so many companies discontinuing/reformulating products and because so many e/s primers have been reformulated into “crap-dom”, I wanted to have one of these in reserve), MAC Lovers Only lipstick, Sephora Cappuccino and Cocoa pencil liners

Weekend plans: baking for a bridal shower for my niece, doing the shopping for grand-daughter’s first birthday party (daughter has requested a very popular punch and some fruit kabobs – stuff that has to be done “last minute” – figures!) and I’d like to get to the gym at some point.

Song on repeat: Lawyers, Guns and Money by the late Warren Zevon. It always makes me laugh.

Genevieve Avatar

I can’t believe that your grand-daughter is turning one already! Such a gorgeous age, she must be a delight to you all. Fruit kabobs are such a great idea for a summer party too – although it is last minute stuff for you to prepare.
What are getting bubby for her birthday present?

Mariella Avatar

For Canada Day, she had her first Tim-bit (it’s a Canadian thing….have you heard of Tim Horton’s in Aus?). They’ve been so careful about what she eats but it was Canada Day. And she wasn’t all that enthralled (can’t say I blame her – Timmies is sort of an institution in Canada but I can’t stand their coffee or pretty much anything they sell. We got her a bunch of stuff that daughter requested – a Montessori activity book, some clothes, a few “stuffies” – very Canadian – a beaver, a moose and a wolf all dressed in RCMP and Canadian army (her uncle is in the Canadian military). It’s hard to get her stuff because she sort of has “everything”.

Seraphine Avatar

Recent Purchases: Nothing this week.

Rediscoveries: MAC single eyeshadow in Shale, which I haven’t used in ages.

Weekend plans: Visiting a family member in the hospital.

What song have you had on repeat lately? This is weird for me, but I haven’t been listening to much music lately.

Seraphine Avatar

Thanks, Genevieve. As of today, he’s out of the hospital and in medical rehab. I hope he can go home soon. Work is the same as always, but I’m working on a project that I enjoy right now, so that helps, even though the deadline pressure is intense.

Thomasina Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Blend Bunny Primal palette. It was half-off and I wanted to try the brand! It’s my first time wearing it today and I like it. Not a lot of fallout from the mattes. It’s worth the price I paid but I don’t know if it’s worth the full MSRP. If the shimmers were more impactful, I’d give it a solid A-. As it stands, it’s a B+ from me!

Weekend plans: Going to our local botanical garden! They have a new exhibit on carnivorous plants that opens on Saturday. Also, trying to finish the first draft of my cozy mystery novel.

What song have you had on repeat lately? Not a song but a playlist! Trixie Mattel’s Pride playlist on Apple Music is so fun.

Nancy T Avatar

The cuteness of this guy, though! 💗

Purchases/rediscoveries: Just placed an order with Ulta for Jumbos of my all-time favorite Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Lavender Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner after trying several different brands for curly hair that really didn’t do squat. So I went back to what I KNOW actually works and never leaves my hair dry, limp, or weighed down. Might order the Clionagh palette…but I always talk myself out of it due to my not wearing makeup as often, plus Terra Moons is easier to access. IDK? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Weekend plans: Home/health stock-up shopping later today. Won’t be easy with this heat, plus a migraine! Need to get laundry done, too. Zoom meeting tomorrow morning.

What song have you had on repeat lately? Karma by Taylor Swift! Even though as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I don’t believe in the concept of “Karma” as such, but I DO believe that we reap what we sow, which is pretty similar, I suppose.

brendacr1 Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Nothing recently but I’m going to need foundation so I will be going to Sephora to see what they have. I haven’t been in a Sephora store since covid started, help me!!

Weekend plans: My son and his girlfriend invited us to their property on Monday to see all the work they have been doing. Plus it’s her birthday so we will be bringing lots of treats! My little Yorkie loves playing with their two Australian Shepards so it will be a nice treat for him too. Otherwise we are putting in underground sprinklers in our yard this weekend. The weather is going to be cooling off a bit, we have had a beautiful hot spring and beginning of summer in Alberta.

What song have you had on repeat lately? I just listen to the local radio station all day long, so whatever they’re playing is what I’m dancing to.

jeannine Avatar

Rediscovery, Chanel Magnetique, forgot how great a bright lip is

Weekend plans, Staying cool, shout out to AZ. going to Chiricahua monument to meet friends and it’s my my 60th birthday today. Trying not wonder how that happened,

Song, nothing really

Genevieve Avatar

How wonderful that your beautiful puppies have been adopted into loving homes! That’s what you wish for that they been loved and cared for by families that are prepared to take care of them.

Recent Purchases: Nada
Rediscoveries: Still using a variety of eyeshadow palettes – UD’s Naked 1, SG Temptalia’s On the Horizon and Maybelline’s Burgundy Bar.

Weekend Plans: It was my younger son’s birthday last Thursday and we planned to have a birthday dinner at our place, but the older two children (Olivia and Lachlan) developed colds and Anika was feeling tired. So they ended up having a birthday dinner at their place themselves.
Anika is now over 40 weeks and she is really feeling it. The hospital rang yesterday to say that she can be admitted to hospital on Sunday and they may induce her on Monday. So it looks like that Monday is the day….unless bubby has other ideas herself.
The children will be coming to our place for a couple of days and we’ll see how that pans out.
So for this weekend, I’ll be stocking up on food and doing a bit of housework, but that’s about it.

Song on repeat: Well my new car doesn’t have a CD player in it, but one where you have to use an IPOD or your phone to hook up…annoying for me. Which is something I am definitely going to organise this weekend because I miss my music in the car.

Mariella Avatar

I was wondering about the arrival of your new grandchild (when I didn’t see a Friday Finds from you last week). I hope all goes well and easily with the delivery (is this her 4th? She’ll sort of know what to expect but still, every delivery is different).

Does your new car have the capability to play music from a memory stick? Mine does and hubs put hundreds of my favourite songs on this stick, which is nice. You and I are of an age to remember when CDs in cars was a big deal; now they’re obsolete! Speaking of cars, the a/c in mine stopped working and our mechanic (someone we do trust) figured it would be an easy fix (recharging the coolant and perhaps sealing up where it might have leaked from). HA – no such luck! Because of where the heating/cooling system is placed (tell me it’s not intentional), it’s going to be something like 12 hours of labour (not the kind that gets you a baby, either) and he suggested not using an after market part, so the original Toyota “thingy”. Bottom line – $2,500 dollars plus taxes!!!!! OUCH!!! But I can’t be driving around in a Southern Ontario summer with no a/c. The other day, it was pouring rain so I had to have my windows closed and I was wearing a rain jacket. It was like driving a portable sauna!!!!

Fingers crossed for Annika and the new little one! I hope there’s news soon.

Genevieve Avatar

OMG – how expensive to have your a/c fixed! And definitely you need it – I couldn’t live without a/c in summer anywhere. That is a very big ouch factor!
What kind of car do you have?
Yes, my car can play music from a memory stick – I just asked my IT wizard son, but he said that some usb connections don’t work as well as they do through bluetooth. I think it was just easier when I had my cd player….
Yes, it’s going to be our 4th grandchild and it’s going to be a little girl – so we have two boys and soon to be two girls.
She is going into hospital Sunday afternoon and they will likely induce her Monday morning. So we are all very excited!
Thankyou for asking!

Mariella Avatar

It’s a Toyota Venza (not the new model that is a hybrid; it’s the older one and was my dream car). Toyotas are supposed to be so wonderful but based on the 2 needlessly costly repairs I’ve had to have done – one just after the warranty expired and now this one – I don’t know if I’d buy another. Mind you, it seems every car is now costly to repair (I was thinking briefly of replacing with an Audi Q3 or 5 but hubs told me that Audis are REALLY costly to repair – and he has a BMW, which is hardly economical to repair!)

Genevieve Avatar

My son has just hooked up my mobile phone to my car via bluetooth. And it is a dream!
During my last bout of covid, I put all my CO’s onto our home computer and then he copied them onto my phone in the music app (whatever it’s called!). Now all I have to do is have my phone in my bag and it all plays! Who knew it was so easy?

Zia Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Glamlite Barbie Palette -still can’t believe how good it is!!
Weekend plans: Family birthday dinner for a relative.
What song have you had on repeat lately? Nothing. I’ve just been a slave to whatever the radio plays lately.

Helene Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: I bought a new SPF, EVY Daily Defence Face Mousse 50, on Friday, as I didn’t have any on and had to go outside. Sounds strange? It was, a bit. I had to go to the hospital with a stomach ace from hell, turned out to be gallstones, I’ll need an ultrasound to verify, but I do think it’s the right diagnosis.
Anyway there I was, without sunscreen having to take a buss some 50 minutes later and it was very sunny and warm. I had to go to the pharmacy anyway to buy pain killers so I checked out the sunscreens and decided to get the EVY one as I had wanted to try it. I like it.
No real rediscoveries.

Weekend plans: resting after the stupid gallstone ordeal, I know it’s not that much to complain about, but it’s left me tired.
I will read up on what food to avoid and what to eat. It’s beginning to be a long list as I have also got high (bad) cholesterol and my kidneys aren’t quite OK.
If this is getting older I must say I don’t like it a lot! 😀

What song have you had on repeat lately? I just listen to whatever is on the radio when I drive and rarely listen to music at home. Then it’s mostly classic or fun 1980’s music. When my son is in the car with me, we listen to death metal, and yes, I do like it. I like, appreciate and love most music to be honest.

I still love puppy photos, this one is absolutely lovely!

Genevieve Avatar

OMG Helene – gallstones are nothing to sneeze at and they are quite painful I believe. Are the doctors considering a removal of your gall bladder?
I used to have slightly higher cholesterol but then I started taking Metamucil each night and now my levels are quite low, so that could be something you could do to reduce yours.
No, getting older is not fun at all when you start to have health issues.
Have a restful weekend and I hope the pain subsides.

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