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Emma Avatar

Urghh the melt Gemini palette. I held out on buying it for ages and then took the plunge when it was on sale because I love the colour story but I must have got one of the bad ones as it’s so difficult to work with.
On me, the colours apply so patchy, they change colour when on my eyelid, even on top of an eye primer and they fade so quickly that I find I have to reapply bits 15 mins in to the look. I haven’t gotten rid of it yet because it’s so beautiful and I haven’t found one to replace it with but it’s time is definitely a coming to a close.

Mariella Avatar

NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer. I have tried and tried. I tried 2 colours (the first made me look jaundiced, though it was the one everyone was recommending) but no matter what I do, this concealer is anything BUT radiant or creamy!

And, in general, matte lipsticks. I have 2 that I like enough to take measures to make them wearable (and one of them is actually reasonably comfortable, as mattes go) but in the main, I find them both unflattering and uncomfortable on my lips.

Gypsyd Avatar

I agree with you on the Nars. I hadn’t used it in years, picked up one not long ago and wondered why I liked it in the first place. It is definitely not creamy or radiant on me.

Genevieve Avatar

Hmmm – this is a tough one because I don’t really have many products that I have struggled to use, thanks to this excellent blog. Probably a couple of lipsticks – UD’s Vice Backdoor, I think, because it turned purplish on me. I ended up tossing it. Bite Beauty’s Nori was another one – waay too dark and it really tugged when I applied it. The finish left my lips quite dry too.

Nina Avatar

I am not an impulse buyer of anything but I did make an impulse buy in Stila Heavens Hue Highlighter in Kitten. I don’t know, it was a dreary day and it looked all pillowy and sparkly and plush, so I grabbed it. I’m not a cream anything person and this product is why. It sits, like a stubborn puppy. It won’t move and when I do even dab it, it’s takes up my powder foundation. Gee, I’ve tried this 20 ways to Sunday. Nope, not gonna budge. It is pretty in the pan though ha!

Moxie Avatar

Aveeno Clear Complexion moisturizer. It pills up on my skin and on my hands so, unless I pat it VERY delicately on, it’s basically an exfoliator that irritates my skin.

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