Free for Haul Friday, Volume #240
Welcome to Free For Haul Friday!
- Haul: I bought the set of Becca Beach/Eye Tints and those arrived this week.
- Weekend plans: Totally swamped right now with blog-related stuff, so trying to prioritize and get through a chunk of my to-do list. Then, Father’s Day!
- Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Eat fruits like watermelon and strawberries!
Share your pet photos to the Temptalia Pets flickr group! 🙂
This week’s Mellan photo/video…
There is no resisting this face!
Haul: MAC Perdo & Mac Kelly Quad along with MAC Aquadisiac
Weekend plans: Working and relaxing.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Eat tons of fruit.
What are your favorite summer fruits?
Cantaloupe, Raspberries, Watermelon and Strawberries!
Haul: I’ve been on a no buy since April for the sake of my other hobbies and I’m still on it but I happened to pick up Dodgy Girl and Viva Glam Rihanna from MAC. The experience getting Dodgy Girl was Terrible.
Weekend Plans: Try To finish up this video game, go to work and read my comics.
Favorite thing to do during the summer: Go to Six Flags and Drink Strawberry Lemonade ! 🙂
I’m glad you were able to get Dodgy Girl, even if it was rough!
Hi Mellan!
Haul: A couple of Eve Lom foundation products – the lift foundation and tinted moisturizer
Weekend plans: my house needs a thorough cleaning. 4 dogs. lots of rain. one doggie door so the dogs can come and go as they please into the fenced backyard… and sigh.. my floors…ugh.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: I’m a salad fiend and summer makes it that much better as I frequently use fresh fruit. I absolutely love everything about summer cooking!
Have a good weekend!
Oooh! Keep me posted on the Eve Lom foundation products…
I am envisioning a LOT of muddy foot prints!
sad to say, but I do not care for the lift foundation whatsoever, ugh!. It doesn’t work for me for a couple of reasons. First, it has far too much slip which is the KOD in a foundation for me and it is overly dewy. It does not cover redness despite being labelled as buildable medium coverage. I have tons of medium coverage foundations which at least stick to my skin. This one doesn’t which brings me back to that slip factor. Second, the colour is similar to other foundations and the problem I frequently find, I purchased Vanilla which is the right level for my skin, but it runs too beige in tone..I’m more yellow/very light olivey but with neutral undertones. A tough skin to match. This one doesn’t blend in and meld with my skin like some others do..the colour sits on top. Sadly, a pass, but It may be a foundation I try again for winter when my skin is considerably dryer and my neck and chest are typically covered. It’s not an awful match, but I have too many that work far better. I saw this foundation on others and it looked fab, but I’m personally quite disappointed in how it looks on me. Haven’t got around to the TM yet..One can only handle so much lunchbag letdown in a week. 🙁
Aww, that’s a disappointment! It sounds like problem after problem with very little positive… those are always hard to take. Fingers crossed the TM is better for you next week!
I picked up a Physician’s Formula Eye Booster in Ultra Black since I ran out of eyeliner. I won the 24/7 Urban Decay eyeliner in Perversion and five BFTE Cosmetics loose shadows from PinkieCharm that arrived yesterday. And I won a NYX Macaron lipstick in Rose from the Batalash chat on Pampadour and that should arrive Monday!
Weekend plans are the usual – YouTube and blogging.
Yay for winnings!
I wear the physicians formula eye booster every single day! It never bleeds, feathers and dissapears… Its amazing!
Haul: Few more stuff from Osbournes collection.Cranberry lip pencil & Dodgy girl
Weekend plans : Nothing really! slow weekend ahead!
Fav things to do during summers : Travel, Love taking drives…
Glad ya got Dodgy Girl!
Haul: nothing
Weekend plans: Ugh… moving
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: I hate summer because of the humidity and heat, so my favorite thing is to be in air conditioned places lol
Good luck with the move!
Haul: Chanel Coco Shine in Satisfaction, NARS Matte Multiple in Siam. That is it for beauty! Otherwise, a few shirts and a jacket from H&M and jeans from ASOS.
Weekend plans: Father’s Day! Picnic with some friends for the Gentleman this weekend.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Farmer’s Market and road trips. The market down the road from me is much more vibrant in summer. I also love taking small road trips to explore the states around me.
What state is on your list to check out next?
I know u probably get so sick of these questions! But I remember in one of your last lipstick reviews, you were wearing some gorgeous Josie Moran coconut eye color shadow. Will you ever be reviewing those?
Hi Dani,
I don’t have any idea when or if I will review them, sorry! I test many products but do not have time to write about all of them, unfortunately!
Haul: Repurchased my Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer, nothing new though.
Weekend plans: Probably relax, maybe go out to eat as usual.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: I actually like to watch tv show seasons, it’s too hard to find time to do that during the semester. I want to catch Vikings Season 1, Falling Skies Season 1-2, X-Files Seasons 5-9, and finish rewatching Charmed Seasons 1-9, just to name a few.
Sounds like a lot of shows to watch 😀 9 seasons of Charmed!
Haha yes, those are only the older seasons I’ve been meaning to watch, I also watch active shows! I can’t get enough of sci-if/fantasy shows.
If they had Beverly Hills 90210 on Amazon or Netflix, I would totally watch that again 😉 That is my old school guilty pleasure!
How do you like the Becca Beach Eye Tints? Id love to see a review on them!!!
Hi Jordan,
I just received them, so I haven’t tried them. My backlog is about 8-12 weeks!
Haul: from Kelly & Sharon collection- Strip Poker, Riot House, Dodgy Girl, Kelly Yum Yum (x2), Cheeky Bugger, Kelly’s quad, In Synch, Morning Mister Magpie, Jolly Good, Bijou, Refresh, Cranberry, Sharon’s quad, Peaches and Cream. And Florescent Beige from the Marc Jacobs Beauty nail polish.
Plans: hopefully nothing. I need to rest
Favorite summer to-do: staying cool and refreshed
I just want to note, even though the Osbourne collection is amazing and well done, getting the pieces has been hell. I had to do several online orders from Macy’s, Nordstroms, and MAC. Along with being at my Nordstroms when it opened at 10 yesterday. I would have regretted missing on pieces but it was one of the worst carried out collections in a long while.
Sounds horrible 🙁
I think this is the second time I have agreed with you in a week. But I hear you well. I gave up on the whole collection; became far too annoyed at having to try and piecemeal what I wanted together through various sources. I’m in Canada, so if I buy MAC from USA, I need to ship to my US address due to import restrictions and then ship back to Canada from my US address. So, completely decided I wasn’t going there for this MAC collection. More than a little annoyed. Kudos to you for pulling your shopping list together. For me, it was going to come at too great a cost.
Nice MAC haul, Lizzi!
Haul – Nothing, I will be making up for that this week though 🙂
Weekend Plans – Sleeping and getting my kit ready for 3 full weekends in a row of wedding makeup
Favorite thing to do during the summer – I love tubing down the river, going to the lake, and grilling out!
What’s on your list to get this week, Jordan Michelle?
I’m such a sucker for puppies! I can’t wait to see your new beach tints! I love my grapefruit one!
Haul: MAC Kelly Osbourne eyeshadow quad, Some random coastal scents hot pots to try out and some brushes, MAC Pedro Lourenco Mirror Lipglass (that I overpaid for on ebay due to a combo of sold out on MAC’s website and my intense love of all things silver glitter!)
Weekend Plans: Buying my first car! About time at 24 years old
Favorite Thing to do during the summer: Barbeque related dinner parties.
I hope Mirror is all that you wanted it to be!
Look at those puppy eyes 😀
Haul: Revlon make-up and nail polish, a new bronzer, and MUFE pigment.
Weekend plans: House warming party.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Not have to wear a coat 😀 And maybe drink cocktails.
What new bronzer did you get?
Haul: I got a Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet, a Dior Addict Lip Glow (been wanting it for ages!), and repurchased Maybelline Illegal Lengths Mascara.
Weekend plans: I’m going to the movies tonight and tomorrow!
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: A year ago I never would have said this, but I love going to the beach!
What movies are you seeing, Amanda?
…and I bet he knows you can’t resist it either! 😀
Haul: Oh Gods. Where do I start. Maybe I shouldn’t. I’ve never bought so much makeup in my life (mind you, in NZ buying more than one item at a time is an occasion!) as I have in this last week. Truly, I blush! I’m gonna post the particulars soon, but it involves: Laura Mercier, Givenchy, Lancome, Marc Jacobs, Sephora (Including Formula X), Inglot, Barry M, Ana Hilwa, Bassam Fattouh and Bioderma. In a way, I’m probably most excited about Bassam Fattouh and Ana Hilwa, because I was really looking forward to trying some local (middle eastern) brands!
Weekend plans: 26 hours of flying and waiting in airports getting home… :-S
Favourite thing to do during summer – seems I’m in good company here – I love eating (daily) my own bodyweight in fruits that become affordable during summer – apricots, nectarines and peaches, summer berries, cherries, mangoes…I’m a total fruit fly any season of the year, but I have a special love for berries and stone fruit, so summer is a good time for eating, in my book!
Do you do anything to the fruit or just cut it up and eat?
Haul: Got to Nordstrom right when it opened and got the last Kelly Yum Yum and Dodgy Girl. It was crazy how busy they were and how little stock they had; I dont’ know waht MAC was thinking. (I keep being on the verge of swearing off MAC because I’m so tired of these games but I keep getting sucked back in. But hear that MAC? I’m sooooo close to defecting to other make-up brands.) I also picked up Peaches and Cream blush.
Weekend plans: Massive house cleaning and I want to do a big clothing purge.
Favorite thing to do during the summer? I lke being on the water: at the beach, tubing down a river, sailing on the lake.
I’m happy you were able to get what you wanted, Lee, despite the madness! I hear you, though – I have stalked many a collection 🙁
Haul: Josie Maran Argan Oil, Anastasia Brow Powder Duo in Ebony, Gerard Cosmetics BB Plus Illumination creme, some Elizabeth and James rollerballs, New York Color topcoat, ELF clear mascara, Ipsy bag (yay nyx butter gloss!), City Color Cosmetics contour palette, two LA Girl Cosmetics eyeliners, and a whole bunch of stuff from the generation beauty event from a bit ago like the new Bareminerals foundation and brush.
Weekend plans: Try to finish a mountain of laundry
Favorite thing to do during summer?: Like someone else said TV show seasons!
How did you like Generation Beauty?
It was nice, but annoying because I was in line for over 3 hours just for Bareminerals. I really wish I could have attended the panels, but I guess I can’t really complain when I walked away with like 800 dollars worth of stuff. Overall an enjoyable experience.
Haul: Nyx Butter Gloss in Creme Brulee (so pretty!), CoverGirl Clump Crusher mascara, the Anastasia Contour Kit (YAY!!), an Ergo large round brush, Jergen’s BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream (testing it out this weekend), and some HG replacements: Replenix Power of Three Cream, Oribe Beautiful Color Shampoo, Oribe Brillance and Shine Conditioner. Fighting the urge to pick up Rockateur, some gel eye liner and St. Tropez self-tanner — we’ll see:)
Weekend plans: Dinner date with an ex-boyfriend, coffee date with a new guy:), vintage/secondhand clothes shopping, and lots of doggie bonding time
Favorite thing to do during the summer: Eat tons of fruit and take long, slow walks in the late evening
So glad you could score the Contour Kit! It sounds almost impossible to get, lol!
I know! I’m soooo excited. I had the automated Sephora email thingy set up to notify me when it came in. I literally bought it less than 2 mins after the email came through:)!
MAC Kelly lipsticks, PeachesnCream blush, Cranberry lipliner, Mineralize Concealer, 168 brush. Sephora Cougar & Flamingo lipstick & Banana Split Eyeliner. Bite beauty lip duo Neutral. Eyeko mascara duo. Givenchy Hibiscus Exclusifs lipstick. 🙂
Weekend plans:
Funeral 🙁
Favorite thing to do during the summer?
Eating fruits Watermelon & Mango & BBQ…pretty much everything 🙂
Summer is a great time for BBQ/grilling 🙂 Do you have any particular recipes you like?
Haul: Dior Addict Extreme lipstick in Incognito, Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizer, and LUSH lip tint in Latte. Trying to behave myself since I’m still paying off car repairs and am revving up to go back to school, but I couldn’t resist grabbing a new lipstick before I did!
Weekend plans: I really have to get on getting my school applications together on top of working off this series of night shifts coming up.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Drink margaritas and slather myself in sunscreen, hiding from the cruel, burning sun.
Good luck on your school apps, Veronica! 🙂
Haul: Finally, the Hourglass 3-pan Ambient Light palette (or whatever the name is), Dior Nail Glow and Sephora moisturizer. I also got lovely samples of Atelier Cologne Neroli and Vetiver scents and a quite substantial sample of Nars Baalbek eye paint (I’m probably going to buy the full size but wanted to try it out first).
Weekend plans: a friend is, once again, coming to stay for the weekend and we’re also celebrating Fathers Day for my hubby. Sadly only our daughter will be here as our older son is in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with the US Marines and our younger son is out of town also and so busy with is co-op job that he can’t make it in.
Favourite thin to do during the summer: sleep late (during the school year, I’m up and at’em between 5 and 5:30), eat cherries, go for dinner or drinks to somewhere with a really nice outdoor patio.
So glad you were able to get the Hourglass palette! 🙂
Have a great Father’s Day!
Haul: I bought a new brow pencil & brow highlighter ( to replace the one that’s out)
Weekend plans: Maybe go to the Children’s Science Museum. We already did Father’s Day last weekend
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: wear bright colors 🙂 I like going to concerts like BSB <3
Have fun if you end up going to the museum 🙂
Aww give Mellan a few treats! I’d be a total sucker for those eyes, lol
Haul:Too Faced Chocolate palette got it for$29 on HSN! Returned a Nars Venito eye pencil (it was totally dried out)at Sephora and got Becca beach tint shimmer souffle in Papaya . So far I like both products.
Weekend Plans: Get rid of excess clothes and things. Relax and eat good food.
Favorite things to do during the summer: When I’m in my hometown Maryland eat crabs. And I love snowballs when its hot out.
Wow! $29! That’s a steal!
Haul: nada!
Weekend plans: Taking my Dad out tomorrow for Father’s Day!
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Swim if I can. There is not to many public pools anymore in my area.
What are you going to do with your dad? 🙂
We took him to a “local foods” types resturant in the city. Every ingredient came from Ontario.
How fun! Love local/farm-to-table type restaurants.
Haul: I finally got the last of my birthday presents! I got:
Tarina Tarantino Starchild Odyssey palette
Tarina Tarantino Victorian Punk eye shadow
UD Revolution lipsticks in Anarchy and Jilted
UD eye shadow in Snare
OCC lip tar in Black Metal Dahlia
Tarte skinny smoldereyes in Peridot
MUFE aqua liner in Iridescent Red
Fresh Sugar Rose lip treatment
Jack Black turbo wash travel size tube (2)
Weekend plans: White Sox game Saturday, yard work Sunday (we’re re-doing the landscaping in the front).
Favorite things to do during the summer: hole up in the darkroom. I hate the heat! But if I ~have to~ go outside, fishing and baseball.
Very nice birthday gifts, Alice!
Haul: I got the new Maybelline The Nudes Palette this week. Pretty happy with it so far. Great price and concept. Also found some of the new leather color tattoos, and Physician’s formula bronze booster to try.
Plans: It’s my husband’s birthday (Friday the 13th) and does he want to do this weekend?? take me shopping! Do I know how to pick ’em?
Fave Summer Activity: Not a total fan of summer (it gets really muggy and miserable this time of year where I live). I spend most of my summers working and waiting for fall to come back around 🙂
Ooh, I keep checking for the new Maybelline products but no dice! Happy to hear you’re liking the palette so far!
Aww, am trying to figure out if Mellan has done something he shouldn’t have or if he’s just waiting patiently to be let out!! Cute!
Haul: Trying to stop shivering with fever and cramps due to withdrawal symptoms of not buying anything this week! C-c-cant s-stand it, must find shop….!
Weekend plans : got friends coming round for dinner tonight so will be tidying house and generally fluffing around. Also, am expecting roof repair guy as we had one of the worst storms in decades on Tuesday with wind gusts of 145km which took off a number of shingles from our roof and left us with no power for 21 hours! that was a fun night let me tell you. Not.
Favourite thing to do in summer: Much the same as other comments: eat lots of fruit and get some vitamin D by blobbing outside.
LOL! He is really just waiting to go out 😀
Haul: Benefit’s “They’re Real” push-up liner! Which I have mixed feelings about. I don’t think I’ll use it to do cat eyes, but I kind of love it for tightlining. I have always sucked at using a brush to tightline and this liner makes it a lot easier.
Nice to hear it works well for tightlining!
Haul: I haven’t. I’m still waiting on Becca Opal. I don’t want to have to place an order just for that and have to pay shipping. Dior, Becca…you are ruining my highlighter game right now!! Opal or GTFO!! Lol. And, Dior, I weep for the Diamonds back. I will never forgive for this makeup atrocity. :,(
Weekend plans: All I know at this point is that my makeup brushes really need a deep clean! I like the beauty blender, but I prefer my brushes for foundation, and they were all dirty today when doing my face.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Oh, so many things! I love to do a lot of outdoor lounging… Getting some sun with an ice cold drink while chomping down on some fresh summer fruit with either some music or reading for entertainment. I also enjoy going to the farmer’s market. Doing cookouts or bonfires is always fun, too.
I find it so odd that Dior discontinued them without a suitable replacement!
Me too!! I never understood why they would get rid of it to begin with, but I figured they’d have to be replacing it with something similar that would be equivalent or better, but nope. I mean, is there anything in Dior’s line now that serves as a highlighter? I haven’t come by it if it exists. I know they have products with similar names, but of no real comparison. I really don’t get it! Why you do me like this, Dior?!
Same here! Dior reformulates everything, all the time, so it’s not really a surprise to see things get discontinued, but they almost always replace with something similar.
Loving the dog! The star of temptalia.
Haul:mac sharon and kelly osbourne collection: the 2 blushes, all listicks, the 2 quads, kellys msf, lip liner in synch.
Plans: staying home, Feed my strays and cleaning laundry and cooking.
Favorite things to do during summer:spend time with my kid.
Awesome MAC haul, Fabiola!
Haul: I got the nars blush/bronzer duo and clinique blush. If these guys don’t have the lasting effect on me then I’m splurging on the armani maestro fusion blush. I also got some ud eye pencils and the lorac pro eye palette.
Weekend plans: Work on my thesis 🙁
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Getting up at 4:30am and going for a walk. The weather is so much more nicer (We’re having 47 Celsius weather!!!). I randomly stroll through the park and stop often to take photos on my phone. Even at that leisurely pace I end up doing a 6km easily which is a plus for my unhealthy self.
Which Clinique blush did you try?
Berry Pop. *Fingered crossed it works on me*
Let me know how Berry Pop works for you 🙂
Haul: I ordered and received the Perricone No Foundation Foundation and No Blush Blush…although that might have been last week. I’m contemplating the mascara in this line because the photos of it on Musings of a Muse look so good! Also, the new Maybelline Dream BB cream for acne and a L’Oreal True Match concealer.
Weekend plans: We’re celebrating Father’s Day and my husband’s birthday tomorrow, and we’ll probably go see Edge of Tomorrow on Sunday. Plus, Game of Thrones season finale – ooh boy!
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Go see summer blockbusters! But the older I get, the more sensitive I am to the heat, and I mostly look forward to when it will start to cool down. But we live in Southern California, so we can pretty much do anything year round.
Keep me posted on how those products work out for you, Pteetsa!
Happy b-day to your hubby!
Haul: Nothing! Third or fourth week, no haul… being good, saving for my trip! Wait, I needed shampoo! I bought shampoo…
Weekend plans: Work and recover from my awful cold :S probably have some mates over for BBQ at some stage (only in Australia do you BBQ in the middle of winter!!).
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Seeing as it’s currently 9°C (48°F!) and that’s about the coldest it gets here, I shall have to cast my mind back… my favourite thing to do during summer is to hang out at my inlaws holiday house and walk across the road to the beach whenever I feel like it. Nothing quite like it.
Feel better, Jade! 🙂
Haul: I got one each of the Essie mini sets for Spring 2014 and Summer 2014. I also got a red sparkly shrug for my sleeveless dresses and a punky red lips necklace from Etsy
Weekend plans: I want to get through a short paper this weekend, and edit it by Monday. I also want to do some housecleaning. And possibly bake something yummy. 🙂 Speaking of, if I send you a cake will you send me Mellan for the week? 😀
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Complain about the heat and pray for fall to get here soon. Lol. I like visiting the Cloisters museum in upper Manhattan because I get to walk through Fort Tryon Park. It’s a lovely walk when the weather is nice.
LOL! It’s hard for me to even spend half a day away from Mellan, let alone a week, even if there was cake 😉
Haul, nothing really, just sunscreens, one face one body. It doesn’t count as it’s something one really, really need, right!
Weekend, laundry and cleaning, Oh, so boring.
Favorite thing to do in the summer. Swimming used to be one, but I’ve not done any swimming since we sold the country house 🙁
Eating strawberrys and cherries, and other seasonal fruits and berries.
Watching TV series when it’s too hot outside, reading while sitting in the shade.
Walking the dog, but that’s realla an all year round loved thing to do.
Mellan is so cute, those eyes!!!
Aww, I hope you can find somewhere new to swim, at least occasionally 🙂
Haul: Laura Merciers Tinted Moisturizer in Blush and eyeshadow in Bamboo.
Weekend plans: An open house presentation on Saturday at my work (we can examine the new built operation wing), lunch with a co-worker and some more muck out.
Favorite thing to do during the summer?: Sit in the sun (or shadow) and enjoy a good book or magazine to read.
Have you used Bamboo yet?
I have used Bamboo this week as a single color. It has a really great payoff and is easy to blend. I believe it is a great summer and fall color, because of the slightly warm, bronzy undertone (I have a cool undertone) which is perfect with a little tan.
Very nice 😀
Uh oh, big haul: MAC Pro Lip Palette – 6 Preferred Pinks, NYC Ultra Moist Lip Wear in Cafe (a shimmering nude), NYC Applelicious Glossy Lip Balm in Apple Blueberry Pie, 2 liquid and 2 pencil NYC eyeliners in black, e.l.f. Eyebrow Kit in medium, e.l.f. Tone Correcting Powder in Cool, e.l.f. Essential Shimmering Facial Whip Blush in Lilac Petal, e.l.f. makeup setting spray, NYC Sun ‘n Bronze in Hamptons Radiance, CND Solar Oil for cuticles, Happi polish by Zoya, Haute as Hello polish by Essie, Blueberry Acai Lip Balm by EOS, Batiste Dry Shampoo in Tropical, 6-pce. Avojuice mini set by OPI, Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balm in Whimsical, Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain in Cherish, and an online order from Fyrinnae for a highlighter, blushes, and eyeshadows.
Weekend plans: Experimenting with new makeup stuff! Also doing Physio exercises (ouch) to recover from a car accident (100% the other driver’s fault!).
Favorite thing to do in the summer: Hide out in air conditioned comfort, sip frilly iced drinks and dream of snow. I hate the heat.
P.S. – Oh, and an e.l.f. makeup corrector pen! How appropriate, hahaha.
So sorry to hear about the car accident 🙁 Hoping for a speedy recovery for you!!
P.S. – Oh, and an e.l.f. makeup correcter pen! How appropriate, hahaha!
Haul: buncha stila eyeliners @ their sale, thanks to you, C, reminding me that initial bad experiences ought not forever rule out purchases. Mint Julep included, natch! It’s so easy to do a neutral eye w/ Naked Basics or whatever + punch it up w/eyeliner in whatever clothing color I’m wearing. I AM matchy-matchy. Child of the fifties + early sixties!
W/E: no reports, thank God, so taking computer in for a wipe + upgrade + additional memory. Hope it doesn’t take too long, ’cause I’ve got VOIP phone + no longer am the plug + play maven I once was. So, I’ll be out of phone, too. I’m too much of a Luddite to get a cell + how people use them annoys the bogwater out of me.
Summer stuff: Gunrocks beach: gotta drive there, but it’s a town beach, as opposed to the big beach in walking distance. So it has grannies caring for small ones + a few other townies + not the hordes of out-of-towners w/ boom boxes. Bring a good book, or the ‘something/classic i always should have read’ book. Hopefully the psoriasis on my lids + in brows will clear. Otherwise, local State Park with Jussi (B + T SH Dachs.) The yorkie has a collapsed trachea (common, who knew?) + heart issues, so he never goes on extended walks. Check out the other dogs + look at indigenous plants + trees + birds. My immediate neighborhood does not have a great variety of those last three.
So glad you were able to snag some of the Stila eyeliners on sale! I forgot how well they wear on the water line as well.
I spent last week with technology woes, so I hope your upgrade went smoothly!