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Once you find a skin care product that works for you, do you stick with it?

Once you find a skin care product that works for you, do you stick with it? Or do you keep looking for something even better?

There are definitely a few products that I would stick with, but I keep testing products to review, so I try not to stick with something I’ve already tried.

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Citygirl907 Avatar

If I find something that is 100% perfect I keep using it. For example, I have been using the Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel for over six years and have re-purchased it many times. I do still sometimes buy a different cleanser or facial scrub to review for my blog but the mario badescu cleanser is always in my shower and gets used at a minimum, every second day.

Jamie Avatar

For the most part I tend to keep to the same skincare products. I have super acne prone skin, so my skin freaks out on quite a few products and also takes forever to clear up after a reaction!

Sunny Avatar

Definitely! At this point I know pretty well what my skin likes and what it doesn’t (silicone is not on its love list so I can eliminate a good bunch of products from there), so I choose not to test out a lot of new skincare products.

Wwendalynne Avatar

I tend to be quite loyal in the skin care department. I do not go rushing off at every whim. There is such a myriad of options out there and I feel overwhelmed at the choices for the most part.. The product claims, for the most part, make me giggle or actually get angry at their ridiculousness. I do mix things up with my products though and do not use the exact same concoction every day. I’ve tried a lot of skin care products in the past, but always find the Sisley Paris line the best fit for me personally. I’ve changed the products I use from their lines over time and I am now on full-fledged anti-aging program, . Every once in awhile I waiver and stray to something else that has caught my attention, but I always end up back with Sisley every time. Oh and Sisley has a product which is getting harder and harder to find..I hope they never discontinue it. It’s called Hydra Flash and in the winter it’s the only moisturizer I have used that lives up to me being out in the cold in the barn in minusfreakingbloody cold temperatures and it keeps my skin feeling soft.

Nicole Avatar

I do tend to stick with skincare once I find something I like, because my skin seems more sensitive to changes in my skincare routine. This is in contrast with makeup, as I do like to always try new makeup products to see if there’s something (brand, texture, formula, color) I like better. I love Paula’s Choice skincare and have found a regimen that works well for me, so I do tend to keep repurchasing the same items.

Moushka Avatar

Another Paula’s Choice fan here. Her products have made a dramatic improvement in my skin (combination, super-reactive, acne and blackhead prone, aging). While I do change up within her line, depending on the season or how my skin is behaving, I stick to her products. Her BHA products are revolutionary for problem skin. Great question!

chris Avatar

YES – I have been using Mary Kay’s Deep Cleanser at night to remove make-up and give me a good cleaning since I was 16. I am 46. I used the Proactiv System for 11 years and recently added a few prescription strength items for targeted issues. I figure if you are happy with the results, don’t re-invent the wheel.

Diedra Avatar

Yes ma’am murad clearing cleanser is my holy grail for face washy face look amazing. I go outside without makeup. My skin look amazing. For a toner regular witch hazel. And for moisturizer 100% jojoba oil. I am so happy! I am not changing this nope no way!

Kate Avatar

I use almond oil as my body lotion; I wish I could use it on my face too but the only time I tried it caused me to break out. I guess the molecules are large, and therefore comedogenic.

VickyM Avatar

I use virgin pure almond oil on my face and body regularly, I´m sad it made you break out 🙁 I had no idea it could do that. Then again I´m not acne prone, not when I was a teen and not now in my twenties, neither did any of my parents had acne. So I guess if your skin is sensitive you should be cautious of everything, even of very natural products 🙁 .

Mariella Avatar

While I’m always open to trying something new, especially if reviews are good and it sounds like something that would work for me, though lately, I’ve come to realize that pricey doesn’t equal “better”, which is why I’ve ditched my Clarins Super Restorative Day Cream with SPF. Ole Henriksen makes one just as good for less than half the price! So, while I do tend to stick to what I know works for me, I’ll add or try something new too. But a few things, I’ll never give up (Clarins facial oils, Clinique SuperDefense – stuff like that; I might alternate with something new but I’ll still keep those around)

Nikki P Avatar

Yes!!!! I have really sensitive skin and after a devastating break out from “trying products” i’ve finally found a skin care regimen that works and I dont plan on using anything else!

yellowlantern Avatar

I find it hard to stick with the same products mostly because what works for me when i’m normal in the winter doesn’t always work when I’m oily in the summer. My skin isn’t really sensitive or acne prone so I change it up depending on my needs and whims. So I guess the answer to the question is “no”.

VickyM Avatar

If I find something amazing for me, I will keep using it, I may still research to see if there is something else that I can compliment my skincare with but I will continue using the product that works for me. I´m still searching on skincare, but I have been using virgin almond oil and I recommend it to everyone it is absolutely amazing for both face and body.

Daisy Avatar

Shoooooot yeah. When my skin is letting me know that it’s loving what I’m doing, then yeah…I totally stick with what I’m using. For the past few months, my skin has been the best it’s been in years (yeah..years) so I’m pretty wary of deviating from my established routine.

Lauren Avatar

As much as I love switching up cosmetics, I stick with skincare. I used the Neutrogena acne wash line from the age of 16 until the age of 33. I only started changing when I found that my skin had changed over time. Very occasionally during those years, I’d try something else but I’d always always always go back to a product in the Neutrogena acne wash line. I tried a few things since – Clinique Acne Solutions (WAY too drying) and have now settled on Neutrogena Foaming Face wash as a nighttime cleanser, Neutrogena Face Wipes (blue pkg) to remove makeup, the Neutrogena Grapefruit scrub as a morning cleanser (rotated with a Paula’s Choice cleanser) and a Paula’s Choice benzoil peroxide product and salycilic acid product. As you can see I’m still very loyal to Neutrogena, except that now I use a different line of products. Only the Grapefruit Scrub is from the Acne Wash line.

Chelsea Avatar

No, but I really ought to – my skin reacts badly to a lot of different things, which makes trying new things a gamble with bad odds, but I’m a product junkie, so it’s a real problem.

melissa Avatar

i am trying to, but i am not sure if i can afford when i run out this time so i may be back to using drugstore, right no wi use origins zero oil line & it has worked best than anything i have tried yet, which i haven’t tried many

Nikki Avatar

Yes! I tried out Dan Kern’s regimen two years ago, and his regimen and products are all I’ve used since. They work exactly as stated.

Anna Smith Avatar

I am skin freak and would love to try something new which seems really working and promising! I never stick to one product which have already worked for me. I Keep exploring something new which can work even much better .

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