How would you describe your makeup style or aesthetic?

Colorful? I don’t know if there’s a real style or aesthetic to it, but I do like playing with color the most, especially on my eyes!

— Christine


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Mariella Avatar

I’d say “classic” but that sounds so full of itself. But I tend to go for neutral colours on my eyes (with a hit of something like a bright blue or teal – UD’s Frozen North – or sometimes green – MAC Humid or or Smashbox STFU – when I’m feeling it) and natural colours on the rest of my face (so pink, rose or plum cheeks, since peach and coral really clash with my skin tone) and red, plum or berry lips. No “nude lips” (= how to look like I’m a week dead and gone) and no green, grey or blue lipsticks – just too weird for me.

Ana Maria Avatar

Thinking about it, that’s how people would probably describe me. It’s either a bare makes face, either all the make-up I have. 😅 These days I don’t bother with a minimal look like just a tiny bit of concealer, mascara and brow gel.

Lizzie - IsolatedColor Avatar

“‘Unwearable?’ I don’t know her.” Or maybe “Penelope Garcia but without glasses.”
Palettes that people say are too bright/colorful or too shimmery are my favorite kind. If I ever wear an eye look comprised only of matte neutrals, I’ve probably been kidnapped and that’s my cry for help.

kjh Avatar

I stole all the glasses and lipsticks and left the palettes to you, because at 72, I’m cutting back on the madcap colors, but only so they aren’t too multi. I miss CM, and pretty much hated their finale. Spencer Reed 1/2 geek, 1/2 model. Perfect.

kjh Avatar

I LOVE IT! Maybe i should say Edward Munch, to match my t shirts, socks, and phone case. All my google arts and culture matches are Dutch, so i can think about light and cite Vermeer, or texture and do Terborch.

Ana Maria Avatar

I would describe it as just… me…
I don’t know, sincerely I don’t have a specific aesthetic, or I don’t identify with one. I’m not following trends, I just use make-up as I like and as it suits me.
I’m into a perfected base, medium to full coverage, matte but not flat or cakey. I like a chiseled cheek, but I don’t play around with contouring and I definitely skip highlighter any time.
I like both neutral and colored eyeshadow, but I’m not into pastels, video colors or too warm tones. I rarely apply more than 2 colors in a look.
I like to keep it classic and toned down with my make-up, but I also live a bold lip (especially burgundy), a winged eyeliner or a smoky grungy grey eye look during the day.

Rachel Avatar

Colorful and classic mostly likely. I have really hooded eyes, so I tend to use more brights on my lids so when I blink you get a flash of color. The smokey eye only makes my eye sockets look deeper, so I tend to stay away from that style. Other times just a single lid shadow with liner and mascara.

I’ve become much more comfortable with wine lipsticks and a bold red. It took the longest time to find the right shades. I like to have that retro 40’s and 50’s makeup look without the pincurl hairstyle. I don’t always succeed, but that’s my goal.

Gilad Avatar

A lot of makeup that tries to look natural-ish. Going for glowy, healthy looking w/ a little glam. Hard to say if I get there. No impartial judges available for comment 🙂

Genevieve Avatar

My makeup style is definitely either colourful or classic (as Mariella above puts it so well).
I either like to wear autumnal tones of neutral browns, golds, olive shades and bronzes
or grey/plum tones for the cooler months and I wear teals, blues (darker), forest greens with peach shades for the warmer months. But I can switch it around, depending on what I am wearing.
And always I wear a bold shade of lipstick – orange/red, bronzey brown or burgundy.

Mary Avatar

How would I describe my makeup aesthetic?

I think as time goes by I’m dialing in more and more what works for me and what doesn’t.
I’ve done tons of experimentation , with a lot of misses and some hits.. ..and now I think Im much more discerning can really trust my own knowing.

Helene Avatar

Oh, I really don’t know, do I even have a style or an aesthetic?
Shimmery, perhaps. I do always have shimmery shades on the mobile lid, it can be neutral or colourful, but shimmer it does. I also have a soft spot for shimmery lips. What I don’t do is shimmer all over, when lids and lips glisten, the cheeks are at most satiny.
I can also be very retro 1940s. Neutral eyes, still shimmery lids, even though they perhaps should be matte-satin, mascara minimal liner and very red lips.
OK, so shimmer! That’s it! 🙂

Anne Avatar

Totally colorful! I love neons and bright jewel tones. My favorite colors are purples, greens and bright oranges and and reds. I don’t have much use for black, white and blue shades, but being a blue person in general, I will use a pretty turquoise hue with a green or brown or as a liner.

Virginie Avatar

I do it to have fun.

I’m bipolar, so it’s hard for me to keep a routine, or to take care of myself, so when I have the strength to do it, I do it for me, and to try to love me a little bit. I’m managing to keep a skincare routine going strong for two months now, even with a very hard depressive episode, and I’m so proud.

I’m working from home, so I really don’t have reason to wear makeup, unless we are visiting my mother a few times when it’s allowed and when we are all not showing any symptoms, and even though, keeping distance, etc.)

I may not be trained at color theory (even though I’m very good at seeing and distinguishing colors -am I using the right word ?, I’m deeply astigmatic and hyperopic, so, everything is blurry, BUT I see color perfectly, so I got that going for me I guess).

I’m just havind fun. It’s most of the time very colorful, and having glasses allows me te have heavier makeup even in the day, and I’m working in IT, I’m the only girl in my department, they even sometimes compliment my makeup (I receive two 3 compliment wearing the ABH Alyssa Edwards palettes, purple, pink and yellow seems to do the trick).

And I’m lucky to have a amazing boyfriend who likes my colorful hair and makeup, so, yeah, I’d say I just have fun with color, on my face !

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