Friday Finds & Check-ins, Volume #610

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

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  • Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Jack Black Lip Balms (x3), a few beauty exclusives from the Nordstrom sale
  • Weekend plans: The usual: blogging (writing/photographing), cuddling with Winnie, bugging hubby.
  • What’s your favorite part about summer?: Well, summers are hellacious here in Phoenix, AZ, but I love thunderstorms, so when we get a more active monsoon season… ahh!

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DVa Avatar

Recent Purchases/rediscoveries:
No-buy July for me and I can’t think of anything I’ve rediscovered. It’s a boring month 🙂
Weekend Plans:
Dogs, beach. Husband is starting a two week holiday so we’ll be doing loads of dog related beach activity going forward. Rinse and repeat,
Favourite thing(s) about summer:
The dogs being so nicely tanned and them not having to wear all the rain/winter coats and gear we need to dress them in in the winter.
Being able to have coffee on the patio in the mornings and cocktails in the evenings.
Wearing shorts. I struggle going back to wearing full legs in the fall. My legs (and toes) want to be free.
Having all the doors and windows open to get the breeze off the water.

Lesley Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: On order, Drama Bomb mascara and the purple eye pencil from Uoma Beauty. I loved the mascara and an repurchasing. I rediscovered my UD eye pencil in Psychedelic Sister but it’s about gone so I am trying the Uoma version.
Weekend plans: The usual farmers market runs and maybe a movie.
What’s your favorite part about summer?: I generally enjoy the heat, although there are bad days. My favorite things are the fresh produce, green trees, and going out without heavy clothes.

Mariella Avatar

Haul: Becca Nightingale Mineral Blush (a rich, deep burgundy) for $8….really….at Winners; non-makeup-y stuff – some washed linen in a shade called Ocean (as pretty as it sounds – sort of like MAC Teal Appeal or Gallerina eyeshadows) ; a pair of quite busily patterned yoga/workout crops (all my others are black, grey, burgundy, blue – all solid colours; these patterned ones are bright and busy and quite a change). Rediscoveries: ABH Chiffon single shadow, Viseart Cashmere Theory palette (I haven’t used it in ages and it’s such a lovely, practical little thing)
Weekend plans: we just had a friend staying, so stripping the bed and doing laundry in preparation for my older son being able to come home for his annual leave. Some sewing (I got some lovely linen I want to make into the world’s simplest, easiest and coolest summer dress) and I think hubs and I might try to get to the gym tomorrow (gyms here are now open to 50% capacity).
What’s your favourite part of summer? just being off work for 2 months and a bit and being able to sleep later and stay in side, in the AC, when the temps soar.

Mariella Avatar

G, the pattern I’m using is from an AUSTRALIAN company – Megan Nielsen – and it’s called “Eucalypt” (you can see it online). I already made this dress last week in a very cheap fabric just to check for fit, etc. and it turned out wonderfully well (and cost me all of $5 for the fabric). It’s really just a loose shift or top (2 lengths in the pattern) and takes very little time to make. You Aussies have a few wonderful pattern companies – Tessuti, Megan Nielsen and StyleArc are 3 I know of and they all have great stuff.
It has been a long time since we saw our son….possibly 2 years at Xmas (I honestly don’t remember). He might be arriving home on July 28 or maybe a week later – he has to wait for approval. He won’t be here all that long – 9 or 10 days – because when he goes back, he’s being moved to another base for 2 years so has to go on a house hunting trip and then purchase appliances, etc. and get ready for the move.

Genevieve Avatar

I just looked up the pattern online Mariella and it is perfect for summer and looks so easy to make. I have never heard of those pattern companies before as I am not a sewing person, but my mother was. I am pleased for you that the sizing and patterns worked out well. Seriously, some of those outfits would cost you a fortune here to buy so it’s no wonder that people are looking to make their own.
I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you not to have seen your son for at least two years. I bet you will be making all of his favourite food and will be cooking up a storm/feast for him. I hope the new base he goes to won’t be on the other side of Canada… or up in the Arctic region. House hunting won’t be fun for him either and he will have to have his own furniture too. Very tough when you have just moved base.
I really hope that his approval for leave comes through quickly for you all.

Genevieve Avatar

PS Teal is one of my very favourite shades and it is hard to find. A teal summer dress would look perfect on you and you can use either the teal shade in Bonne Etoile or in On the Horizons Deep to co-ordinate with it.

Mariella Avatar

Thanks, Rachel. We’re so keen to see him – we’ve missed him so much and his whole career has been put on hold (a deployment he was really looking forward to, to train troops in Ukraine, was delayed, delayed and then scrapped entirely) and it’s just been a looong time not to have had a visit.

As for the teal linen – it’s not bed-sheets. It’s linen fabric for sewing a summer dress! The colour is so nice and out of my usual “groove” (black, grey, more black and some ivory thrown in for good measure). Your bedroom sounds so cool and restful.

Ana Maria Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Another week of something new, but I’m keeping an eye on potential MAC sales. I need a couple of things, but I can wait for their regular 20% sales.

Weekend plans: Another week of nothing new. 😅 The temperatures won’t be as high this weekend, so I might switch my hike from the redwoods to some hills. I need to do more groceries than usual, since I avoiding stocking up with some items just in case my lease expired next month (wouldn’t want to move with tons of pantry and freezer items). More sleep is always on the agenda, but always skipped. I also hope to do more actual reading; I mostly listened audiobooks lately, but last weekend I actually read a book and it was refreshing.

What’s your favorite part about summer?: I’m not necessarily a summer fan; spring is definitely my least favorite season, but summer doesn’t get me excited. My favorite part is just that the daylight lasts longer; because the only thing I hate about winter is that it gets dark at 6pm.

AJ Avatar

Winston’s big floppy ears are so cute <3

Purchases/rediscoveries: Nothing this week. I am going to film myself dancing for the first time in a while this afternoon, though, so I'll probably put on some makeup and maybe I'll rediscover something? Chances are I'll reach for one of my SG x Temptalia palettes for my eyes, since I'm still exploring those 🙂

Weekend plans: No major plans this weekend. Going out to have dinner and ice cream tomorrow, probably gotta hit Target at some point. COVID cases are back on the rise and I've been seeing stories of breakthrough infections for vaccinated people, so I'll have to talk to my spouse about how this will impact our behavior.

What I love about summer: Having grown up in places where summer was HOT, I really like that most summer days here are really nice and it's fun to go to outdoor events or eat on a patio. I do miss the AZ monsoons, but my dog does not 😉

AJ Avatar

I hope your 5-day lockdown gets things back under control. Here in our state, we haven’t yet reinstated any of the recently-lifted restrictions. Our vaccination rate is good, but cases have been climbing again anyway. I’m seeing other states and cities bringing back mask requirements, so I just spoke with my spouse and we’re going to go back to masking inside, too.

The town we’re currently living in is on the water and it’s so nice, during the recent heatwave we were about 10 degrees cooler than Seattle — still too hot, but slightly more bearable!

Kira Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: Just the Temptalia x Sydney Grace palettes, which I am still exploring!
Weekend plans: Going to a wedding at a winery and then having dinner with my mom! First time back home to California since 2019. My family (and the pets) have been happy to see me.
What’s your favorite part about summer?: Now that I live on the east coast, I love fireflies and thunderstorms. I also love going to the beach and camping, though I rarely do either these days.

Nancy T Avatar

He’s all ears and legs! I totally agree with you on the Dumbo comparison, LOL!

Purchases/rediscoveries: On a very impulsive whim, I took advantage of MAC’s $5 lipstick deal with any purchase. I ordered yet another pan of Orb eyeshadow for my browbone area (hey, it completely covers up my terrible eyebrow plucking redness, so?) and a lipstick on their Good Bye section, DGAF Love Me Lipstick. Got Chili for $5. I suppose I’m already looking forward to fall with those two lipstick shades, huh?

Weekend Plans: Not much. I do have my Zoom meeting tomorrow at 10. Unfortunately, my rather old phone isn’t always letting me get on to Zoom. It’s a 3½ y.o. Motorola. It’s had its day, I suppose. Can’t go swimming, either, because I’m wearing a specific type of cardiac event moniter that doesn’t allow one to disconnect for a bit. The last moniter I did just a few months ago somehow never gave the results to my cardiologist. They’ve quit doing business with that particular company due to this happening several times.

What do you love about summer? Literally EVERYTHING you said, Christine! Yes, Phoenix area summers are sheer, brutal hell on Earth. Ah, but the thunderstorms are a refreshing delight! The only other thing I love about summer is going for a swim.

Genevieve Avatar

Hi Nancy, last week you wrote about your apartment, that it was not what you thought it would be and I didn’t get a chance to respond and ask you what is wrong with it. I hope that the issues re night time temps in the place have been sorted out, otherwise that would be a major factor (for me anyway) not liking it.
I hope your cardiac event monitor doesn’t show up anything wrong with you. I hear what you are saying about your brutal summers and I share your pain on this one. Melbourne can get incredibly hot too and I loathe each and every summer season.

Seraphine Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: No makeup purchases, just a pair of G.H. Bass loafers that arrived today. As for rediscoveries, ColourPop Ultra Satin liquid lipstick in Dopey. I put it on eight hours ago and it still looks good, even after eating lunch and putting a mask on and off all day.

Weekend plans: Working on music, visiting friends, relaxing.

What’s your favorite part about summer? The traffic is lighter when I go to work. Other than that, my favorite part is when it ends. I hate hot weather.

Mariella Avatar

Bass loafers are such a classic. My husband and I always have a pair (or two) in our closets. I have a practically unworn pair that I got a few years ago and the only reason I’ve not worn them is they don’t really work with most of the clothing I wear now.

Seraphine Avatar

I have the “weejun” style loafers in three colors: black, cordovan (wine), and my favorites—the black and white color blocks. They’re so ridiculously comfortable and the B/W color blocks are just so cool!

Zia Avatar

Recent Purchases: Nothing that’s come yet but my Glam Shop package is supposed to arrive today!
Rediscoveries: Huda Matte & Metals eye shadow duo!! It’s pretty awesome, even after owning it over a year!
Weekend plans: I get to enjoy a whole day home alone tomorrow and I plan to watch a movie and order pesto cheesebread 😀
What’s your favorite part about summer?: Monsoon weather here in Tucson (as long as the air conditioning keeps working)

Genevieve Avatar

Having the house to yourself is such a luxury and I hope you have a wonderful time enjoying the peace and serenity….
The monsoon thunderstorms are quite spectacular too – we have them in Queensland and on occasion they venture further south to our state. And yes, the air con must keep working!

Celesta Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: A couple of Glossier Cloud Paints as I’m just about out of my fave shade, Beam. I repurchased Beam and also purchased Puff. I just can’t seem to find a good drugstore dupe for these that match the tone. Beam is my fave peach cream blush of all time.

Weekend plans: Prepping to go back in to the office next week. As far as I know it’s just for the week and it should be a hybrid schedule thereafter, but I’m anxious about it. I’ve gotten very comfortable working from home the last 16 months.

What’s your favorite part about summer?: Summer storms, but that’s about it. I’m not a fan of the heat or sweating or the clothing (on myself).

Genevieve Avatar

It is quite confronting going back to work in an office after working from home – both of my sons have developed a hybrid system of working a couple of days a week from home and a couple of days in the office. Both said it took them awhile to get use to working around others again – plus getting dressed more formally than jarmies and trackies…..

Genevieve Avatar

A pensive looking Winston – he looks like he needs a nap.

Recent Purchases – Nada – still waiting for my On the Horizon Light palette to arrive.
Rediscoveries: bareMinerals Soft and Smokey palette and Huda’s Smoky Obsessions

Weekend Plans: We are now in lockdown 5.0 for 5 days to head off the covid virus that has been sweeping NSW and now entering our state of Victoria. So annoying as the kids have only been back at school a week from school holidays.
My cousin’s 90th birthday celebrations have been cancelled twice due to lockdowns, which would have been this weekend.
So it’s just the usual cleaning, laundry, cooking and repeat for me this weekend.
Thank you to those who responded to last week’s post – I have had my stent out -and am feeling really great. My sister’s visit was wonderful – she bought out a stack of homemade sandwiches and cakes and we had a lovely afternoon.
The washing machine has arrived and it is a godsend.

What do I like about summer? Not much, because I can’t stand the heat. But I do like the ability to hang the clothes out on the line and they dry quickly. And sometimes I don’t mind the extended daylight saving hours so you can go out for a walk or an evening picnic in the park.

Mariella Avatar

Genevieve, I missed last week’s post (I think I missed the Friday check in entirely) – I didn’t realize you were having health woes but glad to read you are feeling better. Not so glad to read about the new wave of cases you folks are facing. Our government is getting a lot of pressure from the US to reopen the borders but I’m quite happy to have them remain as restricted as they are now because it seems even a bit of relaxation of stringent measures results in whole new outbreaks of the virus and its variants.

Which On the Horizon palette did you order? I ordered Light but was sent Deep in error and I’m actually more pleased with it than I think I might have been with the Light version.

Genevieve Avatar

The health woes were the continuation of the treatment procedure for my kidney stone. Apparently it is very unusual to have one on the right side – but that’s what I had and it was due to not drinking enough water when the family moved in. I had a stent replaced and then it was left in for 3 weeks – so very uncomfortable and irritating. I couldn’t stand or walk for any amount of time and my fitness levels (as a result of not walking) has plummeted. Last Monday night I had the final stent removed and it is a joy to get out and have a bit of a wander – not too far though because we have restrictions.
It’s the Delta variant of covid that is causing all the concern and alarm and hopefully 5 days of lockdown will slow its progress, but I am not holding my breath. It does seem that soon as restrictions are lifted, wham – the numbers rise again. We are so over our lockdowns here.
It’s very, very tricky with the kids at home all the time – they get bored and boisterous – especially as it has been raining a lot. So we take them out between showers.
I think it’s a good idea to keep the borders closed for a lot longer for the reasons you’ve stated. Wise move.
I ordered the Horizons Light palette like you and we’ll see what comes. I don’t think there is a great deal of difference between them, but lighter colours do suit me better.

Mariella Avatar

I can’t imagine the stresses and difficulties of dealing with young children/grandchildren at home during all of this. It’s hard on them (though maybe a great time to learn lost passtimes like knitting, embroidery, needlepoint – seriously! I taught a few kids how to play Cat’s Cradle – that string game – and it kept them transfixed for ages).

I think the only differences between the Light and Deep versions of On the Horizon are the shades October Odyssey, which I actually prefer in the Deep version, and Infinite Echoes, which I prefer in the Light version but my preference for October Odyssey Deep outweighs my preference for the Light Infinite Echoes (if that makes ANY sense). I hope yours arrives soon….it’s travelling a LONG way!

Nikki Avatar

If you like thunderstorms, you could always come to Ohio, because we’ve been having way too many lately!
Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: All my highlighters and lip glosses came in safely. I’m currently waiting on a Sigma Switch (basically a double-sided silicone brush cleaning mat) that I got an initial shipping notification for yesterday-FedEx estimates a Monday arrival.
Weekend plans: Ran some errands today, work all day tomorrow, not sure about Sunday.
What’s your favorite part about summer?: Longer days and air conditioning. That’s about it.

Kimberly Avatar

Recent Purchases/Rediscoveries: I purchased some of the Colourpop Powerpuff Girls collection, the eyeshadow palette, the shadow sticks, one of the blushes, and the rollerball gloss trio

Weekend plans: Packing for my trip to the East Coast! Also pre-filming for when I’m gone, I haven’t decided if I’m going to vlog my trip yet, so especially if I don’t it’ll be good to have content built up because I’ll also be working most of the week after I get back

What’s your favorite part about summer?: Shorts and sheer makeup!

Rachel R. Avatar

RECENT PURCHASES: *ColourPop (sale) — High Tide Palette, the two Hello Kitty blushes, and Lux Lip Oil in the neon pink and neon orange.
*Notoriously Morbid (sale) — Pressed shimmer and matte neon pigments, loose neon UV reactive pigments, highlighters in Annabelle and Corrosion, a couple multichrome liquid lipsticks, and an empty coffin shaped magnetic palette.
*Urban Outfitters — The two Terra Moons eyeshadow sets.
*Tarte (sale) — a bunch of empty magnetic palettes, and a mini set with a cream blush and Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara.

WEEKEND PLANS: Celebrating! My younger son got an on-the-spot job offer at his interview. Full time, benefits, and close to public transportation and where his dad works. We’re really proud of him.
Also, we got an excellent deal on a used engine for the plane we’re building, and it appears to be in really good condition. Even after paying an air mechanic to tear it down and check it out, we’ll be saving about half the cost of a new one. You don’t want to know how much that is, because it’s a huge, scary number.

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PART OF SUMMER?: That it stays light out for so long. It’s so much easier to drive and get things done. This year I’m appreciating being able to travel again!

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