Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection for Spring/Summer 2011
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection for Spring/Summer 2011
Unpredictable, uncharted and unnat¬ural, Illamasqua unleashes Toxic Nature for Spring/Summer 2011, a colour collection born from a visionary concept of nature fighting back against the genetically modified society that plunders it. Illamasqua has created the Toxic Nature collection through a palette of lurid shades, corrupted hues and glistening muted tones that offer intoxicating versions of their original selves.
“Having an artist background highly influenced this collection. The medium of paint when it is in various states [mixed on a palette, on a canvas, the colours mutating when you wash your brushes] inspired the product colours of Toxic Nature. Blends, washes, dabs, drips, daubs and splashes of colour are evident in the imagery of the collection.” Alex Box, Illamasqua Creative Director.
Like nature itself, it’s not all sweetness and light. Shades of mint, mushroom, plum, orange and rose are distorted with rich textures and pops of acid-infused brightness that command attention and draw you in…
Cream Pigment (£17.00)
A new matt formula that can either neutralise or dominate. Create the ultimate in textures whether it’s on your face, eyes, or body, bringing a flash of colour to a subtle contour. “The power of the products in this collection is evident in the intensity of the Cream Pigments they are intense, raw colour but blend down easily exactly like an artists paint palette.” Alex Box.
- Emerge Peach (EU Exclusive)
- Bedaub Mint
- Dab Lilac
- Hollow Toffee
- Delirium Rose Taupe (EU Exclusive)
- Mould Grape
Precision Ink (£17.00)
- Glister Glistening opalescent nude
Lipstick (£15.50)
- Atomic Fuchsia violet
- Flare Bright orange
Sheer Lipgloss (£13.00)
- Torture Coral Peach
- Divine Fuchsia Pink
Nail Varnish (£13.50)
- Purity Peach
- Bacterium Pearlescent Ash Ochre
- Radium Acidic Lime Shimmer
- Stagnate Grey Mauve
- Gamma Neon orange
Toxic Claw (£35.00)
Illamasqua are proud to present the second collaboration with visionary manicurist, Mike Pocock. A beautifully presented set of two false thumb nails, these have been designed and individually hand made by Mike. ‘The mutated aesthetic of the nail was inspired by the corrupted hues present in the Toxic Nature collection’.
availability: March 10th, 2011 at, March 17th at UK Counters, April 2011 at Sephora
See product photos!
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Illamasqua Toxic Nature Collection
Totally creepy.
Looks very Alice in Wonderland-ish. Don’t you think? I LOVE the promo pics! I’m looking forward to your reviews (should you do them).
I was thinking the same thing! Love it
my mind, it boggles.
So my first thought is, the collection itself is gorgeous. I’m not loving the campaign (the makeup on the models is extreme). I have an artistic background as well, and I feel like maybe there was a better more appealing way to advertise this collection.
I know. Interesting concept, poor execution.
Extreme make up can look amazing on ad campaigns, but I really think this one’s a miss.
Not an everyday makeup, nor do I think they were trying to portray that, they do outlandish makeup to catch our eye which in turn, gets all talking about the products.Good execution, got us all talking about it.
The promo pics are way overboard. Not appealing at all.
i dont think illamasqua does a toned down promo ever. look at dystopia..their queen of hearts inspired look ect. they advertise the alter ego so i guess they will cont with the other world or outta this world looks..
I wonder if those cream pigments crease kinda like the ones in the liquid metal palettes.
That’s a worry I have with all cream color, but I’m hoping this one won’t, since it’s purported to be water-resistant. Crossing my fingers!!!
These promo pics are beautiful! Very interested in checking this out…
WOW. Not sure how I feel about this but I don’t think it makes me want to buy the collection much!
This is what I imagined what a Tim Burton directed makeup editorial would look like – pretty awesome.
I want to check out that multi-use pigment. It’s very Makeup Forever-esque!
Yay! i found my halloween look 😀
Everybody else seems to think these are crazy, but the first thing I did was start saving them to my computer for reference later! I think they’re creepy and beautiful all at once. Really cool images and the make-up colors look lovely!
I know! Me too!
I actually said “wow” out loud. Not only are these intensely creative but it made me completely inspired. From a sales perspective, I for sure said, “I want that!” from the images.
I don’t understand the photo shopped promo pics. Fake.
Definitely. More like makeup courtesy of photoshop.
Actually, Im a makeup artist for Illamasqua and it’s all make-up, set, stylin and hair – they don’t post produce half as much as other brands! Its the power of makeup if you cant see that your unimaginative. Some people just have skill.
I agree, I’m a makeup artist as well, and you can tell that it’s sheer talent that produced those images. You guys did a great job!
Actually, check out the behind the scenes, its all make up!! And yes it is intense, but thats what Illamasqa is known for 🙂
promo pics are amazing. Always love Illamasqua’s though!
is the collection limited?
These pics are really unlike anything else I’ve seen for a makeup collection campaign! I love the nails in the first picture!
I love the work of Alex Box. His coffee table book is always a conversation piece when I have guests. I think this campaign is absolutely genious! These photos depict the true depth of pignment in the products much more effectively than beauty shots of a “natural” look. We all know how to turn an eyeshadow into a ready-to-wear look,I appreciate a concept that stretches projects to the limit, and allows the user to scale it back to her liking.
Alex Box, she* 😉
alex box is a she!
The promo pictures are interesting in a creepy/fun/fake way. Unfortunately the makeup itself doesn’t seem to match the pictures and just looks like a lot of stuff I have from other companies. Specifically the orange lipstick looks just like one I got from MUFE years ago
Kogal inspired? Not feeling it AT ALL.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. very ganguro/yamamba looking…Though I kind of actually like it. lol It looks cool.
I am in total LOVE with the promo pics for this collection, esp. the first shot. Definitely interested in the cream pigments.
I agree with several others – the campaign is just too clownish looking (or creepy) and I think that will turn off a lot of people (including me). Silly way to frame a campaign, IMO.
hmm illamasqua reminds me of an overpriced Nyx.
I love all the whimsical theme and the pictures in the promo…very alice in wonderland…mad hatter…love it!
LOVE! The folks behind these images/advert are so creative!
Finally! A recent cosmetics promo pic that is interesting!
I do like the creative promo pics, but the colours aren’t really calling to me.
Wow…gorgeous pictures! I love Illamasqua’s creativity. My complaint…they need to become readily available! I don’t do online shopping when it comes to makeup and the only place Illamasqua is available to me right now is online. I’m in Canada.
Fun to look at, but no way in HELL I’d ever do my makeup like that lol
Pretty colors though…
I’m a huge Illamasqua fan in general – I love the fact that they concentrate on a spring/summer collection and an autumn/winter collection with the odd special one thrown in for good measure. MAC are doing far too many collections – it’s hard to keep track and they lose their originality if a new one comes out every month almost.
I love that Illamasqua always have a real storyline behind their collections. I can follow their train of thought and that makes them more appealing to me. Plus the promo is always unusual and that way strays away from all other brands. It’s daring and different, that’s what I love. Alex Box is amazing. She’s a real artist and it shows.
I first thought of Alice in Wonderland too. Another thing I love about it. Very intrigued by the cream pigments. And the nail polishes of course – so hard to decide which ones to get…wish I could get them all!
It almost hurts that this isn’t available in Canada.
Illamasqua ships internationally, though – and though I know the exchange rate makes it pretty unappetizing for U.S. customers to order more often than not, it might be more appealing for Canadians?
such a gorgeous promo pic! i hope this is available in Canada…
The promo pictures are absolutely hideous. There’s something about this brand that really puts me off from wanting to try their products. :S
I like it. I mean, yes it’s clearly photoshoped but what ad isn’t? All models in all ads are photoshoped and therefore all ads are based in fantasy. Personally, I love it. It reminds me to have more fun with my makeup.
Also, it figures that the item i’m most interested in, Dellirum cream pigment is EU exclusive. grrr.
the promo pics are very creative, but too creepy for me to like the stuff, lol
really funky.
Bravo Illamasqua!
Brilliant doll-like promo pictures. I did a double take when i saw the prices in British pound!!
U’mm, why do the first two models have blobs of blush on their noses?
I can appreciate the artistry that has gone into creating these images but for me, they’ve gone past the realm of ugly/pretty into scary creepy mannequin…
I don’t like the fact that Radium looks different in every picture… I’d love it to have the neon green color it has as the tip color, but I don’t like the yellowish green it seems to be when on the entire nails… lol waiting for real swatches.
Ooh, I am really loving that whole creepy-beautiful aesthetic. Now I want poster-sized prints of the promo pics, so I can hang ’em on my walls…
I totally agree!! I LOVE these photos. They are amazing and I want them blown up and on my walls!!!
That is sooo ugly.
I am happy to say those pictures will NOT inspire me to open my wallet!
amazing images! love the concept and the minds behind this campaign. very illamasqua style with a bit of sweetness 🙂
I really like that Illamasqua is willing to do such fun collections that don’t appeal to everyone. When companies start trying to appeal to as many people as possible, things get bland.
Those colors are so pretty. I’ll be purchasing one of each please! The models look so cute. I’m jealous of people who naturally have a sprinkle of freckles there.
great pics! I am so tired of seeing classical flower themed promo shots every spring.It is always nice to see some creativity.I wish that shopping with pound wasn’t that painful though.
I am in love, I’ve always loved Illamasqua’s promo pics, Alex Box is one of the best artists and I look up to her. I can see how some people are turned off by the very dramatic makeup, but I think its amazing. If you don’t understand Illamasqua’s background then you’ll think the makeup is way too over the The product quality is awesome IMO. I’ve tried the liquid metals, lipglosses, lipsticks, blushes & foundations-not really found much to NOT like.
I cant wait til this hits shelves in Sephora, I’m really digging it. My bank account wont but… yeah lol.
Icky!!! This not a way to get me interested in the
I always love Illamasqua’s promo pics. These are no exception. I totally wanna get my nails done like in the first pic.
I love it
woulda been awesome if they didn’t over do the photo shop :\
the promo pics are creative, that’s for sure. but for a cosmetics company, i feel like over-Photoshopping your images isn’t the way to promote your products. there’s a very fake feel to these.
Pass. This collection looks awful.
Love the collection itself, but the promo pics look really lame.
Is that Ashley Greene?
I LOVE IT! Its very unique!
Thanks for sharing this Christine! The promo photos are ah-mazing!!! I’ve never bought from illamasqua before.
Makes you wonder how the models really look underneath all that makeup…
Lots ppl here commented that they think the photos are photoshopped too much. I’m not really sure. I’ve never seen Alex Box work in the flesh but saw videos of her live work – I would even dare say that 90 percent of the make-up in these shots is real, not photoshop. But I’m not a professional photographer…
Harajuku girls. I’m sure Gaga probably orders every item that Illamasqua makes.
The promo images are brilliant. They made me think a first reaction wasn’t “ooh, pretty!” I almost didn’t like the look at all but I looked closer and longer, & my feelings changed. I’ve reacted like that to art before but never to a makeup promotional image.
It is just so depressing that Illamasqua products are not available in Canada… not even in sephora…:(
These promo shots are the shit!!!! Creativity on steriods. Loves<3
Can. Not. Wait. I literally want EVERYTHING. Hope sephora stocks at least some of this collection, I don’t understand why they haven’t been showing Illamasqua much love! Adore the kitschy promo pictures! Hope you do reviews on these products!
If MAC released promo shots like this everyone would love it and there would be hundreds of comments and thousands of loving it. It’s artistic and creative.
Illamasqua is just too much for me to love! Why must they torture me with such wondrous imagery and products…?
is that really makeup on their faces or is some of that CG?
These pictures are works of art. Beautiful makeup artistry for this campaign!
products looks good, but those pictures ar real turnoff for me . not in this life
I definitely don’t go for these look but I find the promo pic very unique and refreshing. But really!? What’s the point of using photoshop to create makeup looks!? Shouldn’t the company try to promote their products by showing these makeup looks using ACTUAL cosmetics products?
take a look at this: Seeing Alex Box at work I doubt that there is really a lot of photoshop involved in these promo shots.
LOVE LOVE! So gorgeous. I love the spring colors and the apocalyptic theme. It’s so fabulous! WANT
i love the pictures .
it shows what illamasqua makeup can do .
i absolutely love these. what are y’all smokin’? these are insanely creative, and suited to a brand like illamasqua. love love love how they’ve set a style for themselves to differentiate between other mu brands. genius.
This ad campaign is mind blowing. I would love to see these makeup looks in real life just for fun, the whole thing is overly photoshopped.
I’m surprised everyone is saying these pics are creepy. I think they are gorgeous. To be honest I think they look lovely, very pretty and SO creative. Obviously people aren’t going to be doing their everyday makeup like this but its a promo pic, its showing off Illamasqua’s products, and I think they did an awesome job. Definitely will be looking at this collection.
Totally agree. I think the look are pretty, creative and very artistic. Illamasqua doesnt often go for a natural everyday look either.
OH GOD! I love Illamasqua.
I don’t think I will be purchasing any of the Illamasqua products unless they are readily available in Toronto, but I love the pics promoting this line. It’s like futuristic 60’s chic. I am sure
there is some computer manipulation involved, but it looks really
good. I am seeing a lot of these spring shades in other cosmetic
lines that are not nearly as expensive as this line.
I wonder how long it took them to get all the makeup off…
Kind creepy, but I like it. Really makes them stand out among other brands! 🙂
this is TOOO amazing!!! IM SO EXCITED TO BUY BUY BUY! Illamasqua artists do such great work.
alex box is truely a genius i just wish there werent colors exculisve to EU maybe a tad jealous about that.
Just to let you all know, although these images have been edited slightly, the actual looks haven’t been. Nothing has been added or taken away via editing, this is all make up. I was present on the day of the shoot and can guarantee this.
I think some of the shades look abit i dunno lacklustre, boring, but maybe thats on pics, some of illa’s stuff is like this on the websie it looks boring and samey (as in u can get in on a drugstore brand for half the price) but untill you g et it at home its much better quality etc
so its like half and half for me!
i might get sum of the pigments and the orange lipstick (i havent got a orange summer one yet) so.. yeah
the promo images are stunning x
This seems really interesting. I like the art work. It’s abstract… and what’s with the bees? 🙂
i like it. i am a artist and get it. i dont know why everyone always says everything is too much!! i mean obviously your a lil creative if your on here. open ur minds.
I don’t own any Illamasqua products but I absolutly love these press shots!
Illamasqua does do pretty extreme pictures, but I think that’s what makes it so fun. It is kind of like something you’d see in a dream, like crazy. Anyway, I love Illamasqua products. I feel like they have such great quality. They’re a little cheaper than a lot of brands at Sephora and the pigment is so crazy, I can’t even believe it. Some of their products are insane looking and you think ‘where could I ever wear something like that?!’ but all of their items are surprisingly wearable if you do it the right way. (I have a bright stop sign red blush that I can actually wear and it looks normal and lasts forever). I just love Illamasqua and I hope other people can find the beauty in the strange and make it look pretty. ( :
These images are by far some of the best I’ve ever seen. I am in love with them. So much I really want to recreate the looks. SImply amazing.
I love these sooo much. I would quite happily buy the whole collection, just because these pictures are so inspiring.
it’s kinda terrifying :/
Very curious about the cream pigments.
The makeup is crazy, but I like that they are expressing something beyond the usual.
Well, I must admit that it’s really innovative as a concept and kind of creepy at the same time. Will check out the products in a few days. Their new campaign looks odd but Illamasqua is not an ordinary brand anyway and we love them for that… We do expect new concepts from them. So that’s an innovative one! Colour look great for me, not that vibrant. Let’s see. 🙂
Hi Christine! Quick question: If I made a video of this, like the pictures showing the new collection, would that be copy-writing? If if I flipped the pictures? Thank you!
You’d have to talk to Illamasqua as these are their photos!
OMG soooo pretty !!!!!!
I love the promo pics for this. So very fun and different. Almost faerie like. I’ll be looking for their Radium shade of nail varnish – very pretty.
I think some of you guys are missing the point of the presentation of the models. The art is so nicely done…it’s done with the ACTUAL products. It’s precision, contrast, high-pigment, and richness shows us how beautiful makeup is, no matter how you apply it.
They have some really talented promo artists. Goodness. It looks very interesting, and very much portrays the Illamasqua advertising trend of “alter ego / imagination”-type makeup. Good job Illamasqua.
I am in the U.S. and NEED to find a source for Delirium and Emerge. Illamasqua will not ship to me and BB only has false lashes. Can anyone make other suggestions or help me? Thank you very, very much. 🙂