Survey Says... December 21st, 2022

Happy Wednesday! Here's this week's survey, which you can copy and paste and share as a comment.

  • Your skin tone/coloring:
  • Go-to hairstyle?
  • Is haircare a chore or a joy?
  • Have you ever colored your hair?


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Celesta Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: above with freckles, green eyes, warm brown hair.

Go-to hairstyle? Loosely curled/waved, half up.

Is haircare a chore or a joy? I wash my hair once a week and get it cut every 12 or 13 weeks, so it’s not bad.

Have you ever colored your hair? Yes! I had oil slick balayage highlights that I LOVED and also almost fully magenta hair, but I dyed it back to my natural color before I had my son. Professional hair color is SO expensive and the upkeep isn’t worth it for me anymore, especially because I really love my natural hair color.

Nancy T Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Under my name (blue-green eyes, dark hair)

Go-to hairstyle? Currently, I’ve been trying to keep up the “curly girl” hair routine, because following a major surgery and being placed on Remicade infusions thereafter to prevent my Crohn’s Disease from ever becoming deadly again, I lost HALF of all my hair on my head and what grew back was quite a bit curlier than what I had always had naturally. At first, I fought the curls. Now, I’m just going with the flow!

Is haircare a chore or a joy? A chore. Although once I get it all in place, I’m usually quite pleased with the ensuing results.

Have you ever colored your hair? Have I ever! Starting at age 16, I have done platinum blonde, golden blonde, black, natural with blonde highlights, black-purple for a bit, back to blonde highlights and my natural brown, various shades of auburn and beyond to outright rich burgundy! Then, highlights again. Tried growing it out, but many a silver hair got me going dark reddish brown, and eventually a friend of mine did red, like literal stop sign RED balayages, next up, still vivid red balayages with platinum blonde highlights, too. Right now, I’m doing a very deep purplish black-brown.

Stephanie Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: pale-yellowish, blue-grey eyes, reddish hair

Go-to hairstyle? right now I have my hair cut into a pretty drastic angled bob, so if I am out and about I will either straighten it or wear it wavy. My hair has some natural wave and I help it out with my Bed Head deep waver.

Is haircare a chore or a joy? a little bit of both, esp. w/ having chronic fatigue. knowing how to take care of it has made my hair healthier despite all of the dying and occasional heat styling, so I do like hair maintenance a lot more when my hair feels healthy.

Have you ever colored your hair? yeah, a lot. I have had most colors of the rainbow, both natural and unnatural/fantasy colors. My natural hair color has not been apparent outside of root growth since 1996 when I first dyed it for the Medieval faire we went to in 8th grade.

Mariella Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: pale, cool
Go-to hairstyle? a layered bob that’s undercut at the back (my hair is very thick and having the back undercut takes care of the especially thick and unruly hair there and allows me to pull the longer hair into a pony tail of sorts)
Is haircare a chore or a joy? both! I like my hair to be smooth and straight; by nature it’s coarse, wavy (not in a good way) and frizzy. Since I like it took smooth and straight, flat ironing (and lots of smoothing and glossing products) are a must so I can present myself to the world the way I like to look.
Have you ever colored your hair? You bet! I’m trying to grow in my silver but we’re having fun with it – hightlights, lowlights and some lovely purple streaks.

Seraphine Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Light neutral skin tone, green eyes, almost-black hair with natural silver highlights

Go-to hairstyle? Long, parted in the middle

Is haircare a chore or a joy? A chore, but it’s not too bad. I wash it twice a week and let it air dry, so it comes out wavy/curly. Then the second day I quickly run a flatiron through it and it lasts another couple days.

Have you ever colored your hair? My hair has been many colors over the years, but I mostly kept it blue-black using a Japanese powder hair dye called Bigen. Then I lost all my hair to chemo more than a decade ago, so when it grew back I decided not to dye it anymore. And now people seem to think I get my natural silver highlights at a salon!

Sarah Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Kind of yellow-y and pale.
Go-to hairstyle? I have very curly hair (banana curls) so I honestly just wash it, condition it, brush it occasionally, and air dry.
Is haircare a chore or a joy? I guess it’s a joy… I only wash/brush about 2x a week and literally never do any styling hahaha.
Have you ever colored your hair? I am 32 and this was the first year that I ever had my hair dyed! I got four little purple sections in August and they’re still very vibrant (probably because of the whole hardly-wash-my-hair thing 😂).

Genevieve Avatar

Your skin tone/colouring: Porcelain, with pink undertones

Go-to hairstyle? A short bob, with a side fringe.

Is haircare a chore or a joy? Haircare is mostly a joy, but I have zero talent when styling, hence the bob.

Have you ever colored your hair? I always colour my hair back to its natural shade – I inherited it from my Scottish grandmother – a beautiful combination of red, blonde and a touch of brown.

Rachel Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair/neutral, cool leaning

Go-to hairstyle?: A-line bob at this time. Had to chop off over 6 inches due to the colorist passing over my toner application to the receptionist who didn’t rinse it out and it destroyed my hair. I’m having to restart the growing out process.

Is haircare a chore or a joy?: Chore

Have you ever colored your hair?: Yes – I’m greying. I don’t look good with partially grey hair as it looks like I have bald spots from a distance.

Ana Maria Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Light-medium, warm yellow undertones, dark brown hair and eyes

Go-to hairstyle? Ponytail if I’m around the house or exercising, half updo otherwise

Is haircare a chore or a joy? My haircare is a joy because it’s so simple it doesn’t become a chore. 😆 I’m low maintenance, trim every 5-6 months, washing 3-5 days, 90% air dry, quick blow dry and just combing it each morning and evening. Everything else would be a chore. Sometimes I even have my hair cut dry because I feel sitting 1 hour at a hairdresser is a chore.

Have you ever colored your hair? Only in high school, those colorful dies that basically disappear after 2-3 washes (I don’t even think they count as semi-permanent hair color), has blue and green a couple of times.

Angélique Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: very pale (quite porcelain), my hair is dark copper
Go-to hairstyle? My hair has its own life, as it’s short and regularly well cut
Is haircare a chore or a joy? I chose a leave-in conditioner (Rahua, a bit expensive but lasts at the least 8 months), not too heavy for my fine easy-to-get-greasy hair, and I use a weekly deep mask (Philip Kingsley), without fuss (it mustn’t be a chore for me, if it is I give up very quickly), so neither a chore nor a joy, just an habit
Have you ever colored your hair? Yes, for the last 22 years, with henna, done properly by my hairdresser
By the way, Christine, thank you sooooo much for all your reviews, which saved me money and made discover new brands.
My mewing four-legged are saluting your barking four-legged from the other side of the Atlantic ;-))

Britt Avatar

Skin tone: Medium
Go to hairstyle: Short, fade on the sides
Haircare joy: Not having to use much shampoo and conditioner! Also, not having to wear a towel on my head, just have to towel dry my hair!
Have I ever colored my hair: As a teen. Not as an adult!

Nique Avatar

My skin tone is tan/deep and I wear my hair naturally. Detangling and styling my hair is definitely a chore, particularly because I’m a tender headed. I have bleached my hair blonde about 9 years ago. I’m actually looking to change my hair color and style. Any suggestions welcome lol

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