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Seraphine Avatar

My most-used is not my favorite. My most-used is Revlon Colorstay pressed powder, which I use for work because it’s inexpensive and does an adequate job. I sit alone in my office all day, only seeing a few coworkers here and there, so I don’t want to waste the good powder on work.

My two favorites are Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Powder (which I reserve for vacations and going out on nights and weekends) and MAC Blot Powder Compact (which I carry in my purse for touchups).

Rebecca Avatar

Same as Christine. I have tried many others and decided to stop wasting time and money trying to find a less expensive dupe. The Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder is one of the few HG products I have and use every day (well, on the days I actually put on makeup, lol).

Susan Nevling Avatar

I have used Laura Mercier’s lose finishing powder in the light color for many years and do not plan to change. I have, in the past year, added the LM under eye finishing powder over my eye concealer and am pleased with the results. As far as I know, this comes only in a transparent white color which does not show any color. I am light medium so cannot promise the same results on deeper complexions.

Wednesday Avatar

Original La Mer loose.. I still have 1/4 tub which I am hoarding. Found a suitable replacement though: Laura Mercier ultra blur talc free .. difficult to discern whether this one is a tad more drying or my aging skin is just that much drier. I will say it does have a beautiful slight blur effect and does not require a ton of product to get the job done.

Lauren Avatar

I love my Hourglass Veil powder and have gone through a few of them over the years. I have an ultra mini size (I think it was a sample, so smaller than their travel mini) that I’ll refill with the larger size and it is perfect to take with me in my purse.

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