Pat McGrath Holiday 2019 Blitz Astral Eyeshadow Quad Swatches

Pat McGrath Blitz Astral Eyeshadow Quad
Pat McGrath Blitz Astral Eyeshadow Quad

For the holidays, Pat McGrath has released two, limited edition, Sephora-exclusive Blitz Astral Eyeshadow Quads ($65.00 each), which I’ve swatched for you (am working on reviews next!). The quads include the brand’s more dome-shaped formulas, and the packaging is more comparable to the larger Mothership palettes.


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Christina Avatar

Huh! I thought I’d be excited for these colours, but I’m not. They’re not as “magical” as I thought they’d be, so I guess I’m good! Money saved! Or at least I hope so…still waiting on reviews and to see them in person.

Maggie Avatar

Nocturnal Nirvana looks right up my alley, but I wish there was a lighter highlight shade rather than the gold shade. It feels weirdly warm in a pretty cool palette? I’ll probably change my mind once I see your look!

Deborah S. Avatar

Nocturnal Nirvana swatches better than I expected based off of the comments to the “sneak peak” post. Will be interesting to see how it performs but I am sure I will be happy with it regardless. I do love the colour story. The other is very pretty but I have so many of those shades, as I suspect most of us do. I am looking forward to your review, Christine. I have said before and will repeat that I am hoping she stops putting a gold shade in every single palette. How many golds does any one person need?

Dianne Rocco Avatar

I read an article about Pat McGrath`s usage of gold. In the begining of her career, the article stated that her first launch into makeup was Gold 001 in 2015 and sold out completely in six hours and six minutes. The article also stated that Blitz Purple in Nirvana was used in Dior`s fall 2009 show and was very special.

Christine Avatar

In general, it signifies a different type of formula. A lot of people feel like it’s the domed formulas that are “special” or “worth the money” compared to the regular eyeshadows. I wouldn’t say that the shape means it performs better or worse than a flat formula, though.

Sandy Avatar

Same here on the silver… I just bought the mini Subversive, so I was thinking about dupes, too. Mel Thompson did some great swatch comparisons of these quads with shadows she has this morning. I think that the gold and purple are similar to others, but there was nothing the same as the turquoise and green.

BunnyFufu Avatar

Blitz Bordeaux and Blitz Aquamarine are so stunning! I can never submit dupes for consideration (yes, I try registering and all that good stuff, different browser)….but per my at home swatches, both of those are legit duped by Tarte Fire Dancer Chrome Pot, and UD Amp from the Heavy Metals palette, respectively. Also, Blitz Purple really is a slightly gussied up ABH Encahnted. Love! Also, I wonder if we’re getting the third quad in the pinky tones or if that’s a Selfridges UK exclusive (as leaked during their July press day).

Knmngrl Avatar

Yeah. These aren’t as impressive as I thought they’d be. I have sydney grace eyshadows to dupe these colors and their formula doesn’t crease on me like pat’s formula does. So I guess I’m putting my wallet away. More money to put towards the ND palette.

krb Avatar

Oh dear, I got suckered in by Sephora’s photo and saw what looked like a duochrome in Nirvana and ordered immediately. This is much more plain than I expected. I think I’ll be returning it. ?

Z Avatar

I’m in to it. The parts of the Bronze Seduction palette I like the least are the easily dupeable pinky browns, while the obviously best parts are these type shadows with their rich metallic finish.

Thanks for the swatches!

Genevieve Avatar

How this is really, really nice! Gorgeous quads filled with beautiful shades. It would be hard to pick just one of them, they are lovely. Although I do agree with Rachel, a silver shade would have worked better than the gold in the Nirvana quad – just to make it more cool toned.

Rocky Avatar

I was lucky and was able to try in the store today! These photos do not capture just how beautiful these are!! This brand is a bit out of budget… but when I tell you I stood in front of the display swatching and staring at my hand in awe…. I went back three times! Only one shade astral gold impressed me from the first pallet. Really pretty…. but it wasn’t very pigmented and had big chunks of glitter. But the other? Oh my GOD. I found the gold to be…. just ordinary really. Purple? I thought it was patchy…. but it was such a nice black based dual chrome. The blue and green…… stunning! Both dual chrome… and I
HATE blue and green shadow! BUT, here I am looking like a shimmering peacock. I couldn’t buy it this week….. but I will be buying next week for sure!!!

Jessica Avatar

Hi Christine! Thank you for putting up the swatches so fast. I have a question. Are these astral shades different from the ones in the Mothership palettes? Or are they repromotes? Thank you so much!

Christine Avatar

They’re all new. You can easily check the list of Pat McGrath eyeshadows as I’ve swatched just about every single one she’s released so you can see if there’s overlap merely by clicking any shade as it will show if it’s in any other palettes.

Marianne Avatar

I am curious about the third Quad with some pinky mauve shades in it. The only place I have seen it is on Really Ree’s blog where she took some swatches of all three at a Selfridges holiday 2019 sneak peek. I wonder if it’s a Selfridge exclusive?

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