How do you maintain your eye brows?
How do you maintain your eye brows? What are your favorite combos? Share!
I tweeze mine every 2-3 days! Usually when I can feel stray hairs, I’ll tweeze.
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Tweeze every other day. Only at night because my skin always get red and splotchy with any hair removal and I need overnight to heal that.
My eyebrows aren’t really dark, I just tweeze them once a week. I’m trying to get them fuller anyway!
I have thick eyebrows that grow back quickly so waxing is the best option for me but after waxing it leave skin red&sensitive,2or3 days 🙁
I don’t touch them at all! I have learnt my lesson the hard way but now I don’t do anything on my own!
I use a tiny straight razor, and I have been ever since I first got my eyebrows pierced, since I didn’t think tweezing was a good idea with piercings. Since it’s fast and less strenuous on my bad hand, I still do it even when I no longer keep my piercings.
I get mine waxed by a licensed cosmetologist–my lovely daughter. Usually about every 6 weeks when she cuts and colors my hair. In between I’ll use a tweezer for stray hairs. I know that I am truly blessed to have this situation and I often tell her how much I appreciate her talents!
I pretty much don’t, lol. I just don’t care about my eyebrows. The area is too sensitive and the last thing I want to do is cry a long time over the time. I’ll shave the “unibrow” part but when it comes to getting the hair on the edges, I rarely do it because it hurts way too much.
I tweeze them every morning. I really have to. I have a unibrow and the hairs grow back very fast, plus my brows are quite thick and unruly so if I don’t touch them for a few days I lose the shape.
Same as you. I dont let anybody touch them. Once got them done at one of those Aveda centers in NY?… They removed it all, so nope. I do them.
I actually like to get mine threaded. I suck at shaping brows and mine are unruly and uneven!
I was blessed with a decent eye brow shape so I don’t do a thing.
My eyebrows are really thick and dark, so I pluck the arch every other day or so and I also trim the hairs shorter with a pair of tiny scissors.
I tweeze whenever I see or feel a stray hair. I hate stray hairs and messy brows, it can ruin an otherwise perfect look!
I get mine tinted and shaped once every 4-6 weeks, then I pluck strays in between. But I prefer to leave it to the professionals, I just can’t do it as well as they can, and I’ve made too many screw ups!! I am extremely picky about who I will let loose on my brows… I pretty much trust no one now lol
I tweeze them every day! My hairs are dark. Only stray hairs, though. I trim them every 2-3 weeks. I wax the baby hairs once a month, but only above the brow and around the tail. I don’t touch anything else.
I don’t have a lot of brow so I don’t mess with it too much. I just use my brow pencil to give myself brows whatever shape I want.
I normally tweeze mine too but I’m thinking of getting reshaped professionally. The volume of my brow has thinned with a thyroid condition so I don’t know if I should shape them a little differently for a more youthful look.
I get them waxed every 2 months or so and try tweeze in between if I’m not too lazy
I tweeze once a week. 🙂
I just use a little bit of clear mascara to tame stray hairs here and there, and I’m good to go! I don’t wax, pluck, or thread my eyebrows.
Tweeze stray hairs rarely, trim wildly long hairs weekly, and use tinted brow gel to cover white hairs. When I was younger I’d also randomly tweeze to thin out brow density, then later tweezed out white hairs, but when white hairs became more prevalent, I had to stop that and move to a tinted brow gel else I wouldn’t have any eyebrows left!
I’m obsessed with my eyebrows!! I’m always
Looking for strays..trim on a regular basis to
Keep them neat. I use anastasia browdip
pomade to fill them in. I mix blonde with Auburn.
I dont leave the house without my brows
I trim the cowlicks/curly hairs/crazy hairs that grow straight out once a week, and wax the unibrow. Every few days I pluck the hairs that come in in really wtf places. Crazy hair where I don’t want it, but all the hair where I do want it has fallen out/thinned, so I also dye them at home once a month or so – it makes them look better with my haircolor and a bit fuller.
I thread the arch every so often (I’m lucky my brows have a nice natural arch so I’m mostlly just cleaning up the baby hairs, straightening the edge) and tweeze to clean up the inner corners maybe once a month. I love threading, you get a nice sharp line.
I shave the unibrow hairs away and the outer halves up until the beginning of my natural arches. I also tweeze any straggly hairs away when they show up and I draw my brows on with Anastasia Brow Wiz or with colored eyeshadows if I’m going unnaturally colored. My brows grow in very sparsely and it’s easier to just draw on whatever shape I like.
I have them threaded every year or so by a genious in the matter and tweeze the occasional “rebel” osingle hair (that regrows in the same spot) and I am done!
Waxing at a salon every few weeks and tweeze in between work for me.
Parissa wax strips when I’m feeling a little overgrown, and I’ll tweeze the occasional stray hair. I can be pretty lazy about my brows, though, so the waxing might be every couple of months or so?
This is a great post! I was just grimacing at my own nondescript brows. Mine are somewhat sparse and very light-colored but grow in the weirdest way. There’s the odd errant hair here & there, so I just cut those, not tweeze. The outside half are completely wayward, so wayward that eyebrow wax does nothing. They stand up as well as lean in the opposite direction. Hair gel can plaster them down but they’ll even sproing up sometimes. So, now I trim them right down – they will not be tamed. Then I use a wax on them, and lightly feather a brow powder on. Because I’m so fair, drawing on a brow looks awful unless I use a light hand and carefully feather it on. My favorite is the trim, wax, & brow powder method.
My eyebrows are sparse and what there is of them is very light. I only have to tweeze an occasional random stray; I don’t leave home without eyebrow pencil lest I frighten small children with my browlessness!
I need to get mine waxed usually ever month! Tweezing just does not tame mine!