Do celebrity endorsements or celebrity-designed beauty products draw you in or push you away?
Do celebrity endorsements or celebrity-designed beauty products draw you in or push you away? Does it just depend on the celebrity?
It probably pushes me away more than it draws me in. I’m very skeptical of celebrity-designed beauty products; more often than not, I just don’t think they have much involvement in the process.
Thanks to Victoria for today’s question!
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At best, I ignore it. 95% of the time they’re paid faces with little more input than “I like these colors” or “I like these scents” and then the actual team of chemists does all the heavy lifting and they take the credit for it. It’s just the reality of these things.
I’m always skeptical… It doesn’t draw me in at all. I don’t care much about celebrity this or celebrity that, though…
Same here – they definitely push me away, unless there is significant evidence that shows that they are at least 80% involved in the process or they are able to showcase that their talent. For example, Kat Von D to me is first and foremost an artist and a tattooist. In that sense, I see her make use of her skills in the make up department. However, things like a Justin Bieber or Heidi Klum fragrance… a definite no-no!
I’m really indifferent about them. If it’s someone I don’t really like, it does push me away. Like the fragrance gift sets during the holidays, most of them are by celebs that I either don’t like or don’t care about. I think Taylor Swift is the only one that I like enough to check out her perfume.
Most of my favorite celebrities are male rappers though, so they’re not really endorsing any beauty products haha.
I take it with a grain of salt. Just because it looks great on so and so doesn’t mean it will on me, especially since I don’t have the aid of photoshop. However I do sometimes like to hear recommendations, and if it’s expensive I’ll look for an alternative.
Celebrity advertisements are so photoshopped that it pushes me away. That and I don’t really care if a famous person likes a product anyways; I’m much more likely to trust a blogger’s opinion 🙂
It absolutely is a turn-off for me! I hate it because it just seems super see-through, I mean, like Christine says there is no way they are involved in it. Plus it just seems like annoying branding on top of the already-irritating levels of branding we see in cosmetics. I prefer to trust my cosmetics to professionals with a professional reputation rather than leaving it to some celebrity who just signs there name to it to make money.
Typically, I don’t care about the celebrity involved in a product, either by endorsement, advertising, etc. However, when I was at Sephora a few years back, I noticed the line of Kat Von D products, and those actually caught my eye. I’m not exactly a big fan of hers, but I do have a similar makeup style, and I figured the pallettes were worth at least taking a look at. I don’t care whether she had any actual binvolvement in the product, but given her image, I figured the colors would be dark & strong, and I’ve been very happy with the pallettes ever since. I have all but 2, due to the color choices, which are not congruent with the rest of the collection, but I also haven’t really looked at any of the other products since I really only care about eyeshadow.
More often than not, they push me away. Seeing a celebrity’s name on a product is a pretty sure bet that person hired a team, had the product(s) designed and made and had little or nothing to do with the process. They just slapped their name on it to make even more money. I don’t care to give people like that my very hard earned dollars. Let them sucker someone else.
I agree. It’s turn off. The only celebrity endorsements I have appreciated are MAC Viva Glam, because it’s such a great cause, and also Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds, because again, her charity work was inspirational.
I could care less for celebrity endorsements. I especially hate the proactiv infomercials where celebrities with crystal clear skin are endorsing an acne regime. More or less, I’d say it pushes me away. Most of the time they have nothing to do with the product itself except putting their name on it and labeling it as the “IT” product of such and such celebrity.
Generally, it pushes me away.
In a word, NO. I’m not a big celebrity follower but I also realize that celeb endorsements are entirely about being paid big bucks for their face/name to be used in association with a product. Even when we see photos of a celeb looking flawless and fab, that has much more to do with makeup artistry and photography than with the actual products and how they’d look after an 8 hour day on the job followed by a hot and hectic commute!
Hmm… I think it depends on how much I like a celebrity’s style, perhaps. I really really like Kat Von D’s line, because her stuff tends to speak to my own personal style and the kind of makeup I’m looking for. I use the SInner palette every day, Sinner perfume is my everyday scent… but she’s not an actress or anything, just a tattoo artist who became famous, so maybe that’s a different thing.
Hmm I don’t know. Maybe push me away. I know that to be as successful as possible, celebrities must brand themselves, thus selling products they may or may not believe in.
Anything Emma Watson or Taylor Swift do, I’ll most likely be on board! 😛 AH it pained me with Emma Watson signed on with Lancome. Something about that brand has put a bad taste in my mouth!
It probably pushes me away, but I will say that I really like the Kat Von D line at Sephora.
MAC Viva Glam was great, but otherwise it really turns me off.
In general, I think celebrities make ENOUGH money so I don’t usually support their products. But then again .. it depends on the celebrity. I really like Jennifer Aniston and Taylor Swift as celebs, but unfortunately – didn’t like either of their perfumes.
I’m not a big Britney Spears fan, but love .. love her Curious perfume. And of course, I won’t buy anything Kardashian – EVER.
Turns me off. Especially regarding Celebrity fragrances. It does not appeal to me at all!
I could understand an Iconic house like Dior would use Monica Bellucci as a spokeswoman or model because she embodies a certain house aesthetic. However, I’m prone to liking the European celebrities/models over American ones.
Definite turnoff. I agree with most of you. I will look at the product on it’s merits but only if I think I need it. I love research and base my buying decisions on what the product does, not who created/endorsed it. E.g., I’ve been wearing the same perfume for twenty years but it’s not widely available and I still love it. It smells like “me” to my family and friends. I often get compliments on it so until that stops, I’ll stick with it. I have no desire to be associated with a celebrity fragrance, that’s for sure! One exception, I did try, and liked, Trésor when Isabella Rossellini was the face of Lancome but that was the last time. It was close to my current perfume, though, so I passed. Can’t think of anyone who would influence me now. Oh, yes, one: maybe Meryl Streep.
Unless it’s someone I honestly can’t stand, I try not to let a celeb endorsement sway my opinion of a product. I like judging products for what they actually are, not who slapped their name onto it. Like you said, they probably didn’t have much to do with the development of it anyways.
Honestly I assume that celebrity-named products are of low quality and they’re banking on their popularity to sell an average or poor product. I find that celebrity perfumes are very “commercial” smelling and not sophisticated or unique. As for celebrity endorsements…I don’t think it makes a bit of difference if a celebrity is selling it or not. Most of the brands I like don’t use a particular celebrity in their advertisements. I care more about quality and formulation.
The only add that ever drew me in was Emma Stone for the Revlon lip butters. We have similar coloring (both hair and skin) so I do pay attention to what colors look good on her. I happen to like the lip butters, but I look more to what colors and textures a celebrity that looks similar to me might wear so I can replicate a look that I like. I don’t really care what brand they’re advertising. I’m not into Revlon eyeshadows (I’m allergic to them because of the bismuth oxychloride they added in their recent formulation), but I’d try to replicate a look I saw on her with Urban Decay, MAC, or a brand I like better.
I might not be the norm, though. I do a lot of research on products, I learn about ingredients and formulations, I read every ingredient label, and I go with what will work with my particular skin type or specific needs.
definitely pushes me away more than draws me in. it depends on the celeb. for example, im totally anti-kardashian so i refuse to buy any of the nicole by opi polishes simply for the reason that i dont want to have any part of supporting them.
They certainly don’t make me want to buy a product more. More often that not I’m turned off from the product due to the fact that it’s probably, from experience, over priced and under performing because they know that people will buy it because “a celebrity recommended it” so they just let the quality lack.
I’m often more turned off than on by a celebrity. If the product seems cool, I’ll check it out. But that’s a decision I can make for myself. Advertisers must hate that.
I usually stay away from products that are endorsed by a celebrity that has absolutely nothing to do with the product itself or related in any way. I especially tend to stay away from products that contain the celebrity’s name itself i.e. J.LO Glow or Britney Spears Fantasy or Justin Bieber Someday… etc you get my point. These celebrities have nothing to do with perfume or the product itself. And most of the time I feel like they severely lack in quality and seem ‘cheap’. Not that cheap is bad, but when quality doesn’t keep with the ‘cheap’, it sucks a lot. I don’t think I have ever liked a product endorsed by a celebrity so naturally from experience I tend to stay far away from them. Just my two cents.
Depends on the celebrity.
Honestly, they do nothing for me.
Pushes me away
usually they don’t influence me, but as far as if they push me awa–it depends on the celebrity
Push. I believe they take the money and don’t really use the product. It is a major turn off to me.
Pushes me away. They just do it for the money. They don’t wear the product. At least I think.
Usually pushes me away. However, if I really like the product anyway, I might buy it but not let on to anyone what it is in case they think I bought it for the name.
Ewww, no!!! I stay away from anything with a celebrities name on it!!!
Both. It depends who the celeb is or what product it is & it’s claims.
I stay away! I like products that gives results and basically those endorse by celebs (photoshop) aren’t always promising.
Usually only for perfume. I’m more likely to smell a perfume with a photo of Penelope Cruz, Keira Knightley, or Audrey Tautou next to it than one with Paris Hilton or Emma Watson next to it. Oh, and I will smell or try *anything* Jessica Simpon’s doing at this point.
Celebrity endorsed products raise a red flag and I am not at all likely to purchase the item involved.
I’m with everyone else in not only not caring but actively staying away. It would be interesting though to see how many people become interesting in a product or shade *just* because they see a celebrity wearing it. Not because they care about the celebrty but because the makeup is done in a way they wouldn’t have otherwise considered or because the overall look or lipstick looks so good. I know it’s happened to me, even with celebs that don’t have a colouring remotely similar to mine. (Christina Hendricks, I’m looking at you and your gorgeous NARS blushes on Mad Men!)
It does not matter to me. If I like the product or if it is something I want to try, I will usually try it regardless of who endorses it.
Major turn off. If I use the profuct it would be despite the celebrity’s name.
Depends on the celebrity but I don’t like too many plus the ones I like wouldn’t do these type of things
It does nothing to influence my decision. I try everything looking for the best product. Simple as that.
celebs kinda gross me out these days…
I bought the whole Nicki Minaj OPI collection – not because I like her in any way, only because I liked the colours. I also own every perfume made by Paris Hilton, not because I like her in any way, only because all of her perfumes happen to be beautiful. I always check out the product itself and I never buy something because the name, but I agree with everyone here that I actively stay away from products with celebrities’ names… Something feels so cheap about it!
I figure if celebs knew that much about beauty, they wouldn’t need an army of stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists, and photoshop to look good. I don’t think they add any particular caché to a product and usually have little to no involvement in its creation.
I just found out ArtDeco has teamed with Dita Von Teese for a line of cosmetics, which she has had a role in selecting shades. She actually is her own stylist and makeup artist, so she does know a bit about cosmetics, and the collection is based on her style, so it’s worth taking a look at since her style is something that interests me. The prices are decent, but the only downsides for me are that they will only be released overseas unless there is a demand in the US, and the shades seem pretty basic; however, if the quality is there, I would look into shipping costs.
I have never purchased anything because I liked the famous endorser. If I bought the product, it was because I actually wanted it and knew I would use it, otherwise it remained at the retailer’s store!
It matters on the celebrity, if it’s Dita Von Teese or Julie Andrews or someone of that esteem I will DEFINITELY go try it, but if it’s Paris Hilton… no, just no, I don’t want to smell like that woman’s envisions.
Push me away. Please make it stop.
None particularly draw me in, but there are some that push me away simply because I dislike the celebrity and won’t feed their endorsement on principle.
I don’t really feel any kind of way about celebrity designed products. I did use Glow by J.Lo because I read about how nice it smelled. I tried it and liked it. I was curious about the Mad Men makeup line (although that’s a show and not an actual celebrity). I guess I’m ambivalent.
It more than likely will get me to notice a product but not necessarily buy the product. As @divinem1 said, if I dislike the celeb, I for sure won’t buy ( almost any fragrance)
Draws me away! It’s all about money. I would never own any Kim Kardashian products or a perfume “made” by Rihanna. No way! I actually stand with companies who are not well known and put out quality products because they want to do so.
Honestly speaking ? Never.