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Temptalia Asks You - What do you when you're having a bad beauty day?

What do you when you’re having a bad beauty day? We all have them; those days where we can’t get that eyeshadow to look right, our skin is a hazard zone, every line on our face is showing, and we can’t believe we’re still functioning. What’s your remedy for the beauty blues?


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bec Avatar

I’ve yet to find a remedy. If I’m having a bad beauty day, I usually do something very spontaneous. For instance, yesterday, I was having a rather bad beauty day and as I was browsing the Chanel counter, I saw my reflection in the mirror and was horrified. I looked 10 years older, my skin looked sallow..I looked disastrous.

I then proceeded to grab the Chanel makeup remover tester and removed all the makeup from my face. Then I went home. I was too depressed so I remained at home for the the entire day!!

I’m keen to hear what remedies others have been fortunate enough to discover.

Tekoa Avatar

If my makeup is engaging in outright rebellion, I go forth into the world with nothing but moisturiser with SPF.

If I discover while I’m out that what looked great in the bathroom doesn’t look so hot now, I put on some MAC lipgloss. I find it makes a “miss” turn into a “creative experiment.”

mahima Avatar

i have had days where my makeup just isn’t looking right, so i’ll take it all off, and step out natural. a woman at sephora once told me to work with what i had, so i use a little plushlash mascara (working with my dark circles and dark eyes here) and a little cultured or flowerosophy lipglass (to nude out my lips and balance my face)and maybe a little eyeliner as the day progresses.

Tanya Avatar

UGH I spent years worrying about bad beauty days and letting it ruin my mood and day, no more. I plaster a big smile across my face, when someone asks me how my day is going I respond with a loud “I am FABULOUS, thank you!” and I repeat a little mantra in my head over and over again…”I am beautiful” and just use sheer will to make myself feel good about myself. People always respond with awe when greated with a “FABULOUS” and it makes the bad beauty day seem less important or stressful.

Tonee Avatar

I spritz on my favorite perfume (right now it’s Eternity Summer), wear a berry red lipstick – bet you didn’t see *that* one coming 😉 – and just get on with the rest of the day.

Donna Avatar

I pack on more eye cream and concealor. Then once home I will either use a face mask or exfoliator and a deep conditioning hair treatment to top it off. Sometimes I will take a Lush bath as well.

Carrie Avatar

Put on a shirt with a flattering neckline and a nice necklace. Draw peoples’ eyes off the face! And then take off my makeup and just wear mascara and lip gloss.

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