Is there a beauty product you feel guilty buying?
Is there a beauty product you feel guilty buying? Share!
Luxury-priced lip balm, shower gels/body washes, and body cream.
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Is there a beauty product you feel guilty buying? Share!
Luxury-priced lip balm, shower gels/body washes, and body cream.
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Every time I buy a new Nars Audacious lipstick I get pangs of guilt. I have so many lipsticks I adore but that formula keeps me coming back, despite the price tag.
Same here!! I have soooo many lipsticks in the same shade range and I’m pretty sure if I mix the colors that I’ll come out with a shade from the Audacious collection but it’s NOT the same!!! That formula
Me too…I just bought my eighth and I know it won’t be the last. The biggest pang was when I paid $50 CAD for the Kelly one (didn’t buy it solely for the name, its a beautiful colour too!) because it was part of the exclusive shades and I had to get it shipped straight from NARS. Buying here from Sephora they are “only” usually about $40 CAD.
Fresh sugar lip balms, perfumes over $50.
Buying the Dior Creme de Rose lip balm for almost $30 makes me feel so guilty!
But it’s SO GOOD!
I was coming here to comment about that! SO expensive, but for someone as dry as I am, SO worth it!!
No. My daughter has more than she needs, we have a roof over our heads, and we never go hungry. What’s there to feel “guilty” about?
I agree as well. Buying the make-up I want, no matter the price, makes me feel good about myself and in return makes me a happier wife and mommy. As long as your family is taken care of, who cares.
Also, I don’t go out, I eat at home, and I don’t have a daily “Starbuck’s habit” (or something comparable), so if I splurge now and then, it makes me feel good about myself. Of my close setnof friends, I’m the only parent, so I had to make some adaptations.
I always kind of feel guilty buying makeup/haircare/skincare because I have more than I need, but that doesn’t stop me from buying more! I guess the more expensive, the guiltier I feel. My biggest splurge was a T3 Featherweight hairdryer that got me VIB Rouge status. I love the hair dryer, but it’s super expensive, even with a Sephora sale discount. My other big splurge was La Mer cream, which was ok but waaaay overpriced. It was on my bucket list to try.
I keep buying Josie Maran stuff from QVC. I love the products, but I have so much argan oil everything from all the sets they keep coming out with.
Lip colour. I always feel a pang of guilt adding one to my stash because I have so many and will probably never hit tube on any of them!
It’s horrible when you buy stuff you’ll never wear, just because of the packaging or color. I NEVER wear lipstick but own over 50. Half are in my makeup kit but the other half are for me to look at. Guilty-
When i buy body butters from the body shop. Usually try to buy them when there is a sale.
Anything from Lush. I love some of their products, but it’s so expensive. I can’t justify body products the way I do for cosmetics.
Its SOO hard with Lush. Their King of Skin body butter is my fave body moisturizer ever, but it kills me to buy it because it doesn’t last too long. I am addicted to Lush though..spend way too much money there. I have promised myself to never EVER try their $85 face cream in case I love it…I will stick to the awesome $30 Celestial cream instead!
Good call. The Gorgeous face cream is amazing and I kinda wish I never bought it. Haha.
Tom Ford lipsticks. Some Tom Ford products are genuinely excellent and worth the price tag (I’m thinking especially of the cream eye shadows; they really are the best cream shadows I’ve ever used). But, aside from the Lips and Boys collection which made me feel a special sort of guilty since I was paying a hefty price for a deluxe mini, the colours on offer tend to be quite dupable. The formula is nice, but there are plenty of nice formulas out there for a more reasonable price. And yet, I continue to buy them…
Definitely my Tom Ford lipstick and Rouge G. I love them both but feel guilty now that I’m a stay at home mom and have another baby on the way.
Buying too much blush make me feel guilty. Cos’ they look all the same and difficult to notice the difference.
same here!!! All blushes almost look the same on my medium skin tone but I still keep on hoarding
I feel slightly guilty buying eyeshadow, because I use it so rarely (relative to lipstick, for example, which I wear daily). However, it’s more pseudo-guilt in the sense of knowing that it is a ‘frivolity among frivolities’ rather than *actual* guilt. 😉
Cream/liquid eye shadow, expensive mascara and lip gloss are stuff I generally avoid b/c in the case of eye shadow I never finish them so it’s money down the drain, good mascara formulas are easy to find at all price ranges and they’re more or less the same. I save mascara wands from high end brands’ gift sets and use them with NYC mascara. Overpriced gloss is a scam and I’m not fool enough to give in to clever marketing anymore.
I’d feel guilty buying from a brand who is not cruelty free – so I don’t!
I was going to say exactly this!
More eyeshadow palettes. I have SO MANY of them now, and most of them sit in a pile, looking sad and neglected. They’re judging me; I can feel it. So now I’m not allowed to bring any more palettes home until I’ve at least made a dent in the ones I already have.
I Know what you mean. My palettes are very judgmental too.
No. If I buy them, it’s because I need to use them due to others falling too short to work with. If anything that excels at my point costs nearly nothing, I’m first to find it and sing its praises, so no. If I did nothing for humanity and never donated my time, funds, energy.. I’d feel ashamed to be human and not care what I spend. Sad.
Well, no. If I buy them, it’s because I need to use them due to others falling too short to work with. If anything that excels at my reason for needing a product, and costs nearly nothing, than I’m first to find it and sing it’s praises! 😀 Sooo no. If I did nothing for humanity and never donated my time, funds, energy.. I’d feel ashamed to be human and not care what I spend. Sad.
I felt guilty buying THREE Tom Ford Lips & Boys, especially since I didn’t get the special box (my local store only stocked <10). I should have bought just one but I felt that I already invested too much time swatching and choosing in store that I couldn't just leave with one. :/
lipsticks and blushes because i have toooo many and i’ve never finished an entire bullet of lipstick or hit pan on a blush. lol.
I feel guilty about pretty much every make-up buy, because, ya know, I REALLY don’t need any more.
Probably a general “more eyeshadow palettes”. I really and truly have way more eyeshadows than is “sane” (I’m sure I’m not alone in this) and lots and lots of palettes that I rarely even use. So while I see new ones and love them and buy them, I always feel both guilty and sort of overwhelmed…I just have too much and while individual shadows or duos have a smaller price tag, palettes are pricier which makes it even more “guilt-inducing” when I don’t use them.
This is a single item, ysl lip gloss that I have never worn. Also, orders Napoleon primer last night and still feeling sick over the price. In hoping once I get it and love it and use it everyday I’ll feel better.
i couldn’t think of anything that made me feel REALLY bad, besides buying single eyeshadows when i have about 8 eyeshadow palettes
I was raised to think that spending any time, thought, or attention (let alone money!) on myself in any way other than to look clean and “presentable” (which basically means not standing out in any way) is deeply wrong, bad, terrible, awful, horrible, disgusting. Even though I don’t actually think that way myself, and love having fun with makeup, there’s still a bit of guilt about it all deep down inside. It’s really too bad! You’d think I’d be over it at 58 years old! Maybe by the time I’m 90! The indoctrination was pretty intense.
Wow Fran that sounds awful!! You definitely deserve to feel beautiful!! 🙂
Thanks, Sarah, that’s sweet 🙂
Probably every.
I have soooo much of all.
Can’t waist the even in ten lifes.
a $35.00 lipstick.
As much as I LOVE my Limited Edition Bobbi Brown Scotch on the Rocks Bronze Glow Highlight Powder (that’s a mouth full), it was definitely overpriced. I have an illuminating powder from Magnolia Makeup in Soul Glo that works just as well, if not better, than the Bobbi Brown. I’m just keeping it 100…
The GlamGlow Supermud mask…it’s far superior to any other mask I’ve tried but $70 is more than I generally spend on skincare products. I just can’t give it up though!
The only time I have felt guilty was when I was really excited about a haul, and then realized that a friend of mine was going through some tough times and hadn’t had a chance to stock up on anything fun in ages. This feeling was fixed with a care package!
I feel guilty that I spent so much money on makeup, period. I just purged a bunch of stuff and am working my way through what I have. I’m taking inventory on the stuff I really love and will repurchase, so at least I learned a bit of a lesson from it.
Oddly enough, I don’t feel bad about buying bath stuff.
Fresh Sugar lip serum. But I freaking love it and it saves my lips in this dry winter air!
I feel guilty over luxury items like Guerlain Meteorites Powder (when I have tons of powder I do not like this time of year) or MUFE concealer when I know MAC would cost less. The good things about the Meteorite Powder is it lasts forever and it smells phenomenal. My husband likes smelling it as it smells like violet candies.
Any eye, lip, or cheek color. I have drawers full of colors, I soooo don’t need more but there’s always something new to tempt me. 🙁
Fresh Sugar Lip Balms because they are so expensive. But… I love them and I now have 3 (and will be replacing one that I used up. I have so many lip products, I NEVER use anything up, so the fact that I must replace says something.
Expensive perfume. I have a lot, just bought FlowerBomb. Most expensive perfume purchase ever. I am ashamed.
Eyeshadow palettes. I have so many. I need no more. Yet I buy at least 4 per year.
I never feel guilty from the cost standpoint because if I can’t afford something or I think it is ridiculously over-priced, I don’t buy it. It’s that simple. I do; however, feel a bit guilty when I buy something that I know I will never have the occasion to use. What good is something if it just sits–long forgotten–in the back of a makeup drawer? Considering the very fleeting pleasure that comes with making the actual purchase, I can’t help but feel that I could have gotten more pleasure had I purchased something else.
With out a doubt, it is blushes……because I have so many already.
Basically anything I don’t NEED. Almost any makeup these days since I have such a huge stash. I have no shame when it comes to buying high end anything when I actually need it, but when I have 6 different powder highlighters and there’s a limited edition high end release… I lose my self control, and all I can do is hashtag #sorrynotsorry
I’ve stopped buying expensive lip balm, body washes, and body creams because there are so many affordable ones that work just as well. If I buy and expensive body or hand wash I literally feel like I am sending my money down the drain along with the product.
I need another eyeshadow like I need a hole in the head….but I just bought one of those Viseart palettes…it should be waiting for me when I get home tonight.
I got the Bridal Satin one, I just had to see for myself what all the hype is about. Problem is..I know they are probably going to be great and I’ll want to get the other ones…and they are $90 CAD a pop. Ouch.
Definitely a bit of guilt on this last one!
By Terry Baume and anything that’s not cruelty free.
I don’t usually feel guilty about buying beauty products, even if they’re a bit higher-end. My collection has grown exponentially over the past 2ish years, but I usually try to find promo codes, watch for sales, use Ebates, etc. There’s no real method to my purchasing madness though (I live in a more remote region & make most of my makeup purchases online) and my boyfriend would probably say I’m friends with our mail delivery people! Haha! The last bit of buyer’s remorse I had was for buying the Guerlain Météorites compact from Sephora online earlier this week – in Christine’s glossover I totally missed that it was permanent, and let’s just say I’m a sucker for something that gets a “Temptalia recommends” that’s LE…! I’m still looking forward to it though! 😀
Not so much that I feel guilty buying them but I feel guilty actually using them! Especially when I use my expensive products on a daily basis because I love them so much and you can just see them running out!! So sad!
Lipsticks – all lipsticks because I don’t need any more! *sigh*
Highlighter (like BECCA’s liquid shimmering perfector) and sometimes other face products. The prices for the things I like can be so steep but the effect compared to eye products is so subtle that I feel like I’m sort of wasting my money.
I sometimes feel a little guilty about buying eyeshadow palettes because I have so many of them, but luckily, I’m a bright-color sort of person, so there’s not too much overlap, and I kick the guilt to the curb once I see how unique the new shades are. 🙂
I felt that way about the Becca liquid SSP too! But I’ve recently started mixing a bit with my foundation and I’m glad to actually be using more of it on a regular basis – I don’t want it to spoil! I even have oily skin, but find it gives a nice overall glow – not shine – to the skin!
I’m definitely bad for palettes too though! 😀
Anything Guerlain or Tom Ford. Lord in heaven! When I tell you every time I buy something from either one of them, I’m elated for the first hour I got it. Later on, though, when I’m looking at that receipt, a wave of sickness hits me because I just then realize that I shelled out at least $30/$50 on a single lipstick.
There isn’t a single item I feel guilty about buying. But, I do feel guilty about how much I spend on beauty products. Between makeup, skincare, perfume, and hair products I average more than $250 a month.
Eyeshadow palettes- even the very cheap ones as I rarely use eyeshadows and new nail polishes. I have way too many that I have never worn and have spent the past half an hour looking at the new 2015 releases by OPI and others. I DO have a problem!
I only recently have a disposable income so I actually feel guilty even buying slightly upscale skin care products, let alone makeup of any kind. But I’m not depriving us of anything we need and my skin’s better than it has been in years and I’m learning how to wear make up again, which makes me feel better about myself in so many ways. So yeah, I’m working on not feeling guilty because there’s no need to be.
I splurge on the La Mer loose powder and the La Mer lip balm ($70). Once a year I buy Guerlain’s Orchidee Imperiale Mask and stretch those 2.5 oz. for as long as I can!!
Lush products. I love their soap, and while I know there are very similar natural soaps out there for much cheaper I always come back to lush. Also the NARS multiples, $50 for a crème blush is crazy, but I love them.
The Lancome Color Design 5 Pan Eyeshadows for $50. I love the Taupe Craze and, so far, thats all I bought. Its so amazing though.
I have lot but the biggest is buying expensive perfumes and the corresponding shower gels and the corresponding lotions. I bought the Wood Sage and Sea Salt perfume and body wash (perfume was $120 and the body wash was $75). Then three days later, I bought a gift set of Bottega Veneta’s Knot for $165, I really could have done without either of them but it was a “had to have” moment.
Perfumes are something I always find extortionately expensive for a product that seems so luxurious and self-indulgent! But I love me some Jo Malone…
Yeah, they are! It’s hard to explain spending a lot of money on something that is basically scented water, LO!
I have a Jo Malone problem too… I stick to perfumes instead of soap or lotion but why do I collect them? I must have 10 or more (4 of that large ones at $120 a pop). You can’t change your day’s scent like you can change your lipstick, and yet I want them all.
Yes: this is another one. I loove JoMalone scents but they do not last on me unfortunately. 2013 was for me the year of the dark amber tiger lily obsession but in 2014 I went back to my first: the mandarin lime basil. I got a mini candle too but I found it very disappointing as the scent is barely there. I wish I had bought another 30ml cologne instead of the candle. I am already forecasting that 2015 will be the sea salt sage year; I know it is labelled as unisex but at moments I find it very masculine, not in a bad way though.
LOL! They smell so pretty! And you can fragrance combine them too!
I love combining them too!
LOL! That’s why I keep buying more! It really gets me in trouble!
I felt guilty buying another palette and especially the much sought after Urban Decay Ltd. Vice Palette where I paid extra for it on ebay and now I feel guiltier and lame because now it’s going to be at Ulta soon. That’s what I get for not waiting and being greedy to have that palette.
Laura Mercier Bath products. So luscious…. and so expensive.
I feel guilty about spending so much $$$ on Trish McEvoy products. Is there an alternative? Especially an alternative for the Beauty Booster Eye Serum. If you know of one, please advise. Thank you. KM
Eye shadow palettes – I have lots of them now and I do feel “guilty” about wanting any more…
Spending $$$ on lipsticks – I have nearly finished my YSL one that I love and I will need to replace it
Expensive skin care items -Using a Chanel day cream at the moment and it is heavenly. When I run out I can’t really afford to replace it.
By Terry Baume De Rose and Chantecaille Just Skin Tinted Moisturiser. Both are terribly expensive, but so so good on me (YMMV, as always with beauty products so try before you buy always). Especially the latter! It really does live up to its name.
Nothing I really feel ‘guilty’ for buying honestly.
But I do hate paying to replace basic products (aka when I run out of my foundation, brow stuff, need a new beauty blender or lash curler etc.)
Palettes because I have so many of them. But the guilt disappears quickly.
La Mer stuff. I love their translucent loose powder ,,, and the cream. Danged samples lured me in!
I feel guilty buying pricey foundation and loving them. I purchased the Gucci foundation and love it because it is sheer and light on my skin. I don’t need it because my parents blessed me with good skin but I enjoy how other women look beautiful and luxurious with their makeup. Don’t feel guilty about looking beautiful ladies!!
Whenever I buy drugstore or cheap makeup on a whim or on impulse. In my mind, I’d rather not bother with products I just randomly saw and would prefer to get products I know I really want or love, but sometimes I buy products I stumbled upon and then they never get touched.
I feel guilty when I make more than one make-up purchase every month. I treat myself to a few products at on store, every month. When I start splurging and buying things I don’t need, like more eyeshadow or lipstick.. It’s just for eye candy. Lol. Mascara on the other hand…is one thing I always need to buy.
I feel a twinge when I buy a new Bobbi Brown Extra tinted moisturizer balm – 56 dollars! I love it and it makes my skin look nearly ethereal – I justify it because it’s sunscreen, rich moisturizer and complexion evener all in one. Truly I’d use a less expensive one if I ever found one that performed as well. Till I do, though, I just use the old Loreal tagline – “I’m worth it”.
Life is to be enjoyed. There is enough sorrow without our doing it to ourselves. I don’t know about you but I need a lift every now and then and skincare and makeup does it for me (along with some other stuff.) You’ve got to have something that keeps you going, right? Who doesn’t? This does not harm our health like booze, drugs, or too much food so let’s enjoy and celebrate our femininity. Think of all we go through just being women! We deserve this stuff, and a lot more.
The face and body from MAC, because here in Brazil is so much expensive!!!!!
There are a few cheap Nyx lippies I’ve accidentally bought doubles of–both instances honestly happened because I’d forgotten I’d ordered them online, but cheap things are easily gifted without guilt.
And, I have a few nail polishes that I’ve bought dupes of accidentally…I’m much better about this, I know now that I have tons of polish, and I don’t even look twice at something unless it’s unbelievably unique.
Otherwise, I’m not spending money I don’t have, and it’s an enjoyable hobby, I don’t feel guilty about spending money on a hobby. An UD eyeshadow palette is about as much as a brand new videogame, I buy some of those every now and then, too, and the eyeshadow will probably give me more long term enjoyment. Oh, and I buy a new computer every 4-5 years, because I like PC gaming but I want to do it on a laptop, and THAT’S not a cheap way to go about things…
I have so many nail polishes it’s utterly ridic, but I keep buying them. I feel odd paying $20 or more for a single bottle, but OPI and OPI Nicole, my past go-tos, are just NOT the same… and Rococo and Jin Soon apply so easily, last longer, and have no bad colors… and with my fair skin, way too many shades just look streetwalker-bright or zombie-awful. I try to compensate by waiting for sales! 😉
Random advice & query: while Sally Hansen’s No-Chip top coat does seem to prolong wear, it dries oddly and seems to actually shrink, leaving a fault line, more or less, in one’s polish where the edges are. I’ve never had a top coat act so finicky. Would anyone (I know, this is not really on topic!) have a top coat to recommend that actually lengthens wear and doesn’t have this odd side effect? Thanks! I don’t mind (speaking of guilt!) paying more for a great top coat, either!
Try Out of the Door!
Top coats seem to behave differently with different polish formulas, as well as people’s own body chemistry.
For instance, Seche Vite, everyone favorite super-smoothing quick dry top coat isn’t supposedly to play well with Zoya–lots of people report shrinkage–but I’ve used them together without a problem.
My go-to combo for the past couple of years now is Zoya Anchor basecoat, whatever the heck polish I want to wear (from cheapies to Butter Londond/Illamasqua), Zoya Armor topcoat, and a coat of Poshe’s quick dry top coat on top of that.
Armor protects my manis really well, but it dries so slowly I’d screw them up. Poshe dries really quickly and is nice an thin, so I’m not adding too much thickness adding it on top of another top coat.
Thanks very much! I will definitely give those a shot. For a long time, I stuck with OPI top and base coats, then finished with OPI RapiDry spray, which all seemed to play well with various polish brands. However, their base coat doesn’t seem to protect as well against nail staining now, or, as you point out, it may not work as well for me at this point. Granted, I’m demanding (perhaps overly so) of beauty products when it comes to performance.
I still like the spray, though, which actually works, doesn’t add extra “bulk” to the finish, and is simple to use. If I mess up my typically self-administered mani while applying it, it’s usually when doing the top coat or quick-dry coat, so the spray saves me that risk. I’d recommend the spray if you want to get away from having to apply another layer, but it sounds as if your process works well for you already.
May be when I hoard body butters in truckload quantity during sales.. but as soon as the packet arrives my guilt vanishes 😉
Pretty much every beauty product that I buy knowing it’s not a need for the moment.
I love my luxury balms….dior creme de rose and especially lancome’ s balm in love… I just can’t buy expensive nail polish! It’s not guilt thing…it’s a I can get the same color for 2$ bucks and have over 100 in my collection. You don’t pull fingernail polish out in public…get a good top and bottom coat and go cheap when it comes to the actual polish!
When I buy things mostly because of the packaging! This usually means it has a heftier price tag and I don’t NEED it but I can’t resist pretty things!