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Swatch Sunday: ColourPop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick Swatches & A Few Comparisons

ColourPop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick
(Click to Enlarge)

Here’s an epic collage of all 25 shades of the upcoming ColourPop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick ($6.00 for 0.11 oz.) shades. Check out full swatches and a few first impressions that were posted just before, in case you missed it!

A few comparisons:

  • Vice is the lightest and warmer of the beige/neutral shades
  • Trap is a purple-leaning taupe with some of the cooler-neutral undertones in the launch
  • Shimmy is lighter and more neutral than 1st Base, which is pinker and brighter with less rose than Solow
  • Bumble is a darker, more muted version of Donut, which is warmer than Solow
  • Seesaw is your warmer lavender, while Koala is a slightly darker, cooler-toned lavender
  • Drive In is lighter and warmer than Lychee, and both are lighter than Zipper
  • Sundae is cooler and not quite as bright, plus it has micro-shimmer, than Highball
  • Highball is almost a “warm” fuchsia but reads almost cool-toned even on my skin tone, whereas Mars is a warm, fuchsia-red
  • Succulent is an orange-based red, whereas Creeper is a blue-based red (also a bit darker and less neon)
  • Tulle is a cooler, plummier take on Bumble, which is lighter and warmer



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Jolijn Avatar

Omg, I was just thinking: ‘Would Christine do swatches of the new ColourPop liquid lipsticks soon?’ and then I saw this. Looking forward to the review, I hope they’re not too drying 🙂 I like Bumble and Succulent best!

Risa Avatar

You know, sometimes it blows my mind how much you seem to get done in a day. I mean, I see how many posts you make, how many pictures get taken and edited, not to mention the building of the reviews and posts themselves, and then I see you on IG and reddit (I was the one to post your swatches there, by the way, I really hope that’s okay). And then all the swatches and alllll that testing!

I am dying of curiosity to know what it’s like to spend a day in your life. I think it would be a great idea for a post or a video. I want to see where and how all your wizardry happens!

Christine Avatar

I’m just here, working on blog-related things, most of the time, and every day – so basically about 8AM until 10PM seven days a week 🙂 Obviously I eat lunch and dinner, and there are errands that I run at various times during the week, so it’s never a straight shot, but yeah, if you put in the hours, you can get a lot done! Like an unproductive week for me is 50-hours on the blog, but the average week is closer to 70 hours.

Risa Avatar

Your commitment is admirable and awe-inspiring. I mean, clearly, it’s something you love (it is probably the dream job of most makeup enthusiasts, after all), and it really shows through the quality of your work. Anyway, I figured I’d say all this to let you know the world appreciates your hard work and devotion (as if you didn’t already know that)! 😀

Carla Avatar

WOW! What an incredibly helpful post!
While I’m not sure I’m 100% on board with the matte lips thing , I’m loving some of these bright colors.
Color-wise, Mars reminds me of Utter Fun, a long-ago MAC LE I loved and haven’t been able to dupe.

Gillian Avatar

Tulle caught my eye straight away. I didn’t get along with the last matte liquid lipstick I tried though. Still, if it could look as nice on me as it does on you then I might be prepared to put up with dry lips. 😀

Alexa Avatar

i think i’m going to pick up a few of these anyway! i do adore the KVD formula but colourpop’s prices are just so much better for my wallet 🙂 i was also sort of looking forward to bumble maybe being a dupe for LC riot? i think i’m gonna pick up bumble, avenue, tulle, trap, mars, and koala. maybe lychee too but i guess i need to limit myself somewhere

Katheine T. Avatar

BTW, I LOVE the pic showing all 25 shades at once — you can really see the difference between the shades, including the undertones. Very very helpful!

The Silver Nail Avatar

I think these are too matte. They make lips look dry and the person unhealthy. Not that you look that way, Christine; it’s the lipsticks. The Maybellines that you just posted about look much, much better!

The Silver Nail Avatar

Yes, I didn’t word my comment very nicely, sorry! I know some people really like lipsticks this matte but I have a hard time even looking at them. I must have been kissed by an aggressive auntie wearing a matte lipstick when I was a child. 😉

Ginny Avatar

This pic is so helpful. I still like Bumble and Tulle, maybe Solow and Limbo. I’d love to rock a super matte chocolate like that– I bet it doesn’t have any dupes that are as matte.

Lulle Avatar

I’m not that much into completely matte lip colors, which is probably why my favorite is Sundae! There are a few other shades I like (Donut, Ouiji, Tulle) but nothing drives me more nuts than faulty packaging, so I’ll wait and see if others have the same problems you reported.

Bethaney Avatar

I’m super excited about these! I’m not a fan of their eyeshadows since all the ones I bought were glitter bombs but there is hope for colourpop yet. I love liquid matte lippies! Tulle, Lychee, Bumble, Trap, Solow are all must haves to me! Thanks for the swatches!

Joanna Avatar

These all look gorgeous! Christine, do you think the feel of these lipsticks more resemble Anastasias liquid lipsticks or Kat Von D’s? Anastasia’s dried my lips out while Kat Von D’s was a little bit more bearable to handle.

Nancy T Avatar

Wow! You did an awesome job getting these up this fast! Although, I would hate too be your lips right about now, LoL! These look sooo pretty, but I don’t think liquid matte lipstick would be terribly comfy on my lips living here in this INFERNAL desert though…we have already hit 114-115°.

Tori Avatar

I’ve been into matte lips lately and Ouji is calling my name! 🙂 Do you see yourself reviewing the Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks in the future, Christine?

Sandy Avatar

How do these compare to the LA girl matte liquid lipsticks is it the same texture? I was not a fan of those ! I prefer the texture to be like KVD or Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks! TIA

Kitty Avatar

Wow, these are all incredibly ugly matte to me. No offense, Christine, as normally you look good in pretty much every color of every brand, but these CP matte liquid lipsticks make your lips look prune-wrinkled ugly. I realize that I’m in the minority in not liking such matte lipsticks but, once again, CP proves itself to be a humdrum sub-par brand.

Liz W. Avatar

I’m in love with Koala!!! I’m really loving ColourPop. Thank you so much for posting this. Looking forward on you individual reviews (& more swatches)

Sheb Avatar

Thank you for your hard work in swatching all of these! I’ve watched a couple of YouTube videos on these liquid lipsticks, but your blog is far and away the most helpful and honest. 🙂

sophia Avatar

I’m such a fan of the formula and wear time of their original lippie stix that I don’t feel tempted by these. Plus, I have such a hard time applying liquid lipstick. Also hope the higher price point on these isn’t a aign of what’s to come!

Vijaya Avatar

Zipper is really pretty. The first line of colors are all colors I like, but would look off on me. I’m guessing Lax, Limbo and Tulle would look suit me better, though I probably already have dupes for all of them in my collection.

ShannonE Avatar

Wow, these really live up to the name ‘ultra matte.’

Will be looking forward to the review, and also LOVE the combo layouts you have been doing lately!

Auralie Avatar

Like a couple others have said, these photos showcasing all of a product line at once are great. Please keep doing overviews like this! Your work is very, very appreciated.

The lighter ones here look great, but some of the darker colors look a bit patchy. I’m definitely getting Bumble… SO glad you were able to do these ahead of time to help us all decide!

L Avatar

Oh dear, I am excited about these, such pretty shades. I try not to hoard lip stuff too too bad because they only last so long so I have been resisting trying some of the more expensive liquid lipsticks since it’s not something I could get away with wearing during the week. However, $6 each has got me doing the “I want this one, and this one, and this one…” I’ve been a sucker for color in general since I was a kid collecting giant boxes of crayons 🙂 (and yes I do also have a stash of art supplies in addition to my makeup which I think of like grown-up finger paints!) In the running for me are vice, shimmy, solow, donut, bumble, seesaw, mars, pacific, succulent, creeper, and tulle. I can’t ever seem to decide for sure whether I prefer cool or warm tones in my lip colors. I guess I like variety. I will have to narrow down to one or two to try out!

Tessa Avatar

Whoa, they’re not playing around with the ultra matte business. It’s bit usually my cup of tea, but it gives such a neat effect to some of these colors. I might be persuaded to try Pacific or Mars.

SamKino Avatar

I was skeptical about buying the Anastasia ones, but these are a perfect dupe for a more affordable price. Already have six I’m going to buy once they launch. Patiently waiting…

Vanessa Avatar

I really like Solow and Donut! I’ve been hesitant on matte formulas because of my really dry lips, but I have one from Kat Von D that I like. I have Outlaw (the perks of being a Sephora employee!) and even though it’s really bright and bolder than I’m use too, I love the formula. I wonder if these are similar? Also, I just made my first order for Colourpop eyeshadows in Coconut, Hammered, and La La!

popscockles Avatar

Oh my gawwwd, I’m so excited for these! Thanks for swatching them out so quickly!

I think I’m going to get Trap, Bumble, Zipper & Tulle right away. Sundae has the coolest blue-purple shift to it, but I don’t think I could rock that pink of a pink! At $6 a pop, maybe I’ll try it anyway!

Bummer about the packaging problems though. Still, very excited! 🙂 All the colors look so lovely on you, Christine! Limbo especially, it looks divine with your eye colors in the other post!

rumi Avatar

gorgeous! will definitely buy some of them but I’m still not sure which one to get. I wonder if they would still look gorgeous on my medium, yellow undertone skin.

Niz Avatar

Thanks for the swatches, Christine. So far, my eyes are hooked by Donut, Solow, Succulent, and Creeper. I’m not really a fan of bright pink lipstick, but Mars looks gorgeous too! Anyway, I’m wondering about the expiration date or PAO on this one. Is is listed on the packaging, maybe? Thanks in advance 🙂

Alicia Avatar

Which all would you recommend for an olive, Middle Eastern skin toned person? I’ll get every which one you recommend. They look great on your lips. Lucky!

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