Do you keep looking for even better after you've found a holy grail product?

TRUE holy grails feel so right that I don’t feel compelled to keep the hunt up, but if there’s something new that releases that gets a lot of love from people I trust then I start to wonder if maybe it is better and might try it. That being said, I do have a really innate desire to try a lot of what gets released since that’s what I’ve been doing for over a decade, LOL!

— Christine


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Erica Avatar

I don’t try to find holy grail products or that one perfect product I’ll only use for the rest of time. I just use products I’m interested in and when it’s done, like with a mascara, I’ll try something else that sparks my interest. With blush, eyeshadow, highlighter, lipstick and bronzer I just keep trying what’s newly available and in my budget. I don’t want to find HG bc that means I won’t ever try new products and what’s fun about that!

Seraphine Avatar

OMG, the very fact that you’re even asking this question…makes me feel validated!

I’ve had an HG foundation for years, and yet I still try others. But I always come back to my HG because although the others might be good, they’re never as good as my beloved HG. But I do have three HG products that I never, ever stray from: Clinique Brow Shaper, Tarte Shape Tape Concealer, and NYX Proof It Waterproof Eyeshadow Primer. I’ve just accepted that those are the best and I don’t need to try anything else.

I just don’t know why I have this need to keep trying new foundations when I have one that I fully know is perfect for my skin. It’s a mystery.

Seraphine Avatar

Sorry, looking back, it’s weird that I didn’t name it in my post!! Estee Lauder Double Wear (in Desert Beige). I have not found another foundation that stays as perfect all day long, even in hot weather, and doesn’t break out my combination skin.

That said, I have a sample of NARS Longwear Foundation in Deauville at home that I haven’t tried yet. It comes out at the top of the list when I do the Temptalia Foundation Matrix, so I thought I’d give it a try. I don’t know why I keep trying others…I love EL’s foundation sooooo much! Maybe it’s the boring packaging? 😉

Taylor Avatar

Have you ever used NARS eyeshadow primer? The NYX looks very similar and I wondered if it’s as good as the NARS one. NARS is literally the only primer that keeps my eyeshadows perfect, but if I can save the $$$, I’m here for that.

Mariella Avatar

Oh sure I do and I’m guessing that most of us who hang out here do the same but that’s because we’re interested in makeup/skin care products. It’s like golfers – I’m sure that golfers who have really good clubs and equipment still keep looking for a better driver, a better golf bag, whatever….because it’s their interest or hobby. Fortunately, a lipstick is a whole lot cheaper than a new driver or wood or whatever names the golf clubs have. Ditto those into having to possess the latest phone (heck, they line up overnight just as some do for LE cosmetics products!) or other electronics, etc. So while probably the majority of women (and men) don’t do this, a lot of us here do keep looking for then next newer, better “thing”.

Marie Avatar

Yes. But I also have fear that my holy grail is going to be discontinued. My favorite mascara (Giorgio Armani Eyes To Kill Wet) is going to be discontinued, so I stocked up. But I’m glad that I was already trying other brands so I’m not panicking.

Nothing lasts forever. You have to be ready to adapt to change.

Seraphine Avatar

I was so sad when Laura Mercier discontinued the lipstick shade Discretion several years ago. It was my most perfect nude. Since then, I’ve been on a search for a new favorite nude lipstick and have amassed quite a few over the years, but I think I finally found “The One.” I just hope it sticks around for awhile.

Pearl Avatar

There was a time I think where I didn’t mind the hunt, but now, no – I’m pretty particular about my makeup and once I find something that is HG, I stop the search. I think the last HG thing I needed to find was foundation (and I did, yay) but then it was discontinued (Giorgio Armani Lasting Silk UV Foundation, boo). The closest match I’ve found for texture, coverage and finish is Shiseido Synchro Skin – for me, SSS is a bit thicker formula but otherwise a good dupe for GA LSUFV.

Anne Avatar

It depends, usually upon how long a product has remained a HG for me, and usually my HGs are skincare products. I’ll try a sample or even purchase a travel size of something, especially if it’s getting rave reviews. But what happens 99 times out of a 100 (over the years) is that these newer products just validate why my HGs are HGs.

AB Avatar

Generally, I do stop looking after I’ve found an HG, but my HGs can be very specific so some space-adjacent search may go on.

For instance, I’ve found my HG neutral/medium brown eyeshadow, but I have kept eye out a slightly lighter toned version for summer. I have an HG rosy lipgloss and don’t look further, but I’ve tried to find it in lipstick version.

Deborah S. Avatar

Yes but pretty much only for a few products and those products are foundation, concealer, sunscreen, powder and face primer. I have products I like in those categories and even a couple of HG products but I am always still interested in what is new and potentially able to bump a HG product from my list. My HG foundation is a perfect example as I cannot get it in the U.S. so have CeeBee send it to me from Australia but if I found something I liked as well or better then I could let that go. Tarte Shape tape has been my concealer of choice since it first launched but I haven’t been happy with Tarte and haven’t purchased any product from them so will be looking for a new and potentially better concealer. So one reason to keep looking is the potential that your HG product won’t be available forever or you may have a reason to not purchased from that brand again. I have tried a lot of face primers and haven’t found one that really minimizes my pores. I have great ones for improving wear time and setting my makeup but nothing that works like I think a pore minimizing primer should work. I have tried from DS to HE and still searching. As for powders, I just have a thing for powders!!

Safyre Avatar

I wouldn’t say I so much “keep looking” so much as I just naturally like trying new products. So as much as say, I’ll have a HG item, I will try others like it but sooner or later repurchase said HG.

Christine Avatar

Kat Von D recently posted about not vaccinating her unborn child on Instagram, and she alluded to it being due to an industry that can’t be trusted and is pushing vaccines for profit (not to do with her being vegan). Following that, she proceeded to post again on Instagram with a very “poor me” message that effectively said anyone who doesn’t agree with her is spreading negativity/being a hater ( A week later, she followed up with an “apology” (to me, it read as, “corporate is angry, and this is the most I’m willing to backpedal”) here:

Kat Von D has had problematic behavior in her past, some before the beauty brand, and then at least a couple under the beauty brand, and given what has come to light in the last year or so to me, it was a brand that I expected to remove from coverage if there was another incident of problematic behavior (particularly anything that was explicit/proven/verifiable, as some of the worst were rumored/he said-she-said) or if any of the more grievous past incidents became verifiable.

Racked did a write-up on the most recent debacle:

Seraphine Avatar

Thank you so much. I had suspected as much. Upon hearing about this a few weeks ago, I made a decision not to buy her products anymore. I agree with and support your decision.

kjh Avatar

The Racked article is excellent. Had KVD decided to keep her private life private, no one would be any the wiser. I guess, as much as I abhor her stance, I think she has a right to it. I guess. We all know the medical horror stories from lack of vaxxing. I would pull my g-kids out of a preschool that did not require vaxxing, and I seriously doubt any schools without responsible vaxxing policies can receive any state or fed aid. What the stance says is that she is socially and personally irresponsible. I think the constant social media barrage is mandatory for brands…though I seem to buy enough without most SM. TMI will sink many persons. This is not a m/u vs. customer use/treatment controversy, like abh or lime crime. Not sure I even agree with vegan baby status. Baby seed or fruit eating birds are supplemented with insects, worms, etc. They need the animal based protein. No D3 for Kat; D2 is plant based. Good luck for a D deficiency, which is so common. She may have passed HS science, but she’s failing it now! I, too, can no longer support her. You handled this with your usual tact and finesse, Ms C, and as always we are proud of you as the voice of reason.

Wendy Avatar

Thanks Christine! I have an adult son with autism. This long debunked myth has caused so much damage. It puts everyone, especially those who are too young to be vaccinated or have weakened immune systems, at risk. But it also distracts people from putting their time, energy, and resources into helping people with autism live better lives. For new autism families, having to sift through all of the quackery can add so much stress.
On a lighter note, I need to find a new HG liquid eyeliner!

Risa Avatar

Wow. I’m glad to hear it. I had those issues with the posts too. It’s sad. I’ve always liked her products, and though I was really curious about this new one, I completely support your decision.

Leigh Avatar

Good! I am done with Kat Von D as well! I even sold my Mi Vida Loca pallette online & will not be buying anymore Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks. Vaccinations are important and lifesaving and to spread misinformation is dangerous and ingnorant.

Cil Avatar

I kind am forced to use some products that work for me because it is difficult to find anything else. I have hooded, sensitive, watery eyes combined with very oily lids. It took me forever to find an eyepencil (marc jacobs highliner crayon), eyeliner (Inglot 77) and mascara (guerlain cil’s d’enfre), which became HG. I don’t go after anything else because I think it wouldn’t work.

I tested most of eyeprimers known to everyone. None of them can help my eyeshadows stay for more than 30 min. I collect palettes just bc I find them pretty.??

The things I still try are red lipstick, blush and foundation despite having my HGs. ?

Seraphine Avatar

Hello from another person with hooded, sensitive, watery eyes and oily lids! I can’t wear anything on my lower lash line because my outer corners always tear. MJ Highliners are my HG eye pencil, too. (Chanel Stylo Yeux pencils are great and I use them, but MJ still wins.) I’ve given up trying other brands…everything else runs on me. And Highliners come in just about any color I could want.

Here are some suggestions that work for me (if you’ve already tried them all, never mind!). I use the NYX Proof It from lid to brows, and even under my brow products. Then I’ll use one of the other two products specifically on my lids to keep shadows and from transferring up onto the hoods and disappearing.

• NYX Proof It Waterproof Eyeshadow Primer (inexpensive and effective)


• NYX Glitter Primer (I rub a little just on my lids before applying shimmer eyeshadow, then dab a little on top of the eyeshadow and let it dry…sometimes I’ll close my eyes in front of a small fan to speed it up!!)


• MAC Mixing Medium Eyeliner (My newest acquisition and it works for me. Use it the same way as I described for the Glitter Primer. It’s not as tacky and thick, so easier to apply. This works for either shimmer or matte shadows.)

Brianne Avatar

Yes, Diorshow mascara is my Holy Grail mascara and yet every once in a while I feel the urge to try something else – maybe I’ll love it! Maybe it’s cheaper! – and I always end up finding it inferior and going back to Diorshow.

kjh Avatar

Skincare, fairly much yes. Replaced most Paula with Cosrx. Use it in a ‘glass skin’ fashion, lots of light layers. But prime day found me getting 2 replacements not on Ulta and three new products from Cosrx. I like the philosophy: most are water based with a very low ingredients list. As reactive as I am these days, that’s a real good thing. Ever try to figure out what bothers you, when the list is 40 chemicals long? Face: have two basics, FAB triple duty and Paula resist blah blah. HG. Every day. The KGD foundation it took me two years to find has been reformulated. Color cos: no such thing, whether color or formula. Too much to try out. And the hunt is usually fun, in color, anyway.

Genevieve Avatar

That’s a really good question!
I guess it depends on the type of beauty product you keep looking for –
Foundation – I have recently found my holy grail every day foundation in the Designer Brands range and I am keen to try their other foundations, as their porcelain ivory shade is right for me.
Lipstick – I am always looking for inexpensive, but excellent quality shades in my favourite colours of copper and russet.
Eyeshadows – yep, that’s the one I keep looking at – even though I have lots already.

CeeBee Avatar

Was it the DB Velvet Matte foundation? I really like that one 🙂 The Luminous Hydrating one is lovely too, but the matte lasts better on me.

Natalia Avatar

Generally no, I love new things in everything, makeup included. So, if there is smth that I believe suits me better than most of my other products, I’ll just use it more often, that is all.

That said, there are a couple of products I do not see being bested by anything in the near future. I am talking about the combination of NARS PURE RADIANT TINTED MOISTURIZER in Finland in combination with MAC MINERALIZE FOUNDATION/ LOOSE ( I do not see it on the US MAC site, so I’m worried they are discountinuing it!!)

Another find is Burberry FULL BROWS set in Sepia is PERFECT for my eyebrows color and quality wise, do not see how anything else would beat it, so I think this one, no matter how expensive, will have to be in my arsenal.

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