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Look: Lady Gaga Bad Romance Makeup Inspiration

I was watching Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance Music Video yesterday, and I felt a little inspired by the bold makeup she’s wearing around the four minute mark. At first, I thought she was wearing this look while dancing a bit, but I think the looks are different–the one she wears while dancing (also around the four minute mark) seems cleaner, not quite as dark, though the lips seem really similar.

Anyway, this is inspired by and not so much as an exact replica. If you wanted to be more on target, I’d say to go for a slightly messier smoky eye, add a little bit of gloss to make it look wet and have a sheen, and then go for a very dramatic cheek contour. The shape of the black portion on the eye also goes up quite close to the inner brow bone and then comes down.  The lashes should also be bigger and flair out more on the outer lash line.

Also, this look is actually REALLY easy. No, seriously! It’s pretty much any cream black base all over the lid. I used the same technique I did back in 2007 to create this black smoky eye tutorial. The lashes took me infinitely longer and still didn’t adhere correctly–but it was good enough to fake it in photos (and my eyes were burning from upper lash line irritation, so it was a hurry-up-and-finish situation).

You will need the following…

  • Eyes: Blacktrack fluidline (black), Carbon eyeshadow (matte black), Vex eyeshadow (duochrome white-purple), Bisque eyeshadow (matte highlighter), Feline kohl power (black), false eyelashes (anything big and dramatic), Zoom Fast Black Mascara (black)
  • Cheeks: Sculpt sculpting powder (dark shadow), Dior Amber Diamond Skin Shimmer (bronzy highlighter)
  • Face: Make Up For Ever HD Foundation (#140)
  • Lips: Red No. 5 lipstick (deep red), Violetta lipstick (bright purple), Vino lip pencil (dark red)
  • Brushes: 266 (firm, angled brush), 226 (fluffy crease brush), 219 (pointed crease brush), 214 (smudge brush), 249 (flat, firm brush), 239 (fluffy shadow brush), 129 (dense blush brush)
  • Substitutes: Red No. 5 = New York Apple

Directions: Apply Blacktrack fluidline all over the lid as the base with the 249. With the 239, pack Carbon eyeshadow on all over the lid. Using the 226 brush, lightly blend the crease with Vex eyeshadow. Sweep Bisque eyeshadow underneath the brow bone to highlight. Finish with Feline Kohl Power on lower lash line, and apply false lashes to upper lash line, then lightly apply Zoom Fast Black mascara on lashes. Sweep hollows of cheeks with Sculpt sculpting powder using the 168, then highlight with Dior Amber Diamond Skin Shimmer with the 165. Apply Red No. 5 lipstick to lips, and then top with Violetta for color and shine.

Check out more photos!


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Hinahon Avatar

I liked your idea of putting Violetta on top of something, so I tried another mix.
I put Violetta on top of London Life.

I find the result cute, i’ll send you a pic to show you 🙂

Hinahon Avatar

Me too ! I was actually surprised, i didn’t think it would come through
I think Violetta is a really fun colour to have. Even if alone it can be crazy, I think we could find cool shades pairing it with other lipsticks

Lyndsay Avatar

oh wow! I REALLY like this look… its a very sexy, sultry look! Nicely executed! I think it looks great on you because you have darker coloring anyhow. If I tried this I’d look crazy! lol

casey Avatar

this is gorgeous! what’s your lighting like when you photograph your eye makeup? do you use a flash, or just off-camera lighting? your pictures are always gorgeous and seem really true to the colors. Just wondering what techniques you use to get them so amazing-looking!

Christine Avatar

Thanks, Casey! It’s really nothing special, actually. I take them at random spots, sometimes with the recessed lighting turned on… sometimes not. No method to the madness really 🙁 I give all kudos to my camera ’cause my photography skills are minimal!

Siledhel Avatar

pretty pretty pretty
This is my kind of eye make up: dark and dramatic.
Good twist for my favorite tutorial
I’ve never dared to wear it with intense lips… now after I’ve seen that it does look nice I may try.

Thanks Christine!!

Adriana Avatar

that smokey eyes in 2007 are amazing
I wanna try the look! maybe tomorrow! Ha!

Nice day
You rock!

pd. i’d love if you write about mineral foundations (you know: the body shop, maybelline, clinique, etc)


Christine Avatar

Give it a shot 😉

Thanks, Adriana!

I did a bunch of mineral makeup reviews way back in either late 2007 or early 2008… and I just don’t dig it. I never like it more than liquid (and even with traditional pressed powders, I don’t love those either). If I ever come across one that I don’t like, you can be sure I’ll review it — otherwise I don’t, because I know I’m biased which means I can’t give you a very good perspective on it.

daphne Avatar

Very, VERY cool. I love it when you do adventurous stuff like this (I love the bold lip with the intense smoky eyes). Heck, I love all your looks, but the variety is what is so exciting about them! Even in variety most of your stuff fits the “colorful but wearable” category, and then you do something totally different like this. It’s really awesome 😀

Tavia Avatar

Hi Christine! I love this look on you, especially because I love dark eyeshadows and I used to do this look too a few years ago. I can’t say that I like the lip color, I would have choose something more neutral and more natural for the lips.

Roxanne Avatar

You’re spoiling us with all those looks, Christine LOL! Not that I complain 🙂
It’s truly gorgeous. I hope your eyes are feeling better by now – I hate it when my eyes get irritated. Do you think it was the lash glue? Your falshe lashes look as if they’re glued on too close to your inner tear duct. Maybe some of it got into your eye?

Anyway, I really want to try this! What other color could you use instead of Vex? Any light shimmery color?

Christine Avatar

LOL! My eyes are swollen today, so I think the buck stops here! It’s probably a mix of messing around with the fluidline on/near my upper lash line along with getting the lashes to fix (I don’t think it’s the glue really).

You could probably use Beautiful Iris or Vellum!

Anja Nicole Avatar

I am going out today to by vex t copy this look for Saturday. I probably will use a different highlighter though. I dont think bisque will go with my NW 45 -50 complexion.

kpenn Avatar

Ouuu I am loving this hot vamp look. I will definitely be trying this once I get my Feline for Christmas! I might have to make some adjustments, though, because I’m dreadfully fair and would probably look a little scary.

Your skin is just way too perfect, Christine! I’m so jealous!

Katie W Avatar

This is FANTASTIC! I especially love the second to last picture! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I wish I could wear something like this NOW, but I have to go to work, boo. Lol! <3

Crystal Avatar

Oh love this! Very vampy and sexy.

I saw that Lady Gaga video the other day and wow!!! Just when you think she cant push the envelope anymore she does! I love her though.

Ashley K Avatar

I love this look. I love how well done dark eye makeup can make someone look sortof mysterious, y’know? Lol. Blacks are really hard for me to work with, makes a mess!

viv Avatar

hottttttttt! can you recommend any dupes for Vex & Bisque? (and I do smokey eyes – not THAT dark though – and dark-ish lips all the time so I really love this.)

jellynat Avatar

You are GORGEOUS like that! It makes your eye color litterally pop up. I also love your hair color. Natural black is a blessing I wish I could have. Anyway, that make up looks like the one I have today (and most of days). Except that I don’t have false eyelashes, I’m fair skinned, I’m wearing light stuff on lips (today it’s “Hue” and “Dame” as a blush. Well done make up you did here! 😉

DiorLover Avatar

Wow!Wow!And again Wow!Christine you totally blown me away!You are BEYOND SEXY!That is the best make up look you gave!!!And it totally suits you!!!Wow you`re looking incredible!I`m speechless…You blown me away!!!And i wish you make this make up look more often to you!You really are super smokin hot and sexy with that bold make up!!!You will make the boys go crazy with taht stunning make up.Well done,Christine! : )))Hugs to you!And greetings from Bulgaria,Sofia City haha!(if you heard of that country and city) : )))

estelle Avatar

Hi, great post! Came across your blog whilst I was googling for Chanel’s noir obscur last week, thanks to your review, bought it and it was great!

BTW, is there any other lipstick you could recommend to achieve the above result?

Miranda Avatar

I really like the way you used Vex eyeshadow in this look! I have that shadow and despite finding it intriguing I never quite know how to use it. I’ll use it this way the next time I want to do a smoky eye.

Enna Avatar

Christine, this looks really suits, I would even dare to say this is your best look ever, it´s a proof that a nice eyehadow look does not need 10 different colors and 30 minutes of work! You look great!

Phyrra Avatar

This is a gorgeous look on you. I love the colors you chose. I’d have not thought to use Vex the way you did. I need to try it that way! The lips look great, too. I love dark eyes!

Doreen Avatar

Wow, I never knew Vex could be so pretty! I’m definitely checking it out next time at the MAC counter. I think this is a great look, Christine! Plus, I’ve been playing “Bad Romance” on repeat for most of the day today. 😉

Ruth Avatar

OMG Christine, you look stunning. It’s my favorite look of yours so far. A very dark eye looks unbelievably gorgeous on you, absoloutely stunning, love it 🙂

Kimberly Avatar

This is fabulous… My fav looks of yours is usually the tropical green/blue ones.. but this one has not topped my list… jaw dropping gorgeous!!.. I have trouble with falsies as well.. If I had two makeup related wishes they would be – eyeliner that stays on my waterline and falsies that didn’t itch! 🙂