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Cara Avatar

Unfortunately, Viseart. I have more palettes from Viseart than any other brand and their cool toned palettes are some of my most used. This year however, I’ve skipped all of their new releases; one was a mini version of a full size palette I already own and the other is a face & eye palette that I can dupe with Viseart shadows and blushes in my collection.
I could always count on at least one new release per year from them with a unique but wearable color story and cool or neutral undertone but that hasn’t happened yet this year.

Nancy T Avatar

MAC, both in quality and quantity aspect. Like what happened to their usually very fun several times a year LE collections?!?

And then there’s poor Urban Decay now on its last breath on life support… what a SAD demise to a once truly great brand!

Also, three wonderful quality brands who are just a little too wrapped up in “all things Pillow Talk/Divine Rose/Orgasm” pink toned! ENOUGH ALREADY! Geesh! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Elysia Avatar

PML, I agree Christine and it breaks my heart. Her releases are blah, her shipping is subpar & someone I know went to a recent makeup show, in the NYC area I believe, and her booth was literally a couple tables with product laying out. Compared to Danessa Myrecks was so professional and displayed beautifully. I’m wondering if Pat isn’t actually contributing to the creating of products anymore.

Dawn Avatar

Quality aside, I’m bored with UD, MAC, PMcG, CT……So much repetition and nothing imaginative or exciting. CP is fun, but they have too many releases.

StayK Avatar

Viseart. I just recently discovered this brand & now its game on. LOVE the formula, the color stories & especially love the magnetic pans!!! Mix & match baby! 💕

Jane Avatar

Similar as Rachel, but I’ve been thinking, “Thank God!” I feel like it’s opened my eyes that I was using makeup as a way to feel an empty emotional cup. Everything was seemingly so unique and like beautiful jewels, and now I seem to see things for what it is, just colored powered (for the most part). And truthful be told I have MORE than enough makeup up for several life times (so I share with my daughters and anyone else – of course after disinfecting and not all products). Hmmm, makes me wonder if with properly hygiene and prep I could have a makeup group where we exchange things like eye shadow palettes…anyone know of such a thing? We’d have to agree to using clean brushes and disinfecting.

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