Do you find face primer necessary on a daily basis?
Do you find face primer necessary on a daily basis? Share your tips!
For my skin type (normal-to-dry), I don’t, but I also don’t find myself absolutely needing my makeup to stay 100% perfect for more than 4-6 hours!
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I use my face primer all the time but, that’s only because I don’t where any foundation.
i personally dont use it that often, except on special occasions. i hav dry skin, so my makeup stays put all day; but my mom has oily skin, so she needs a mattifying primer to make her face a dry, smooth, canvas. i think primers a must for oily-skinned gals 😀
No, I hardly ever use it. But I do use eyeshadow primer everytime I do my make up.
I do. I have normal to dry skin but with my job I am constantly going. I work 9 to 12 hour shifts and rarely have time to think about touching up my makeup.
I need it but I’m normal to oily/combination shun and it helps to good evetthing in place.
benefit porefessional. i think it smells so good and it my make up goes on super smooth. also, it’s oil free.
I do! I need it to control the oil on my skin and let it smoother!
I do not use a face primer. I haven’t found one that I particularly like. I find a good moisturizer sufficient as my face (thanks to the clarisonic) is now normal to dry.
I don’t find it *necessary*, but I use primer on a near-daily basis because it helps my makeup apply smoothly and look better once it’s on, and it assures that I basically don’t have to worry about my makeup wearing off it I touch my face or end up being out and about all day. I have normal-to-dry skin as well, and while my makeup doesn’t routinely wear off, it’s nice to not have to think about it. Also, I use a tone-correcting primer, so it helps my skintone look more even than foundation alone.
Yes, with my uneven skin, I find it necessary to wear a primer. Not only does it help my makeup go on smoother but it also helps keep it in place all day.
Actually, I do use a primer about 85% of the time and when I don’t there is a significant difference in the wear and durability of my mineral makeup.
I always wear a primer when applying foundation – I use either Smashbox or Mac primer. I have oily skin, but I just find that my foundation application is a lot easier when I wear a primer. I find I have a lot more streaks without primer, and it won’t blend well or spread if I don’t wear it – especially with Mac Pro Longwear and Studio fix fluid foundations. Apart from that, I find that foundation wears better and longer with primer.
Definitely not, which is good news for my wallet.
I have dry skin but I use face primer every day , Smashbox Photofinish … Maybe I could get away without it but I think my makeup stays on longer if I have a primer on.
I love how it feels on my skin, so I use it everyday!
Yes–I’m looking for a primer for my oily skin. I’m open to suggestions.
Smashbox photofinish light works really well for my oily skin.
I have normal to dry skin, so not at all. What I really need is a good moisturize (right now I’m using When Hope is Not Enough by Philosophy) right before I apply my foundation. The longest I’ve worn foundation is from 8am, overnight, to 12 noon the next day–and it lasted on my face without a primer, even though it was a drugstore foundation.
Drugstore foundation is completely underrated in terms of longevity. The problem is that you can test to find a color match.
I don’t find it a necessity, but I really do like to use it if I have the time.
I do! I use the “Magic Perfecting Base” From Loreal. Pretty good, cept it’s heavy! Although the victorias secret hd pro primer (or whatever it’s called) is quite amazing.
I have combination/oily skin and I use MUFE HD primer in clear/original everyday. With it my makeup lasts about 12 hours, which is much longer than it does on days I don’t wear the primer. I highly recommend this primer for those with oily skin.
Yes, absolutely! I like my makeup to last and look good until I decide to take it off…
Yes I think it is necessary if you don’t want to touch up during the day. I have normal skin but if I don’t use a primer my make up will not stay as long on. Especially since I live in a humid climate.
I really like mixing mufe’s regular one with my foundation it works really well for me. I don’t find I need to wear a primer under my makeup unless I’m going out for the night. I use a mattifying one under ikf I’m doing pics or going to a party. And In the summer I use milk of magnesia religiuosly under my makeup. But day to day I really just like to mix mufe’s with my foundation
Nope. I do have combo skin, but it’s usually not a big deal because I either don’t wear any powder/foundation, or even when I’m sweating, my makeup usually stays. If my face is too dry, I’ll add a thin layer of moisturizer beforehand. If my face feels oily (usually just t-zone), I’ll clear it up with a cotton square soaked in a toner containing salicylic acid. It usually remedies the problem for at least a couple hours during warmer days. :]
I want to try Cinema Secrets primer. It got good reviews on makeupalley. And I love their foundation and powder.
I don’t use it on a daily basis; I use a very light moisturizer under my foundation to make it last and look good. I only use primer when I go out, knowing I’ll be out all night and sweating; I don’t want to end up looking like I just came crawling from my grave at the end of the night ;).
yes always I have uneven and sallow skin my Benefit That Gal primer make my skin look like it did when I was teen bright and eventoned!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
No. I am quite pleased with the staying power of my foundation (MAC Studio Fix Fluid). My skin tends to be a bit dry but some moisturizing creme is enough to compensate that.
I find that I don’t need it as much in the winter because my skin isn’t as oily.
I use Revlon colorstay which Really stays put so in general don’t need primer. I feel like I’m just adding an extra layer of product to skin and save it for special ocassions or when I’ll be out and about the WHOLE day
It’s not a must, but it’s close. I have oily skin, so my makeup tends to migrate. I also have fine lines and some sun damage and sunspots. Primer really makes my skin and makeup appear so much better, as well as last much longer.