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Your skin tone/coloring: Fair/light with neutral undertones.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? I think I like the texture of my hair, I find it is always pretty smooth (when I brush it) and never looks terribly dull.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? I like the fact that my skin rarely gets any acne!
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I like my style because it is very fun & me.
Your skin tone/coloring: cool/fair
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair?: there’s LOTS of it!
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin?: it’s always soft
What’s your favorite attribute about your style?: it’s ever evolving…
Your skin tone/coloring: Light neutral – Fenty 150, Nars Radiant Light 4 Deauville (sp)
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? I like that its naturally wavy so I can wear either straight or curly, though it did take me years to embrace the curls.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? That’s tough I have acne even at 31. I guess that I’m comfortable in it despite it being scared/active acne. I”m thankfully for foundation to cover but also thankfully I’m comfortable swimming bare faced.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? That I’m not too worried about trends. I wear what’s comfortable and functional for the task at hand. One of my favorite things about my job is that even though I work at a corporate office we can dress casual, jeans etc.
Don’t loose faith, I had active acne until my late 30s and that was with good skincare (washing and moisturizing twice a day). There’s hope.
Good to know. Ive started using GlamGlow Supermud and a acne toner after removing my makeup. I have noticed its a little better with these things.
I have adult acne and I’m nearly 40 – it has just started to settle down for me but I don’t know if it’s the switch I made to my skincare routine a couple of months ago or just that I’m getting older… isotrentinion, antibiotics, all manner of topical treatments, biotin and zinc supplements, etc, etc etc, etc, and nothing worked permanently.
You’re not alone!
And I’m so glad that you are comfortable bare faced – mine was less self acceptance of my flaws and more being too tired of it to give a s**** anymore but end result is the same, I guess 😉
Sounds like I’m in good company. I’ve been working on a skin care routine to see if anything helps. I’ve tried lots of things too even did Acutane twice in my teens. All it ever really did was dry out my skin.
Yea, don’t blame you some days its simply too much effort to put on a full coverages foundation etc.
Cheer up, ladies. I will be 70 this year, and we’re it not for otc differin and massive bha, i’d still have it. Now inverse psoriasis has most of my face looking scalded, unless I developed something new! Heigh ho, heigh ho, it’s off to derm we go! Plus, totally exhausted. I hate immune stuff.
Your skin tone/coloring: Fair skin with neutral undertones, freckles, warm medium brown hair and green/gray/blue eyes.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s pretty thick (at least it was before postpartum hair loss hit me a few months ago) and has a little wave to it.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? It usually stays pretty stable as far as being blemish free and hydrated. I also like my freckles.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I have a lot of statement pieces that mix things up, and I’m good about taking things I’ve worn a hundred times and making new combinations with them.
Your skin tone/coloring: fair-light with yellow undertones
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? Very straight, doesn’t change with humidity, naturally shiny.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? My skin used to be really good but now it’s crappy because of the stress I’ve been going through.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? Neutral, subtle. Sometime I toss maybe one item in to change up the colors but I always tone them down with big areas of black/white/grey. I just think those neutral tones are timeless.
Your skin tone/coloring: Medium w/ olive undertones, MAC NC37, Lancôme Teint Idole Foundation N360, Fenty ProFilt’r Foundation 260 or 290, deep brunette, blue-green eyes w/ gold flecks.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It grows super fast! And it can handle chemical processes extremely well. In other words; it’s resilient!
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? That, according to others, it hasn’t aged anywhere close to what one would expect from someone my age. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not as if I believe myself to be some kind of bombshell or something, but people take me for only 40-45 when in fact, I’ll be 60 in 14 months! Btw; this is both a blessing and a curse.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? That I keep ? true to myself. Edgy and fashionable, but always with class coming through no matter what I put together. Even when wearing a cat t-shirt and jeans!
Great questions!
Your skin tone/coloring: Medium+ with neutral to olive undertones.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? I have long, naturally straight, dark brown hair. It’s exceedingly easy to roll out of bed, brush my hair, and go. The hard part is having it hold a style.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? I have finally made peace with my skin after being at war with acne and hyperpigmentation for almost my entire teen and adult life. I have a skincare routine that keeps the acne at bay, and foundation for the days when my skin wants to be difficult. I’ve just accepted that breakouts are part of who I am. I love my skin color, especially when I’m my “summer color.”
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? My favorite attribute is that I manage to be comfortable, simple, and stylish despite living in a very frigid snowy area.
Your skin tone/coloring: NW45-47
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? the density, i have a lot
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? pore are super small and i rarely break out
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? feminine and cozy
Skin tone/coloring: light-medium with warm undertones
Favorite attribute about your hair: Nary a gray hair, and I’m well into the middle-aged category!
Favorite attribute about your skin: A clear complexion that needs minimal coverage; I don’t wear anything heavier than tinted moisturizer.
Favorite attribute about your style: These days, I don’t feel as if I have a style, so let’s just says it’s a work in progress.
Your skin tone/coloring: fair, cool
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? it’s very thick with lots of body
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? I have clear skin and very few wrinkles so I’m often mistaken for about 20 years younger than I am
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? It suits me and I’m comfortable with my style.
My skin tone/coloring: medium with neutral undertones, dark brown hair, blue eyes
Favorite attribute of my hair: It is thick and shiny and not easily damaged by repeat coloring
Favorite attribute of my skin: It has aged well. I developed cystic acne as a pre-teen and I was miserable for decades because there were no effective treatments. I started using Retin A pretty soon after it became available so my anti-aging regimen inadvertently began early. Now I actually have nice skin for a mature person.
Favorite attribute of my style: I can put together a look that is comfortable and pulled together. I wish I were more daring, however.
Your skin tone/coloring: fair, warm
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? There’s plenty – fine but not thinning. I like the color, but then I picked it so I should be happy (highlights of gold for texture and copper because I like it).
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Fewer wrinkles than I deserve considering I was an aggressive tanner in earlier years; even tones and hydration levels; not overly sensitive; soft. Unfortunately acne-prone but it’s getting better and no real scarring consequences. Genetics helps – my mother had lovely skin; and, I drink a lot of water and focus on skincare.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? Mainstays of quality and timeless pieces works for office and off-work; minimizes trend whiplash and cost; allows lots of room for more dramatic accessories.
Your skin tone/coloring: NC15 w/some redness
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? I got it from the French side of my family so I’m lucky. It’s naturally wavy and silky soft, and only needs to be washed once a week. And if I knew how to style hair, apparently it’s really good hair for styling.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? It’s quite clear. I get a lot of compliments on it which is cool.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? That’s hard to say. I gained a lot of weight being sick, so had to look at my body completely differently and learn how to accept it all over again, but when I have to define my style one of the adjective I and other people tend to use is “classic”. I really like timeless, elegant, yet non-stepford wife stuff. A lot of the stuff I wear could look at home while sitting at a bus stop yet also at a meeting in Silicon Valley (as we West Coasters do a bit more casual work wear than East Coasters, it seems).
Your skin tone/coloring: Light medium, yellow undertones – dark brown hair and eyes.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It has a really nice wave in it – I’ve had people ask me what tools I use to style my hair and I have to tell them all I use is a comb.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? At the age of 39 (as of tomorrow, LOL) I still have really good skin texture and no wrinkles (yet).
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? It’s comfortable! I’m incredibly lazy but I like to look good, so I’m all about maximum payoff for minimum effort. If I have to spend more than an hour getting ready to go anywhere then I’m probably not going… and that includes showering, makeup, hair, getting dressed and walking out the door. I will make allowances for red lipstick days, because that $h!t has to be perfect.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow CeeBee – I hope you have something nice planned.
I hope you are weathering your extreme heat. I feel dreadful about the poor flying foxes. Always wanted to see them.
Happy Birthday
Thank you both!
Just a nice dinner out with The Husband and someone lovely is baking me a coffee walnut cake. My boss gave me Monday off work and honestly, that’s all I need 🙂
Happy Birthday a little early, Chris. Hope it isn’t too hot to enjoy yourself!!
Thanks Deborah – it is still very hot and it’s making me cranky because I spent all evening literally baking in a hot kitchen (made a giant cake for work tomorrow and then cooked dinner) and I didn’t even have any wine! A travesty!
Happy birthday!
Coloring: Creamy with freckles and red cheeks, cool undertones.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s auburn and looks awesome in a buzzcut.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? My freckles, honestly. A lot of people view freckles as flaws or something to laser away. More power to them when it’s their own face, but my freckles are NOT blemishes.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? It’s cozy and easy to maintain, and getting easier to shop for as time goes on.
Hair: ?
Skin: ?
Style: ?
Haha. Frankly, I’m not the kind of person who has loads of self esteem and confidence, I don’t really think much about “oh hey, I like x about myself.” It either is what it is or I wish I could change it.
Your skin tone/colouring: Porcelain with pink undertones
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s colour – I inherited my hair colour and thickness from my Scottish grandmother on my mother’s side. It’s red, with brown and blond undertones. Quite unusual.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? I have always been pretty lucky with my skin – in my teenage years I consulted doctors when I had pimples, so no scarring. My mother had a really lovely flawless complexion and I have inherited it too. I take care of it well and have always used products to protect it.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? Not quite sure about my style, but I do believe in wearing shades and styles that flatter, regardless of what is in fasion. I buy a couple of items per season and I long at the long term investment in clothes – so classical would perhaps be my style.
I inherited that color from my Scottish grandmother, as well, but only as a newborn. It all fell out, and came back tow head. I guess I should be glad I still have only ~5% Gray, in streaks, still natural, darker blond at nearly 70. I got the ‘keep the hair color’ gene from my dad, her son. Strangers ask me all the time who colors my hair. Not quite flippant enough to say DNA or God.
The red hair gene seems to skip generations on my mother’s side – none of my grandmother’s children had red hair, but two of my cousins’ have. There is also a red hair gene or two in my father’s family as well as many of my cousins and their children have got an auburn colouring. All very sun burn prone we are!
Your skin tone/coloring: Light neutral olive leaning cool.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s perfectly straight. Very fine, but density has returned from aggressive autoimmune treatment when I lost a ton of hair. Happy to have most of it back.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? At 54 I don’t have a lot of complaints. I’m grateful for that.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I just seem to know instinctively what will and will not work on me. I’m tall 5’10” and rectangular figure. Despite my height, fit clothes very easily and comfortably, order on-line all the time. I’m edgy feminine casual. I like myself best in basics grey/white/cream/black/taupe. I always wear one noteworthy or focal point piece of clothing or accessory.
Your skin tone/coloring: light neutral NW20. What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? My cowlicks. I hated them when I was growing up, but I have a stylist who showed me how to work with them. I never dreamed I would be able to cope with my hair someday, lol… What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? I have soft skin, and I think I’m aging fairly well. I have moderate plaque psoriasis which is in remission and I’m very thankful for that. What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I love fun, quirky jewelry with a feminine style.
Skintone / coloring : light, MAC NC 20, med brown hair and eyes
Hair : It’s thick
Skin : I look younger than I am so I guess that’s good!
Style: my style is modern but still individual. Not very common in these parts?
Light to medium with yellow undertones
I like that my hair is coarse and mostly straight so it’s pretty resiliant and doesn’t tangle easily.
I suppose my skin is doing pretty good for my age. Thankfully I’ve grown out of having acne. No deep lines or sun damage or major texture issues.
My style is pretty minimalist, timeless i suppose. My closet hasn’t needed a huge overhaul since my choices of clothes tend not to be too outdated since my adult life.
Your skin tone/coloring: MAC NC23ish, light to medium with warm undertones
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s thick and wavy/curly.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? It’s clear and even-toned.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? That it’s mine, ha!
Your skin tone/coloring: fair with pink undertones
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s thick and takes all the abuse I do to it: coloring, highlighting, heat heat heat. ?
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Now that I’m almost 45 and told I look 35 it’s the oil my skin produces. While the excessive production I endured from puberty until the last 5 years was the bane of my existence due to acne, now that I have very few wrinkles and the oil production is at an acceptable level I love it. Helps keep the wrinkles away.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I love mixing classic pieces with a strategically chosen trendy piece.
Skin tone: Very pale with cool undertones.
Like about my hair: This is hard. I think it is that I actually have hair! I was bald for a little over a year while receiving chemotherapy and wasn’t sure my hair would ever grow back. Everything about my hair was different when it grew back and not different in a good way. It was thick, shiny, lots of body and a strawberry blond color. Now it is very thin, lank and grey.
My skin: I think my skin is pretty good for a 64 year old. I do have wrinkles but minimal for my age. I am happy with the overall appearance of my skin. I wish I didn’t have hyperpigmentation or crepey eye lids but at my age it could be worse.
My style: I don’t love my style because I am a dress up kind of girl living in a very casual environment. I love dresses, heals, etc. I try to buy timeless, quality pieces but still it isn’t what I would really like to be wearing.
Your skin tone/coloring: fair with pink undertones.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? i love that it’s pin straight! super easy to manage and i love the shade of blonde it is.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? the blemishes and acne scars are finally at a minimum!
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? i love dressing plain jane and making it look effortlessly chic.
Your skin tone/coloring: fair with yellow undertones and surface redness.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? Color and texture! My natural hair color is warm, reddened blonde.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Not a lot. I have extremely sensitive, combination skin with rarely a smooth texture, and discoloration from scarring and irritation make shopping for foundations difficult.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? It can vary from day to day depending on my mood, but it’s always comfortable!
Your skin tone/coloring: fair with cool undertones, light freckles, brown eyes.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? At 58 I’m glad that my fine, thin, dark brown hair doesn’t have much gray in it yet. I usually get highlights that hide the grays but I’m craving something different. Maybe darker brown hair with the bottom half a dark purple. I like to be different.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? I have an oliy t zone which is probably why I don’t have very many wrinkles. I can pass for 40 except my eyelids are a bit droopy I don’t like wearing eyeshadow as much anymore as it draws attention to the crepiness of them.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I like to dress up but I’m a little edgy too, so I’ll add in one piece to put my spin in. I retired last year, I dressed up every day for work, I kinda miss that .
It’s nice to remember the things we like about ourselves sometimes, so I appreciate this survey!
Your skin tone/coloring: Fair, olive/warm undertones (MAC NC10/15, MUFE Y215), hazel eyes, dark auburn hair.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? I’ve got a ton of it! Each strand is quite thin (fine) but there’s a lot of it. I’m hoping I’ll keep it since my dad’s whole side of the family has an amazing head of hair well into old age, and also hoping I’ll go gray like my dad, since his hair literally looks like sparkling silver.
I’d love going gray if I get that hair!
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? My skin has always troubled me since it’s so red, but I’ve come to realize that there’s not much I can do about that and have since concentrated on skin texture. I’m proud of the work I’ve put into my skincare and the benefits I’ve gotten out of it, mainly soft and smooth skin that makeup looks much nicer on. My foundation lays a thousand times better on my skin now than it did five years ago, which is great to me (forgive me if I’ve used the wrong lay vs. lie, but I think it’s “lays” since there’s no direct object but feel free to correct me!)
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I’m definitely better at dressing other people than I am at dressing myself! I enjoy how my style has evolved over time. I still wear a lot of Stevie Nicks-esque dresses, but I edge them up with a moto jacket and boots. I’m trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, so my style is definitely a work in progress.
Your skin tone/coloring: MAC NC23! Light with prominent warm, yellow undertones!! Warm hazel eyes, and warm reddish brown hair!
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair?: My hair is a 3A curl type, and I ADORE my springy, coily curls!!
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin?: My skin is very clear, and even! After having severe cystic acne for YEARS, i could almost cry from happiness at how clear and happy my skin is now!!
What’s your favorite attribute about your style?: I love my style! I’m a very dark, moody colours kind of gal. Which work So well with my skin, hair, and eyes!!!
Your skin tone/coloring: Very fair with neutral undertones; magenta/red hair; hazel/green eyes.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s very strong and healthy and always feels soft and silky, no matter how much I color it.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Ugh, this is harder. I guess that the one benefit to having oily skin is that I don’t have a lot of wrinkles. I look much younger than I actually am.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I wear whatever I want, and don’t give a rat’s patootie what others think. I have fun.
Light Skinned, blueish eyes, dark blonde hair
My favourite thing about my hair is it is turning a silvery grey giving the colour many different lays of colour. Kinda looks naturally highlighted.
My favourite thing about my skin is in the summer is it is clear and nicely tanned.
My style embraces colour, I love colour and am not afraid to wear it.
Your skin tone/coloring: fair with neutral undertones.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s red. When I was younger I hated it because I was different and was usually targeted and picked on by other kids, but now I absolutely love it. I frequently receive complements from so many people, usually complete strangers.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? It’s glowing and acne-free! About 1.5 years ago I committed to a professional skincare routine and I haven’t looked back.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? It is relaxed. I am completely happy wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and don’t succumb to the pressure of buying the latest, greatest new trend or having a closet full of clothes. I love a rocker-chic style…it has to go with my motorcycle!
Your skin tone/coloring: Fair/ Neutral
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? The curls!!
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? It’s generally pretty clear. I don’t really break out ever, and when I do it’s fairly easy to tame.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? the comfort!! I go for style that is as comfortable as possible. Not necessarily a fashion statement, but I never signed up to be lol
Your skin tone/coloring: light, neutral
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? It’s fluffy.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Tends to look even and nice without a lot of product.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? That I know what looks pretty and tasteful AND that I often decide against it by adding at least one tacky thing. lol
Your skin tone/coloring: Fair, cool-toned
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? I love my natural hair color!
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Even though my skin is acne-prone and I do get blemishes, I find that overall my skin is very smooth. Since I’m so fair, most people look at my skin and compliment how porcelain it is!
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? I’m very plain-jane about what I wear, but it’s comfortable so I’m good with it!
Your skin tone/coloring: fair and cool skin, gray eyes, brown hair with red highlights and scattered blonde and blue strands.
What’s your favorite attribute about your hair? That my red highlights and blonde and blue strands are all natural. I also like that I can manipulate it from its straight natural state to wavy or curly with just braids or pin curls, which is probably because it’s both thick and fine.
What’s your favorite attribute about your skin? Its pale color. My dad bugs me to go sit outside in the summer, but I choose to mostly stay inside and thus stay pale. I also have a matched trio of moles on my right side-chin, neck, and upper arm.
What’s your favorite attribute about your style? My individuality.