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RiRi Hearts MAC Collection for Fall 2013 (Updated)

PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE AS OF 9/13! Available in MAC stores (NOT counters) on September 26th; available online September 30th, and all other locations beginning October 3rd (North America).  This information was sent out 9/13 at 7:44AM PST from MAC PR. There will be a “waiting room” set-up with the online launch as we have seen in previous launches.  I do not have a specific launch time for online yet.

Rihanna premieres her perfect palette of lavish fall colour – a range of decidedly daring yet classically gorgeous shades, finishes and tools, all encased in the metallic warmth of rose gold packaging. Lipstick in deep raisin, orange frost, creamy nude and the vivid red of RiRi Woo match gleaming Lipglass, while eyes in contrasting soft and smoky cocoas complement luminous skin highlighted with Diamonds Cream Colour Base and Powder Blush in Bad Girl Gone Good.

Eye Shadow X4 ($44.00 U.S. / $52.50 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • Her Cocoa: Bright bronze gold (Lustre), Soft peach (Satin), Warm antique gold (Veluxe Pearl), Chocolate bronze (Lustre)
  • Smoked Cocoa: Muted mid-tone grey (Matte2), Dirty cool champagne (Veluxe Pearl), Black with silver pearl (Lustre), Dirty black charcoal (Satin)

Lipstick ($16.50 U.S. / $20.00 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • Nude Cool nude cream (Matte)
  • Who’s That Chick Mid-tone orange with frost (Frost)
  • Riri Woo Matte cool red (Retro Matte) (Repromote)
  • Talk That Talk Matte dark plum (Retro Matte)

Lipglass ($16.50 U.S. / $20.00 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • RiRi Woo Cool red cream (Cream)

Pro Longwear Lip Pencil ($21.50 U.S. / $25.50 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • RiRi Woo Cool red cream
  • Talk That Talk Dark plum cream

Extended Play Lash ($17.50 U.S. / $21.00 CDN) (Permanent)

  • Gigablack Black

Liquidlast Liner ($21.50 U.S. / $25.50 CDN) (Permanent)

  • Pointblack Black

Veluxe Brow Liner ($21.50 U.S. / $25.50 CDN) (Permanent)

  • Deep Brunette Muted blackish-brown
  • Deep Dark Brunette Dark dirty chocolate

Powder Blush Duo ($29.00 U.S. / $34.00 CDN)

  • Hibiscus Kiss Cool coral blush and matte neutral bronze (Repromote)

Powder Blush ($23.00 U.S. / $25.00 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • Bad Girl Gone Good Warm copper (Satin)

Cream Color Base ($22.00 U.S. / $26.50 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • Diamonds Golden shimmer cream (Frost)

Lash ($17.50 U.S. / $21.00 CDN)

  • 36 Lash
  • 35 Lash

Brushes (Limited Edition)

  • 282SE Duo Fibre Shader ($32.00 U.S. / $38.50 CDN)
  • 187SE Duo Fibre Face ($42.00 U.S. / $50.50 CDN)

Availability: Available in MAC stores (NOT counters) on September 26th; available online September 30th, and all other locations beginning October 3rd (North America). International ex. China October 2013 at all M·A·C locations, 1.800.588.0070 and

See more photos!


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layla Avatar

talk that talk is not all that..ladies…its patchy and not even …i will stick to nars train bleu matte lip color for a wonderful dupe and same look.:)

Diva Avatar

I picked up the Talk that Talk, Nude and the RiRi Woo lipglass yesterday. The TtT and lipglass look AMAZING together. Nice creation of an awesome lip color for the fall season!

Luiza Avatar

Will be limited to one unit per purchase as well as the collection riri heart in June mac online?
This collection will sell at,, etc …?

Angie Reyes Avatar

The packaging alone is making me love the entire collection! but im super excited for Her Cocoa Eyeshadow quad and the Bad Girl Gone Good blush!! ahh! cant wait to see your swatches 🙂 🙂 🙂

Jenna Avatar

Reeeeally not digging this packaging. It reminds me of the cheap makeup sets I used to play with when I was a kid. I think making the darker pink the base color with the lighter pink in the font would have made it look nicer.

Jen Avatar

WOW! I haven’t been excited for a MAC collection (packaging and colors) since…MAC Fafi and Heatherette! I LOVE the packaging…so beautiful. I expect this collection to sell out really fast especially the lipsticks. I am going have to pick this up pronto!

JJ Avatar

Gotta have that “Talk That Talk’ lipstick!!! Love the plums for the fall.I love the retro matte finishes. Can’t wait for your fab reviews, Christine on the shades of this line. (besides RIRI Woo of course, I’ve got that one already lol)

Kristy Avatar

AH! okay i guess i posted my comment before final editing was done! the eyeshadow price ended up next to the Lipsticks. I see it now; Lipsticks are 16.50. sorry and thanks!

Ivana Avatar

Nope, this colleciton doesn´t do it for me. Thanks, I´ll pass. There´s nothing really new and exciting about the collection and the design looks like cheap make up for little girls…

Shayna Avatar

Any word on if the labeling is stickers or directly on the package? Doesn’t look like stickers, but that may actually be a bad thing in this case, IMHO that logo is awful. Loving the rose gold, though.

layla Avatar

i heard the lipsticks suck. TALK that talk does not go on even and u can dupe it easy…my friend has it from the uk…she was visiting me so i got to test it.

Sarah Avatar

Some of this stuff looks pretty, but I feel like the quality of a MAC collection tends to go way down when more stuff is coming out in it. Like those eyeshadow palettes could be promising, but knowing MAC, they’ll be awful to work with.

Also, do we really need to see Riri Woo AGAIN? I wish they’d put it in the special packaging before and put a different lipstick (like heaux!) in for a second time.

nubian_queen15 Avatar

Riri Hearts Mac Fall collection is the first collection ( of the RIri hearts Mac collections) to be released in some countries. In my country, we didn’t get any of the previous collections. So some of us don’t have any of the previously released items. And they are being sold on eBay, and Amazon for ridiculous prices. I saw Riri Heaux, RIri Woo and RIRI Boy being sold for $150 each, or $350 for all three.

Mimi Maldonado Avatar

I have to say, haven’t been this excited for a MAC collection since I think last summer when they had a sailor-themed one (it had some nice bronzers and a good red lipstick).

Im LOVING this packaging. Im looking forward to both lip pencils, the Talk that talk lipstick (I already have Riri Woo), the Cream Colour Base, and maybe Hibiscus kiss. If reviews are good, this might be my biggest MAC purchase in some time.

Nikki Avatar

I’m am so excited for this collection to finally be available come October! I’ve literally been waiting on this part of the collection ALL YEAR, and I’m glad to see that RiRi and MAC didn’t disappoint! I’m hoping to get my hands on the RiRi Woo lipglass and the Hibiscus Kiss blush duo. And the packaging is fabulous! I can’t wait! 🙂

Dana Avatar

Hello! First time reader and totally in love!! I don’t own any Mac products. Almost all is urban decay but I love this Rihanna collection. What palette would you recommend for an olive skin tone??

FKS Avatar

The packaging is… okay. I don’t see any cocoa in either her cocoa or smoked cocoa. As for the lippies, “talk that talk” looks like a nice retro matte, but I’d first like to know which regular line MAC lipsticks they are exact dupes of, before I even consider buying one. Riri woo was a big rip off, to say the least, so I don’t have high hopes of this collection.

Ann Avatar

Pass. As much as I would like to pick up the eyeshadows, it’s way too stressful to even attempt to get anything from MAC’s limited edition collections. I will save myself the stress and pay more money to fall collections that don’t require my first born child in exhange for a smooth transaction lol.

xamyx Avatar

With the exception of the peach shadow, all the others are permanent, so unless you have your heart set on the packaging, you may be better off building your own quad. I’m sure MAC has another shade in the range that can be swapped out for the peach, as well. I already have most of those shades as singles, and the quality is there, unlike in the quads (typically), so that’s another thing to consider.

Erin Avatar

Actually, the shadow names that all the bloggers have listed are the working names, or the inspirational names. There’s only one repromote shadow in each quad, woodwinked and copperplate. All the other colours are new.

Sarah Avatar

Ooh, I haven’t been excited about a Mac collection in a long time but I’m hesistant to purchase. Their quality has seemed to decrease while prices have increased.

Lynda Avatar

Nothing in this collection is making my heart go pitter-patter. Thankfully for MAC, its Rihanna’s name on these, so it’ll get everyone to go spend their money. No matter that the packaging is cheap-looking and the makeup colors are boring “we’ve seen it all before”.

18thCenturyFox Avatar

I feel like MAC should pay me $1.50 for my not being able to pull out these items in public! I love pink and I love girlie- I have HK and TokiDoki but something about this just slays me. And I am NOT anti little girl make up either. I just feel like, from a design perspective, aw Hell no. However I feel ebullient joy for those who are excited and I wish everyone is able to get what they want.

Mariella Avatar

On-line “waiting room” my *ss! I don’t want anything that bad (well, except stuff like supreme power and unlimited wealth) that I’m going into a “waiting room” to buy makeup!!! I wish MAC would show some respect and simply make enough product so that all their customers who want it can actually get it. I am getting more and more fed up with the way they treat their customers and to be honest, I’m buying more and more from other companies and less and less from MAC.

Farjana Avatar

I was really looking forward to the quads but now that I see that most of the eyeshadows are permanent I am disappointed. I will not buy something that I already have, just for the new packaging. Nothing is standing out for me. Disappointed 🙁

Dana Avatar

Weird that this doesn’t tie into a breast cancer charity, being that it’s an October launch. The R logo looks almost like a pink ribbon, and that color is on point. When I first saw the color and that “R” I immediately thought that. Looks like a lovely, well put together collection, nonetheless.

Amanda Avatar

the packaging would look a million times better if it didnt have the big “R” scratched on everywhere, she has a cool signature, they should have just featured that with the pink. In my opinion

Vernette Avatar

@ Christine it say’s you don’t have a specific launch date for online, but it says “online September 30”. So is it safe to say it will launch on the 30th? Just a little confused. I don’t want to miss out.

Chloe Avatar

Disappointed in the eye shadow quads, I was hoping for some new shadows. I already own half of the shadow listed. Def going to try to pick up Talk That Talk and I’m glad I waited for RiRi Woo to come our in LE packaging.

candleashes Avatar

This packaging reminds me of drugstore stuff. None of the colors are grabbing me, don’t see anything special. the singer doesn’t really appeal to me either; nothing against her, just not what I’m into. Think this is making the Antonio Lopez collection look a million times better

SOLE Avatar

OMG! finally! I love it. I only have like three mac eye shadows and I’m attracted to the quads lately so I’m definitely getting those. I love the packaging!! cant wait! Lucky me I have luck buying it online.. hope this time will be the same. The collection where I will spend all my money on. There’s a first time for everything.

Nikki Avatar

Well when you add the items to your cart you can only add one at a time. And you have to wait your turn to check out. I had to use four separate devices to get it to work. It’s awful

MMT Beauty Avatar

Just wanted to let my fellow Pro members/ makeup artist know that the Pro membership discount was not available at my MAC Pro store for this collection. I normally order from the site – fist time going to my local store to purchase on the special packaging collection. Not sure if this will apply to online orders for this collection.

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