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Do you find face primer necessary on a daily basis?

Do you find face primer necessary on a daily basis? Share your tips!

For my skin type (normal-to-dry), I don’t, but I also don’t find myself absolutely needing my makeup to stay 100% perfect for more than 4-6 hours!

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Maggie Avatar

i personally dont use it that often, except on special occasions. i hav dry skin, so my makeup stays put all day; but my mom has oily skin, so she needs a mattifying primer to make her face a dry, smooth, canvas. i think primers a must for oily-skinned gals 😀

Jamie A Avatar

I do not use a face primer. I haven’t found one that I particularly like. I find a good moisturizer sufficient as my face (thanks to the clarisonic) is now normal to dry.

Sarah Avatar

I don’t find it *necessary*, but I use primer on a near-daily basis because it helps my makeup apply smoothly and look better once it’s on, and it assures that I basically don’t have to worry about my makeup wearing off it I touch my face or end up being out and about all day. I have normal-to-dry skin as well, and while my makeup doesn’t routinely wear off, it’s nice to not have to think about it. Also, I use a tone-correcting primer, so it helps my skintone look more even than foundation alone.

Niki Avatar

Actually, I do use a primer about 85% of the time and when I don’t there is a significant difference in the wear and durability of my mineral makeup.

Katharine Avatar

I always wear a primer when applying foundation – I use either Smashbox or Mac primer. I have oily skin, but I just find that my foundation application is a lot easier when I wear a primer. I find I have a lot more streaks without primer, and it won’t blend well or spread if I don’t wear it – especially with Mac Pro Longwear and Studio fix fluid foundations. Apart from that, I find that foundation wears better and longer with primer.

Svetlana Avatar

I have dry skin but I use face primer every day , Smashbox Photofinish … Maybe I could get away without it but I think my makeup stays on longer if I have a primer on.

bunnybeauty Avatar

I have normal to dry skin, so not at all. What I really need is a good moisturize (right now I’m using When Hope is Not Enough by Philosophy) right before I apply my foundation. The longest I’ve worn foundation is from 8am, overnight, to 12 noon the next day–and it lasted on my face without a primer, even though it was a drugstore foundation.

Amanda Avatar

I do! I use the “Magic Perfecting Base” From Loreal. Pretty good, cept it’s heavy! Although the victorias secret hd pro primer (or whatever it’s called) is quite amazing.

beefreak Avatar

I have combination/oily skin and I use MUFE HD primer in clear/original everyday. With it my makeup lasts about 12 hours, which is much longer than it does on days I don’t wear the primer. I highly recommend this primer for those with oily skin.

Wendy Avatar

Yes I think it is necessary if you don’t want to touch up during the day. I have normal skin but if I don’t use a primer my make up will not stay as long on. Especially since I live in a humid climate.

courtney Avatar

I really like mixing mufe’s regular one with my foundation it works really well for me. I don’t find I need to wear a primer under my makeup unless I’m going out for the night. I use a mattifying one under ikf I’m doing pics or going to a party. And In the summer I use milk of magnesia religiuosly under my makeup. But day to day I really just like to mix mufe’s with my foundation

Christina Avatar

Nope. I do have combo skin, but it’s usually not a big deal because I either don’t wear any powder/foundation, or even when I’m sweating, my makeup usually stays. If my face is too dry, I’ll add a thin layer of moisturizer beforehand. If my face feels oily (usually just t-zone), I’ll clear it up with a cotton square soaked in a toner containing salicylic acid. It usually remedies the problem for at least a couple hours during warmer days. :]

Mar Avatar

I don’t use it on a daily basis; I use a very light moisturizer under my foundation to make it last and look good. I only use primer when I go out, knowing I’ll be out all night and sweating; I don’t want to end up looking like I just came crawling from my grave at the end of the night ;).

Kathrina Avatar

No. I am quite pleased with the staying power of my foundation (MAC Studio Fix Fluid). My skin tends to be a bit dry but some moisturizing creme is enough to compensate that.

gigi Avatar

I use Revlon colorstay which Really stays put so in general don’t need primer. I feel like I’m just adding an extra layer of product to skin and save it for special ocassions or when I’ll be out and about the WHOLE day

Helen Avatar

It’s not a must, but it’s close. I have oily skin, so my makeup tends to migrate. I also have fine lines and some sun damage and sunspots. Primer really makes my skin and makeup appear so much better, as well as last much longer.

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