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Sarah Avatar

I keep a facial roller in the fridge. It feels better than ANYTHING on a hot summer day when I apply my skincare and then roll it in with the icy cold roller. Aaah!

I keep a couple of serums in the fridge too, but they’re in very tiny bottles and hardly keep much space.

Mariella Avatar

I used to keep a foot/leg gel in the fridge – talk about a nice sensation! And I will also put facial mists in the fridge from time to time (but my bathroom is upstairs and my fridge is in my kitchen on the main floor so it’s not the most convenient…)

Z Avatar

Facial roller, mist, a couple of cream masks, an eye cream (inkey list caffeine), and a handful of (the last I’ll purchase) sheet masks. Puffy face is my only real concern in the morning and it takes time to move all that fluid around. Having cold skin care is sooo helpful. I also have rosacea and am sensitive to acids so having an emergency cool down mask to sooth post aggressive skin care is nothing short of luxury

Susan Nevling Avatar

My son gifted me with a little makeup fridge.i use it more in warmer weather, storing moisturizer, toner, and eye creams. I also store setting spray and facial sprays in general.

Nina Avatar

I keep my La Mer in there if I have a breakout. I keep many spoons, because I suffer from morning eye puffiness when it’s humid and I have two bottles of witch hazel for face, neck and behind my knees, I find it cooling and relaxing.

Patricia Avatar

My husband is a former professional chef, so we are likely the only home in the neighborhood with 3 full-sized refrigerators. I long ago commandeered one of the produce drawers in the 3rd fridge for my skincare purchases that I am not currently using as well as my backup lipsticks (which include a few discontinued lipsticks). I can purchase my favorite serums on sale guilt-free knowing that they will be safely stored until I have finished my current serum. I was so impressed with how the cool temp improves storage that I decided a few years ago to buy one of those 6-soda-can fridges for my in-use serums and a small container of moisturizer (which I periodically refill from the main product stored in the big fridge).

Mariella Avatar

She’s not alone. We have 3 full sized fridges (2 are in the basement) as well as a chest freezer and an upright freezer in the basement (I’m short and always had images of me upending myself in the chest freezer while trying to get something out from the bottom, hence the upright!)

Mary Avatar

I keep a back up of Inika BB creme in the fridge…
Just to preserve the natural ingredients until I’m ready to use it.

Vittoria Avatar

I keep most of my skin care, first aid products, herbal skin care and plenty of makeup in the refrigerator. Also some topical medicines and supplements! The entire door of the fridge is occupied as well as some of the bottom shelf. I can’t help myself. I don’t tend to use many products up too quickly and I hate wasting them.

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