What do you consider "good longevity"?
Solid longevity for base products, cheek colors, liners, eyeshadows, etc. is about eight hours — it should look good for most of those eight hours and then start fading/going downhill. For lip products, it would depend on the type, but four to five for traditional lipstick and three to four hours for gloss.
Because I prime my face and lids, my expectations are pretty darn high! So here goes….
Foundation, brows, mascara and winged gel liner: until I decide to take it off!
Eyeshadow and cheek products: at bare minimum, 8-9 hours, even if it’s sweltering outside!
Regular lipstick: 4-5 hours.
Liquid lipstick: 8 hours.
Lipgloss: 4 hours is nice, but most don’t make it there.
I am a registered nurse and work 12 hour shifts. I don’t have time to use the restroom, little own check my makeup. I need my face products, foundation, blush, powder, etc. to get me through the day without touching up. It might not be perfect by the end of a 12 hour shift but it shouldn’t look “bad”. I usually wear minimal eye makeup while at work and since I use a waterproof mascara it really holds up well. In my years of wearing makeup and working the best lip product for my 12 hour shift was Lipfinity by Max Factor. I could put it on in the morning and it would still be going strong at the end of my shift. It was the original liquid lipstick for me and I still miss that formula. It never flaked or cracked and if I had chapped lips I would put it on and by the time I would get home and remove my makeup the chapped lips would be gone. It was a very moisturizing formula for me. No other liquid lipstick that I have tried since has been even close. My lips just liked that formula. My makeup wear time is enhanced by my having dry skin so I don’t get oily which helps with my longevity, IMO.
I would say same here: I want my base and eyes to last through a workday, which means eight to ten hours. With lip products anything above three is good for me.
For eyeshadows/eye products, I expect them to last from when I put them on in the morning (usually around 6 a.m.) until I take them off before bed, and a good eye primer ensures this. Foundation – I’d like it not to break down while I’m at work and then out and about after work, so at least 10 hours before it looks horrible (I don’t mind so much if it sort of “disappears”, but if breaks down and starts to look patchy – that’s a real “no” for me). I’d like my blush to last all day and if lipstick lasted from before I leave the house til when I have lunch, heck, I’d be happy with that.
I consider products w/ excellent longevity on me to be:
All base & makeup (except lipstick) > 10 hours (w/minor powder/blotting sheet touch ups)
Lip products > 6 hours (Using lip liners as bases always helps, too.)
Fragrance > 6 hours (I’m dry so > 6 hours, but not so strong as to give me a headache, is a long, long time.)
(Sunscreen is category unto itself.)
I like my face and eyes to last at least 8 hours before gradually fading away. Lipstick or lipgloss is a different matter, though. The long wearing formulas dry my lips out and result in a lot of flaking. It’s the same with the matte formulas. I get along better with emollient formulas and so I need to frequently reapply them. Reapplying my lipstick and/or lipgloss every few hours really isn’t a big deal. I’m not into the Instagram overdrawing, contouring, etc. and so the reapplication process for me is very simple–swipe and go! 🙂
I expect a lot from my makeup, and I almost feel bad about it haha.
I’ll put it on at 10am and wash it off at 12am.
For me, I expect my base to last at least 8 hours, and for it to fade/break down gracefully!!
I have really oily skin, and I do not want nor expect my oils not to break through. I don’t like the thought of my oil being stuck on my skin all day!! eeeeep. I like to blot and powder, at least twice/three times a day and get that gross-ness off!
I expect my eye shadow and my eye brows to last until I take them off!! I use a good eye primer, and then set the eye primer. So I expect it to last all day!!
Lips, I don’t LIKE reapplying as I find it embarrassing. But I sure as hell don’t expect my lipstick to last all day!!!
I like my foundations, eye shadow and blush to last at least 8 – 10 hours – which is a challenge when it is hot.
Lipsticks never last very long on me so touch ups are something I am use to. I find the Milani and Clarins lipsticks last the longest.
A great foundation, eyeshadows, eyeliner that’ll last well at least up to 6 hours. Lipstick I find harder to keep since we’ll be drinking coffee, etc. but should last too. I avoid too much gloss since they never last on me and many i find too gooey or sticky. I really love all my WetnWild matte lipsticks I always wear chapstick under any lipstick (I’m a runner so I need it badly!) and have never found those lipsticks drying at all another thing even if it fades abut you always keep a light stain so some color always. Just love them and super cheap! Before going to bed I rub some simple Vaseline with my lip brush. I like Boots No.7 shades also but those do not last much at all even without having some nice vino but pretty shades nevertheless. I have all the cool shades from both brands and some vampy ones.
8 to 10 hours would be the bottom of the barrel for most base, cheek, and eye products. Lips would be 4 for a gloss and 6 for a non-liquid matte/satin/cream.
8 hours for foundation, mascara, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliners is ideal for me.
Lippys at least 4 hrs.
It depends on the product. I am happy if most things last at least 8 hours. I consider 4 hours good longevity for lipstick. I don’t expect lipgloss to last more than a couple hours, so I’m not sure what I consider “good longevity”. Three or 4 hours, I guess.
I need to begin and end my shift at work and still look good with minimal fading. It’s a plus if I can make it to Happy hour or get home at 9pm and I still look slightly dolled up.