What kind of foundation coverage have you reached for most in spring?

Light to medium for sure. I don’t usually go for much lighter or fuller, though, so season doesn’t dictate the coverage much for me.

— Christine


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Mariella Avatar

Does “none” count? Mask are still mandatory in every public place here – so at work (I’m teaching til the end of the year – only Spec Ed classes are still face-to-face), grocery stores, library, everywhere that is still open. So I’m not wearing foundation and since 2/3 of my punim (that’s Yiddish for “face”, with the implied understanding of “cute”) is covered, I only apply Australian Gold tinted sunscreen on my forehead. In “normal” times, I like light coverage – just enough to cover my broken capillaries on my cheeks. When things return to “normal” again, I want to have them lasered again (that was the best money I ever spent and was way less than all the money I’ve spent on foundation over the years).

DVa Avatar

Light to medium for sure, even this past fall/winter.
I’m done with full coverage and have too much of it sitting there just going bad. If I need to use it, I’ll “thin” it down with one of my light/luminous foundations.
Luckily it’s a trend now and there are so many options in the category.

I actually reached for my It Cosmetics CC Illuminating yesterday as it has an SPF and I knew I’d be in the sun. It’s been since last summer since I used it and it’s fuller coverage than what I’ve been wearing, but dang I forgot how much I love it, it’s like my own luminous skin in a tube.

Pearl Avatar

Light to medium coverage with a natural finish. I like to sheer it out and highlight strategically.

I’ve been using 1 pump of MAC Pro Longwear concealer as my foundation since last year and I think this might be a mainstay for me, now.

Lesley Avatar

I don’t change depth pf coverage seasonally. Right now all my foundations are light to medium. What changes is the finish. I am trying to use up my foundations now and I am currently working on the PMG Sublime, which I guess has a natural finish. I made it more matte last fall/winter by using more powder. Now I want it less matte so I am using almost no powder.

Jennifer Avatar

The seasons never dictated what type of foundation I wore, and these days, that’s as true as it’s ever been. I prefer lighter coverage, like Tarte Amazonian Clay BB cream, or if I’m looking for a little more of a “glow”, I reach for my Charlotte Tilbury Light Wonder Foundation.
Back in the day, me and my friends used to LOVE L’Oreal’s Matte foundation. I don’t know how many of you remember that stuff, but it was nothing like the matte foundations of today; it went on so thick that it was almost like Kabuki makeup, lol. I wore that stuff year ’round, didn’t matter. Today, there’s no way I’d wear a foundation like that! I’m in my late 40s, and for me, foundation that thick and heavy is far too aging.

Mary Avatar

Light to medium ..lately after applying skin care products and SPF I’ve switched to a light application of Nude by Nature foundation powder .it’s just a tad light on me but I always finish with a light dusting of L.M. “Candleglow” powder in 3 over all which gives a beautiful soft focused finish and balances the color .
It’s more comfortable in warm weather under a mask.

brendacr1 Avatar

I just finished off my Bobbi Brown foundation and it was a full coverage and it was starting to cake into my fine lines. I’m now looking for a lighter coverage foundation and have a few in mind. I am using some samples right now, by the time I’m fully vaccinated I will be able to go to a store in person and pick my new foundation!

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