Archived Post

5 Orange Blushes to Try This Summer

When I thought about what my top picks for orange blush would be for summer, I had to go for at least a few of the bolder, more vibrant shades. Perhaps I could put together a post about peachy shades as an alternative to these bolder shades? If that’s something you’d like to see, let me know in the comments! 🙂 Onward to my current recommendations…

  1. NARS Taj Mahal — a bright, tangerine orange with a gold shimmer
  2. NYX Cinnamon — orange-red with a satin finish
  3. Make Up For Ever #420 — a slightly muted, medium orange in a cream formula
  4. MAC Modern Mandarin — a shimmery orange with warm, red undertones
  5. NARS Exhibit A — a bold, orange-red with a matte finish

>> See them all side-by-side! <<

What are your favorites?


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Anna Avatar

yes! please do a peachy blush collage. I am just starting to wear makeup, and I have been informed that peachy pink blushes are the way to go for my skin tone (warm Asian skin), and there are just too many on the market! Thanks for being awesome as always 😀

Erica Avatar

Being a brown girl, orange is a neutral blush color for me. I have too many, but Taj is one if my favorites. My current favs also include Nars Liberte and Chanel Canaille which is a bronzed orange on my skin.

Ammara Avatar

Definitely yes to the peach blushes. Just no Orgasm or close Orgasm dupe, please. Oh and I’d also like to see one for more brown blushes.

Veronica Avatar

I the orangest blush I own is Chanel’s Fleur de Lotus, which is orange enough for this cool-toned girl. :3 Exhibit A is still gorgeous! I’d love to have the skin to pull that off. 🙂

aquie Avatar

Taj Mahal is one of my faves..I partner it with MAC raizin so that it’s not
So hit you in the face…Exhibit A is too awesome for words…lol….I think
Those two are in the top for being blushes that go with deeper/darker skintones.
So if any NW45, 50 and beyond should definitely own these two!!

Malinda Jane Avatar

I always think orange blushes are so gorgeous, but I’m scared of how they’ll look with my super-pale skin and red hair.

Zainab Avatar

I’ll have to get Modern Mandarin when it eventually arrives at my local MAC counter, and I wish I had a skin tone that would let me pull of Taj Mahal- but I think the temptation to put on way too much would be irresistible, and I can overdo Hourglass Dim Infusion…

rashmi Avatar

Nothing beats nars taj mahal n the name itself makes me feel proud 🙂 apt name for this wonderful wonder shade ….
My fav is nars taj mahal , mac optimistic orange , mufe no 20 eyeshadow and last but not the least mac burnt pepper blush 🙂

Kirstie Avatar

Ahh, I am loving this post! I have been really wanting to try some orange blushes (since I’ve been obsessing over the color lately, especially on the lips) and I wasn’t sure where to start. This definitely gave me a push in the right direction and I will have to check them out at the stores soon. I also remember seeing the Proenza Schouler Blush Ombre for MAC in the color Ocean City and that one actually swatched really pretty too/

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