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Z Avatar

CND Super Shiney topcoat. I wish it dried fast, but it’s got the highest shine out of any I’ve tried and that means more to me.
Still haven’t used a basecoat that’s actually made a difference.

Brian Avatar

For base coat I really like the Cuticula base coat or the Colores De Carol ridge filler base coat. Top coats I like are the Glisten and Glow fast drying top coat and the Bee’s Knees Lacquer fast drying top coat. Both very glossy. I like Seche Vite as well but when I get about 2/3 through the bottle it always gets too gloopy to work with.

Sarah Avatar

I love the Glisten and Glow topcoat so much that I don’t even want to try any others haha! The few times I’ve had to have been so disappointing.

Katrina Avatar

Well, I tend to leave all of that to the professionals. I’ve been doing dip in my hands and gel on my feet for as long as I can remember. But, during the pandemic and times were desperate here with salons shut down for like a year, I went back to my high school tried-and-true from when I lived in BFE. Which is Seche Vite. For both top and base. I have the stuff to do my own gel and powder, but, honestly, what I hate is having to do the removal and clean up stuff myself.

I also discovered the seche “gel like” top coat. Which Is not fast drying. So I paired that with the CVD quick dry spray, another of my very old faves. That’s the only thing that makes regular polish bearable for me.

Rebel Avatar

I discovered Seche Vite Base & Top Coat a few months ago – absolutely hands down the best base & top coats I have ever used!! I went and stocked up because I go through them so quickly!

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