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Jess Avatar

Becca Moonstone, and more than once.
I live in a place where most people don’t have air conditioning, so I lean into the “shiny” look many of us have in the summer here.
I love going ham with highlighter in the summer.

Sabrina Avatar

Me too! Becca Moonstone. Love this one. RIP Becca.
Also panned a couple of cream ones by a brazilian organic brand, called Care Beauty. I find that cream highlighters are easier to hit pan

CC Avatar

That I so rarely use them up is exactly the reason why I refrain from having too many in my collection. I have used up a tube of the CT highlighter wand, I panned and finished the highlighter section of the CT Filmstar Bronze and Glow, and I believe I might have panned a MAC MSF back in the day when those were all the rage.

Sarah Avatar

My Becca Champagne Pop has a pretty big pan in it, about the size of a dime. I really hope to fully pan it sooner than later, but it’s so hard with highlighter!

Ana Maria Avatar

If we are talking about highlighter as a product, none, since I never liked highlighters on me.
I use illuminating powders as highlighters, and I haven’t hit pan on one since the last time I owned MAC Emphasize (off course, discontinued).

kjh Avatar

Big time! I didn’t pan it but I just binned it, a half dead, with all my other CP SSSs. Major fave. And compared to the champagne and gold HLs, quite the rare beast. (Pun intended.)

Z Avatar

Once upon a time Essence had a cream to powder highlighter called Soo Glow! I not only hit pan, but finished a whole compact AND got about halfway through another. But that was back in the day when highlighters were just becoming “a thing” and most were made with silicones. Soo Glow was the first cream highlighter in a color that worked on my skin (so, sooo pale) and didn’t have silicones. Now, of course, I’ve got about twenty other highlighters and all but one still has the pan design.

Latika Avatar

Mac Showgold – panned two times used it completely up scraping corners! Panned PMG highlighter trio used all 3 colors bronzed panned first scraping all sides! Panned Dior universal highlighter but still working it- i have panned whisper of gilt- i guess highlighter is my thing 🙂

DUA Avatar

It happened once in my life time. I actually finished The Balm Betty Lou highlighter. I was so shocked I bought another one that I used 5 times max during 3 years. Sad. 🤣

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