What was the last product you purchased more for packaging/theme than the product?

I can’t recall! I am not much of a packaging person – I am always more interested in the contents!

— Christine


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kjh Avatar

Pat lipsticks, but keeping the packaging was more as an extra layer of protection than because I liked the package. For theme, throwback to a throwback, a blush and l/s from MAC Rocky Horror. Age bracket disclosure, lol.

kjh Avatar

Indeed. Except for the dog collection…purebred pedigree? that I had to decorate myself with tiny fuzzy dog stickers…. haven’t bought MAC since ~2016.

Mariella Avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a product just for the packaging…in fact, I’m sure I’ve NEVER purchased a product just for the packaging but I have purchased plenty IN SPITE of the packaging (palettes from UD and Too Faced probably top the list but there are more…)

Wendy Avatar

Some of the MAC Star Trek collection. The LLAP (Live Long and Prosper) lipstick is still one of my favorites. But the powders dried out quickly. Generally I’m not big on packaging, but I have an affinity beautiful lipstick case. Still, I would only buy it if like the formula. One of my favorites is Besame lipstick, which combines a great product with an elegant lipstick case.

kjh Avatar

Besame, yes. Esp back in the metal case, faux suede little bag protector days. Somehow, the presentation was so iconic, it seemed part of the product more than packaging. If that makes sense.

Lisa Avatar

I did not purchase the items FOR the packaging, but I do like the packaging of Victoria’s Beckham’s products. As Mariella said, the are some products I purchase in spite of the packaging. I’m talking to you Fenty Beauty. The products are great, but the packaging is cheap as all get out.

Ana Maria Avatar

I also believed I was the only one not liking Fenti packaging. It looks cheap, the colors make it look even cheaper sometimes.
I used to purchase the Benefit brow products despite of packaging (I hate the silver wand like aesthetic, and they also look cheap), I never understood why they didn’t keep the initial packaging, which was awesome. But nowadays there are so many better brow products, Benefit doesn’t even come to mind as an option.

kjh Avatar

When the product is made to look like metal but is plastic, like much of Fenty, it looks even cheaper than plain black plastic would. The light heft also makes Fenty seem cheap…or at least cost-cutting.

kjh Avatar

Idk.. Fenty to me says bling, not kitsch. The names…trophy wife comes to mind…also are blingy, not kitschy. Fu$$y. It’s blatant bucks she is channeling. I think part of her image is aspirational, to be like her, not RiRi herself aspiring. (Like I had to say THAT, lo.) I know the aesthetic you mean, but don’t see it w/ Ri. For kitsch, I see Carmen Miranda, Minnie Pearl (with the price tag on the hat) and dogs playing poker.

Andrea Avatar

I’m with you on thinking the Fendy packaging looks a tad bit cheap. I find it very unappealing! Whenever I look at it I feel it won’t take long to break which makes me not want to part with my hard-earned cash. BUT, tbh I bought a couple of Burberry lipsticks recently and even though they look very posh, classy and the packaging looks super polished the cap isn’t that great and they sometimes won’t close properly which is a problem when they’re in one’s handbag next to stuff you don’t to change colour! ahah!
I used the Benefit eyebrow wand before too and it didn’t take long for the outside to fade, did it? I’ve been using a much cheaper pencil now from a SK brand called McQueen (or sth similar to that?) it slides like butter but it lasts like a gel. I particularly like the actual “shape” of it -very handy & w/o need to sharpen. It’s gotten very pricey to order shiny things from outside the EU though. Even ordering from the UK is a (pricey) headache now!

Jen Avatar

I can’t think of anything I’ve bought because of the packaging but I’ve gotten some things despite the packaging. Colourpop comes to mind: Do I like the color story? Yes. Do I like the tie in to some rando show I never watch(ed)? Ehhh…

Ana Maria Avatar

If we’re talking about limited / special edition theme in packaging, I don’t think I bought something since the lip pencils in MAC Charlotte Olympia collection (which was at least 5-6 years ago 😅).

Usually for me if packaging is a consideration, it’s more about being practical with it, choosing products with smaller footprint, the black sleek items, think easy to hold / open, things like that.

Andrea Avatar

I’ve always looked at cute/useful packaging as an added bonus rather than the main deciding factor to make me buy sth. A couple of years ago Esteé Lauder had this adorable makeup bag if you bought two products. My initial thought was topping up on serum but I ended up buying sth else to try (a facial sunscreen which I threw in the bin not long after- lesson learnt). My mom still has that bag and it still looks every bit as lovely…
10 odd years ago I bought this Soap & Glory set because it came in a really cute round box. Even though it was the cream I used I didn’t need any but bought the set because of the cute round box (which I still have)… Which reminds me of this other set of hand lotion/ soap from an expensive brand which I wouldn’t typically bother with (even though it was seriously discounted) but it came in a really pretty and very large round bag which, even though it’s been almost a decade, is still perfect for keeping general beauty stuff.
So, I guess I like pretty (preferably unusual) and useful beauty bags! But only if the price is right and I like what’s inside. I couldn’t possibly care less about the actual recipient/theme of perfume or lipsticks to be honest as those are going in the bin sooner or later.
I cared about “themes” in terms of getting sth that everybody had but in a different bottle or sth when I was a teenager – I wanted to be like the others but still be different. I’m a sheep now! ahah! So I prefer normal/neutral to different.

Swoozy Avatar

OMG, I am a sucker for a free bag with a gift set. I’ll never use all of the bags I have, even after I’ve given so many away, yet like a moth to a flame, I’m drawn in by a free bag. . .

Andrea Avatar

@Swoozy Ahah! I love me a bag! Most are pretty small though so I keep makeup in those and even though you can wash them regularly, it doesn’t take long to reach the point of no return, so they always come in handy! They make me feel like I’m getting long-term value and (psychologically anyway!) it takes the edge off of the price of some stuff nowadays. I bought a printer cartridge yesterday and it’s crazy because there’s lipstick out there which actually costs more. Is is crazy that it costs so much or that I would actually consider buying it…?

Andrea Avatar

I should probably add I don’t mind unusual packaging or the whole theme thing but only if it’s for a miniature of sth interesting. I wouldn’t mind paying for a small lipstick (smaller than the usual normal one, like the Mac minis) even if it came with a Christmasey package, if the colour were nice. However, I don’t want to be looking at a regular-sized lipstick cap with Santa Claus on it if it’s summer because I’ll just be reminded it’ll be going in the bin soon and it’s still half-worn.

kjh Avatar

You guys, Alluring Aquatics used to be a major contender in the packaging questions. That would be my answer for packaging (tube, esp) liked, but never bought.

Sarah Avatar

I’ve been thinking about this for hours, and I think I realized the last collection I purchased EXPLICITLY for the packaging was MAC’s Alluring Aquatic collection. Oh man, those blue components covered in water droplets…divine.

DG Avatar

Lorac’s Pirates of the Caribbean palette! It was such a meh palette. The colors didn’t work for me. I never used it. But I absolutely bought it, the blush that could be tucked away in the palette, and all the lipsticks (which… I also never used. Why did I think I was going to wear blue lipstick?). In fact, I bought TWO. One for my sister. Such regrets.

I also bought the Besame Agent Carter collection, which I also regretted… mainly because I owned all the lipsticks included. (I ordered it when it was a secret, then got annoyed afterwards.)

I’ve learned my lesson!

kjh Avatar

FYI, I saw the Besame Snow White big bag sell @ $200 on eBay. Don’t pitch Agent Cater, sell her. (I never have +don’t know how. But if anyone wants to chime in with how to, feel free.

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