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Cle de Peau's Concealer Review, Photos, Swatches

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer ($70.00 for 0.17 oz.) is available in four shades and comes in a twist-up stick. I’m reviewing the Ocher shade, which is the shade that I’ve been using for a long while now (seriously, the photos were originally taken last summer). It was my pick for best high-end concealer in the most recent Editor’s Choice Awards.

Cle de Peau’s Concealer is definitely a cult favorite, and for many, worth the splurge–but it is breathtakingly expensive for many. (And there are definitely readers who are not impressed by it.) I’m not dedicated to concealer, as I’m usually too lazy about it and find foundation covers enough for my needs on a day-to-day basis, but when I do reach for concealer, it is most often for this (even when I find others that I love). This has a creamy consistency that goes on evenly and smoothly, remains blendable long enough to smooth it over the skin but doesn’t settle into fine lines while you wait for it to dry down. It sets shortly after, and then it lasts eight to ten hours on me without settling into my fine lines or creasing. It has buildable coverage from medium to full, so you can apply as much (or as little) as needed for a particular spot or area. It works well for my under eye circles and darkness by softening the lines underneath my eye as well as brightening and concealing the darkness.

The one advantage this has is that it’s very portable, and the other is that it looks good on bare skin without foundation as a companion. Sometimes when I have a blemish or healing blemish but don’t plan on wearing foundation, I can dab this on quickly, blend with my fingertip, and I’m good to go. It’s also great for touching-up faded foundation on long days out and about (this was a go-to when we were in Vegas and would be out all day). I can get dry around my eyes, and this helps keep them looking less dry (overall) and never emphasizes their dryness.

I would say I use this about once or twice a week with two to three dabs for each application, and I’m not even half-way through my tube. I think that if one were to use this on a more regular basis, you would still see it last a few months. I hadn’t slept well (about two hours a night) for three nights in a row this past week, so I was like, “This would be an excellent moment to really test and photograph under-eye concealers!” which motivated to finally review this product. Few products live up to their hype, but Cle de Peau’s Concealer absolutely did. It is a product I would (re)purchase, but don’t tell Mellan I spent $70 bones on it or else he’ll have a fit!


PPermanent. $70.00.

See more photos & swatches!

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Bare Face / Giorgio Armani Maestro Foundation + Cle de Peau Concealer

Cle de Peau Concealer
Giorgio Armani Maestro Foundation / Foundation + Cle de Peau Concealer


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Ellen Avatar

I finally bought this last November when Saks had their rebate card for spending over $100, and I’m so glad I did! I never saw what the fuss was about, but then again, I hadn’t used it until then – and it’s magic! The consistency is amazing for covering things up, and the color (vanilla) is perfect for my fair, neutral skin. I use a brush with it to minimize contamination, especially since it is so expensive!

Amber Avatar

I have been waiting for a trusted source to review this concealer. After reading about it in every beauty magazine and hearing beauty editors rave about it I’m finally going to take the plunge and buy it for myself! Thank you Christine!

xamyx Avatar

Fortunately, this isn’t a product I find myself needing too often, as I’m well past my frequent blemish days, and for some reason (genetics?), no matter how little sleep I get, my under-eye area isn’t really affected. There is just no way I’d pay $70 for a concealer, but I do realize there are those who need this sort of coverage, and it’s nice to know there is a product available.

Jennifer G Avatar

I agree. I don’t really have a lot of under eye darkness so concealer isn’t something i’m too picky about. I do have redness here and there but foundation and a tiny bit of (less expensive) concealer does the trick.

tzwiggy Avatar

I knew I forgot about a product in the recent products you regret splurging on post! I have dark circles under my eyes, EXTREMELY dark circles, and from the reviews I read about the coverage of this concealer I thought it would be perfect for my needs. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Sure, the coverage is better that a lot of other concealers on the market, but was nowhere near the full coverage I expected. It also creased really badly on me and settled into my fine lines (I’m 29, so they’re not that bad yet). If you have dark circles like me, I suggest trying Amazing Cosmetics AmazingConcealer and NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer (a new HG for me) before this one. They are both a lot cheaper and the coverage is great. If you prefer stick concealers and plan on using it to cover left over acne marks or other skin imperfections (and you’re willing to splurge a bit) I do agree that it’s a great concealer for that purpose.

Ryou Avatar

I heard many good things about NARS’, but from what I know, it sets pretty matte, and as such may not be the best option for dry eyes.

Kim Avatar

I bought the nars concealer after hearing wane goss rave about it and it is the best thing ever , I now only wear the nars concealer and some power as a base instead of foundation all over.

Terri Avatar

Well, I got the NARS for my 15 year old daughter for Christmas because she kept “borrowing” my Cle de Peau. I figured she wouldn’t know the difference. I was wrong. She tried it for 2 weeks and then came back begging to borrow mine. She uses it primarily for the occasional blemish and I use it for a hideous pigmentation spot that I can NOT get rid of and it works great for both. The NARS is a nice product but nowhere near as good as the CDP in my opinion.

Rad Avatar

I recently had a Nars makeover and the artist applied the concealer in Biscuit and I’m truly impressed. So much so, I bought it without hesitation. It practically blurs imperfections and although the colour is a little darker than what I would have picked for myself, I love how flawless it looks. Plus it is very long-wearing. You should try it Christine 🙂

Carrie Avatar

I’ve always had awful, awful dark circles too (genetics), and I JUST found out about the amazing cosmetics concealer! it is the BEST, hands down, concealer for dark circles on the planet. And the best part? It never creases on me!! I wish I had discovered it years ago!!!

Audrey Avatar

I really don’t see a difference between the only foundation and the foundation+concealer pic. Your skin looks equally flawless in both, to me.

On a side note, I am literally the worst at using concealer. Luckily I’m blessed that if I get a blemish, it’s really not that noticeable, so I tend to never use it since I fail miserably. It would still be nice to get the hang of it. Also, everything I use under my eyes looks so cakey, and that’s something I can’t tolerate in my makeup. Concealer is most certainly the part of makeup that I’m worst at.

Ryou Avatar

Thank you for the review! Do you feel Ocher is a good match for your skintone? I’m a bit torn between Beige and Ocher. I am approximately your skintone, if not a bit more neutral/less warm. My dark circles aren’t pretty noticeable, so I tend to go for something with a bit of a peachy undertone. I don’t know if Ocher would be too yellow.

I also agree with another commenter, I can’t really tell the difference between the foundation only and foundation+concealer! I envy your good genes. 😛

Ryou Avatar

Thank you! Geez, I sure hope there’s a Cle de Peau counter near me so I can test it before I buy. There was one counter in Indonesia that I went to a couple years back, but for some reason the lighting in the store is SO dim, so it was pointless to test anything. >:

John S. Avatar

Haha thanks for finally getting to this review! I absolutely LOVE how you added the Mellan reference at the end. I LOL’d while reading that… and I was in my local Starbucks. It was packed. 🙁

I think it’s also a great idea that you included what foundation you were wearing. It might be a good idea, if it’s possible, to include what foundation you’re wearing in all future product reviews, because I know you don’t really review foundations. But it’d be a nice way for people to see what a foundation looks like when applied.

Also, can I ask what shade you’re wearing in the Maestro? I’m guessing 5.5 or 6.5?

Ryou Avatar

Oh, I tried an Armani foundation in 6.5 and while it looked good, it was a bit dark. Thank you, Christine, I’ll give 5.5 a shot the next time I go near a counter. 🙂

Cat G Avatar

I just couldn’t help but notice how flawless your skin is, and how little you need concealer! If I looked like that bare faced, I’d be smiling too!

beck Avatar

I had it once, you know it is a really fabulous formula and it lasted me a year. I love that you can get every bit of product out of the packaging with a q tip or concealer brush. So it is not wasteful at all.
It is great, but I can live with out it. I have tried other great concealers from Nars,Korres,MAC, that get the job done and perform to my standards. I am still on the look out for other great concealers of course right now the new NARS one is the bees knees.

beck Avatar

I would not say they are better, but definitely good enough that I don’t feel the need to fork over 70+ on the Cle De Peau. I have to say that the formula of the Cle De Peau is the best I have ever tried in a stick style concealer. As far as creamy wand concealers I am loving NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer with NARS light reflecting loose powder applied on top to set it. I like the dense pigmentation of the Cle De Peau, it really covers the blue and purple toned discoloration I get under my eyes. I might get it again in the future, for now I am content with whAt I have. 🙂

beck Avatar

BTW your skin is awesome, totally looks like you were sleeping more than 3 hours, you have great skin even for being a tired girl! 🙂

Danii Avatar

The concealer gives your skin a glow with the foundation as opposed to just the foundation! I don’t use concealer.XD It just tends to somehow get cakey or sticky when mixed with my foundation. I also can’t justify $70 for JUST concealer lol

Diana Avatar

As always, thanks for the review. Being that I have always had bad under eye circles, I have been curious about this concealer for several years but have been very hesitant in trying it out due to the price. I’m currently in love with the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer and I would love to see you do a review on this product when you have an opportunity comparing it to the Cle de Peau.

Nic Avatar

It’s definitely not in my budget, and that’s okay since concealer isn’t usually a huge part of my makeup routine anyway, but it does look lovely in the swatch.

Fiona Avatar

Wow you really don’t need concealer at all – I can’t see any dark circles really! Cle de Peau concealer is something that’s been on my wishlist a really long time… your review just makes me want to get it right now!

Katherine Avatar

Holy moly your bare face is crazy beautiful! I would never dare have my picture taken with an HD camera without at least slathering on tinted moisturizer. You don’t even have dark circles or anything. Have you tried Burberry Fresh Glow or Koh Gen Do Moisture/Aqua foundation? How do you think it compares to Maestro? Which one do you prefer most? Also I love your blog it is literally like my bed time reading thing. Amazing.

Terri Avatar

I bought this last year because you had mentioned how great it was on here and I had never found a concealer that I loved. When you mentioned how creamy it was I thought to give it a try because no one wants to emphasize their wrinkles Admittedly when I saw the price I gasped a little (OK, a lot) but I took the plunge because I trusted your opinion. And I am so, so glad I did. It’s matches well, does NOT settle into wrinkles and last forever. I don’t know how much is left but there is quite a bit and my daughter uses it too….once she tried it nothing else would do. I finally told her last week how much it cost and she gasped but then said….”Oh well, it’s worth it!” I would have to agree.

K Avatar

Hi, I am one those unlucky ones who need concealer every single day. It’s the only piece of makeup I wear every day without fail. I’ve had dark circles under my eyes since I was a child, a genetic thing I suppose. I really like the Estee Lauder double wear concealer, but am always on the lookout for something new/better! Does anyone know a UK stockist for Cle de peau?

Makayla Avatar

They should definitely make darker shades. I would dish out the money if it is as awesome as you say! Guess I’ll spend $70 on something else. Have you done any reviews on their shadows and other things?

Nicole Avatar

Christine, you hardly need concealer, you’re so pretty! I’ve got really dark purple to cover up, especially in the inner corner of my eye. Maybe I should try this?

Elle Avatar

I have and use this on occasion. I bought into the hype, it’s really good but I like the Nars equally well. However, I really have to comment that you have amazing skin without makeup or concealer – it’s perfect! 🙂

Diana Avatar

Might as well say 57 (July) and I have had dark under eyes since birth. I have never found a concealer, after searching for 40 years, that I could even get along with. However, now I have found my HG. Just when I don’t need it anywhere other than the eyes! I am using Nars Radiant and Creamy in Vanilla and it just takes a few tiny dots and voila!! Lightly touch a bit of my adored Meteorites with the tip of my Hakuhodo S103, and although I might not look like a twenty year old, I like me. Those two items make me look happy and rested and that’s what it’s all about. They both have an honored place on my vanity top! Congratulations to Cle de Peau and others, if they work and you can afford them, go for it!!!!!

murt Avatar

hmmm – I dunno…… I can’t tell any difference between the picture of you with just foundation and the picture of you with foundation+concealer. And I actually think your skin is more beautiful without the foundation! (You have gorgeous skin.)

Kate Avatar

I have fair skin with pink undertones, and am a match to shade NW 20 in MAC. Would you recommend purchasing this in Beige or in Ivory?
It appears that ivory is quite yellow toned, which could look flashy on my skin. Likewise, I wonder if beige may pull a bit orange on me or perhaps be too dark… What would you suggest?

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