Archived Post

Best & Worst of Kat Von D Studded Kiss Crème Lipsticks

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick

Kat Von D Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick ($19.00 for 0.12 oz.) is a new, 40-shade deep range and is supposed to be “the creamiest, most cushiony and unbelievably pigmented lipstick to ever cross your lips” that is “comfortable” to wear. I don’t know if the brand has actually tried the plethora of other lipsticks on the market, because I can tell you that after swatching all 40 shades back-to-back, these are nowhere near “the creamiest” or “most cushiony” or even “unbelievably pigmented.”

They were, on average, much creamier than the original formula, but a fair number of shades were firm and dense enough that short strokes was better for application otherwise there was noticeable tugging. Some shades were pigmented, some shades were uneven or sheer. The mid-tone shades seemed to be the best overall in terms of application, pigmentation, and how they looked on the lips, whereas the shimmery shades were often sheerer, gritty, and drying while the deeper, vampy shades were lacking pigmentation and could apply streakily.

They seemed to have longer wear than most lipsticks (five to eight hours) but have been lightly to intensely drying, depending on the shade, and I found that wearing them back-to-back made the drying aspect more pronounced. They had a strong, sweet, burnt sugar kind of scent that was noticeable when initially applied, but I didn’t detect during wear.

I did not review all shades in the original Studded Kiss formula as it wasn’t feasible for me to purchase all of those at the time, and after trying what I did purchase, they weren’t promising (often very dry, stiff, and painful to use with a drying formula). From what I can tell, some are better (see: LUV (Original) vs. LUV (New); Coven (Original) vs. Coven (New)), some are worse (see: Gold Blooded (Original) vs. Gold Blooded (New); Poe (Original) vs. Poe (New)). The shimmery shades seemed worse for the reformulation, and the glittery shades are like the grittiest sandpaper across one’s lips; I felt like I was ripping my lips off when applying both Gold Blooded and Piaf with Poe not being far behind.

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  

KVD Beauty Studded Kiss Crème Lipstick  


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Genevieve Avatar

On the plus side there is a wide range of shades to choose from, but on the minus side, a very wide range of ratings, indicating lots of problems with their quality control.
There were a few shades that I liked, but these were the ones rated D – Motorhead and Crucifix.

suzanne Avatar

I completely agree! I bought Motorhead from the previous version (it’s disappointing). Oddly, the liquid version of Crucifix was streaky for me (and I love KVD liquid lipstick).
I’m glad to have Christine’s reviews to help sort out the good from bad quality! Was really hoping Poe would be better this time.
I purchased Zero, and I’m pleased.
Also – Christine – these nude shades look so lovely on you! It’s caused me to purchase/return a few because they just don’t look as nice on my pale skin.

Heather Avatar

I’m really glad I didn’t buy any. I won’t buy products if they get a C or lower from you generally. Thanks for subjecting your poor lips to all these shades so we didn’t have too! ?

MakeupB Avatar

WOW! Those are some bold claims! I Wish they were true! ?
Goodness, some of them really look awful, and I always feel like you can pull off anything. KVD- back to the drawing board!

Nancy T Avatar

Man, KVD reformulating these into vegan went rather sideways! As these statements are obviously backed up just looking at the lipstick swatches:
” I don’t know if the brand has actually tried the plethora of other lipsticks on the market, because I can tell you that after swatching all 40 shades back-to-back, these are nowhere near “the creamiest” or “most cushiony” or even “unbelievably pigmented.”
Yeah, the later half look anything *but* creamy or cushiony and unbelievably pigmented! And those last 3 glitter shades sound like hell on earth level of painful!
Too bad Kat didn’t consult with those who have successfully formulated vegan lipsticks that ARE excellent.

Mags Avatar

I own Ozzy and I absolutely love it. Comfortable and unique for sure! However, I’d be skeptical to try out any of the other shades, save for Zero. That one might be tempting to pick up during a sale.

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