Origins Kicks of Earth Month with a Giveaway!
Origins is kicking off their Earth Month campaigns for April! Starting April 2nd, the stores hosting recycling events are offering the first 100 people who return cosmetic empties for recycling will receive a deluxe sample of A Perfect World Intensely Hydrating Body Cream with White Tea.
To celebrate the Nationwide events, Origins is a lucky Temptalia reader the chance to win a basket full of A Perfect World products valued at $125. The products are A Perfect World Deep Cleanser with White Team, Antioxidant Moisturizer with White Tea, Liquid Moisture with White Tea and White Tea Skin Guardian.
To enter: participate in one of the following methods…
(1) Upload images to the Origins Facebook Page
(2) Post images on Flickr, make sure to tag all photos with “Origins Trash Talk”
(3) Tweet to your green heart’s delight using the tag #OriginsTrashTalk
And then comment in this post with the link to your image!
Plus, for every new Facebook Fan and every image of beauty epities uploaded to Flickr and tagged “Origins Trash Talk,” Origins will plant a tree.
I just twittered:
Sorry Origins but you’re not the first. MAC has had a recycling program for years where customers can bring in 6 empty containers in exchange for a full size lipstick.
I don’t think it’s an attempt to copy, I think that they are doing the right thing and joining the green movement. We are throwing too many things in dumps that do not need to be there.
So…. what about those of us NOT on Facebook or Twitter, but follow you via E-Mails?!?!?!?!? I feel like we are being discriminated against :{ – I also do NOT have the ability to upload any pics right now. Why oh why……… I’m a new subscriber, and was really LIKING your blog! 🙁
Hi Temptalia! Maybe I’m missing something here, but what kind of images are we uploading to the Facebook page? Anything in particular we need to be tweeting about, or just mentioning that Origins has this new program? Thanks!
Hey Claire! Pictures of makeup empties 🙂
I LOVE Origins. Big fan, in fact, HUGE FAN. but whyyyy does it have to be US only? why “nationwide” and not “world wide”?
I would love to send in my stuff for them to recycle…
Ahhhh, I love Origins. I’ve never tried their skincare, but I love the makeup and brushes. Once in awhile they also make really great shades of pale/nude lipsticks which are pretty hard to find. Is it too late to enter this? I don’t see a cut off date the post, so I’m not sure…
Nope, still open!
woo.. posted my empties up on flickr!
Not a whole lot, but now that Origins is recycling I’m going to save alllll of them. Great program, thanks for the heads up!