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Renee Avatar

I find as I’m getting, ahem, to that ‘special age,’ a nice mascara makes a big difference. For me, the trick is to AVOID black, even brown/black mascara. My hair is a sandy shade and my browns are a very faded blonde shade. Black mascara pops on some blonde gals. On me it looks terribly harsh and casts shadows around my eyes. So, I’ve found that reddish brown mascaras look nice. Oh, also, adding a bright shimmery shade around the inner corners of the eye and on the eyelids is an ESSENTIAL. I also cannot be without a bright light blush. I know I use too much blush, though. It’s my ‘thang’ and I just cannot be without a big pop of color.

Mariella Avatar

Same as Christine….a bright liner or bright blue/teal shadow (UD does some of the best) pressed under my lower lashes. And pressing a light, reflective shadow like MAC’s Unbasic White, at the inner corners of my eyes, right alongside my nose (where I have a lot of darkness or a blue-ish shadow which is a lot worse these days) makes me look a lot more wide awake and “bright”.

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