Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Palette Swatches

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette ($125.00) is the newest addition to the range–it seems still up in the air whether it’s a permanent addition or not, at least in its black packaging!–that includes 9 eyeshadows and 1 Pressed Pigment (Rose Seduction, which is “not intended” for the eye area). VR Sextraterrestiral is a multichrome, so you may want to click on the image for more swatches 🙂
Divine Rose II Swatches

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Divine Rose II Mothership Eyeshadow Palette
These swatches look mighty good….the duochrome one is stunning.
I like how the purple shift of VR Sextraterrestrial (…NARS is that you? And say that five times fast) is visible in pan and the green shift shows in the mirrored reflection.
Thank you so much for your hard work after seeing the swatches, I know I have not missed anything lol (probably unpopular opinion)
I actually agree. The only shade that I really feel is unique is that multichrome shade. The color story to me is also just uninspiring, and I like pinks! The metallics look way too similar (gold and bronze, eleganza and divine dusk)
No I am with you here !
I’m with you! I bet I could find a similar multi chrome from JDGlow or another indy brand.
I agree.
Eleganza looks beautiful, but it looks very similar to Divine Dusk when swatched. I see the slight difference, but it seems a little redundant to include both in the same palette, in my opinion. (As always, thank you Christine!)
Thank you for the swatches! Very glad to have picked this up. I was worried about that bright pink shade but if that’s the only shade that is worrisome in terms if how to incorporate, I’m good.
I opted to buy the first divine rose today in the LE pink packaging. Looking at these swatches, I think I made the right choice.
I’m sad I missed the pink packaging. Seeing these swatches gives me a little pause… these shades look more similar to what I own than I thought they would. I’ll wait to see how the shadows perform and compared to other shades from Pat McGrath.
Beautiful swatches…looks good quality. It’s not a color story for me but it looks like it will be well loved by many.
I cannot wait to wear VR Sextraterrest all over my lid with a wing and lots of mascara.
Thank you so much for putting up these swatches! This looks like a very cohesive and well formulated palette. Sextraterrestrial is obviously the STAR! But everything else looks good, too.
Gorgeous… but very far out of my price range. I did pick up Golden Opulence and one of the mini palettes (the colorful one) during the sale though.
I do love her products. I’m sure this won’t disappoint me, none of the others have yet.
I’m really on the fence with this. The packaging is beautiful, and I like the idea of the color story, but from your photos and swatches, the palette looks warmer and more orange & red than I had hoped. I also don’t look great in most golds so hearing myself say that, I think I just talked myself out of it. That trichrome looks stunning though…
Oy, I ordered this and I’m seeing dupes in my stash.
Divine Dusk looks likes Eleganza’s not as pretty sister
Rose Seduction looks softer than expected
Xtreme Burgandy and Naked Blush are so my colours. I will have dupes, no doubt, but love PMG matte.
The VR Sextraterrestrial is calling to me. The rest of the palette is pretty, but I have a large collection for a “regular person” (non-blogger or YouTuber, etc). I just want that shade, as a single or even from an indie brand…..
Not for me, I stay away from most of those colors
I can’t wait for my palette to arrive. I’m so amazed at the dimension this palette has. It’s a beautiful color story and will complement her existing rosy toned palettes: Divine Rose, La Vie en Rose, Ritualistic Rose and Dark Galaxy (skipped this one). Alicia, Kinkysweat on YouTube has two videos up creating looks with the palette. I also love how this palette will suit a wide range of skin tones and the colors, for the most part, appear to look the same on everyone. I can’t wait to see what Christine’s review will say about the quality of the palette and the performance of the shades. I am already loving the looks I am seeing.
You just saved me $170 CAN!
This was the one, I was finally going to get a PM palette, but when I only love the duochrome and Rose seduction (easy dupe), this is an easy pass.
I like the colour story, but I think I have a lot of dupes or near enough for all but Sextraterrestrial so I’m waiting for the dupe list on that one.
Also it’s no secret that I nowadays stay away from PMG and most LEs from other brands as well. No more FOMO for me.
I do appreciate seeing truthful swatches and will love to read the reviews on all products, not just ones I want. I also really enjoy reading the comments.
Superb swatches christine! This is odd but I’m not a fan of this triochrome colour! I never was a big fan of green on my eyes anyway, but this also reads quite dark and not so flattering on the skin. I undertand that this, the hot pink and the yellow gold are supposed to make this palette special, but that’s exactly also what puts me off in that colour story. Money saved!
I admit I splurged. I got $10 off but barely covered taxes eeep.
Thankfully I can return if it’s not love but as a I don’t own any PM palettes yet I don’t have overlap and I’m intrigued by all the hype about this formulation!
Really love a couple of these shades. Hoping they look good me!