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Oh, I think we know my answer to that! Never!!!!
Although, for a short period of time when I accidentally shaved off my own lashes on one eye as a teenager, I did use them. And because I couldn’t quite get it right, I finally gave up, never to bother trying again. I would try again, I suppose, but those are some scary-to-even-think-about little numbers!
Only for special occasions when I know photography is involved and I’m the center of attention. I just started using falsies last year and I find Ardell individual lash clusters really easy to use. Lisa Elridge’s tutorial on individual lashes is the best I’ve seen. Sometimes I use up to 7 on each eye (and I have small eyes)!
As for strip lashes, I’ve never liked how falsely uniform they look up close ( I do appreciate them on others for stage makeup though). My eye lids are also super sensitive though and strip lashes attach directly to the lid (whereas individual lashes attach directly to the lashes).
This is one makeup trend that I have no desire to try. I might give it a go for a very special ocassion if my makeup was being applied by a professional.
New years so wearing them now. I can’t master them myself but got them professionally applied today at Ulta. Worth the price to me. got the Vegas Nay Grand Glamor Eyelure. Tried lots of others and it is a pain for most of us, but these, with the pro application totally give you fantastic eyes. I don’t want to go to sleep so I never have to take them off. I’ll try to reuse these gems but I’ll get more anyway and happy to to pay for the expert help.
I have literally never worn them, and I can’t see a situation in which I would. The idea of applying glue to my eyelids freaks me out majorly.
You too??? Thank goodness I’m not the only one who has “glue-a-phobia”!
Seriously! Wasn’t “don’t glue things to your face” something everyone gets taught by the age of 5?!
Never! I own several pairs and I never took them out of their boxes… I’m intimidated I guess!
Special occasions, typically. I have a lengthening mascara set (one is mascara, the other is the fibers that lengthen) and I use that also.
Never. I own a few pair, but I never have the guts to try the glue, even though I got latex-free. I’m still worried I’ll have a reaction. I need to just buckle down and do a test patch with the glue.
I used to wear them for dance performances and ugh, never again. A good tubing mascara does the job IMO.
I struggle with false eyelashes a lot to. Whenever I actually apply them I like the effect a lot, but I never get the hang of it due to my lack of practice.
I wear them very rarely! Sometimes I wear them for the blog or for a special occasion, but 99.99 percent of the time I go natural.
Only on stage- I feel like people would notice in person (and not the good kind of notice!) I’d maybe consider individuals for very special occasions, but not a whole band.
Also never. I think I was in grade 9 the last time I even tried them (I’m sure they’ve improved since then!) but with the good mascaras available, I don’t feel the need and I also don’t much like the look of them because they do look so much like “fake lashes” and just not the look I’m going for, and often seem to drag the eye downward if they’re not applied right.
I have never worn them. Maybe I would wear them for my hypothetical wedding.
Only special occasions, like a big party or tonight (NYE). I do want to wear them more, but I’m not skilled at applying them. More practice would change that! I’m wearing a pair of House of Lashes falsies tonight (Smokey Muse), and my fingers are crossed that they wear well because they’re beautiful in the box.
I wear falsies daily lol. My lashes are so short and stubby that even with 3 coats of any mascara my lashes still look nonexistent. Especially from a distance lol. I’ve been wearing them for years so I’m super quick putting them on. It actually takes me longer to pile on mascara lol
yes!! i’m exactly the same, it takes me maybe sixty seconds to get my lashes on? but a good five minutes to curl my lashes, mascara them, make them look unclumpy… and i’m like oh yeah why did i bother with this again?
I only wear makeup once or twice a week, so when I do, I like to go all out. Most of the time it’s just do Ardell Wispies, but sometimes I like to go all out.
I wouldn’t wear it everyday. I’d wear at birthday parties, night out with girls or meals with my man. Don’t go ott when with him keep them natural. I don’t like my big sexy lashes! Looks too false. Natural for the win.
Whenever I whine about something, I always feel the need to make more effort. So after a recent rant about false eyelashes and winged eyeliner, I decided to tackle both on Christmas day of all times in preps to go out for our dinner. I nailed both. The force was with me! I cheated a bit in that I used halfsies (ardell 311) instead of full lashes, but they seem to work well with my smaller hooded eyes. Since then, I’ve worn the same lashes a few times on casual errand days. It seems a bit crazy to me to be wearing them on a non-special occasion, but the little bit they add to the corners of my eyes is actually quite remarkable and IMO doesn’t look over the top. I have also been using a lash enhancer (neuLash) for the past month and it has added much needed length to my short ultra straight spiky lashes. I think the fake half lashes blend in much better than they used to as a result and also the lashes I chose mimic my own so they look more natural. I have to say my experiments have completely changed my mindset on lashes. I think they can be worn any old time.
Woot, Woot Wendy! I’m a fud on both winged liner and lashes! I’m going to make them a goal! Do you have any tips on the liner specifically. I have so much trouble with that as my eyes are hooded too!
I’ve found it much easier with a specific gel liner and a very fine brush: Becca Ultimate creme eyeliner (it’s is very black and smooth and dries down at a perfect rate for me and you can run over a line and unlike liquid liner, it doesn’t completely screw up your initial work or flake off uneven texture spots.. so much more forgiving) and Bobbi Brown Ultra precise eye liner brush (very fine tip). I also keep my wings on the smaller size and run them thin on the inner half and graduate to thicker on the outside. Load your brush fairly heavily. When you do not load a brush properly, you end up with skips and starts. If you need too, wipe off your brush in between strokes and reload with fresh product so you don’t have partially set liner mingled with wet.
Everyone’s eye hoods are so different and so I’ll refrain from giving you tips on how I exactly apply for my eyes. I think it is one of those things you have to work out for yourself, but definitely the right formula and tool helps a great deal. Some days my eyes are heavier than others..I avoid winged liner on days where my eyes look and feel heavy. Oh, and practice with an angle brush and a good black eye shadow on a day where you just feeling like futzing around. That helped me ‘see’ the right wing angle and size for my eyes. Thought of another thing: And do your lashes first with your curler followed by mascara.. that also helps you too see where your natural tail should .. those outer tips of your lashes are a really good guideline. Hope my weird rambles helps Nicole 🙂
Thanks so much Wendy! I’ll tell ya, that liner must be good stuff! I did a flat out scavenger hunt to find it in the black! I was looking at it for close to $40 on Amazon and remembered lord &Taylor carried Becca. Bingo! They have it. So, I got it and I have that brush coming too! I have struggled with winged liner ..and lashes too FOREVER! So, I decided it’s worth a NYE splurge on myself. I’m not sure if I can tackle both at once. I do like the half lash though as well. Makes sense. Grew my brows in 2015. 2016 will be the year of finally getting the wings and lashes down! lol! You got me off to a running start! 🙂
Definitely helped me. Thank you, Wendy!
Thank you so much for all the tips! I also have hooded eyes and finding a creme liner that stays put and applies smoothly without drying out my lids is tough. I own strip lashes and find them intimidating so I have only been using individual lashes but halfsies are a great idea. I also think it would be easy to wear falsies everyday ( especially the individual kind).
You’re my new lash role model. The half lashes sounds like a great idea. The slightly longer, thicker lashes on the outer corner would really lift the eye visually.
Exactly my thoughts, Rachel 🙂 That lift from the lashes plus a bit of fudging above my hood crease in my outer corner work really makes a huge difference on how big my eyes appear. The demi lashes are waaaaay easier and do not weigh down my entire lid.
I’ve been wearing halfies too! I’ve been practicing this week and now I think I’ll start wearing them more often.
That is great! Lashes do make a huge difference!
I love my false lash but I only wear them for Cosplay, tutorials, and makeup show events.
I’m Still trying to find Mr. Right with the lash adhesive so that my lids don’t get puffy every time I use it if I wanted to wear them more often.
Maybe 5 days out of the week. Duo glue with i-Envy lashes by Kiss, Ardell, Cherry Red, MAC, & some nondescript (one use only) brand I found on eBay.
I’m with you Christine! I just am awful at false lashes. Maybe have worn them 4 times! Can’t stand them! I applied them one time by myself for Halloween and the entire night they kept trying to come off. I just never have practiced enough. I like the way they look and even own 2 pair of velour lashes. I’m just scared they will pop off or the glue will ruin my natural lashes. I’m not sure if this is an actual phobia or not?!
Happy New Year everyone!!!
Rachel, Anne, you and me, we all have “glue-a-phobia”! A diagnostic term I coined for our mutual fear or abhorrence to glue on our lashline!
LOL And here I thought I just had sensitive eyes and a latex allergy…
I recently fell in love with false lashes. I find they add just that extra pop to my eyes. I wear them a couple times a week and if I’m doing something special. I use Ardell lashes and have a few different styles ranging from natural to major statement.
Never. I can’t apply them myself and the 2x I’ve had them applied by a makeup artist the strip started lifting off my lid in the corners within the hour.
I’ve worn them twice in my whole life! Luckily, my lashes are of sufficient length. They need help thickening and separating but 2 to 3 coats of a good mascara gives a dramatic look that seem almost fake but isn’t. That’s good enough for me! To get that drama I use Chanel Le Volume or a L’Oreal Voluminous sub type. I was using the Full Definition version but it was discontinued which was perfect at one coat for everyday and 3 coats for night was exceptional.
I’ve actually never worn false eyelashes, but I would like to learn how to apply individual lashes or mini-clusters to the outer corners for special occasions. I think a full set would kind of overwhelm my rather small, very hooded eyes.
Just for shoots and few very special occasions.
Happy new year, Christine my darling!❤️?
Whenever I go out. They’re really not that hard to put on. I found a great tutorial on youtube by NikkiTutorials. Her suggestion is to cut the lashes in half and then apply them, and it actually works! But back to your question, I wear them whenever I go out with friends. I’m obsessed with them now and I can’t stop purchasing them. 🙂
Almost daily. With my hooded eyes, I cut my lashes in half and that also makes them easier to apply. I sometimes DIY lash extensions instead of or as well as the half lashes. So addictive!
Never have, probably never will. I think most look so obviously fake that they aren’t flattering, and don’t even get me started on the ones long enough to slice pizza or create a breeze. At age 50+ and having to wear glasses all the time…. nope.
Not any more they ruined my natural lashes
Lashes (false) are a part of my usual makeup routine. Makeup applied and no lashes would not be complete to me! I have worn them successfully for many years.
I would love to wear false eyelashes again especially since I am older and my eyelashes are sparse! I feel I would look silly though. Just want the very natural false lashes but still …
Would applying individual lashes in just the sparse areas work for you, perhaps?
What a fantastic idea! I do believe I am going to try that! Thanks!!
Everyday. A mist for my non existent lashes. I only wear velour lashes even though they are expensive but they last me 30 wears and I consistently get compliments on any model I wear! I even got chased down by a Walmart employee just to ask and compliment me on my lashes! Lol
I love false eyelashes and wear them as often as possible. I am ADDICTED!!
I wear lashes every chance I get ..I love trying different styles, took me a long time to figure it out and now I get it I cannot live without them, I bought the 2new styles koko lashes just released today:)
I don’t do false eyelashes. If I want a plush lash look, I comb my lashes out first. Then I apply two coats of Dior Diorshow Lash Plumping Serum as my base and let it set for a second. I follow my base with two coats of Dior Diorshow Volumizing mascara in 090 Catwalk Black to complete the look. This look comes from the tube sans glue, lash strips, and all. If you want plush lashes in an instant, this is the way to go.
One of my resolutions is to wear them more often! I used to do it at least once a week, often 3-4 times a week. I’d like to get back to some of that. 🙂
Literally just put on a pair, heading out for New Year’s Eve. I’ve been practicing with them the past week and they were so easy to put on!!! Before this week it’s been about 10 years since I’ve worn them. I think I’m going to start wearing them more often now!
I don’t – there is no way I could apply false eye lashes without my glasses on…. an impossibility. Besides, I don’t need to. My glasses would hide the effect anyway.
Special occasions, date night (which is never), occasionally church on Sunday (if I have time which is never)…..I would do it more but it’s just not practical for daily wear. Plus, I am happy with my eyelashes.
I love lashes, but I don’t wear them often. Honestly I was terrible at applying them and then I stopped trying to get the duo tube of glue to work for me and I tried different glues, and since switching glues, lashes are incredibly easy to apply. Seriously if you’re having trouble applying lashes, try the house of lases glue or the duo glue that comes with a wand. I can even apply individual lashes to myself now (which I thought was a impossible feat).
Once…four years ago. I wore them when I was a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding (one of my all-time favorite makeup artists applied them) & I haven’t touched them since. They looked great in photos but felt weird.
i wear them pretty much every day, couldn’t imagine life without them. My tips? Well
Trim the inner corner, I find it’s easier to apply lashes if they’re more of a 3/4 width instead of a full width.
Find a glue that works for you, I like Duo. I know people love House of Lashes as well. Just buy a bunch of them until you find something that works!
Sometimes they won’t sit properly on your eye because they’re not curved enough. I like to take them out of the packet, and with the glue that holds them in place on the little half moons in the packaging – stick and curve it around a thick makeup brush handle. Do this every time you take them off as well, I find this helps so much.
Tweezers, of course. I just use the small tweezerman tweezers but i guess you can get an angled pair if you’re feeling fancy.
The style you have is a great beginners style, but anyone else reading this… Don’t try and start with a big thick drag lash. It won’t work on your first go. Baby steps. If you want a more dramatic look, stack two pairs of natural lashes on top of each other before applying them to your eye. I swear by it. I really love Socialeyes lashes in Playing Coy. They’re cheap (for me anyway, but I’m Australian and that’s another story) and natural looking.
Seriously once you learn to do it, you’ll find it easier than mascara. I wear them pretty much every day. I never waste my time with individuals or clusters tbh because it’s so time consuming and a strip lash can look JUST as natural if you use it right.
My name is Bibi & I am a false eyelash-o-holic.
I used to wear false eyelashes of some sort daily as my natural lashes were short, straight, stubby things that pointed straight down no matter how I tried to curl them. All mascaras bothered my contact lenses, but the lash glue didn’t bother me.
After about 15 yrs of wearing them constantly my lashes were nearly gone.
I bought some eyelash growth serum called Xilash(?) in Seoul that made them grow back long & curly.
I have found my false eyelash skills to quite useful though. Most of the brides I do makeup for are Asian, Arab, or Indian & the dramatic lashes are nearly always part of the look they want.
I experimented with false eyelashes in my 20’s a few times with no success. I now use Latisse and UD Perversion mascara and have no need for false lashes. If I somehow receive them in a “beauty box” or sample kit, I pass them on to friends and family. In addition, my skin is sensitive to adhesives and tolerates glue poorly.
I wear falsely’s on different occasions when I mostly want to feel beautiful, sexy especially for my husband!;) but I love them on everyone 🙂
I wear falsely’s on different occasions when I mostly want to feel beautiful, sexy especially for my hubby. Belive it or not people look like they are glowing even more then usually when they have false eyelashes on. Love it! 😉
I try to wear them on most Saturday nights. I am kind of obsessed with lashes. I mostly use individual lashes. I started with the short individuals and after awhile added medium length (because Pixiewoos said short individuals are really fillers). I order from Madame Madeline and somehow they send me more than I ordered. I am looking at MUFE’s lashes….just saw they make 50!! different styles. I want to try full lashes that have clear strips.
Sometimes I don’t get my lashes right and just give up and pull them off. But getting better and better. My natural lashes are blond and short…so falsies can look prettier on me than loads of mascara…sometimes.
Oh my gosh I suck at applying lashes! I still haven’t mastered this but usually for my days when I really want to be extra! My birthday, Valentine’s Day, my anniversary and such. My birthday is Monday so I will be attempting them again lol.
Special occasions or whenever I feel like doing a dramatic look for a YouTube tutorial
Never, but I wish I was good at applying them! If I was I’d probably wear them all the time…just pop on some lashes and a good lippie and I’d be set.