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Nancy T Avatar

Oh! That’s a tough one! My most recent acquisition, ColourPop Star Wars Palette has given me something to wrap my creative part of my brain around for sure. The very first look I did with it was somewhat copying what Morgan Turner did in her tutorial using it. And Wowie! What a look!
However; on a much more often explored palette or set of palettes, it would absolutely have to be the ones you did with Sydney Grace, as well as Mel Thompson’s with them. All 4 push me to experiment with some very interesting shade combinations that very oddly never fail to give me gorgeous looks.

Jane Avatar

As I shared in the SM platform, I’m SOOOOO happy to finally join in with the rest to use one (ON THE HORIZON – light) of your palettes!!!! After all the time I waited for my loving daughter to send it to me (as I purchased it a little bit right after it came out). It will likely become one of, if not THE, most inspiring of my palettes that I’ll use the rest of this year. LOL!

Genevieve Avatar

There are quite a few inspiring eyeshadow palettes I have used this year and some of them go waaay back:
Urban Decay Naked 1
ND’s Glam
Sydney Grace x Temptalia On the Horizon Light
PMG’s Subliminal Platinum Bronze Mothership
to name a few…..

Brenda Avatar

I’ve been inspired not by a specific palette, but brand. Give Me Glow Cosmetics has become one of my favorite brands. Their eyeshadow formula is so good and the palettes have interesting color stories. Did I mention the multi-chromes? Dragons blood, unicorn skin and zenon are spectacular.

Helene Avatar

Not counting the ones I’ve made myself from singles where Dear Reader have taken a prominent place, often used in combination with other SG och Clionadh singles, it must be the ones you made with SG. I use them often when I want a more colourful look, sometime I just take them out to look at as the colour stories are so lovely, fun and inspirational.
For days when I want a more neutral looks I find the old Naked 1-3 and ND Glam gives me inspiration but I also like MAC Art Library: Nude Model.
Now most inspiring, the Temptalia palettes, without a doubt.

Donna Avatar

MAC, ND Glam or Viseart neutrals don’t disappoint, but for creativity it’s the addition of Sydney Grace x Temptalia Light Palettes – Quintessence or Horizon. Also inspiring is the Sydney Grace palette Tiny Marvels by Mel Thompson. The NARS Climax palette was good for inspiration too.

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