What's your least favorite part of your beauty routine?
What’s your least favorite part of your beauty routine? Share!
I don’t like cutting my nails! It doesn’t even take that long, but I always put it off! Also don’t love washing and drying hair, again, it doesn’t actually take that long but it always seems daunting.
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Taking it off because where’s the fun in that?
Other than that, eyeliner, because my eyes are hooded, also both are shaped very differently, and the left side of my face is raised about half an half an inch (okay I can’t word that right but) higher than my left so everything looks kinda wonky and ugh. Getting eyeliner on is just a pain with hooded eyelids especially winged eyeliner cos I have to put SO MUCH of it on so it at least looks “straight”.
Same for me. Hooded eyes can be so frustrating!
This one is easy for me. Straightening my hair! It takes about an hour because I have very curly/coarse hair.
But that’s too damaging :-s My classmate’s hair was fried from doing that for a hour all the time.
Same as you Christine! I also don’t love curling my eyelashes. I know that sounds weird but I have these crazy lashes that are always pointing in 12 different directions and curling/taming them always takes forever and it’s so easy to screw them up and overcurl certain areas.
Lately, I have lost all patience for removing my mascara in the evening. I have been leaving it too late, and when I get around to it, I’m tired and annoyed. No cleansing method feels fast enough, and if I try to rush, I always lose an eyelash or two. Bad beauty habits!
Eyeliner is my least favorite part. I’m legally blind in one eye, do trying to get both eyes even is a mission impossible level task. To make matters worse, my blind eye is losing tone faster as I age, so everything looks slightly lopsided anyway. I’m actually starting to think seriously about cosmetic surgery.
Honestly, pretty much every part other than putting on my makeup feels like a huge chore, lol. My least favorite is washing/conditioning, drying, and detangling hair. Ugh! I’ve always been bad at cutting and filing nails, and I used to love painting my nails…I found it relaxing “me time,” but now I just lose patience. Oh, and shaving, major freaking chore!! Actually, that’s probably my least favorite then comes hair then nails.
I hate taking off my makeup! And washing my hair. :/
Removing my makeup :/ it’s always messy and it never seems to come off completely.
The bi-weekly upper lip wax. Ouch!
Makeup has been a fun and important part of my daily routine until I developed psoriasis. Every aspect of the process I used to love is now a nightmare I’ve yet to solve. Menopause has added to the dryness and lines with spotty patches.
Before I can even apply makeup I need to solve the cleansing and moisturising issues!
I would be so very happy if the issues of older women and sensitive skins were addressed more often…and PLEASE remove all perfume from cosmetics and skin care products! Thanks for the rant!
Removing eye make-up, particularly mascara.
Cleaning my face, washing my hands ….taking it off …lol Being hygienic I guess xD
Please note, I don’t do my lashes or my brows =]
Plucking my chin hairs. Just keepin’ it real lulz.
Haha! I agree! I don’t pluck anything else but damn, that beard finally gets to me after a certain number / length of hairs…
Filing my nails (hate the feeling & I can never seem to get the shape perfectly right), filling in my brows (takes me much more time than it should) and blow drying my hair (also because it takes too long).
Agreed with Christine. I also dislike tweezing or any sort of hair removal–shaving, waxing, etc. Makeup removal is also a hassle.
Definitely removing waterproof mascara (which is always my mascara at the moment because I’m trying to use some up). But removing mascara in general is pretty much a pain, especially if you want to be at least a little bit gentle on your eyes!
I don’t dry or straighten my hair… Problem solved! 😀
Cutting my nails is also the one thing I keep putting off.
My least favorite part is makeup removal.
Plucking my eyebrows! I always wait until they’re quite untidy as it’s so boring and I need to do in daylight.
Trimming and reshaping my nails. They grow quickly so they need filing once a week but I normally leave it two weeks and do a full trim and reshape. I’m into ovals at the moment so shaping takes a while and I need to get a better nail file!
Also definitely hair removal! Everyone says they are jealous of how thick the hair on my head is and how quickly it can grow but this works everywhere else on my body! I finally caved yesterday and waxed my lip as no sun has made my skin pale and my moustache dark! Over winter I’ve been growing my leg hair and waxing so hopefully by summer my regrowth won’t be so bad. I’d like to be able to shave my legs in the morning and not have leg stubble by the evening >.< When I have excess money (ha!) I will definitely look into laser options.
Laser removal is without a doubt the best (albeit most expensive) beauty investment I ever made. There are a few sessions left to do for when I get excess money too, but it’s already life-changing 🙂
I agree with you lol and I also don’t like to apply make-up on my pimples and marks but I have to…and yeah, taking it all off cause I’m lazy and cause it doesn’t all go away from the first time
I hate painting my nails. It seems to take forever to dry and they always smudge. If I put acrylic on my nails, I hate soaking them off in acetone.
I HATE covering up blemishes!!
I just realised how much i hate it because my skin is really bad recently 🙁
Washing and drying my hair is a daunting task for me – I have long hair and don’t like to use hairdryer – it takes ages to dry. And remembering to wash the makeup at the ned of the day – when I am feeling too tired / lazy – is another chore I don’t enjoy!
Removing waterproof mascara (any mascara, for that matter) and also flat ironing my hair (and because my hair is in a layered bob and is naturally wavy and frizz-prone, I have to flat iron!)
I would say anything that doesn’t ‘color’ me. so in principle, everything, except make up.
Taking length off my nails is my least favorite, too – I rarely clip unless I have a big break, but even if I do, it’s not any faster than filing because it’s so tedious to get them smoothed out and symmetrical again!
Same – cutting my nails. I also hate straightening my hair and taking off my nail polish, especially toenail polish.
I thought I was the only one who hated having to dry and style my hair everyday! eventually I got so tired of curling my hair that I just had it digitally permed. Now I just have to air dry it in the morning (after applying some styling cream) and I’m good to go. 🙂
I don’t know why, but I always dread applying mascara (which I do before anything else) because I always think it will take forever, even though it’s maybe a 2 minute time investment.
I hate shaving my legs, I always put it off!
Washing off eye makeup!
definitely makeup removal and doing anything with my hair. blow drying can look amazing but is difficult to perfect and terrible for it no matter how much heat protectant i use. i also can’t style my hair to save my life no matter how good i’ve gotten at makeup.
I agree with the washing/drying/styling hair being the least favorite part of my routine. I have fun with makeup, and although getting my winged liner even can be a bit annoying I just find washing and styling my hair tedious. Every morning it’s just like “oh this again”.
This seems a common “least loved” beauty routine. What’s weird is that I LOVE the feeling of clean, freshly washed and styled hair. And I love going to the hairdresser – I come out looking perfect with no effort on my part (trying to replicate the finished effect at home is a different story). If I were independently wealthy, I’d have my hairdresser on “retainer” and have her come to my house 2 to 3 times a week (I only need to wash my hair 2 to 3 times a week, depending on how much I work out and/or go to hot yoga) so she could dry and flat iron it (it’s not the washing that I detest – it’s everything else afterward!)
I too derive zero enjoyment from washing and drying my hair. I’ve gradually cut off about a foot of hair over the past year and a half and now into a chin length bob so it is far easier, but I still hate doing my hair.
With semi-hooded eyes, it has already been mentioned that eyeliner is a PITA, but I also absolutely detest putting on mascara. I screw up practically every day and end up with stray mascara bits either above the crease of my eyelid or even on my cheeks.
Lol, my friends make fun of me because I HATE washing/drying my hair. 😀
Removing foundation and mascara! I love everything else about my beauty routine!
Removing makeup. It feels great once it’s off, and I love applying serums and moisturizers afterwards, but the “removing” part always feels like a chore.
Taking off mascara! It is very time consuming and boring and I always seem to leave a trace of it behind to run under my eyes by morning. So, I mostly just don’t bother with the mascara in the first place. It is problematic for me any way since I have hooded eyes and droopy lids.
I hate taking off mascara. The act makes me wish that mascara wasn’t one of the essentials for me.
I’d have to say washing off my makeup at the end of the day. My face is very sensitive and a lot of the time I’m so tired I’m lazy! And washing my hair as well. It’s very long, semi curly and thick and shampooing dries out my scalp (eczema). It’s such a process.
Believe it or not I don’t like doing my eye makeup especially mascara just takes too much time, and my eyes are my best asset so I have to do it. I also hate putting on lotions and body creams it just seems like work to me, But my extremely dry skin really needs it.
Covering a dark spot I have in my left cheek – there are times when this or that concealer work well, but others when I just can´t conceal it. Therefore, I’m in a constant search for a good concealer!
Ooh…let me know if you find the right concealer. I have the same problem.
Ugh…plucking my eyebrows. I should just get them threaded (my skin is too sensitive for wax). I feel like I spend a long time getting strays, and then two days later, more strays pop up. It’s like a never ending cycle.
I actually don’t mind taking off my eye makeup. Since I’m a night showerer, I just use a cream eye makeup remover in the shower and it takes all of it off.
Foundation because I have acne and it’s so hard to get it all covered without being Cakey and taking makeup off is terrible.
Washing, drying and styling my long hair – I wanted to grow it out again after 35 yrs of short and now I think I want it short again!
Ugh, I feel your pain. I wore my hair in a short bob haircut for years and it was so easy to manage. I let my husband talk me into growing my hair out to the length I had as a child, and I contemplate cutting it every wash day. My husband enjoys the look of my long hair, but he doesn’t understand the time and effort I put into it!
Soaking off old acrylics and getting a new set. Removing eye makeup when I’ve been wearing glitter liner and waterproof mascara. Removing glitter nail polish from acrylics. Deep conditioning hair, using a scalp masque or doing keratin treatments, so slimy but so effective.
I absolutely hate washing and styling my own hair. It’s such a long process because my hair is so thick and takes forever to dry. Within the next few months, I’m determine to find a stylist I trust because I’m so over doing my hair myself.
Brushing my teeth annoys me. It’s so boring. Also, cutting nails.
Oh, and hair removal. I have to do it soooo frequently (I have fast-growing, dense and dark hairs).
Removing nail polish.
Hair cuts! I love my super short pixie, but I hate having to get it cut every four to six weeks. My hair grows like a weed, so I can really only get three to four solid weeks out of a hair cut before it is entirely too long. I try to stretch it out longer and just deal, but it drives me crazy.
I second that! I also have fast-growing hair and a pixie cut. I loathe that fourth week just before the next haircut when my hair is grown out and kinda floppy and disobedient.
Body hair removal, definitely – I go as long as I can before I finally give in and wax my legs and underarms. But also I dread using gel eyeliner, because I’m so crap at it, and I always ending up messing up one eye and going back to even out the other one (which was perfect) and messing that one up too and generally doing too much. Bloggers and youtubers always advise you to “practise” until you get good at it, but I wonder when I’m finally going to learn…
Hate tweezing my eyebrows! Sad to say, I can’t do it properly without a good magnifying mirror or my reading glasses on these days! I need to find a new beautician at the brow bar!
I hate taking it off at the end of the day but it feels so good afterwards when my skin is clean and smooth.
I dislike the waitingggg….you know the part where you’re supposed to let one product (like serum and moisturizer) sink in before moving forward with foundation.
taking off my makeup, I’m too lazy, curling my eyelashes (i always somehow pinch my eye), anything to do with my eyebrows is also a pain in my ***.
i hate showering. i dont know why. i feel like i have to clean more shower everytime because it gets gross super quick. I also hate blow drying my hair takes too damn long.
Applying heel balm to my dry cracked heels. I have to walk around on tippy toes until my heels are dried.
Makeup removal and wadhing. Drying. And styling hair…..I love for someone else to do it but it’s so long and v thick it b takes forever when I do it. ..no fun at all
Mine is all hair removal. Hate it, do it much less often than I should!
When it comes to makeup, I don’t like applying mascara, it always looks either too light or too clumpy. I have not found my HG yet.
Christine, I totally agree! My hair isn’t *too* long (a little past my shoulders) and it doesn’t take me a long time either, but I dread the mornings when I have to do the whole wash, blow dry, flat iron routine. Luckily I have a rather dry scalp so I can only wash my hair about every 3 days or I’ll get flakes- maybe not doing it more often is what makes me loathe it, haha!
I loathe putting on sunscreen. I hate that greasy feel of it on my skin – even the lightweight cosmetic sunscreens!
Also not a fan of styling my hair after I’ve just washed it, when my hair is all soft and fluffy and does whatever it wants.
Anything lip/teeth related. And filling my brows, only because so much hair’s missing in the wrong places it’s really tedious.
Definitely washing and drying my hair! It’s so THICK and loooong! And shaving is such a hassle. Ugh!
I agree with washing and drying my hair! It’s boring and I always feel like it takes way too long!
I hate to wash and dry my hairs too! They always look different and are terrible to manage. They’re without volume aand all the products I bought don’t work! 🙁