Win MAC Drive Me Wild Lipstick!
Win MAC Drive Me Wild Lipstick!
One (1) lucky winner will receive a limited edition MAC Drive Me Wild Lipstick from MAC’s Fabulous Felines Collection! (Retail value $19.50!)
RULES: All entries must be submitted by September 23rd, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. This contest is open to all readers as pursuant to your local state/country’s laws. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified via e-mail. This post will be updated with the winner once the winner confirms.
the only peachy one that i have: ysl cream blush!
Benefit’s Sugarbomb! =)
I’d pair it with Milanie Mai Tai blush.
I’d pair it with MAC’s Stereo Rose!
i’d pair lover from illamasqua
Melba blush e expresso es!
NARS Amour 🙂
Mac sunbasque!
Since the lipstick is more orange toned, I’d wear a bronzer with it; something like Tarte’s Park Avenue Princess.
Korres powder blush in Purple Brown #32..with light hand tho!
It looks like the perfect l/s to wear with Stereo Rose MSF.
MAC Melba
Benefit Coralista!
None, because I don’t wear blush, I’d pair it with my NAKED palette though,lol
I’d pair it with Springsheen.
I absolutely adore this color and I’d love to pair this with NARS Orgasm!
With MAC Pet Me new blush.
NARS Dolce Vita
Probably something that shows up an bit natural on me, like Benefit’s Dandelion and or since I’m so pale, By Candlelight MSF.
So with you on the By Candlelight!
MAC Stereorose
MAC NUANCE mineral blush
i would pair it withe some mac peachykeen
I think I would wear Drive Me Wild with Virgin Isle cream color base on my cheeks.
Nars orgasm
With MAC blushcreme in Lilicent.
I’d pair it with my bronzer!
I’d pair with Drive Me Wild the orgasm blush from NARS.
I would pair with it eather a lite peach color (mac lilicent) or a shimery neutral color (mac warm soul) 🙂
I think I would use my Petticoat MSF as a blush with drive me wild lipstick, since it’s such a pretty shade for the lips I wouldn’t want to overpower it with something really bold on the cheeks, so a hint of raspberry to give a lil life but more importantly that golden sheen to pick up on the golden tones in the lip.
I would wear Ripe Peach Blush Ombre… i love that blush!
Nars Orgasm
I would pair this Lipstick with Springsheen
I’d pair this lipstick with a nice warm peachy color. 🙂
NARS Orgasm.
MAC lilicent with a touch of stereo rose msf.
nars orgasm
nars orgasm or loreal’s true match apricot kiss both peachy natural colors
Nars Orgasm or Loreal True Match in apricot, both pretty neutral peach colors…
I would use NARS Zen blush. It is brown, great for sculpting so it is not bold colour
The one and only Love Joy Mineralized Blush!
I think Drive Me Wild would look great with MAC’s Stereo Rose, or perhaps with Nars Orgasm
I would pair it with a little bit of bronzer and a subtle warm colord blush, maybe a dark rosy red or a peachy blush
probably the dark side of marine life
MAC’s Buff!
NARS super orgasm
Drive Me Wild would look lovely with Gingerly Blush, it’s such a lovely shade!!!
MAC Stereo Rose!
Probably Bedroom from Rock & Republic
I think MAC Peachtwist blush my look nice. Or even Gingerly.
The Hang Loose blush! just Perfect
I’d pair it with a nice coral blush. 🙂
I’d pair Peaches from MAC!
MAC Gleeful. i love that blush with warmer lipsticks.
pet me please:)
I would pair it with a bronzey type blussh such as MAC’s So Ceylon’s MSF.
I would pair it with Instant Chic.
I would pair MAC’s Dainty blush
I would pair Drive Me Wild with Nars Exhibit A 🙂
i’d just wear it with a bit of NARS Albatross. (: Thanks for the contest!
I will pair this lipstick with Fleur Power blush to create an overall warmth effect with focus on the lips.
I’d pair it with Fever – my current fall blush 🙂
I would wear this with Mac’s Stereo Rose
I would use ripe peach blush
I would wear orgasm or oasis by NARS
A bronzer, no too shiny, like Hoola by Benefit or Matte bronzer by MAC.
i’d pair it with nars orgasm! 🙂
i’d pair it with ambering rose blush by mac for an all over copper rose glow!
I’d use a peachy light blush like flush by ulta!
I’d wear Drive Me Wild with Wildly Refined lipglass on top a soft bronzey, brown eye and Sweet As Cocoa blush on the cheeks…
I’d pair it with Nars Orgasm!
I would pair it with Bronzed Rose by Lancome. 🙂
I would wear Mac Springsheen blush.
Probably NARS orgasm
I’d pair it with orgasam blush
I’d use something coral-based, like Nars Luster!
Since I am Dark skinned I would pair Nars Taj Mahal with mac drive me wild lipstick.
MAC well dressed 🙂
shy girl
the blush i’d pair with Drive me wild lipstick is Mac Pet Me topped with MAC stereo rose on the apples of the cheeks and lightly brush mac by candle light right over it!
One of my favorite cheap blushes, E.l.f’s Shy blush.
NARS orgasm
I’d pair this with MAC’s Stereo Rose!!
chanel joues contraste in reflex its coral with some gold shimmer! Thanks Temptalia!
I’d pair it with Pet Me blush from the same collection.
Bars sin blush
a nude blush 🙂
vary soft one, like a peach =)
I would pair it with a peachy gold blush like MAC’s Springsheen!
I would also probably use mac mineralize blush in pet me. For a soft subtle pink glow.
Hi! I would wear the brighter ones with MAC MINERILIZE blush, utterly game and the more dark ones with MAC BLUSHCREME brit wit!
Good luck to everyone ! 😀
p.s. I m glad I was the first to leave a comment ! :D:D ( I hope I did it correctly !)
I’d wear it with a plum toned blush.
Light coral blush, I think 🙂
I would pair it with Desert Rose.
I’d pair it with a coral blush, such as orgasm by nars
My nars penny lane blush so i don’t look too sparkly!
I’d pair it with Harmony or Utterly Game
BB blush in Tawny.
I would use uterly game as it’s perfect to offset the pigment in the lipstick
NARS orgasm!
i would pair it with Nars Super Orgasm! Either that or Benefit’s benetint.
i would use beauty powder shell pearl! i really like this colour especially for fair skin..
None! I’d want the lips to be the foccus!
MAC Peachykeen!
Mac Utterly game 😀
stila convertible color in peony
Lillicent creme blush by MAC.
I think I would go with a subtle bronzy blush to complement this lipstick. I dont think bright colors look good with coral lipsticks so I would avoid pink and purple blushes probably. I would most likely go for something like MACs Gingerly Sheertone Blush. I think that would be absolutely gorgeouss
MAC Instant Chic
I would wear just a light handed layer of Stereo Rose and nothing else!
I would try pairing Intenso or Marine life with Drive Me Wild!
I’d warm up my complexion using bits of bronzer and blush, and take a nude eye. Lidwash, brown mascara on upper and bottom lashes.
Nars orgasm
i’d pair Nars Orgasm!
mac pet me
i’m not sure if i wanted to pair it with blush. i think the color is gorgeous without blush.
I’d wear Stereo Rose MSF, and a Peachy neutral eye!
I would use Copperone cause it’s a neutral colour, it fits well those vibrant lips
Make up store – East
I think MAC Stero Rose would look lovely with this!
I’d pair it with NARS Orgasm 😉
I’d put Schemer lipgloss over it, and wear it with Pet Me blush and cat eyes with black liquid liner and shadows from the Leopard Luxe quad. Sexy!
I would pair it with lady blush from MAC !
I’d pair it with NARS Super Orgasm. I love that color and besides, “drive me wild” with “super orgasm”? Those two names together just make me smile. :0)
No blush! I’d pair it with glowing pale skin and dark brown eye-liner for a classy fall look – like a crisp “good-girl” preppy kind of thing.
a peachy blush
Smashbox O’Glow! natural glow beats everything!
Nars Orgasm 🙂
benefit coralista
mac’s peachykeen!! :):) beautifullll
Mac Melba 🙂 Thanks!
I would wear it with either Nars Deep Throat or Benefit Coralista.
OOOO this would look amazing with R&R All Nighter!
I’d pair my go to blush of Nars Orgasm. 🙂
I would love to pair this lipstick with bite of an apple blush. fingers croseed I’ll be able to pick up bite of an apple blush when it comes out and win this lippie to go with it
stereo rose !!
Benefit Coralista
I’d just use my Essence Shimmer Powder in “Famous Flamingo” for a soft glow.
mac stereo rose
benefit’s sugarbomb!
I would pair it with Mac style blush
Benefit Sugarbomb
With NYX Pinched maybe.
I’d pair it with a light coating of ELF Studio Blush Duo
I’d pair it with a coral blush.
Gold eyes!!
Vincent Longo Blush Duo Coral Crush
I´d pair it with new blush of the collection soho of Chanel!! =)
Nars Taj mahal blush!
peachykeen blush and albatross from nars as a highlight
MAC’s peachykeen!(:
Ripe Peach with a bit of Stereo Rose on top
Desert Rose by MAC
I’d use Mac msf in Refined.
Nars orgasm
My all time favourite; Mac Springsheen!
I agree with another poster, Milani’s Mai Tai is the perfect peachy pink to bring out the golden tones in that lipstick.
Korres Natural! 🙂
Ripe Peach
tippy blush
I’d wear it with a nude blush or a red-coral blush.
ELF Candid Coral
Pinch O’ Peach!!!
With this lipstick, something super natural and neutral like NARS Madly
I’d pair it with mac fleur power!
Pin Up by Hard Candy
Benefit – Coralista :D!
MAC’s Springsheen!
I’d pair the lipstick with a pinky blush and a neutral eye.
Well dressed 🙂
A soft pink blush to let the lipstick pop!
I’d pair it with a light peach blush!
I’d pair it with Wildly Refined lipglass
NARS Orgasm
i would pair it with stereo rose
NARS Orgasm
MAC Stereo Rose it’s my pick.
Nars’ Deep Throat… I’m in love with this blush!
I would pair it with a soft brown smokey eye
I’d definitely pair Drive Me Wild with a shimmery blush. Maybe something like NARS Deep Throat. 🙂
I’d pair it with NARS lovejoy blush!
NARS Deep Throat 😀
Benefit Dandelion!
I would pair it with Taos from Nars.
A natural rosey cheek with plum-brown liner all around the eye.
I’d pair it with mac style
Benefit Coralista
I would probably pair it with a light wash of dollymix 🙂
NYX Peach, Benefit Coralista, MAC Fleur Power
I love the Drive Me Wild lipstick! I would totally pair it with MAC’s Pet Me mineralize blush from the Fabulous Feline Collection. It’s gorgeous!
i would pair it with mac warm soul mineralize blush!
I pretty much only use my tarina tranatino one haha
mac improvise mineralize blush
Prim and Proper from MAC Give me Liberty of London!!!
my barbie loves mac blush!
Mac’s Stereo Rose- my favorite!!
I would love to pair this with stereo rose msf lol 😀
I’d pair it with NARS orgasm
tarte’s tipsy 😉
I’d pair it with Dior Coral Riviera (L) (:
Mac Buff
A bronze or peach-y blush!!
too faced papa don’t peach!
i’d pair with utterly game mac mineralize blush!
Snuggle (Everyday Minerals)!
Sugarbomb blush by Benefit!
Benefit Sugarbomb 🙂
NARS Orgasm for sure.
with a light hand I would use Mac’s orange eyeshadow as a blush.
I would pair it with MAC’s Melba!
I’d use a bronzer like my Refined Golden by MAC 😀
Probably a rose blush, as I love them!
Drive Me Wild’s so pretty! I’d pair it with MAC Stereo Rose.
No blush. Sometimes I like to keep it simple.
I would pair it with Smashbox’s blush rush in Chiffon 🙂 They would make a good pair!!
Either NARS Orgasm for an everyday look or Revlon’s Potpourri for an evening look
Something warm toned. Maybe Fun&Games from the Hello Kitty collection, but I quite like a soft but bright arm pink as well with a warm lip and very understated eyes.
NARS orgasm 😀
I would use Guerlain Les Meteorites (old edition) Pink Fresh 02.
Fever by Mac would look pretty with this lipstick 🙂
I’d pair it with Stereo Rose 🙂
i’d pair it with blush baby blush by MAC
NARS Dolce Vita!
MAC Cremeblend in Optimistic Orange…it’s a new favorite.
I would absolutely wear it with MAC Blushbaby. would match perfectly
i would pair this with nars orgasm
i tweeted
Ripe Peach Blush Ombre!
Probably a very light dusting or orgasm.
With Grande Rose a creamy blush from the French Clarins
in my opinion peachy blush will be the best
MAC Pretty Baby beauty powder!
Get-Away Bronze, Coppertone, or Prim & Proper.
I would pair this with The Body Shop Autumn Leave Compact in Berry! It would look beautiful!
I tweeted:
Thank you for this opportunity!*
I’d pair this with a bit of bronzer and illamasqua’s cream blush in rude
Pet me blush
Too Faced’s Papa Don’t Peach or MAC Stereo Rose
Benefit’s sugarbomb
I think Warm Soul would look really nice! =D
Nars Orgasm!