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Mariella Avatar

It’ll sound crazy but it’s probably Charlotte Tilbury! Because of my enjoyment of 2 of her quads that I have, I just really want there to be more “stuff” from this company that I like and want to purchase (there isn’t, but I keep hoping there will be! Does that make any sense?)

Allison Avatar

Two tie it, on completely opposite sides of the affordability/consistent quality spectrum: Pat McGrath (older releases – not a fan of the Bridgerton launches…) and ColourPop. For the latter, I’m just always amazed by the quality of *some* palettes, considering the low price point.

Susan Avatar

I’ve had good luck with MAC eyeshadow this year, except I am still looking for a great taupe/dirty green eyeshadow that I can’t pick up from MAC. I need a muted olive green that does not look like “hi, here is my GREEN eye shadow.” I had one I went down to the bottom of the pan on from Lancome that needs replacing. I’m often tempted by Tarte pallets, but don’t pick them up anymore due to bad experience in the past with that brand. I’m currently eyeing some eye palettes from Dior that might need to come hone with me!

Genevieve Avatar

Actually there isn’t any brand that has held my interest so far this year. With PMG continuing to release pink themed palettes and all the other brands doing pastels – these are not my kind of colours. It’s your (US) autumn collections that often interest me the most.

Jane Avatar

Ditto! Even if I’ve not purchased a new item from her since the Glam Palette, her palettes still perk me up and draw some interest evermore so that Pat McGrath’s since she began the Rose series.

Cara Avatar

Not one brand in particular but indie brands as a whole have held my interest for quite a while now as that’s where the creativity and originality is coming from. I can’t remember the last time a mainstream brand released something that really excited me

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